Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Earlier today taped BLUE ANGEL 7 with AC appch 327.125 dropping down to 3k from 6k
looking for runway 32.
Then told to use runway 10.
Scratching my head as to what airport has those numbers then realized after AirNav search it was Millville New Jersey.
As posted on other board BLUE ANGEL 7 is doing cross country trips to potential 2007 airshow sites starting this past Monday.
Blue Angels haven't posted 2007 schedule yet but can assume Millville is on their list.
Saw Angels at Millville a few years ago..



Jul 13, 2006
8 kiloparsecs from Milky Way's galactic center
TinEar said:
I use Netscape so perhaps that's the problem. I tried it with the link just as you posted. I guess I should try Explorer like the rest of the human race uses. <shudder>

Edit: Damn...I found it. The link is at the bottom of the page. The red arrow was there but the link beside it is not showing on my PC. The print is in white letters which obviously don't show very well on a white background. Problem solved. I was mostly curious what kind of reception you got from your location compared to how I hear Pax from here.

Odd. You must have some color or setting issues. I use firefox which is a descendant of Netscape. It should have worked for you. But enough of that.

I'm approx. 5 mi. to the NNW of NW Washington, DC.

signal ranged from S-1 to S-5 with internal pre-amp ON on 138.425 MHz (AM) Inter-Plane for the AEROs with NAIL 03

hope that helps..

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark said:
Earlier today taped BLUE ANGEL 7 with AC appch 327.125 dropping down to 3k from 6k
looking for runway 32.
Then told to use runway 10.
Scratching my head as to what airport has those numbers then realized after AirNav search it was Millville New Jersey.
As posted on other board BLUE ANGEL 7 is doing cross country trips to potential 2007 airshow sites starting this past Monday.
Blue Angels haven't posted 2007 schedule yet but can assume Millville is on their list.
Saw Angels at Millville a few years ago..


Nice piece of detective work there Mark. I thought I heard him with ACY but wasn't sure of the callsign since it happened when all the F-22s from Langley were filling my speakers with their chat going out to W-386.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Not much happening today while I've been listening (1130-1230). There have been some transports coming and going and it seems today is F-15 flying day at Langley. There are several flights going out to both W-386 and W-72 which means they are using 238.1 and 233.7 with Giant Killer. They are flying on mission V-2905 today. The two most recent flights I've managed to hear entering GK's areas have been IRON 71 and ICEMAN 91. They are also being heard as they climb out of the Norfolk-Hampton area with TRACON on 370.925. I haven't heard any of the Air National Guard fighter units active while I've been listening. Very low ceilings so far today would prevent any kind of ground attack activity at the ranges. Maybe later something will develop if the weather gets better.

1250: HAWK 01 flight with ZDC-Calvert 281.4 reporting direct GRACO, direct Martin
1251: U/I fighters on interflight freq 141.675 (Don't know yet if this goes with the HAWK flight but it's not a freq used in this area.)
1254: HAWK 01 reporting out of 15 for 11,000 (feet)...281.4
1255: HAWK 02 reports direct Patuxent...281.4
1256: HAWK 02 reports out of 16 for 13(000)...281.4
1258: HAWK 02 reports out of 13 for 12(000) feet...281.4
1258: It is the HAWK flight on interflight freq 141.675
1259: HAWK 01 out of 11 for 9000...281.4

