Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
A couple departures caught on tape...
1427 local ROMAN 97 climbing 3.5k to 10k switching to 127.700 ZDC
(couple hours later heard from other Mil Florida post enroute Key West NAS)

1446 local CANYON 83 climbing to 10k switching to 127.700 ZDC
1541 local WINDER 11 climbing to 11k direct Woodstown then Salisbury
switching to 354.150... Guess they still use UHF radios for ATC.

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Late in the 1100 hour finds a group of tankers out in AR-636 working on primary 238.9. There is a TEAM 12 (KC-10A McGuire) working with ROCCO 61 (KC-135 McGuire) teaming up for AR practice. Both aircraft are also talking with other tankers to adjust altitudes and even offering to switch to alternate freqs if necessary. I can't hear those other aircraft though and they are just using names rather than callsigns so can't ID them other than to say they're probably also from McGuire since they all know each other.

At 1153, I heard a U/I flight with Norfolk TRACON on 370.95 say to switch to 288.3 and then heard them there talking about being at flight level 230. I don't know the user of 288.3 and haven't heard callsigns from the aircraft. Just a couple of quick transmissions on 288.3 and nothing further.

1202: OPEC 13 (KC-10A McGuire) calling (McGuire) Command Post...319.4. Four calls, no joy. Makes contact on fifth try to say he's 20 minutes out, A-1 and has 50K on the fuel, needs parking spot.
I also heard an aircraft a few minutes ago talking about returning to McGuire due to an A-3 maintenance status due to a TVSI indicator inoperative along with his Uniform radio number 1 also not working. No callsign was heard.
1218: JOSA 651 to Andrews Command Post with arrival message...20 minutes out, tail 84-0088, will need fuel, picking up an A-4, has 3 seats available on the outbound and plans to leave Andrews at 1850Z...141.55
1226: ARMY 01052 to Andrews Command Post with arrival message...20 minutes out and has an S-4 to offload. This is flight termination upon landing...141.55

It sure is quiet in this area today....36 degrees and mostly sunny just before 1300 local time with northwest winds at 13 at BWI. Flight conditions are good to excellent. (And Jack, don't dare pop in here and tell me it's 85 degrees at your house in Florida.)

1321: REACH 209 reports off the ground at 20 after...349.4 (Dover CP)
1326: JOSA 256 calling Griffin joy x3...378.1
1327: JOSA 256 changes to Victor, makes contact and wants takeoff time of 1824Z put into the system...141.55
1332: TEAM 12 (KC-10A McGuire) calling McGuire Command joy x2...319.4
1345: VENUS 92 to Andrews CP arriving on the hour, A-1, needs parking...378.1
1346: JOSA 651 to Griffin joy x2...141.55
1347: JOSA 651 reports to Andrews they're off the deck at 1841Z and will see them later...141.55
1352: JOSA 256 talking to unknown JOSA aircraft on common freq...283.75....they are comparing speeds and destinations. The other aircraft is talking about Randolph and stopping at Maxwell before going to Andrews.

I'm doing some antenna comparisons today since it's slow. I'm using my normal Diamond Discone versus my Icom AH7000 (identical to the Diamond). The Icom is maybe 5 feet higher in the air and off the back of the house versus the Diamond located at the front of the house. The position of the Diamond in the front seems to provide better reception so far - at least of signals everywhere but to the north and I haven't had enough activity there yet to do a good comparison.
Diamond Discone is with 75 feet of LMR-400 coax, PL-259 at the antenna to BNC at the multicoupler
Icom AH7000 is with 100 feet of LMR-400 Ultraflex, N connector at the antenna to BNC at the multicoupler
If we ever have another warm, clear day, I'm going to try to find room on a mast for the DPD Log Periodic antenna I purchased that's cut for the MilAir band to see what it adds, if anything, to my reception improvement effort.

