Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Busy morning as AXEMAN's,DEVIL's WILD's doing usual practice sorties.
Of note heard ...
1019 local sounded like YFC-1 flight of 2 self id as "F-18F's flying VFR
req flight following".



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
This was one of the busiest MilAir days in recent memory - and I couldn't log any of it due to PCs being rewired and moved around my little corner of the world.

This afternoon saw RAVEN and AXEMAN flights of A-10s from the MD-ANG at Warfield ANGB (MTN) flying to the Pax area for work. At the same time, SCARY and WILD flights of F-16s from the DC-ANG at Andrews were up doing their thing. There were also F-15 flights from Langley going to the offshore areas for work with Giant Killer - among them a DATSUN 71 flight that I mention only because I haven't heard them use that callsign in ages. Add in A-10 flights from Willow Grove, MAD HOG included, that went to Pax for work. Transports were all over the place.

Then there was the BICEP flight of F-16s from the NJ-ANG at Atlantic City that came to the Pax Range around Vienna MD for some extremely interesting work. It was all on interflight freq 138.425. The BICEPs were operating primarily with a ground based Forward Air Controller, callsign WARHAWK, at that simulated Iraqi city at Vienna. At one point, they reported a crashed helicopter, reported seeing the fireball, a couple of survivors, a group of townspeople coming toward the explosion and then automatic gunfire and RPG fire toward the crash site coming from a building nearby. Their mission was to destroy the insurgents without taking out the group of townsfolks or the crash survivors. At another point, they mentioned the helo was landing to pick up ANTIDOTE 1 and 2 - but never explained the roles of those people. There was another person on the ground using callsign VAMPIRE that might have been either another FAC or a ground commander of friendly forces. If you didn't know this activity was taking place at the Vienna range or stumbled upon it in the middle of the activity when they were describing the fireball and giving the crash coordinates, you would have been certain you were hearing a real helicopter crash. It was very interesting listening and the two F-16 pilots were exceptionally skilled at their jobs. If I was on the ground in trouble, I'd sure as hell wish these two guys were providing Close Air Support for my sorry butt. It was over and done with and the aircraft returned to Atlantic City around 1500 local.

Imagine this if you can...during the exercise there were also the MTN A-10s and several TESTER/SALTY DOG aircraft, including F/A-18s, buzzing around the same general area that they had to be careful of. So, you're in the F-16's driver's seat, having to be aware of your wingman's movements and transmissions, totally aware of the ground FAC that's asking for your help along with all the activity taking place in a very fluid situation on the ground while you provide covering fire and at the same time be listening to the Pax ground controller on UHF warning you of other activity in your operating area and dodging them while still performing your primary job. Then, do all that in a war zone with live fire coming at you. It's work that only a special few can accomplish and I, for one, have all the respect in the world for their ability and for what they put on the line for this country for pretty lousy pay. But they don't do it for the paycheck.
Major Troy Gilbert, 34 years old from Luke AFB Arizona, crashed and thought to be killed in his F-16 in Iraq last week, leaving behind a wife and five children under 10 years of age.
End of editorial.

Early 1700 hour has a couple of Navy F/A-18s in ACM activity being directed by an airborne controller of some type. The frequency is 365.7, the F/A-18s are using callsign DOG and the airborne controller is callsign SNAPPER. (I recently posted this same activity on the same freq and here they are again.) Again they are using the word "Compton" in place of "BRA" such as the Air Force does for bearing/range/altitude information. This activity is a full six bars on my signal strength meter indicating they are fairly close by - probably in the northern Pax area. Activity still going strong at 1730 as they just finish another target intercept with the airborne controller calling out "fireball" as the fighters destroy the target. He's said that at the end of each successful intercept. At 1731, one of the DOGs mentions heading toward the south.
1721: MAD HOG flight of A-10s from Willow Grove at the Bollen Range on 237.2
1742: JOSA 738 to Griffin Command at Andrews to report takeoff at 2235Z and wants that reported to TACC...378.1
1745: U/I fighter flight, probably from Langley, into the offshore area W-72 with Giant Killer on 233.7
1745: ELVIS 17 (probably a C-17) with Dover Command Post...349.4
1747: BATON 52 (EC-130J, 193rd Special Operations Wing PA-ANG Harrisburg) giving arrival message to Baton Ops...395.1
1748: U/I air activity on freq 307.875 just found during search...trying to recover callsign(s)
1750: There is also an UGLY flight of two Willow Grove A-10s at Bollen Range along with the MAD HOGs...237.2
1751: Just heard someone telling BayWatch on 354.8 that they are separating and will be three single flights now. Believe it's the DOG and SNAPPER flights doing the talking.
1755: Same speaker with ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8 saying they'd prefer to go over Baltimore, then Brooke and to Oceana. He wants that routing because he doesn't want to go over water at this time.
This could make the DOG callsign belong to VF-143 at Oceana...the old "Pukin' Dogs"