1300: HAWK 01 handed off to freq 317.425 (BWI TRACON) by ZDC...281.4
1300: HAWK 02 out of 12 for 11000...281.4
1300: HAWK 01 checks in with TRACON 317.425 heading for MTN
1301: HAWK 02 checks in with TRACON 317.425 heading for runway 15 at MTN
1302: HAWK 01 sent to 5000 from 9000 by TRACON...aircraft acknowledges...317.425
1303: TRACON vectoring the HAWKs around to line them up for MTN...sends HAWK 02 down to 5000 feet also...317.425
There is a long list of units using the HAWK callsign but none of them are A-10s on my list. Nothing in chat has given away the type airframe for these aircraft.
1305: TRACON sends HAWK 01 and 02 down to 4000 feet...317.45
1306: SCARY flight of F-16s off the deck at Andrews w/TRACON 348.725
1306: SCARY 1 flight handed to TRACON 317.425
1307: TRACON hands HAWK 01/02 to TRACON freq 290.475 where they check in and get sent down to 3000 feet
1307: SCARY flight and another Andrews flight using 139.15 and 143.6 interflight freqs...the 139.15 mentions going to Guard Dog. 143.6 is the SCARY flight
1310: HAWK 01 and 02 still being vectored toward MTN...290.475 (BWI TRACON has got them in a long line of aircraft in the BWI queue)
1310: Andrews F-16s using 143.6 is a flight of two, one is the female pilot assigned to the unit. (SCARY callsign)
The HAWK 01/02 flights are indeed A-10 aircraft as pointed out by the TRACON controller to another aircraft in the pattern.
1316: HAWK 01 and 02 still chatting on interflight 141.675
1316: ANGRY 1 flight with ZDC-Calvert 281.4
1317: ANGRY handed to Pax Approach 305.2
1318: SCARY flight reports established in the Guard Dog area...139.15
1318: HAWK 01 and 02 with Martin State Tower for gear down, full stop...297.2
We've got three F-16s flights from Andrews in the air...ANGRY at Pax, SCARY in Guard Dog and WILD heading somewhere I haven't caught yet. I've been following the HAWK flight closely and missed some details of the Andrews F-16 flights.
1323: WILD flight is chasing a TOI in the Guard Dog of the WILD flight changing to callsign ALERT 1...139.15
1325: Flares authorized above 1000 feet...headbutt attempt....WILD flight w/HUNTRESS...139.15
I'm going to call this an exercise rather than a real intercept.
And now I'm sure of it since one of the WILD F-16s is playing the role of HUNTRESS.
ANGRY is working at Pax...WILD is doing this target intercept exercise...SCARY I haven't heard from in several minutes and have no idea where they are - unless they are playing the targets for the WILD flight perhaps. One of the WILD flight doing the intercept identified two pilots with one more attractive than the other. That's what makes me think the targets are the SCARY flight with the female pilot.
1332: WILD flight has swapped roles and now the other F-16 is playing ALERT 1...this target identified as a 737 from "arch enemy Delta airlines" (they are playing at getting clearance from Potomac TRACON to exit the Guard Dog CAP area and talking to HUNTRESS for the intercept...all of it on interflight 139.15
1337: ANGRY calls WILD on 139.15 to say he's going to RTB due to some problem on the aircraft.
This now looks like ANGRY were the targets for WILD rather than the SCARY flight. Perfect example of not hearing the beginnings of the flights so not knowing for sure who is doing what.
1339: WILD flight just shot down the target, a four engine 747, of this the target is on fire...139.15
1340: ANGRY 1 to Pax on 270.8 to request tunnel back to Andrews at 4000 feet.
1341: WILD 1 and ANGRY 1 flights to Pax on 281.8 to depart the area
1343: WILD 1 and ANGRY 1 coming back to Andrews together...ANGRY 1 has a comm cord problem so WILD 1 says he'll escort him back to the field...WILD 1 says WILD 2 will stay in the area for another 5-10 minutes... SOF freq 139.9
1345: ANGRY 1 and WILD 1 change to U-19 or TRACON freq 335.5 for approach to the field where WILD 1 again describes the problem ANGRY 1 is having.
1346: ANGRY 2 to SOF on 139.9 with mission results.
ANGRY and WILD were around the Pax area doing that Guard Dog where is SCARY? Dunno. All I know about them is that they went north with BWI TRACON and last heard on 317.425.
1350: WILD1/ANGRY 1 to ADW Tower 349.0 for landing...WILD 1 says ANGRY 1 will do a straight in approach and WILD 1 will be the chase. ANGRY 1 can't do his own reporting because of that bad comm cord so can't get his radio to work most of the time. WILD 1 explains to Tower why ANGRY 1 isn't talking.
1354: ANGRY 1 must have landed because WILD 1 is now coming in...reports gear, base, stop, right as he sets down...349.0
1355: WILD 2 with TRACON (ADW App) 335.5 at 4000 feet for approach to the runway
1358: WILD 2 to ADW Tower reporting six miles to the south...349.0
1359: SCARY flight coming home on interflight 143.6
1359: WILD 2 cleared to land and does...349.0