1356: Just heard a BICEP 1 (NJ-ANG F-16) with Patuxent on 270.8...seems to be a single ship flight (also heard a U/I with Atlantic City Approach on 327.125 a few minutes ago which might have been this same aircraft)

1407: AERO 21 (NJ-ANG F-16) with ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8 checking in at 16,000 feet.
1409-11: There is an aircraft calling Andrews Navy Ops on 139.3 approach for a landing and going to the Navy side...callsign sounds like SPIDER 1 but I'm not sure that's correct.
1412: AERO 21 flight handed off to Pax Advisory and checks in at 16,000 feet...305.2...cancel IFR and reports they are mission 44.
1413: AERO 21 handed to BayWatch on 354.8 and check in there while over Salisbury.
1414: DC 99 (KC-135 Andrews) to LIBERATOR on 378.1 with arrival message...20 minutes out, A-1 then changes that to A-2 with minor writeups and reports 49,000 pounds of fuel. (Better on the Diamond)
1415: AERO 21 flight using interflight freq...138.425...they are operating against simulated ground based insurgents at the range at Vienna MD which is setup like an Iraqi city. One is the attack aircraft and the other playing the role of a Forward-Air-Controller.
1424: JOSA 679 reports takeoff at 1921Z from Andrews...141.55
1424: DC 99 calls on 378.1 and requests their squadron be made aware of their arrival.

If you Google the satellite map position for Vienna MD, you can pick out many of the landmarks the aircraft call out when using that area for ground attack missions. Kind of wish I had a huge wall picture of that. Just thinking out loud here.
There seems to be a lot of traffic in the Pax area today. BayWatch keeps calling out aircraft in the vicinity to the AERO pair while doing their attacks. The flight leader keeps acknowledging these warnings on his UHF radio on 354.8 while directing his wingman to the attack on the VHF interflight 138.425 freq. His wingman is not paying attention to the UHF calls and was warned about talking over them by the flight leader. He got a humble apology.

1436: TESTER 15 (USN Test Pilot School Patuxent NAS) with Pax on 270.8 and asks for a VHF freq...he gets 119.275 and checks in there for his work.
1443: AERO 21 talking to BayWatch about their departure from the area for Atlantic City which will be at 1510 local...354.8
Interesting activity by the AERO the flight leader has his wingman looking for a light colored car with four insurgents that just carried out a drive by rocket attack. Flight leader knows the car they're looking for but it's up to the wingman to find it on the roads around Vienna. Wingman finds it, gets orders to strafe the car and get it stopped. Meanwhile, four guys are on their way to work and have no idea they're the target of an F-16 ready to blast them to hell...simulated of course.
1449: DRAGO 51 flight with TRACON on 279.575 - the normal freq for Arlington flyovers. (We had a four ship flight coming into Andrews on Saturday using callsign VALOR that said they'd be doing an Arlington flyby on Monday. And it's Monday.)
1453: DRAGO 51 reports time over target (at Arlington) will be 1503...279.575
1454: DRAGO flight leader tells his crew they need to leave the IP in 4 minutes, 30 seconds...279.575
As was the case Saturday, there doesn't seem to be a VHF interflight freq...searching for one in UHF
1455: DRAGO 51 makes contact with DRAGO 02 at Arlington...279.575
Found some activity on 252.6 that might be our DRAGO interflight freq...waiting for more.
Nope...northing further...they'd be talking up a storm getting in formation about now.