1800: The same aircraft is using a callsign on the ATC freqs that I just can't catch. It's ????? 33.
1800: One of the Willow Grove A-10s is talking with Willow Grove Base Ops on 343.0...mention going into Harrisburg with an emergency. It's due to a bad vibration aboard one of the fighters...he says he took a look and doesn't see any structural damage. It's MAD HOG 2 talking with Base Ops.
1802: One of the MAD HOG A-10s is the one with the problem...he's on 281.525 with Harrisburg Approach talking about right engine failure and mentions MAD HOG 2 is going to follow him in...he's setting up for a 10 mile final heading for the Harrisburg runway...he's cleared down to 1800 feet at 1804. (that's the last thing I heard from them)
MAD HOG 1 was talking with Harrisburg 281.525 and MAD HOG 2 with Willow Grove 343.0 at the same time making it difficult to get all of both freqs.
1807: The ???? 33 Navy fighter is changing freqs from 256.8...searching for joy
1821: MAD HOG 2 must have followed the damaged aircraft to the runway at Harrisburg and is now heading back to Willow Grove. He's giving a mission report to Base Ops/SOF on 141.8.
1825: OPEC 41 (KC-10A McGuire AFB) with Giant Killer at FL 210 wanting permission to go to AR-636...118.125
1826: ?RIPPER? 33 with ZNY-Kennedy 282.3
1828: ?RIPPER? 33 handed to ZNY-Yardley 290.2 heading up to FL 270.
Not sure if this is the same ???? 33 that was part of the DOG/SNAPPER flight reported earlier with ZDC.
1832: Couple of helos on the Baltimore Helo chat freq 123.025 both reporting seeing snow
Currently 37 degrees at BWI with isolated snow showers in the accumulation expected. And last Friday we hit 75 degrees. (I'll be remembering last Friday until April gets here.)
1844: DC 43 (KC-135 Andrews AFB) reports airborne at 40 after the hour...378.1
1853: RIP 33 with ZDC-Calvert 281.4 at FL 200 looking for coordinates for a fix after Nottingham. (This must be the same flight I thought was RIPPER earlier on the ZNY freqs. I have no ID for the RIP callsign.)
1857: RIP 33 cleared to FL 190...281.4

1900: RIP 33 cleared direct Oceana...leaving 20 for 10...281.4
1903: PAT 33 (helo) with FSS 255.4 wants to open his VFR flight plan in about 10 minutes to return to Davison AAF...(heard him a couple of minutes earlier on the DCA Helo Control freq 120.75 mention going to Ft. Myers to drop off a pax.)
1920: BATON 56 (EC-130J, 193rd SOW PA-ANG Harrisburg) to Baton Ops to say he's going to RTB due to several problems with the aircraft including left wing and tank 1...has 22.5K on the gas....395.1
1924: BATON 56 apparently asked for his ETA and states 0045Z...395.1
1930: Had a self-ID UC-37 going into Andrews that wants gas and a quick turnaround. Missed his callsign but tail was 01-0076...141.55
1935: BATON 56 to Baton Ops looking for a parking spot....395.1 (so he's still flying)

2000: End of log...THE END

There's a story about the rollout of the new A-10C model at Davis-Monthan AFB AZ...,15240,120017,00.html?
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Jan 5, 2004
I just tuned in to hear activity on 365.7. Someone was pointing out 'hostiles'. I think I'll start searching the band for new stuff. Reception seems pretty good right now.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I want to post this in a separate message so it won't get lost in the clutter of the logs.

There are changes coming to the Guard Dog CAP as of December 18th. Washington Center will no longer have control of the CAP. It will be handed over to Potomac TRACON. I wasn't given the reasons for this change but I can guess at it based on what we've heard in the past and I think it's a good idea. We know that several times when the CAP aircraft have been given a target aircraft that has wandered into the wrong area, the fighters had to get clearance from Guard Dog/Washington Center to leave the CAP and there are often delays in that process. Then they have to change frequency to get clearance from Potomac TRACON to go after the target and get directions within the airspace. This removes Washington Center as the middle man and should speed up the entire reaction time of the fighters. There is also a frequency change involved for TRACON control while in the CAP. The VHF 135.525 should remain the same but with TRACON in control of it rather than KZDC. I'm not going to mention the UHF freq at this time because I have a couple of questions since something about it doesn't make sense. It's no longer 288.35. If/when I get clarification, I'll post more.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
No time for logging today but just want to mention what's happening midway through the 1400 hour in a very quick check of the band...

HEAT 21, flight of two A-10s from CT-ANG Bradley are at the Warren Grove Range on 283.1. They are working with range controller RANGER and with a ground FAC using callsign IRON CROSS. Said they'd have 45 minutes of mission time. Their interflight freq is 140.2 and were also heard with ZNY-Kennedy 282.3 and ZNY-Dixie 307.8 as they worked their way to the range.