1400: SCARY 1 calling WATERGATE on SOF, simulating secure, on freq joy to two calls
SCARY 2 is the female pilot. She's not flying lead today.
1402: SCARY 1 calls WILD on the runway to ask if the overhead is open...139.9
1402: "WATERGATE, can you read SCARY?"...139.9
1404: SCARY 1 makes contact when 45 miles out with WATERGATE on SOF freq 139.9...says ground is fairly weak but got the whole message (Usually they check in at 69 miles out which is where they must have first called)
1405: SCARY 2 is sent to fetch the ATIS report and comes back to interflight freq 143.6 with it.
1412: SCARY flight with ADW Tower to report 8 miles to the southeast...349.0 (They didn't come up on 335.5 as I expected - must have used a different approach freq)
1414: SCARY 1 reports gear, base, stop, right...repeats gear down and lands...349.0
1414: SCARY 2 makes the same report....and now everyone is home to Andrews - total six aircraft in three flights. (mission number was 2921)
1415: ROCCO 61 (KC-135 McGuire) calling Giant Killer...249.8 (no joy, three calls...he then transmits in the blind but got too weak to copy)
1417: ROCCO 61 now trying for Giant Killer on joy there either

All now quiet...break time.
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Jan 5, 2004
Got some interplane activity on 142.3. Sounds like one guy is explaining a targeting system to the other.
TESTER-1 and someone else with Baywatch on 264.55
1608-MUSSELL-03 in Tysons, Mode 5. 120.75
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1626: U/I fighters on interflight freq 141.65 (not used by anyone in this area)
1643: Those fighters still on 141.65...sounds like they're in ACM activity and not just a flight through the area. Appears to be a flight of two aircraft. (On phone so missed what was in between those two log items.)
1653: Fighters on 141.65 still talking but have now become too weak to copy...last I heard from them they were getting back into a fighting wing formation. Earlier, they were at 31,000 feet when strong enough to copy. Can't hear them at all on my 780s or 785s now and they are breaking squelch on the 8500 but uncopiable. Last heard from at 1702.

1718: NAVY 511 landing ADW with Tower...118.4
1722: NAVY 376 in the pattern at Andrews...119.3
1742: ARMY 01052 with arrival msg to Andrews...arriving 18 past the hour with an R-2...141.55

1812: ARMY 01052 reports gear down and locked as he prepares to land at Andrews w/Tower...118.4
1816: REACH 662T landing Andrews...gear down for runway 19L...118.4
1818: BATON ?52? with Baton Ops for arrival message...23000 on the fuel, A-2 for a couple of writeups in the backend...395.1
1859: REACH 3119 arriving pax or cargo, asking about upload totals...378.1
Can release 30 seats now and maybe more after they know the upload for the outbound flight.

1905: JOSA 902 with arrival msg to ADW...15 minutes out, is A-1, C-21, tail 40090, has an A-4 plus 1 pax, needs no fuel and plans to be on the ground for one hour...141.55 (Believe I heard him earlier today going to Langley on 141.75 CP freq.)
1925: MARINE 206 in the pattern at Andrews...119.3/118.4
1938: PAT 245 calling Andrews Dispatch...139.3
1938: PAT 245 to Andrews CP with arrival msg...15 minutes out, a couple of hi priority pax - one an A-4, needs 300 gallons of gas and asks if anyone needs a ride to Atlanta on the oubound...141.55
1950: JOSA 243 with arrival msg to a C-21, 25 minutes out, has an R-4, 1 Space A and 3 Duty Pax, needs 3000 pounds of fuel, has no cargo and plans to be on the ground for 1 hour 15 minutes...378.1
1955: JOSA 672 reports wheels up from Andrews at 0050Z...378.1