1501: DRAGO 51 on the way and dropping down to 1000 feet for the flyby...279.575
1503: DRAGO 51 over target...looks like DRAGO 53 broke out and headed for the skies...279.575
15043: BOLAR 70 to Dover CP 349.4 with arrival message (excellent on the Icom antenna)
1504: DRAGO 51 finished with the flyby...ascending to 5000 feet...279.575
1505: AERO 21 to BayWatch to request RTB in 5 minutes...354.8
1507: DRAGO 51 cleared direct Nottingham...279.575...then cleared from 5000 to 8000 feet.
1510: The four DRAGO aircraft all give fuel remainders from 1300 to 1400 pounds...getting low...279.575
1511: DRAGO 51 flight handed off to ZDC-Calvert 281.4 where they check in.
1513: AERO flight heading for home...both report Code 1 on interflight 138.425
1514: AERO 21 flight with ZDC-Kenton 354.15 expediting down to 8000 feet for traffic
1514: DRAGO 51 flight requesting direct Richmond...281.4
1515: AERO 21 requesting direct Atlantic City...354.15
1516: AERO 21 changes to U-6 with Atlantic City Approach 327.125 where they request heading for runway 31 at ACY
Again, much better reception with the Icom antenna...looks like that one is best for traffic to the north and east (McGuire, Atlantic City, Dover) while the Diamond is better in all other directions and about equal to the east for Dover. The Diamond and Icom are about 40 feet apart but that shows that placement can make a huge difference.
1516: There is also a U/i, with suffix 11, w/TRACON 335.5 heading for Andrews
1519: DRAGO 51 handed off to 282.375 where I then hear them chatting and checking in but didn't hear who they checked in with...they mention full stop for all four aircraft which makes this look like either an Ops or Approach freq.
The DRAGO flight had earlier asked for direct Richmond and they were handed off from ZDC-Calvert directly to the 282.375 freq so they are not too far away from here. And upon checking, the 282.375 freq is a Potomac TRACON freq for the James River (Richmond) area. I'm still not sure of the ID for the DRAGO 51 flight even though it looks like they may have gone into Richmond. They sure didn't sound like F-16s plus they didn't use a VHF interflight freq so I'm just not sure of the aircraft types.
1524: The flight coming into Andrews might just be ICEMAN 11 but still not sure of that callsign...they also seem to be working interflight 141.9 and with TRACON 270.275
1527: And that 11 flight is with Andrews Tower 349.0 for landing...flight of two.
1533: PAT 7176 going into Phillips AAF with Tower on 126.15..he's 5 minutes out. (Heard this aircraft about 15 earlier with Patuxent on 120.05...also heard a PAT 7177 a couple of hours ago but didn't log his freq but I believe it was with Pax also)
1533: TESTER 04, along with TESTER 08, on Pax discrete freq 256.5
1550: JOSA 633 to Griffin Command to report airborne from Andrews at 2047Z...378.1

End of log...time to do some reading to learn about my new Icom R2500 radio. It looks fascinating. Hope it works as well.
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Jan 5, 2004
282.375 TRACON Richmond Approach 031-170 Degrees

Last night I was searching the UHF band and had just a couple hits. The first was ZDC-Irons 360.85 but it was too weak to make out. A short time later at 1729 hours local there was a quick hit on 242.7 which I don't have associated with anything. ?????

1551- MUSSELL-06 reporting 'Ops nomal, back in the area, Tysons'. 292.2


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Ref above: Thanks Travis. I finally had a chance to search my lists for 282.375 and found it. I used to have those James River area TRACON freqs programmed and then took them out of the rotation. Guess I should put them back in for instances such as this one.
I don't have anything for that 242.7 freq either. A quick Airnav search shows it used in areas far removed from here such as Alabama and Oregon.

1636: Happened to just hear a couple of aircraft getting ready for refueling on 252.8...they are up at 30,000 feet so the comms are great...talking about going to 32,000 but can't get cleared for that until after passing Charlie asks the other how far from Martinsburg he is in time...the other replies (or doesn't reply) but says he's only 18 miles behind the first speaker. One is considering doing a 360 degree turn for them to meet up but says he'd need 22 miles separation to do a 360 and stay in front of the other aircraft they scrub that idea and will do it with speed adjustments instead...No callsigns heard. (Later heard suffixes 11 and 12 for the two speakers)
1641: DC 1 calling McGuire Command Post...319.4
1643: DC 1 with Atlantic City Approach reporting at 8000 feet...then descending to 5000...124.6

Didn't mean to start logging again. I'm really done for now.
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Sep 23, 2005
Richmond, VA
18:13 local:
Heard 4574 (no callsign) with a brief conversation with GK on 118.125. 4574 thru FL 350. Say again for 4574. Okay, ready to copy 4574. They were very broken but I heard them mention AR??. They also started calling off what sounded like coordinates. 45 north of K5KW. It took them about 30 secs. to name them all off. They had a VERY heavy European accent. Not sure of who this may be. Any ideas?