BICEP 11 flight of two (or more) NJ-ANG F-16s just going to low level route VR-704. Their interflight is 138.425. They were heard on various ARTCC freqs prior to this point starting at 1400...ZDC-Casino 285.4, ZDC-Woodstown 363.0, ZNY-Modena 335.6, ZNY-Hyper 322.5 and then to Harrisburg App/Dep 273.525 before descending for their low level flight.
At 1509, the BICEP 11 flight is coming back to altitude from their low level route flight and are currently with Harrisburg App/Dep on 281.525. They were handed off to New York Center freq 285.65 but come back saying they couldn't raise Center on that freq. (I have no listing for that as a valid ZNY freq. It may be new or it may have been a mistake.) Anyway, they are then sent to ZNY-Lancaster 239.05 where they check in and have to spell the callsign. Say they are going direct DuPont and then Atlantic City. It's now 1512 and they are handed off to ZNY-Modena 335.6. Wingman comes back with ATIS report and says active runway at ACY is 31. At 1515, they are handed off to ZDC-DuPont 307.25 where they check in at FL 17,500 and repeat direct DuPont, direct Atlantic City. They are still using interflight 138.425. It's confirmed as a flight of four F-16s. At 1518, it's off to preset U-7 (previously confirmed) ZDC-Casino 285.4 where the flight checks in at 17,500 feet and are cleared down to 7500. Next stop is Atlantic City Approach on 327.125 at 1522 where they check in as a four ship at 7500 looking for approach to ACY.

At and 1435 a flight of two A-10s of the MD-ANG lifted off from Warfield ANGB (MTN). They're using interflight 142.3 and headed for the Dover area. As they were lifting off, one of them said to go tell Raven Ops that "RAVEN or AXEMAN or whoever we are today is airborne." It's AXEMAN.
1529: AXEMAN flight coming home to MTN...just reported in with Raven Ops 347.2 to give mission report...still on interflight 142.3 and at 1530 to Potomac TRACON 317.425 for approach to MTN. They are having a hell of a good time up there. Wouldn't you if you were driving an A-10?
1532 the AXEMAN flight handed to V-3 (previously confirmed) Martin State Tower 121.3 where they make contact and prepare for landing. They talk on interflight about whether they should go to R-4006 but one decides against it. Not sure they're serious since it's not in the flight plan apparently and there would be a fuel problem if they did. 1536 both AXEMAN 1 and 2 report "base, gear, stop" as they are cleared to land.

At 1450, a RAVEN A-10 MTN flight left the Pax area on 281.8 and at 1454 is checking in with Raven Ops on 347.2 to say he's 10 minutes out and Code 1.

Back this evening...have more repositioning and rewiring to do as I move every piece of equipment I have around to different locations. Using so many receivers creates its own listening problems depending on speaker and radio placement. My first attempt was lousy...I could never tell which radio I was hearing. Kind of wish I had some ceiling hooks for speaker placement. It would be easy enough since I have a drop ceiling in my basement radio room but nothing I have is sturdy enough to keep the speakers from moving around from the push of air from AC or heat vents in the room. The speakers would hang about 3 feet from the ceiling. Anyone have any suggestions?
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Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
rockonyc said:
Just curious...did anyone catch PM Tony Blair's arrival/departure? If I'm not mistaken he uses BAW aircraft. Can anyone confirm this and advise on what callsign he uses?