Tomorrow is the last day for the runway closure at Andrews that has been in the NOTAM:
RUNWAY 01L/19R CLOSED. 29 NOV 21:30 UNTIL 30 NOV 23:59
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
0936: NJ-ANG F-16s from Atlantic City in ACM activity...callsign BANGER...interflight freq...138.875
0937: DC-ANG F-16s from Andrews...callsign SCARY...interflight freq...139.15
0941: BANGER 21 flight with ZDC-Cape Charles at 14000 feet...256.8
0943: DC-ANG F-16s also on interflight freq...143.6
0943: BANGER 21 flight checking into Pax area...ID as two F-16s...playtime 35-40 minutes...270.8
0945: U/I flight with Atlantic City Approach 327.125, then to Dover Approach 257.875 where they mention going to callsigns heard (Turns out to be the DEVIL flight logged below 0951/52)
0946: RINGO 71 (F-15 Langley) with Norfolk TRACON 370.925 heading out to offshore areas
0947: RINGO 71 checking into Giant Killer's area...238.1
0948: SCARY 1 flight coming home to Andrews...with TRACON...335.5
0951: Another F-16 NJ-ANG flight on interflight freq...callsign DEVIL 11...138.425
0952: DEVIL 11 calling Any Radio on FSS freq to announce two F-16s entering VR-1709 from Point A to G for the next 20 minutes at 500 feet and 500 knots..Leesburg Radio acknowledges....255.4
0955: SCARY two ship flight landing on runway 19L at Andrews with Tower...349.0
0957: BANGER F-16 flight simulating work with a ground based FAC using callsign NAIL while at the Pax Range around Vienna...138.875