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Nick, there are very often commercial aircraft heard on that specific frequency with Giant Killer flying through his area of responsibility. If you listen for a bit, you'll hear various airline names and flight numbers there. That seems to be the only GK freq where you'll hear that type activity. I'm not saying that's what you heard but just to let you know the commercial birds do operate on that freq.



Sep 23, 2005
Richmond, VA
Yep. I just heard Speed Bird 2720 heavy give it's waypoints and then direct to EGKK maintain FL 370. I guess that provides some variety =S. Thanks for the info!



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
2040: JOSA 721 with arrival msg to Andrews...20 minutes out, A-2 for auto-pilot issues, mission complete upon landing, is a C-21 with tail 84-0079, has 2 Space A pax on board that need a vehicle and wants maintenance notified that they're arriving early...378.1
2044: HOSER 12 (KC-135 108th ARW McGuire AFB) with Atlantic City Approach reporting descent from 11,500 to 8,000 feet...124.6
2044: HOSER 12 calling TORCH Control on squadron freq at McGuire...303.0
2047: HOSER 12 to ACY Approach reporting through 9800 for 5000 feet...124.6
2052: TOPCAT 3 (KC-135 108th ARW McGuire) to ACY Approach descending to 8000...then cleared to 5000 feet, direct Coyle, direct McGuire...124.6
And there's yet another tanker behind HOSER 12 and TOPCAT 3 but I didn't catch his callsign..he's also descending to 8000 feet and cleared direct Coyle, direct McGuire.

Ref the 288.3 freq I logged this morning. It was used by an unknown flight changing from Norfolk TRACON 370.925 to that freq. Turns out it's a radar approach freq for Norfolk International Airport. Thanks to BMT for finding it for me.
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Premium Subscriber
Feb 25, 2006
Cape May, NJ
249.800 Giantkiller- very active this morning 10:45am edt
238.9 Hearing comms with Jedi 11 to Ar 636 with DC211
Tractor31? up with Giantkiller
283.1 working exercises in Kilo with Guns
Langley Airfield is closed for an emergency for the next 30 mins.-10:58am heard on Giantkiller freq.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Another late start today...

1053: A pair of DEVIL F-16s of the NJ-ANG Atlantic City working at the Pax Range on interflight...138.425
1055: FUZZY 21[female] (KC-135 NY-ANG Niagara Falls) working AR-636 secondary freq...don't know who her receivers are yet...319.7
1059: REACH 01 calling Andrews...378.1

