Logs, 14 Jan
Gonna hang up the headsets for the rest of the night---so here's what I heard today
ACY-Atlantic City NJ
ADW- Andrews AFB MD
BW- Bay Watch-NAS PAX Area Advisory Control
GK- Giantkiller (FACSFAC, Virginia Capes)
MTN-Martin State Airport, Baltimore
NGTF-Northrop-Grumman Test Facility, Baltimore
NXX- Willow Grove JRB PA
PAX-NAS Patuxent River MD
PTC- Potomac Area TRACON
ZDC- Washington ARTCC
1. VHF/UHF: ((Times are EST))
0815- Check 61 flt (4 X F-15, 71st FS Langley)-on Huntress CAP freq (260.9). Push to AWACS discrete (277.6)
0825- Chill 22 (B-52H, 23rd BS/5thBW Minot AFB ND)-w/ZNY (269.1 & 306.2) at FL410.
0855- Blackjack 1 & 2 (HH-65Cs, CAGS Washington)-intercept training (139.7). Another sortie in the 1000 hour.
0906- Wild flt (4 X F-16s, 121st FS DC ANG, ADW)-on sqdn freq (139.15) in ACM training. Also w/Senate (121st Ops-139.9). Afternoon sortie in the 1300 hour.
0908- Scary flt (F-16s, 121st FS DC ANG, ADW)- check into W107 (255.0). On sqdn freq (143.6). Also w/Senate (121st Ops-139.9). Afternoon sortie in the 1300 hour.
0909- DeeCee 31 (KC-135R, 756th ARS ADW)-depart ADW (125.65). Returns to ADW in the early 1200 hour.
0911- Energy 51 (BE-200, Dept of Energy ADW)-depart ADW (125.65) then w/ZDC (133.9). Returned to ADW at 1358.
0916- Reach 6016-w/PTC (125.65)
0925- Convoy 2170 (USN C-20)-depart ADW (125.65)
0929- ???? (no call noted, 2 X A-10s, 103rd FS PA ANG NXX)-check in w/Bollen Range (237.2) and on sqdn discrete (238.85)
0939- JOSA 548 (id as C-21 # 84-0096)-w/Griffin CP (141.55) w/inbound msg for pax pick-up.
0946- Steel 62 (KC-135RT 147th ARS, PA ANG Pittsburgh PA)-check in w/GK (238.1)
0955- Venus 23 (C-20B # 86-0203, 99th AS ADW)-check in w/ZDC (133.9). Returns to ADW in the late 1100 hour. Pattern work at ADW (128.35, 119.3 & 118.4) in the 1500-1600 hours.
1001- Coast Guard 101 (VC-37, CGAS Washington)-depart Reagan Nat'l (125.65)
1014- Tester 962 (T-6 Texan II # 165962, NTPS PAX)-w/BW (270.8) w/request to activate the North Spin Area.
1020- Colt 1 flt (A-10Cs, 104th FS MD ANG MTN)-depart MTN then w/PTC (317.425). Also w/ZDC (354.15). Headed for Warren Grove range (283.1)
1024- Raven 1 flt (A-10Cs, 104th FS MD ANG MTN)-w/PTC (317.425).
1026- PAT 232 (helo)-w/MTN tower (121.3) for transition of afld area.
1031- Wardog 1 flt (2 X A-10Cs, 104th FS MD ANG MTN)-w/Harrisburg approach (273.525) working at the Bollen Range (237.2). Return to MTN (297.2) at 1204.
1032- Navy 400-w/PTC (128.35) landt at ADW (118.4)
1039- Mai Tai flt (F-15s, 71st FS Langley)-on W386 common (312.3)
1041- ???? (no calls noted-A-10Cs, 104th FS MD ANG MTN)-w/Raven Ops (347.2) w/departure msg.
1042- SAM 4127 (99th AS ADW)-w/PTC (128.35) then land at ADW (118.4)
1049- Midas 91 flt (F-22 Langley AFB VA)-working in W72 (233.7)
1050- Hook 40 (C-40B, 02-0042, 76th AS Ramstein AB)-depart ADW (125.65) then w/ZDC (133.9)
1051- Omaha 140HS (US Customs AB140 #N140HS)-calling Annapolis but using ADW tower freq (118.4). At 1600 w/PTC (119.3) for permission to head to ADW.
1100- Datsun 71 flt (F-15s, 71st FS Langley)-check out of W386 (249.8) RTB Langley.
1101- Crab 55 (C-130J # 97-1355,135th AS MD ANG MTN)-w/Crab Ops (384.1) w/departure msg. Also w/ZDC (133.9). Reurns to ADW at 1340 for patterns.
1103- Vader 1 (EA-6B, VAQ-209 ADW)-depart ADW (125.65). Also w/VAQ-209 Ops (280.2) reporting he is enroute to the GK areas.