1005: It's a WILD flight of F-16s using interflight 143.6...over to SOF on 139.9 coming home...both Code 1
1006: JOSA 285 arrival msg to Andrews...1515Z arrival, A-1, 3 pax with one of them a S-6, needs 3000 pounds of fuel, zero seats available on the outbound flight...378.1
1007: DRAGO 51 flight (Air Force callsign for memorial flyby) with ZNY-Yardley...290.2
1009: WILD flight approach Andrews with TRACON...335.5
1010: DRAGO 51, a four ship flight, handed off to ZDC-DuPont 307.25 where they check in at 14,500 feet.
1012: NAVY SD 536 (VX-23 Patuxent NAS) with ZDC-Irons...360.85 (female driver)
1013: WILD flight to Andrews Tower for landing...10 miles out...349.0 (5 calls to get a reply)..request low approach with chase
1018: NAVY SD 536 with several altitude changes...appears to be descending for an eventual landing at Pax...360.85
1019: NAVY SD 536 to FSS to announce entry to VR ??? at 500 feet, 420 knots...255.4
1020: WILD flight landing at Andrws...349.0
1021: BANGER 21 flight leaving the Pax area requesting direct Atlantic City...270.8 (Still on interflight 138.875)
1022: DRAGO 51 calls ZDC to make sure they're cleared into the D.C. area because they've got an Arlington flyover to do...307.25
1023: BANGER 21 with ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8
1024: BANGER 21 with ZDC-Casino 285.4 heading for home
1024: DRAGO 51 flight reports at FL 210...307.25
1026: DRAGO 51 requests direct Nottingham to hold for the Arlington flyover and then will return to Martin...307.25
1026: DRAGO 51 requests descent to 4500 feet...307.25
1026: BANGER flight having a discussion about the forward landing gear door being not closed on 22's jet...21 takes a look and says it appears to be slightly open...138.875
1026: DRGAO 51 flight is using interflight freq...139.9
1028: One of the DRAGO 51 flight pilots sent to Raven Ops on 143.8 to check on conditions at MTN when they finish the flyover at Arlington
Considering this flight is going into Martin State when finished and considering their use of 139.9 as an interflight freq, I'd call this a flight of A-10s from the MA-ANG at Barnes.
1029: BANGER flight to Atlantic City Approach heading for runway 13...327.125
1030: DRAGO 51 flight handed to BWI TRACON...317.425. they check in there but have trouble establishing contact...finally do and announce the flyover plans...cleared to 4500 feet heading for Nottingham
1031: There is a flight of F-16s with Giant Killer on 238.1 announcing arrival in W-72 area and will be MARSA "with all players" (Missed callsign while listening to DRAGO 51 flight)
1034: DRAGO 51 flight handed off to TRACON (Reagan) freq 270.275 where they check in direct Nottingham at 4500 feet
1036: DRAGO 51 handed off to the normal Arlington flyby freq...279.575
1039: DRAGO 51s chatting about making contact with DRAGO 02 and also planning their return to Martin State when done with the flyby...139.9
1041: DRAGO 51 to TRACON 270.275 again to request turn to the south of DC and east of Andrews for the trip to MTN when done with the flyby (They haven't mentioned TOT yet since they haven't made contact with DRAGO 02)
1045: DRAGO 51 mentions flyby time of 1105...139.9
139.9 should be Channel 1 on the interflight radio of the MA-ANG
Meanwhile, there have been several flights entering the southern areas of W-72/W-122 with Giant Killer on 238.1 and 233.7 (yeah, I've been remiss and haven't logged me lazy today)
1048: AIRGUN 81 flight with Norfolk TRACON...370.925...then Push 7
1049: AIRGUN 81 to Giant Killer 238.1 to enter W-386 as a flight of three F-15s with one to follow
DRAGO 51 working all three freqs -- 139.9, 270.275 and 279.575
1051: COWBOY flight of Langley F-22s w/Norfolk TRACON 370.925...Push 7
1051: COWBOY flight to Giant Killer on 238.1 and ask if they should be on this freq going to W-72
1055: DRAGO 51 confirms TOT (Time On Target) of 1105...139.9/279.575
For the past few days, the MilAir bands (both VHF and UHF) have been extremely noisy making weak traffic almost least those are the conditions from my location.
1058: DRAGO 51 reports leaving Nottingham for the cemetery in about a minute...270.275 (they're going to have to be at almost stall speed to not arrive early)
1059: DRAGO 51 flight cleared down to 2000 feet...279.575 or 270.275 (wasn't sure which radio squawked)

1100: "DRAGOs departing Nottingham for the cemetery."...270.275
1102: "DRAGOs down to a thousand (feet)."...270.275
1104: RISKY 91 flight, two ship, (F-15 Langley) into W-386 D-H with Giant Killer...238.1...wants GK to confirm a Hellfire exercise is underway. "Push 17 Prime over 2 Aux"
1105: DRAGO turning right to course 050 as they pull away from the flyby...270.275
1106: Have U/Is on interflight 143.825 talking about the's a DRAGO talking to "Ops" (143.825 is HAWK Ops for the MA-ANG Barnes so this is also confirmation of their unit. It's a hell of a long shot though from where the DRAGOs are back to Barnes but somehow he managed to make contact.)
1110: DRAGO 51 flight handed off to BWI TRACON...290.475 where all four check in at 3000 feet...ground tells them to expect the overhead to runway 15 at Martin State...ground tells them to turn to course 110 and calls them "DRAGON" 51.
1112: TRACON again calls them DRAGON 51 and asks if they want an overhead...just want to fly over the airport? DRAGO 51 confirms but doesn't bother to correct the callsign
1112: DRAGO 51 flight gives fuel remainders...all between 4000 and 4600 pounds remaining...139.9
1114: Ground asks DRAGON 51 if they're a flight of one or two...DRAGO 51 reports a flight of four A-10s...290.475...ground gives course corrections and continues calling them DRAGON. He also points out to another aircraft there are four A-10s in the pattern
1115: TRACON hands DRAGON 51 flight off to Martin State Tower and DRAGO 51 flight comes up on MTN Tower freq 297.2 and check in for the overhead
1116: Have a flight of aircraft at Warren Grove Range...283.1...they are A-10s from the MA-ANG Barnes using callsign ARCTIC (which is misspelled in most databases on the net as ARTIC)
1119: DRAGOs cleared to land on runway 15 at MTN...297.2 They continue to use 139.9 for interflight chat on their way in.
1120: DRAGOs start reporting "gear, base, stop" as they land one a fter another at MTN...297.2
1121: RISKY 91 flight reports in air Delta at 13,000 feet and ready to RTB...238.1...ask if there's any traffic in their area, specifically about Hellfire missions (guess they're worried about getting in the path of a missile on their way home. It would screw up their whole day if they did.)