1102: DEVIL flight leader says they have about 5 minutes of playtime left...138.425
1108: FUZZY 21 with Giant Killer descending from FL 350 to 240 and requesting the block 20-22...118.125
1110: TEAM 22 (KC-10A McGuire) calling McGuire Command Posts to inquire the status of their tanker STEEL 71 (KC-135 PA-ANG Pittsburgh)...319.4
1111: AXEMAN (A-10 MD-ANG Martin State) flight of two requesting clearance from BALKY (Range Control) onto the Bollen Range...say they are about 10 miles north at this time...237.2
1111: DEVIL flight leader says he's bingo plus 3 (minutes)...138.425
1113: DEVIL flight requesting RTB at this time from Patuxent...270.8
1114: DEVI flight changes to Pax Advisory to announce RTB Atlantic City...305.2
1115: Pair of aircraft talking about refueling, swapping squawks and saying they should be at the IP at callsigns heard...228.0 (It's the TEAM 22/STEEL 71 pair per Mark's message below)
1119: DEVIL 11 flight with ZDC-Kenton 354.15 at 15,000 feet
1122: DEVIL 11 flight descending out of 15 for 11,000...354.15
1125: DEVIL 11 and 12 both report Code 1 status and 12 is cleared off freq to get the ATIS and report to Ops...138.425
1125: DEVIL 12 to Devil Ops to report both jets are Code 1 and will be home in 6 to 9 minutes...261.0
(Looks like the NJ-ANG pilots are picking up the habit of the DC-ANG and makign their arrival times always come out to something that reads "69"...e.g. 6.9 minutes out, 69 miles out, etc)
1127: DEVIL 11 flight handed off to Atlantic City Approach where they request heading for runway 31 and a two-ship full stop landing...descending from 8000 to 3000 and say they understand the DME is out...327.125
1133: Langley tac freq 233.525 active (Was just about to say nothing heard from Langley the past couple of days although I haven't been at the radios early in the morning when they often fly.)
1135: Aircraft on Langley's 233.525 are F-22A types...a flight of two. Callsign is JEDI
1146: Pair of aircraft for refueling on is STEEL 62 (female) swapping tail numbers and squawks with the other who uses tail number 01-1935 (will look it up in a minute)...they will use 10,000 feet for the rendezvous so won't hear them much longer at that low altitude. STEEL gave her tail but she faded in the middle of it but did hear her say she was from Pittsburgh - which we knew.
That tail number 01-1935 belongs to an EC-130J from the 193rd SOS at Harrisburg so his callsign should be BATON.
1152: STEEL 62 reports leveling at 9000 feet and still in a descent...295.8 (no longer hear the BATON aircraft)
1157: JEDI F-22A with Giant Killer on 238.1...tells wingman to "Push 5"
1158: JEDI flight with Norfolk TRACON 370.925 heading back to the base (just in time for lunch.)
JEDI was already on my Langley list of F-22A callsigns so doesn't need to be added.
The Langley aircaft have settled on specific radio presets for many of their frequent use frequencies. The ones I'm certain of are:
U-5...370.925 Norfolk TRACON
U-7...238.100 Giant Killer
U-8...249.800 Giant Killer
And I'm fairly sure on U-11 being 256.8 for ZDC-Cape Charles

Just before noon and the MilAir band is getting very usual. Good time for a break.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
0945 ROMAN 45 VFA-106 with Atlantic City appch 327.125 req Tacan into A/C.
1115 AXEMAN flt of 2 on 237.200 Ft Indy Pa range.
1119 TEAM 22 with STEEL 71 on 228.00 primary.
1122 DRAGO 51 unknown type with Dover appch 132.425 doing appches at Dover
1125 DRAGO 51 thought heard C-21 type sounds like single aircraft wants to do spiral up
manuevers to 5k on tower 126.350
1129 DEVIL 11 with ZDC Kenton 354.150 and Dover appch 257.880,sounds like one or both doing
a approach to Dover.
1133 DEVIL 11 with Pot appch 317.425 18 miles east of Swan.
1150 295.800 Tankers looking to AR near Altoona Pa.STEEL was KC-135 59-1460,other was 01-1935
Good one Tin on that EC-130 as just checked myself,must be all Pennsylvania AR mission. :)

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
While doing some errands over the past hour I heard...

1222: SPACE 01 to Griffin command with arrival message...home station C-21, tail 84-0074, 25 minutes out, A-1, has an A-3 plus 1 to offload...378.1
I logged that SPACE 1 and 01 call a couple of times during the year...the last time in May.
1252: FORCE 21 (KC-10A McGuire) with arrival message to McGuire Command Post...30 minutes out and 48K on the gas
1259: STEEL 62 (KC-135 PA-ANG Pittsburgh) calling STEEL Ops...311.0