1116- JOSA 602-w/Griffin CP (141.55) w/inbound msg.
1117- Marine 206 (prob UC-35, MAW-4 ADW)-w/PTC (128.35) reporting problems w/landing gear---RTBs ADW (118.4)
1124- Reach 517-check in w/ZDC (132.55)
1157- EIA 1144 (Evergreen B-747-200, USAF contract)-w/PTC (124.55 & 128.35) land at ADW (118.4). Pilot alternates using EIA 1144 and Evergreen 1144.
1201- Guard 408 (UH-60 # 24408, MD ArNG Weide AAF)-w/MTN tower (121.3) for landing.
1207- Venus 22 (C-20B # 86-0202, 99th AS ADW)-w/PTC (128.35) then land at ADW (118.4)/ Up again in 1600 hour for pattern work.
1209- Cosmic 41 flt (2 x F-16s, 119th FS NJ ANG ACY)-check in w/Huntress (260.9 & 228.9). Also on sqdn freq (138.425). Advises Huntress that they will be doing 1 on 1 intercepts for about 15 mins then will RTB ACY.
1356- Navy 376 (VC-37B # 166376, VR-1 ADW)-patterns at ADW (119.3 & 118,4). Finishes pattern work at 1625. Sounded like they had two pilot switches during this sortie.
1357- Axeman 1 flt (A-10Cs, 104th FS MD ANG MTN)-w/PTC (317.425), At 1430 w/BW (354.8) w/request for some patterns at PAX. Return to MTN (297.2) at 1550.
1402- Guard 929 (OH-58 # 21929, Co. 'A' / 1-224th Avn; (S&S), Maryland Ar.NG; Weide AAF)-local afld work at Weide AAF (126.2)
1430- Baton 20 (EC-130J, 193rd SOG, PA ANG Harrisburg PA)-w/Baton CP (395.1) w/inbound msg.
1528- Arco 74 (F-15, 71st FS Langley)-check into W386 (249.8)
1530- JOSA 532 (C-21, 457th AS ADW)-w/PTC (119.85) land at ADW (118.4). Also w/Griffin CP (378.1/141.55)
1546- PAT 238-depart ADW or Davison AAF (118.95)
1551- Guard 006 (UH-1/UH-60 # 23006, MD ArNG Weide AAF)-w/MTN tower (121.3) to tranist afld area then land at Weide AAF (126.2)
1554- Reef 11 (unid, sounds like ftr)-w/ZDC (257.7) requesting direct to Kinston VOR.
1559- Tester 962 (T-6 Texan II # 165962, NTPS PAX)-w/BW (270.8) for vertical maneuvering test.
1611- Raven 1 flt (id as 2 X A-10Cs, 104th FS MD ANG MTN)-land MTN (297.2). Also w/Raven Ops (347.2)
1612- PAT 422-depart ADW or Davison AAF (118.95)
1516- JOSA 054-w/PTC (119.85).
1620- Titus 99 (C-130T, VR-53 ADW)-w/PTC (128.35 & 119.3) land at ADW (118.4)
1624- Army 1863 (VC-37A 02-1863 OSACOM ADW)-w/PTC (128.35) land at ADW (118.4)
1626- Colt 1 flt (A-10Cs, 104th FS MD ANG MTN)-land at MTN (297.2)
1628- PAT 2402 (C-12, Davison AAF)-w/PTC (128.35) land at Davison AAF.
1631- PAT 594-w/PTC (118.85) depart ADW or Davison AAF.
1652- Corona 31 flt (F-22s. Langley AFB VA)-check out of W386 (249.8) RTB Langley.
1712- Reach 2111-w/DOV CP (349.4)
1731- DeeCee 32 (KC-135R, 756th ARS ADW)-depart ADW (125.65)
1737- N360TL (Britten Islander, NGTF)-w/Northrop Base (123.225) trying to coordinate mission specifics.
1755- Jest 98 ( KC-135R 54th ARS/97th AMW,ALTUS AFB OK)-w/PTC (119.85 & 119.3) land at ADW (118.4)
1915- Boxer 78 (C-38/C-40, 201st AS cDC ANG ADW)-patterns at ADW (119.3 & 118.4)
1926- Evac 113 (C-17, MS ANG)-w/Griffin CP (378.1)
2. HF: ((Times UTC, Freqs KHz))
09025.0 523508 (KC-135R #62-3508, 141 ARS - NJ ANG ,McGuire AFB, NJ): 2122 USB/ALE sounding.
Ron (mdmonitor1@verizon.net)
Baltimore MD (390747N 763711W)
VHF/UHF: BC-895XLT/RS Pro-2045
Diamond D-130J discone
HF: Icom R75 & Sangean ATS 909
45-ft EF-SWL & 70-ft random wire