Break time..........
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

2124Z 120.100 IAD TWR East - PAT 339 (C-12) - lands rwy 1R.


Continuing my bad luck so far this morning and yesterday!

1524Z 378.100 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - UNID JOSA flight (C-21A 84-0118) - arr msg 25 mins. out.

1605Z 139.900 131st FS MA ANG Inter-flight - had the DRAGO flight up here earlier but was interrupted by work again.

1702Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - EVAC 118 (C-21A 84-0118)- deps ADW to 11000'. See above, in as a JOSA out as an EVAC? Dir HAFNR to FL210 QSY 121.675.
1702Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - TREND 01 () - deps ADW to 17000' dir LDN QSY ZDC-Linden 120.650.
1712Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - ANVIS 21 (UH-60) - conducting practice apps.
1714Z 119.300 Potomac DEP - JOSA 247 (C-21A) - 4500' for 3000' then 2000' cleared for the vis. app to rwy 19L QSY TWR 118.400.
1715Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 108 (C-20F 91-0108) - deps ADW to 17000' dir LDN QSY 118.675.

..and again...8-(

1833Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 751 () - 6000' for 2000' cleared for the vis. to rwy 14 @ DAA QSY Davison TWR 126.300.
1846Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - TORY 831 (UC-35 MASD) - deps ADW to 8000' then to 15000' dir FLUKY QSY 121.050.

1901Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 644 () - lands rwy 14.
1908Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - SAM 0930 () - deps ADW to 11000' dir HAFNR QSY 121.050.
1911Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - ANVIS 22 (Be200 (C-12C) 321F) - deps DAA @ 1300' to 2000' dir Brooke.

Plus one more from earlier this afternoon while at IAD:

2114Z 123.825 Potomac DEP - REACH 361 (C-17A) - cleared to FL270 QSY ZDC-Hagerstown 134.150.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I found an interesting article that isn't really MilAir - but could be. We all take the development of UAVs in stride as being part of the normal air platform world. However, what will they use for frequencies? Seems there's a problem as discussed in this article...

Uncrewed aerial vehicles: no pilot, no problem?

Note the picture with the article taken over Kabul, Afghanistan where a UAV almost hits a commercial airliner.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Just got home checking tape Tin and had flight of 4 aircraft callsign MERGER 1 and 2
and MERGER 41,42. working unknown A/A UHF "Com 1" and gave their VHF A/A 127.270 as"Com 3".
All this around 1210-1230 local.
They were chatting about timing and holding at Waterloo but other suggested they could hold near Atlanctic city for their 15 minute run
and clearing that with ZNY.
Could be trial run for Army-Navy game this Saturday.
I don't have any listing for that callsign..


1500 local Orderwire up L+C 300.400 AF-1 coming home?
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Pennsylvania DB Admin
Database Admin
Jul 16, 2003
West of the Atlantic Ocean

Probably a silly question, but I'm new to milcoms.

Everyone seems to indicate that 242.4 is a common air-air freq for Army helos. I always have this in my scanner, but have yet to copy any comms.