And now...
1302: WILD (F-16 DC-ANG Andrews) flight of two off the deck from Andrews on interflight...143.6
1304: And another flight of two F-16s, callsign SCARY, from Andrews on interflight...139.15
1306: SCARY 1 flight checking in with ZDC-Calvert 281.4 at 15,000 feet.
1310: WILD 1 flight with ZDC-Sea Isle 281.45 at FL 210
1310: SCARY 1 flight to Pax Advisory...305.2
1311: SCARY 1 flight to BayWatch to enter R-6609 for 15 minutes from 3500 to 20,000 feet...when done there they want to go to the Pax runway for a couple of approaches...354.8
1314: WILD flight to Giant Killer to enter W-105...255.0
1315: WILD flight isn't getting the airspace they had in their mission planning...they accept areas A-D but don't like it...255.0
1329: TANKER 1 with ZDC-Norfolk 327.8 at FL 270
1330: TANKER 1 handed off to ZDC-Salisbury and checks in at FL 270
There's a CAP going on somewhere apparently. Nothing listed in the FAA's Graphic TFR list for today. The only CAP possibility on the list is for December 7 at Cape Canaveral.
1331: TANKER 1 leaving FL 270 for 250...257.7
1334: TANKER 1 leaving FL 250 for 240...257.7
1335: TANKER 1 leaving FL 240 for 190...257.7
1337: TANKER 1 handed off to ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8 (or so I thought but I don't hear him there)
He was apparently given a VHF freq but requested UHF. He repeated 256.8 but never came up there and I don't hear him on any other UHF ZDC freq either (or ZNY) so he might have chosen to use VHF.
1339: MAD DOG flight of two A-10s from the PA-ANG at Willow Grove with ZDC-Kenton...354.15 (Just before going to this freq, I heard them with Harrisburg App/Dep on 273.525)
1339: MAD DOG handed to Pax Advisory to enter R-4006 until 1530 local...says they'll enter from the north in about 30 seconds...305.2
Yes, he did say 1530, not 1430, but somehow I doubt they'll be at Pax for almost two hours. I think he just made a mistake and he said it on each freq. Or will they refuel and stay that long? We shall see.
1341: MAD DOG to BayWatch to repeat their work requirements message...270.8
1343: MAD DOG says when they clear out of the area they want 11,000 feet back to Willow Grove...then says they're going to Dover to do an approach but still want 11,000 feet...270.8
MAD DOG flight must be using low band FM for interflight...nothing heard on VHF...or on low band for that matter and I have all their low band freqs programmed but they've got to be real close to hear them there.
1348: WILD flight still in area W-105 on interflight 143.6 and SCARY flight still at Pax on interflight 139.15.

1400: Have a couple of flights - probably from Langley - heading into offshore area W-122 but can't catch the callsigns...with Giant Killer...233.7
1401: RAVEN 1 flight of A-10s from Martin State show up at Pax to do some PAR work at the Pax runways...250.3
1402: WILD flight on the way home from area W-105...143.6
1404: WILD flight with SOF simulating secure mission joy after a couple of calls...139.9
1405: BIKER 91 (F-15 Langley) with Norfolk TRACON...370.925
1405: BIKER 91 into W-386 K with Giant Killer...238.1
1407: WILD flight makes contact with WATERGATE, both aircraft are Code 2...139.9
SENATE is the SOF, WATERGATE is probably maintenance.
1409: SCARY flight also on the way home...139.15
1410: WILD flight to TRACON 335.5 and then to ADW Tower for landing...349.0
1411: SCARY flight to SOF to report Code 1 and Code 2, 10 minutes out...139.9
1411: BIKER 91 with Giant Killer on 346.6 to check into area K for the next 15 minutes
1412: PORCH 01 (F-15 Langley) with Giant Killer to enter W-72...238.1
1413: PORCH 01 sent to 233.7 with Giant Killer to enter W-72 1C to 3E on mission V-0524
Callsign sounded more like PORCH (not on list) than TORCH which is on the callsign list for Langley.
After hearing the callsign several times, I think it really should be PORSCHE, like the car, and pronounced the American way.
1414: SCARY flight with TRACON 335.5 and then ADW Tower for approaches...349.0
1415: TESTER 12 (USN Test Pilot School Pax River NAS) with BayWatch...354.8