Tony Blair was here this week aboard an Airbus 319, G-OMAK, which uses the usual callsign TWINJET 1, although I didn't hear it on the trip this week. The usual ride is a BAW 777, but this visit was just a quick one (24 1/2 hours), with no events aside from the meeting with Bush, so there was no need to tote along a big entourage or lots of press. Blair's visit back in July was aboard BA 777 G-YMMI, using the callsign SPEEDBIRD 9130.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1509: Hearing a BICEP 11 (F-16 NJ-ANG Atlantic City) flight with ZNY-Middletown 322.4 talking about going to VR-1757 (same type work they did yesterday)
1510: BICEP 11 requests to cancel his IFR flight plan and proceed VFR...322.4
1510: BICEP flight using interflight freq...138.425
1511: BICEP 11 flight announces descending to low level flight and signs off with the ZNY controller...322.4
1512: BICEP 11 flight to FSS to announce entering low level flight route VR-1757 at 500 feet and 500 knots...255.4
1515: U/I flight on interflight freq...142.675 (Not anyone from this area) They are just chatting and talking about leaves changing colors and the view being spectacular....another pilot asks if it's the Appalachians and gets acknowledgement that it is. (Its a DUCK flight of F-16s)
1520: DUCK flight member comes back with ATIS report and says runway 19, both left and right are open and gives the current temperature as 6 degrees celsius...142.675 (Still haven't picked up this flight on the ARTCC freqs) Talking about the Shenandoah Valley at their 10 o'clock position and about Virginia history. Mention changing to 270.275
1523: DUCK 1 with Potomac TRACON getting cleared for approach to runway 19L at Andrews. (this is the flight from 142.675) It's a flight of six aircraft.
1525: Pilots talking about all the traffic up apparently grew up in this area and talks about how much the area has been overgrown with development...142.675
I have three different F-16 units for the DUCK callsign listed...Shaw SC, Luke AZ, Madison WI
1528: They are pointing out various sights around asks where Arlington is and it's being pointed out to him...along with the Pentagon...142.675
1529: DUCK flight leaving 12000 for 4000 feet...270.275...then cleared to 3000
1529: Pilots pointing out how large the hangar is for Air Force 1...142.675
1531: DUCK reports field in sight...requests initial...270.275
1531: DUCK flight handed to Andrews Tower...349.0...and check in with initial for runway 19L
1531: DUCK flight leader tells all the pilots in the flight to not forget their flags...142.675 (Not sure what this is in reference to.)
1533: DUCK 1 reports initial for full stop...349.0
1534: DUCK 1 reports base, gear, stop, left...followed by each of the pilots giving the same report as they go for touchdown...349.0
And by 1535 all six DUCK F-16s have touched down at Andrews. Now we just need to learn why they're here. Someone from Andrews give me a call. And they're likely to do that. :)
1538: Went back to the search function and find another NJ-ANG F-16 flight on interflight freq...sounds like they're in Close Air Support type activity...perhaps at the Pax Range at Vienna MD...It's an AERO 21 flight of two aircraft...138.875
1540: Northrup Grumman test flight freq active...123.225
1541: And the BICEP flight is back up to altitude and still working their interflight freq...138.425
1542: BICEP flight with ZNY-Modena 335.6
1543: BICEP flight say to "Push Uniform-1" which should be their Ops freq 261.0 but haven't picked them up yet...138.425
1545: Here they are...BICEP 11 trying to call Maintenance on U-1 261.0
1546: BICEP is a flight of two F-16s...1 is Code 1, 2 is Code 2 for radar...261.0
1548: BICEP 11 flight handed off to ZDC-Kenton 354.15 where they check in direct Atlantic City
1552: BICEP 11 reports descending to 6000 feet and reports seeing the traffic ahead of him...says he can see him but isn't close enough to ID it...354.15...say they're switching to ACY Approach
1553: BICEP 11 to Atlantic City Approach where they check in heading for runway 31...327.125

1600: The AERO 21, two ship F-16 flight is still at Pax working ground support activity...138.875
1600: The Northrup Grumman is also a two ship flight still working...123.225
1603: AERO 21 flight with Pax clearing out of the area...say they want to switch to ZDC on 277.4...270.8
1604: AERO flight goes to 277.4 to call ZDC but they won't get an answer...this is an old ZDC freq....they keep calling on it though and Pax didn't give them a correct freq when they asked for this one.
1606: AERO 21 finally goes back to Pax on 270.8 when he gets tired of calling and getting no answer...wants a new freq and gets 354.15
1606: AERO 21 to ZDC-Kenton 354.15 to report 22 miles west of Waterloo at 11000 feet direct Atlantic City...repeats his callsign very slowly but doesn't spell it (was wishing he would to prove AERO, not ARROW) and IDs as a flight of two F-16s.
1607: AERO 21 sends 22 for ATIS and to give report to Ops...22 goes to Ops on 261.0 to report both jets are Code 1
1608: AERO 22 comes back to interflight 138.875 with the ATIS Quebec, active runway 31, pressure 3039
1611: AERO 21 flight handed off to Atlantic City Approach so come up there on U-6...327.125 where they report 18 miles west of the field in sight.
You know, I used to hear Atlantic City Tower on 239.0 on a regular basis. I don't seem to hear it anymore - haven't over the past couple of months. Has it changed? Can anyone confirm it's still there? Maybe conditions have just changed so I can't hear it anymore.

Break time...

1715: Just walked past the radios and am hearing a flight working at Warren Grove Range...nothing to ID it yet...283.1
1719: The flight at Warren Grove is an UGLY A-10 flight of the PA-ANG from Willow Grove...283.1
1721: Add a MAD HOG A-10 flight from Willow Grove to the group at Warren Grove...283.1
1728: Add callsign CADE from Willow Grove to the mix at Warren Grove...283.1
I'm not hearing any VHF interflight freqs active so they must be on low band. They are too far from here for me to hear anything on that band from them. Last heard at 1730 at Warren Grove.

1806: REACH 5148 to McGuire Command Post with arrival message...offloading 19 pax, pallets, baggage pallet and one piece of rolling stock. Needs various services along with a fuel truck to give them 160,000 pounds of fuel. Also need parking and a crew bus for 9...319.4
1814-17: REACH 5148 calling McGuire CP again several joy...319.4
1818: REACH 5148 finally makes contact and all he does is repeat his arrival message which wasn't copied earlier...he's now 20 minutes out and A-1 status.

1941: REACH 354 reports airborne from Andrews...378.1
1948: AIREVAC 84403 with arrival message to Andrews...17 minutes out, A-1, coming in empty, expect parking in 11-Row.
1950: ???? 15 with arrival message to McGuire pax or cargo, A-1 (female speaker with very bad transmitter - doesn't sound like she's transmitting in AM mode. She's also saying the ground station is unreadable)...319.4
NOTAM published for Patuxent NAS...