What about these? Are they used as A-A or something else? WHat other simple patterns are commonly used? I know 125.125 is a VTANG freq.


I put an old antenna I got on clearance from Radio Shack years ago up in the attic recently (don't recall the model), but the handheld scanners I attach to the antenna go deaf on VHF and UHF. I have three hospitals within a few miles of my home, so I'm guessing it is a front end overload problem from the paging transmitters. I tried this with my PRO-96, PRO-97 and my old RELM HS-200.

I generally use the rubber duckie on the handhelds when mobile and do get some comms depending on location. I've caught the PAANG 103FS A-10's and the NJANG F-16's in the past on their A-A freqs. I'll sometimes hear Baton flights heading back to Harrisburg from off shore.

I found these documents recently while hunting for military info. No frequency info, but lots of info on operations for training areas:


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Hey there Ben Welcome to the forum.

Yes, I would put money on the paging overload issue - or it could also be a FM broadcast issue. I understand GRE radios use a pass filter that stops right around 108 mhz - so if you have a FM station near that frequency (say around 107.3 or so...), the attenuation isn't going to be all that great.

Fortunately there are solutions. PAR electronics sells very good quality filters, and there are others, such as the ones Scanner Master sells. It sounds likely that you would be a candidate for one, probably for each scanner.

73s Mike


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark said:
Just got home checking tape Tin and had flight of 4 aircraft callsign MERGER 1 and 2
and MERGER 41,42. working unknown A/A UHF "Com 1" and gave their VHF A/A 127.270 as"Com 3".
All this around 1210-1230 local.
They were chatting about timing and holding at Waterloo but other suggested they could hold near Atlanctic city for their 15 minute run
and clearing that with ZNY.
Could be trial run for Army-Navy game this Saturday.
I don't have any listing for that callsign..


1500 local Orderwire up L+C 300.400 AF-1 coming home?

Interesting Mark. I have no listing for the MERGER callsign either. Guess it's going to take more listening to ID them. Perhaps if they do show for the game we'll get a bit more on them.
benrussellpa said:
What about these? Are they used as A-A or something else? WHat other simple patterns are commonly used? I know 125.125 is a VTANG freq.


I don't have any of those freqs in my rotation and don't know who they may belong to. What are you hearing on them?
Add for ref below: I'm not sure the 242.4 freq is used because of the number pattern. I think it's just coincidental it formed a pattern.

71 degrees the official high temp at BWI today and even warmer in other area locations. Very nice for the last day of November. Looking doubtful that we'll see much MilAir tomorrow with rain and thunderstorms predicted and especially with warnings about wind gusts to 60 mph in the forecast.

1844: REACH 368 to McGuire CP with arrival message...15 minutes out, needs parking spot...adds status as A-1 a bit later
1850: Have someone identifying as 403 calling Control several times on 142.75 which is a VENUS Control freq. No joy. His transmissions have been, "Control, Control, this is 403 on Victor." No idea who it might be.

1908: Have had someone working the past 1/2 hour with Pax Echo Control on 291.15...just got an ID on's N161NG (a 40 year old BAC 1-11 aircraft), the Northrup Grumman test platform aircraft.
1913: Looks like N161NG is ready to return to Baltimore...291.15 (He's based at BWI)
It sure is quiet for this time of evening - not even the usual transports running around. I've also noticed the McGuire tankers aren't working into the evening hours recently. For months and months I'd hear them up until about 10 p.m. with ACY Approach heading back to McGuire. Lately, they've been home before dark.
1930: U/I aircraft with Dover CP says he has a forward bilge door that opened in flight. He just took off but is coming back to the airfield and wants maintenance notified of his problem...349.4
1950: REACH 689 calling Andrews Command joy x3...378.1 (female)
1957: U/I aircraft on fighter interflight freq 141.675 (not the same as last night's 141.65) (two transmissions and then nothing further)
1959: REACH 689 still calling Andrews Command Post...still no joy...378.1