My Diamond Discone versus Icom AH-7000 antenna test is done. The Icom is better for northern/eastern targets as I mentioned yesterday but it's worthless to the south and west. There's nothing the Icom is picking up to the north or east that I can't hear with the Diamond even though not as well. This is not a reflection of the worth of the antennas since they are identical. It's just the placement of the antenna producing these results. Although the Icom produces better signals from the north, it also produces a lot of noise that's driving me nuts. I also tested it last night on public safety freqs and had about the same results as with MilAir and again lots of noise from the Icom, even on very local freqs. Guess I've got to move the Icom - or just get rid of it. Not sure which yet. The Diamond is capable of feeding all my radios. It feeds into an 8-port Stridsberg multicoupler. I use one of those ports to feed another 4-port Stridsberg multicoupler (both are active multicouplers) so have a total of 11 radios with no problems and no loss fed from the Diamond.

1421: AXEMAN flight (A-10 MD-ANG Warfield ANGB) reports off the deck at 18 past the hour to Raven Ops...347.2
1423: SCARY flight still going around the airfield at Andrews...requesting low key...139.15 and tower 349.0
1428: SCARY flight coming in for a full stop landing this time...349.0
1431: MAD DOG flight with BayWatch...270.9 (guess he did mean 1430 rather than 1530 to leave the area)
1431: MAD DOG to Pax Advisory...305.2 Wants 11,000 feet IFR back to Willow Grove (didn't mention the approach at Dover this time)
1433: JOSA 341 calling Griffin Command at joy...378.1
1434: RAVEN 1 flight with Pax Approach...121.0
1434: PORCH 03 to Giant Killer to join up with the rest of the PORCH flight in W-72...238.1
1437: MAD DOG flight handed to ZDC-Kenton 354.15 where they check in at 11,000 feet.
1440: TORCH 71 with Norfolk TRACON...370.925 (then Push 7)
1441: TORCH 71 handed to Giant Killer to enter W-386 G on mission V-0521 and he'll be MARSA with AIRGUN 81 flight (Both flights are Langley F-15s)
1442: TORCH 71 tells GK they'll be working 391.2...238.1
1442: MAD DOG to SOF/Base Ops at Willow Grove to explain problems with the aircraft...343.0
1444: BICEP 11 flight (F-16 NJ-ANG) with ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8 checks in at 16,000 feet (heard him a few minutes earlier with ACY Approach on 327.125)
1444: MAD DOG handed off to Philadelphia TRACON and check in there...269.25
1447: BICEP 11 flight handed to Pax Advisory...305.2
1447: MAD DOG cleared down to 7000...269.25
1448: BICEP 11 flight handed to BayWatch to request work in R-4006 from 3500-20000, says he's a flight of two aircraft...354.8
1450: MAD DOG down to 5000 feet...269.25
1450: BICEP flight on interflight freq...138.425
1451: MAD DOG "Push 6" and I lose them...269.25
1452: LIMEY 71 flight of two F-15s from Langley into W-386 K for 15 minutes on mission V-0521 and will work 20,000 feet and below...238.1
1453: U/I flight with ZDC-Yorktown 296.7 mentions burning off fuel and then something to happen at 1500.
Can't remember last time I heard activity on this freq.
1454: Langley tac freqs 276.675 and 315.85 both active.
1454: BICEP says they'll be in the area for about 15 minutes...354.8
From another board...HUNTRESS working the normal 228.9/260.9 with MI-ANG F-16s in the midwest so that might be where TANKER 1 was headed that was heard and logged earlier in the 1300 hour.
1458: SALTY DOG 213 (VX-23, Pax River NAS) with Pax to enter R-4005...354.8

1501: TORCH 71 has been calling Giant Killer for the past several joy...238.1
AIRGUN 81 is also in there somewhere...several F-15 flights from Langley going to W-72 and W-386 and possibly W-122...many are at low altitude and weak. I know I've missed several of them.
1507: BIKER 91 F-15s in the air again from Langley...with TRACON 370.925 and then to GK on 238.1 to work W-386 G on mission V-0521
1515: TESTER 443 (USN Test Pilot School Pax River NAS) with Norfolk TRACON on 370.925...says he's flying down to that area but is going to turn around and head back up to R-4006. (Heard him a few minutes earlier with Pax on 256.5. I've never heard a TESTER aircraft with a 3-digit suffix.)
1518: BICEP flight going home...305.2

Break time...back later.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
What's a mere one-engine shutdown when you have three more? ;)

Martin State UHF Tower freq out again...
AXEMAN flight landing at MTN and using 121.3 for Tower at 1545 so they're certainly aware of it.