And these are the holiday period NOTAMs for Willow Grove...(Must be all civilian control there to be able to take that much time off.)



Martin State Airport (Warfield ANGB) still shows UHF Tower freq 297.2 and ILS to runway 33 out of service until further notice....


NOTE: Air show at Andrews May 18-20, 2007 will have the Thunderbirds performing. Three days later, May 23d, has the Blue Angels at the Naval Academy.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
I see Langley F-15 demo team is switching to the F-22.

Personally after many airshows the F-15 demo is good show but a good low level F-16 demo show is still better!
Below is pic I took on June 17 2006 air show at Willow Grove NAS of Langley F-15 Demo landing.
Red band lettering on tails,left side DEMO,right side,IRONMEN.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Beautiful picture Mark. I'd sure like to be in that front seat. The 71st FS at Langley is now the last squadron with F-15s. I believe they have 18 of them left. One of these days I've got to get back down to Langley. I want to see the flight line again and see if the house I lived in on the base is still there. I would imagine the base housing of my day has been all torn down and replaced over the years though.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Thanks Tin and looking forward to upcoming Andrews Air show again.
I was very impressed this past year my first visit and recommend to any Mil aircraft fan to make that show.
If it flies for the USA it will be at Andrews come May.
BTW my current Avatar pic of F-15 Langley Demo burners was taken at that same WG show....

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1225: PROPS 91 (C-130 AR-ANG Little Rock) with arrival message to Warfield ANGB Base Ops at MTN...17 pax, a couple of which are A-5 and several A-6, 15K on the fuel and needs flight services...143.8
1232: BATON 62 [female] (EC-130J Commando Solo, PA-ANG Harrisburg) to Baton Ops with arrival message...20 minutes out, A-2 for three minor writeups including the back end transmitter and will be landing with 20K on the fuel...395.1
1235: PROPS 91 with Martin State Airport Tower cleared to land - and does...121.3

It's a football kind of afternoon but from what I'm hearing in the background there seem to be lots of transport activity for a Sunday afternoon. Conditions are excellent. I just heard a transport with HAWK Ops going into Barnes MA for pax pickup. However, now it's second half time in the games so the radios are being turned off.

1641-43: EVAC 3119 calling Griffin Command at Andrews several times, no joy...378.1 (full number is 33119 but he shortens it)
1645: EVAC 3119 makes contact...says he's just giving a heads up that he'll need 40,000 pounds of fuel...he adds that "if anyone wants to go to Jackson MS, c'mon."...378.1
1648: EVAC 33119 Heavy with TRACON (ADW App) for approach to Andrews...119.3
1653: EVAC 33119 Heavy cleared to land...and does...with ADW Tower...118.3
EVAC 33119 Heavy (Tail number 03-3119) is a C-17A from the 183rd Airlift Squadron MS-ANG at Jackson.

1715: PAT 397 to Davison AAF to say he's 10 minutes out and wants info on the runway in use and the altimeter...says he's been calling for several minutes and wonders if he was heard...139.4 (I heard him calling prior to this call but his transmitter was unreadable. He gets info from ground that his transmitter was working but there was no audio. Wrong...there was audio but just not understandalbe audio.)
1720: Have U/I speakers (two) that might just be the BLACKJACK helos working 139.7. Kind of weak from my location...definitely sounds like a helo though. (If it's BLACKJACK, that's the US Coast Guard HH-65 helo that has taken over air interdiction tasks previously worked by Customs/ICE under HUNTRESS' direction.)
1724: The 139.7 speaker mentions 100 knots at 1700 feet and turning inbound (probably to his homeplate at DCA) (At this point he just gets too weak to copy although I hear him breaking squelch so he's still talking.)
1729: Still two speakers on that 139.7 freq and still too weak to copy from my location. Pretty sure I just heard the BLACKJACK callsign being used by one of them but the second speaker sounds like another helo and not the HUNTRESS ground controller.
1731: Yes, it's BLACKJACK 1 and 2 speaking on 139.7...mention doing something right over the hangar. (One of them just got much louder - BLACKJACK 1 calling 2.)
1736: BLACKJACK 1 and 2 are testing something - can't tell what it is though. It may be the datalink (or simply radar) since whatever they are testing is based on the speed/altitude of one of them...139.7
1740: BLACKJACK 2 to 1 saying he's going to hold off while waiting for the C-130 traffic...139.7 (Not sure if he meant air traffic passing through his area or whether a C-130 is going to join in whatever they are doing. CARMEN 2?)...again BLACKJACK 1 is setting up at 1700 feet, 110 knots and will notify 2 when he starts inbound.