2000: REACH 689 makes contact with Andrews for arrival msg...ID as a C-17, status A-1, has 2 pieces of rolling stock and 6 pax...needs Customs upon arrival...378.1
She doesn't get a reply to her arrival message and keeps calling Andrews
2003: REACH 689 makes contact again just to repeat that she needs Customs and Ag upon arrival...378.1
2003: SAM 0903 with Andrews Tower for landing...118.4
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Pennsylvania DB Admin
Database Admin
Jul 16, 2003
West of the Atlantic Ocean
TinEar said:

I don't have any of those freqs in my rotation and don't know who they may belong to. What are you hearing on them?

I can't say I've heard anything on them. I had some space left and added these for the heck of it. I figured I would ask the experts here if these were used as air-air frequencies since they're a simple pattern like 242.4



Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Replaying MERGER coms from earlier today and seems they were holding for tanker as they were 30 minutes early and undecided what to do.
Sounded like AF Reserve fighters or A-10's as they seemed lost and one couldn't program his comp for holding pattern east of CP.
As they faded north I believe heard mention of AR speed at 210 knots and also mention of Hartford.



Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Tin, those 2 141 Mhz freqs turned up in my history logs - 141.675 was heard back in Feb and thought to be either Shaw or Pope units. 141.65 is listed as a former Va ANG freq, FWIW.

73s Mike


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

1609Z 119.300 Potomac APP - VENUS 21 mentions "is the the F-16 off to our left?"
1654Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 1270 (C-12T 85-1270) - short final for rwy 14.

1828Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - REACH 689 () - deps ADW QSY 123.825.
1853Z 349.400 Dover AFB CP - RHINO 90 (C-5A 445th AW/89th AS AFRC Wright-Patterson) - arr msg into Dover but faded heavily, status A2 was about all I got plus # of pax mentioned. Nice one for me, but thanks to Mark the callsign has been corrected; reception was so bad I think I mistook the words "pax, 90" for IMPACT 90. My apologies...

1909Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - MARINE 815 (UC-35D 166767 MASD Andrews - thanks again Mark!) - deps ADW to 5000' init. alt. then to 11000'.

2039Z 349.400 Dover AFB CP - REACH 465 () - 20 mins. out, A2 #2 HF radio inop.
2050Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - SAM 0943 () - 9 mi final for rwy 19R.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
MilAir dead today. This is the current weather prediction for this area....

Effective This Friday Morning And Evening From 1005 AM Until 600 PM EST.

Hail To 0.5 Inch In Diameter... Thunderstorm Wind Gusts To 80 Mph... And Dangerous Lightning Are Possible In These Areas.

Antennas being disconnected as I type.

I no sooner typed the above and then heard a REACH 298 going into Patuxent NAS talking with Base Ops on 302.55. He was a C-17 coming from overseas with a crew of 6 that will RON at Pax. He wants 70,000 pounds of fuel and needs Customs/Ag to meet the plane when he's in the blocks.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Logging a few here today before any lightning hits...

HOIST 91 KC-10 depart Dover 1545z with CP 349.400 reports headed for AR work
in the Gulf of Mexico and req ppr # for Eglin AFB.

REACH 5004 C-5 depart Dover 1600z,"have a good weekend".

OUTLAW 10 a C-130 "training flight from Little Rock" arrive Mcguire
for quick pickup and will rtb.tail #63-7896.. An old one! CP 319.400

REACH 8226 C-5 arrive Dover 1710z

MARINE 815 UC-35 #767 arrive Andrews 1805z on 141.550 CP.

RHINO 90 with Dover CP a Wright Pat C-5 taking some mil pax to Phila,I assume
for the game..Dover appch 132.425 then Dover tower 126.350.

Update Navy FA/18 arrivals..
1430-1445 local CANYAN 81,82,83 A/A 255.125 and ZDC 256.800 arriving Willow Grove then switch VHF ATC
ZDC low 127.700 then to Philly appch 119.750

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