Andrews ramp freeze in 1700 hour...

Dover runway closure...
And again tomorrow...

And a runway closure at McGuire...

And at Oceana NAS...
And another for Oceana...
RUNWAY 32R/14L CLOSED FROM 26 OCT 12:16 UNTIL 31 JAN 21:00 2007

Willow Grove posted shutdown notices over the Christmas and New Year holiday periods for 3 days each period.

1600: CARMEN 2 (C-130H, 142nd Airlift Squadron, DE-ANG Wilmington) reports arriving at Andrews as part of the Capitol Shield Exercise...IDs as a C-130 with six crew members, will RON, no pax, no services needed, just parking...gets 11-Row
1601: AIRGUN 81 (F-15 Langley) 4-ship flight into W-386 G on mission V-0521 reported to Giant Killer...238.1
1604: AIRGUN 81 still trying to get his message to GK...changes freq and gives it again...249.8
1606: Langley interflight freq 358.85 active with F-15s

Not really here...back later.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1813: EVAC 00321 arriving Andrews...378.1
1818: BATON 55 (EC-130J, 193rd Special Operations Wing, PA-ANG Harrisburg) to Baton Ops with arrival message...ETA 2339Z, is A-2 maintenance status for left main gear vibration...after questions from ground, 55 states the problem vibration is acceptable to fly the aircraft...395.1
I believe earlier today I logged BATON as Special Ops should be Special Ops Wing.
1842: EVAC 33117 reports airborne from Andrews at 40 minutes after the hour....378.1

1909: Guard helicopters chatting on 242.4
It's a quiet evening.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Unusual catch of the day...
1326 local VULCAN 546 flt of 2 "Wingman is VULCAN 553" with Dover appch UHF.
Asks about activating our flight plan from Philadelphia to Norfolk.
Self id as Navy Choppers.
Callsign list has as type MH-53E from HM-14, NAS Norfolk.

Web Search shows HM-14 and HM-15 both based at Norfolk as these types.
Helicopter Mine Countermeasures Squadron FOURTEEN (HM-14)

Learn something new all the time here..

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Feb 21, 2006
Savannah, GA
freqhopping said:
282.375 TRACON Richmond Approach 031-170 Degrees

Last night I was searching the UHF band and had just a couple hits. The first was ZDC-Irons 360.85 but it was too weak to make out. A short time later at 1729 hours local there was a quick hit on 242.7 which I don't have associated with anything. ?????


I had 242.700 one time as the CHO tower freq. The current chart lists it as 338.275. They don't simulcast, and I don't think I've ever heard anything on 338.275 since it became listed. Perhaps some fighter jock could cruise down here and call the tower on UHF for me?


Feb 21, 2006
Savannah, GA
12-5 at around 13:00 local, PAT1264 doing practice full stops at CHO. Tail # 51264, appeared to be a King Air or similar twin prop. Filed back to Davison when he left.


Feb 21, 2006
Savannah, GA
freqhopping said:
282.375 TRACON Richmond Approach 031-170 Degrees

Last night I was searching the UHF band and had just a couple hits. The first was ZDC-Irons 360.85 but it was too weak to make out. A short time later at 1729 hours local there was a quick hit on 242.7 which I don't have associated with anything. ?????

I thought I replied but I don't see it now???

I had 242.700 at one time as CHO tower. The current chart lists 338.275. Since they don't seem to simulcast (they used to when 242.700 was in use) I don't think I've ever heard anything on 338.275. As usual, I'll keep listening.

EDIT: Oops, there it is...
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