1800: BLACKJACK 1 and 2 still doing their testing on...139.7
1802: REACH 284 [female] calling Griffin Command at Andrews...378.1
1806: REACH 284 now trying her luck on 141.55...still no joy.
1807: REACH 284 finally makes contact for arrival message...she expects in the blocks at 45 after the hour, needs parking, two forklifts for pallet offloading and a crew bus for 11 individuals...also wants confirmation of their reservations at the _______ (motel name)
1809: REACH 284 asks again for parking instrux, says they need lav service and transportation for 11 individuals plus their luggage...141.55
1810-20: BLACKJACK 1 and 2 still at it....139.7 (they have gotten too weak to copy once again)
1820: REACH 461 reports airborne at 15 after the hour....378.1 (Andrews) or 349.4 (Dover)...wasn't sure which radio squawked.
1823: SPAR 30 cleared to land runway 19L....Andrews Tower...118.4
1827: REACH 284 [male speaker now] cleared to land...wants confirmation the arresting cables are only installed on the departure end of the runway....ADW Tower...118.4 (I think she made an error earlier when she said block time was 45 after the hour. It didn't seem right she'd start calling when 43 minutes out...must have meant 25 after the hour - and only missed by a couple of minutes.)
1834: Aircraft 1175 (Southwest flight?) reports landing on runway 33L...119.3 (He's on the wrong freq, is told so by Andrews Approach and says he thought he was on tower freq but that's 119.4 at BWI which is the airport he no doubt wants.)

1900 hour early....There has been a PAT 56 (helo) with FSS on 255.4 to open flight plan to Dover...then he called Dover Command Post on 349.4 over the next several minutes without making contact.
1921: PAT 56 makes contact with Dover to say he's 10 minutes out and dropping off a pax for ??? mission...349.4...he'll park at B-1.

At Andrews tomorrow...
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1300: There is an UGLY 1 flight of A-10s from Willow Grove making its way through the Philadelphia TRACON freqs...263.125...319.15...269.25 at 1305 climbing now from 5 to 8000 feet.
1306: BOLAR 70 calling Dover Command Post...349.4
1307: UGLY 1 flight handed off to ZDC-Kenton where the flight of two A-10s checks in at 8,000 feet...354.15
1310: UGLY 1 flight cleared to climb to 10,000 feet...354.15
1313: STEEL 61 (KC-135R PA-ANG Pittsburgh) calling Steel Control to say they'll be working in the pattern for about an hour and are currently in A-2 status. They'll let Steel Control know prior to their final approach for landing when they're done...311.0
1316: UGLY 1 flight handed to Patuxent Control and check in 10 miles to the north..say they'll be in the area from 1310-1340 local [according to mission plan but obviously arriving late] and will be working in R-6609 for about 10 minutes from 11-20,000 feet...upon completion they want IFR clearance to Dover for an ILS approach...climbing to 18,000 feet for entry to R-6609...270.8
[No interflight freq heard from the UGLY flight indicating they're on low band FM for this flight]
1324: NAVY SD 102 (VX-23 Patuxent NAS) with ZDC-Calvert to say they are now in contact with BayWatch and will be switching to their freq...281.4
1324: UGLY 1 reports entering R-6609 and is cleared from 3500 up to 20000 feet in that area...270.8
1328: UGLY 1 flight told by Pax on 270.8 to change to Echo Control freq at Pax and do...310.55
1329: VENUS 44 calling Griffin Command at Andrews...378.1

Currently 61 degrees at BWI and sunny...too nice to be inside so I'm going out to play in the sun...back later. Not much happening other than the UGLY flight and a few transports moving around. No other fighter units seem to be in the air. Langley is dead quiet as are all the ANG units in the listening area other than that PA-ANG flight.

And just before leaving out the door I hear in the background...1336: A WILD flight (F-16 DC-ANG Andrews) reports to SOF on 139.9 they're off the deck at 1836Z...using 143.6 as interflight freq...a flight of two. They're heading for Patuxent. They go to ZDC-Calvert 281.4 and then Pax Control 305.2 to enter the Pax area where they cancel IFR. They want R-6609 south spin area for 40 minutes and then tunnel Andrews. They get handed to BayWatch on 354.8 but before going there they report hearing an intermittent ELT.
They're established in their work area at 1349 and once again I'm heading out the door.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Ref above: Thanks Paul for the link. The sentiment for naming the first C-5 "The Spirit of Erma" in memory of Senator Byrd's wife is understandable but a bit of an over-reach for a military aircraft - at least in my opinion. But, after getting a quarter of a billion dollars for the Martinsburg Airport upgrade and getting the C-5 mission brought there, I guess the military community there bows in the direction of the ex-Klansman Senator.

Inside to see if anything is happening midway through the 1500 hour...
1525-40: DEVO flight of F-22A fighters from Langley working ACM activty on their interflight ...233.525 [DEVO was added to my F-22A callsign list 8/15/06 so not new]
1536: REACH 9009 doing a sweet/sour check with HUNTRESS...364.2
1552: BLACKJACK 1 (USCG armed HH-65 helo based at DCA for air interdiction missions) reporting on an aircraft at 4000 feet altitude and in front of him...don't know if this is a directed target or if he's just pointing out traffic in his area....139.7
1553: BLACKJACK 1 reporting it's a TOI (Target Of Interest) that he's chasing down...139.7 [Could hear nothing else from him after this transmission]
1555: the DEVO F-22A flight is working Giant Killer's tactical freq...391.2

1605: REACH 1817 [female] calling SAM Command but is on the wrong freq...319.4 [should be on 378.1 or 141.55]
1609: REACH 1817 changes freq and makes contact with SAM Command to give arrival message...ETA 20 past the hour, is A-1 maintenance status, needs 20,000 pounds of fuel, has 10 pallets to offload and 4 crew members...(remainder of transmission blocked)...141.55
1623: PIONEER 57 with Patuxent River App/Dep...120.05 [No idea of the ID for the PIONEER callsign but the transmitter sounds a lot like the Northrup Grumman test flight guys]
1653: Activity on PA-ANG interflight freq...turning to DuPont...143.25 (this turns out to be an UGLY flight of A-10s)
1653: FLYER 1 flight (A-10 PA-ANG Willow Grove) now with ZNY-Swissdale 279.55
1654: And maybe another A-10 PA-ANG flight with Philadelphia TRACON...319.15 and then handed to Phil. TRACON...317.55
1655: NAVY 7W809 reporting to ACY Approach descending from 9800 to 8000 feet...124.6
1657: The second PA-ANG flight is an UGLY A-10 flight...317.55
1657: NAVY 7W809 cleared down to 4000 feet direct Cedar Lake

And by 1700 I've lost both PA-ANG A-10 flights..still a bit of weak chat on 143.25 but that's it.
1706: Found the UGLY's a flight of two A-10s with ZDC-Kenton...354.15
1707: UGLY flight handed to Pax Advisory where they check in at 10,000 feet...say they'll operate at 15,500 and below in the restricted area...305.2
The FLYER flight is missing in action...based on their last position with ZNY, they might have gone to a low level flight route....or....I just haven't run across them again during search....or....they are too weak to copy from here based on their position/altitude.
1716: UGLY flight still using interflight while at Pax...143.25
1717: JOSA 763 calls Griffin Command to report off the ground at 2208Z...141.55
1750: DC 12 (KC-135R 756th ARS Andrews) calling LIBERATOR to report airborne at 2247Z...378.1
1751: HAWK 01 (C-21, tail 84-0139) to Griffin Command with arrival message...25 minutes out, has an A-3 plus 2 pax, needs a crew bus for 2 and wants maintenance notified of his arrival...378.1
1754: PAT 959 with Phillips AAF Tower for landing...126.15
1756: UGLY flight pulling out of the Pax area direct Smyrna and then as filed...305.2 (still on interflight 143.25 also)
1758: UGLY 1 flight handed to ZDC-Kenton where they check in at 9000, descending to 8000 feet direct Smyrna...354.15
1759: UGLY flight handed off to Dover Approach where they check in at 8000....257.875

1800: UGLY 2 goes to Willow Grove Base Ops to report in...UGLY 1 is 115-00 and UGLY 2 is 114-00 (I'm still not sure what that report means)...343.0
1800: UGLY 1 calling Dover Approach several times before making contact...heading 300 degrees...257.875
1802: UGLY flight cleared direct DuPont by Dover...257.875
1804: UGLY flight to Ops on Victor....141.8
1804: UGLY flight handed to Philadelphia TRACON where they report direct Modena at 060 for runway 33...269.25
1806: UGLY flight back to Base Ops to report maintenance status...343.0
1810: UGLY flight handed to another Philadelphia TRACON freq where they check in at 5000 feet...319.15
1812: UGLY flight cleared down to 4000 from 5000 feet...319.15
1814: UGLY flight being vectored toward Willow Grove by Phil. TRACON and rapidly fading from listening range...319.15
And they're gone.
1829: DC 99 (KC-135R Andrews) to LIBERATOR to report on the downwind for final approach and full stop landing...wants that info passed on...378.1

1908: REACH 4061 to Dover Command Post with arrival message...15 minutes out, A-3 status, no pax or cargo, need crew bus for 11 crew members and a parking 1914, he's given Spot Sierra for 1917, it's changed to Spot Mike rather than Sierra.
1920: REACH 3115 with arrival message to Andrews...378.1
1926: U/I reporting airborne at 22 past the hour from Dover....349.4

2000: End of this sappy log for tonight.

NOTE: 19 people have contributed to this thread during the month of December...
TinEar (Alan) - Citation Jet (Tony) - Mark (Mark) - dparana (Dave) - md_p97 (Paul)
Mateo (Matthew) - freqhopping (Travis) - wildbillx (William) - trainman111 (Nick)
gcgrotz (George) - BM82557 - ka3jjz (Mike) - dehm (Jay) - benrussellpa (Ben)
jcardani (Joe) - bigred10 - BMT (Jack) - nightwatch (Nick) - rockonyc
(Did I miss anyone? Anyone want to add a first name to the nicks that I don't know?)
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Nov 3, 2005
Hey Tin and all,
FLYER flight of two was up in the DUKE MOA. I got home about 1745 and they were refuelling with ???-19 (Sorry, I didn't catch his callsign). They were using 34.75 VHF Low for their air to air. It seems the Willow Grove guys have been using the FM Low Band alot lately...They headed back to Willow Grove about 1800. Refuelling was on 301.60 and the handoffs entering and leaving the DUKE were 353.85 (ZOB-Wayland) and 338.30 (ZNY-Philipsburg).

On a side note, I moved my PRO-2055 and PRO-60 from work to home where I finally installed my antennas outside. I have the Radio Shack discone and the 20-176 ground plane that I cut to the middle of the milair band. Reception is obviously improved but it really limits my logs during the work day. I have a PRO-60 with the Radio Shack telescoping antenna (which I think works great), I can pick up the UHF Milair in the DUKE just fine, the VHF is marginal, and the VHF Low is impossible to pick up. At the house everything is clear including the VHF Low except when they are down at the Southeastern part of the airspace. The Radio Shack discone is kind of flimsy, hopefully it will last through my Gulag of a Winter. Anyhow, please excuse any lack of details in my logs and how about sending me some of the MD ANG and DC ANG guys up my way. And thank you PA ANG guys for coming back up to the DUKE it was kind of boring there for a while.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Thanks Dave. That explains why I lost the FLYER flight. Happens every time when they fly to your backyard in the Duke and leave my listening range. Glad you got some activity after that long drought. I guess both FLYER and UGLY flights left Willow Grove about the same time with FLYER going north and UGLY coming south in my direction. I don't normally hear them using ZNY-Swissdale though when they fly to the Duke as the FLYERs did. I also agree with your thoughts about them using low band FM more often recently. The same thing seems to be happening with the MD-ANG A-10s.



Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
Lots of activity for a Sunday going on yesterday:
Heard from BWI:
1000 hour: MARINE 474 (UC-35 166474) working into Easton/ESN
1133: -124.55- REACH 414 would like a low approach to an overhead at MTN. To 119.7 (Baltimore app SE), but just for a minute or so before he's handed to 297.2. He asks for Victor, and gets 121.3 for landing.
1143: -119.7- CODEY 01 (C-130H 81-0627 Dobbins seen) is arriving BWI, to Tower on 119.4, and then Ground 121.9 for progressives to park at Cargo.
1215: -124.55- CARMEN 2 (C-130 DE ANG Wilmington) is direct ILG and to Philadelphia Approach on 119.75.
1227: -119.7- SAM (??) 01 vectors inbound MTN. To MTN Tower on 121.3, and would like his arrival info passed on because he couldn't raise anyone on 385.9. I can't hear MTN tower from the low terrain on Dorsey Rd, but the next thing heard from SAM was "oh, I didn't try that one," so I assume he was given 143.8 for Ops. I heard some faint activity on 143.8, but I'm guessing he was fairly low by then.
1233: (missed freq) PROPS 91 working in the MTN area.
--With all the activity happening at Martin, I decided to take a ride up there to see if anything interesting was on the ground. Answer: It could have been better.
Right as I was arriving (around 1340), an arrival was told caution wake turbulence for a departing C-130, but I neither saw nor heard the departure. 3 of the based C-130s, and only 3 of the A-10s were there - PM for the serials.--
1345: -143.8- PAT 835 is 12 minutes out, and needs 300 gallons. He was going to get the fuel from the civilian side, but RAVEN OPS says they'll take care of it. The pilot is happy, since he'll be on a quick turn.
~1355: -121.3- JOSA 708 (C-21A 84-0116 seen) is ready to depart 15, but Potomac needs to give a reroute to Topeka-Forbes/FOE, which is duly accomplished a few minutes later, and the Lear takes to the air (although departure kept referring to a Citation)
1357: -121.3- PAT 835 (C-26 91-0503 seen) arrives MTN and taxis behind a follow me truck to the MD ANG ramp.
--And back to BWI--
1442: -119.7- NAVY JT 815 (C-9B 160048 VR-52 Willow Grove seen) arriving BWI. To 119.4 for landing, and 121.9 for taxi to Signature.
1450: -119.7- TETON 35 (C-130 WY ANG seen) vectors inbound MTN.
1454: -119.4- HAPPY 61 (KC-135E 57-1494 IL ANG seen) departs BWI. Was parked between Cargo and E.
--Onwards to IAD to clean out the rest of the region--
1540: -119.85- FOCUS 45 (E-4 seen) inbound ADW. To 128.35 and 118.4. (Could have also been ORCHIS)
1545: -119.85- REACH 8402 (C-130H 88-4402) inbound ADW.
1601: -378.1- REACH 172 with staticky arrival message
1611: -119.85- REACH 172 gets no response. Calls again with what sounds like REACH 000172 heavy (C-17A 00-0172 McChord seen), and gets a response.

Matthew :)
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