Sticky Thread For MilAir IV

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Jan 5, 2004
JIMBO-61 x2 inbound from the west. 257.875
1644- Got a visual of them over AML. Look like T-38s. ADFF8E is one of them.
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Premium Subscriber
May 14, 2009
Cincinnati/Dayton, OH
2039Z 126.900 TOWER - NICKEL 31 (unid) initial for 23R
2041Z 126.900 - NICKEL 32 reports 3 down and locked, cleared to land

Fighter departing at 2150Z, didn't catch a callsign. Direct Tulsa at 2200Z.

2154Z 372.200 DISPATCH - ASCOT 5846 (unid) with inbound message, reports hot cargo/explosives for offload
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
TP-51C "Betty Jane" should be touring with them. (A25C5E) N251MX.

Rgr I have that one also programmed Jared yet never shows up even
though aircraft has been thru here close several times.
Must not be broadcasting mode s at all.
Speaking of which an oddball unknown thru here today.
(AE51CC) FL14k from 1954z-2013z

1800 local TEFLN12 62-3515 KC-135R 133ARS New Hampshire ANG just showed here at FL30k.
1912 local AF-2 Dover appch 132.425 level 5k direct Salisbury,Dupont V-29 radial eta "landing 40 after"
1930 finally a C-20 86-0202 shows up at 5k.
1931 AF-2 on Philly apch low 119.750 talking about landing soon.
1936 AF-2 119.750 will take visual for landing.Very mum about where.
1938 AF-2 with KILG tower 126.000 landing.Joe must be going home for the weekend.
Faster than Amtrak..LOL

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Premium Subscriber
May 14, 2009
Cincinnati/Dayton, OH
0039Z 126.900 TOWER - NASA 959 (T-38A, N959NA) 10 miles out full stop, cleared to land
0039Z 126.900 - final approach fix, gear down, full stop

0129Z 126.500 DAY DEPARTURE - NASA 959 passing 1400 for 3000, cleared to 10000, right direct TRIVO
0130Z 126.500 - asks for a VHF frequency, contact ZID on 123.92
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Premium Subscriber
May 14, 2009
Cincinnati/Dayton, OH
Patterson logs:

J-PAT 98, xx (unid, probably T-6As) - morning departure after RON
REACH 219T (unid) - 2 pax, 10 souls on board, 1 pallet
NICKEL 31, 32 (unid) - arrived
UNKNOWN - fighter (UHF and wearing a mask), direct Tulsa
ASCOT 5846 (unid) - offloading 5 pallets of hot cargo (explosives), requesting crew transport
NASA 959 (T-38A, N959NA) - from KCWF; to Campbell AAF


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
0505 local TREND 71-78 Tex ANG F-16 flight got off again this morn 1 hour later
than yesterday.
TREND's 71-78 count off and all feeding A/A 140.150
Tankers CACTI 21,22 were bit late out of Mcguire and chasing TREND flight
to Boston area.Boom freq again 254.600.TREND on Boston Ctr 346.300.
CACTI's A/A squad freq 139.875.. Boston Ctr 135.800..
Lets hope they make it this time..

0545 Guard Dog coms 135.525 ..Guess starting up at 6am local.
0546 A Teflon 13 tanker 58-0117 Pa ANG showing up at FL 24k.
HARASS flight again on 260.900

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Jan 13, 2008
0505 local TREND 71-78 Tex ANG F-16 flight got off again this morn 1 hour later than yesterday.
TREND's 71-78 count off and all feeding A/A 140.150
Tankers CACTI 21,22 were bit late out of Mcguire and chasing TREND flight
to Boston area.Boom freq again 254.600.TREND on Boston Ctr 346.300.
CACTI's A/A squad freq 139.875.. Boston Ctr 135.800..
Lets hope they make it this time..


CACTI 21 flight swiched to Moncton center on 123.900 around 1015z, the airspares TREND 77/78
are now (1044z) checking in with Boston center on 292.150. They were cleared back to Andrews AFB.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I noted on the European boards that CACTI 21 went into Mildenhall and the TREND 71-76 flight went into Caslav, Czech Republic so everyone made it just fine.

1447: HARASS 41/42 arriving in the area to replace 35/36. HARASS 41 notifies 35 that 42 has an avionics malfunction and can't employ any weapons. He may need to RTB to get another jet...260.9 (HARASS 35 has an awful transmitter)
HARASS 41/42 were discussing the problems aboard 42 on interflight 360.15 while on the way.
1451: TEFLON 14 exits the area, TEFLON 15 descends from FL 250 to 240 coming in from the south as 14 exits to the north...260.9
1452: HARASS 41 reports coming in from the south and it's definite now - 42 will RTB due to bad avionics...the current HARASS flight (at least one of them) will accompany 42 home...260.9
1455: HARASS 35 asks 41 for the status of 42...41 says 42 can't employ...35 tells 41 that he will accompany 42 but needs to get gas first. Looks like 36 will now stay with 41 until a replacement shows up...260.9 (41 is having trouble understanding 35's bad transmitter so it isn't just me having the problem)
1459: HARASS 41 tells 35 that is number one radio is unreadable...35 is just producing a carrier now with no modulation...36 asks 41 if hears 35...41 replies that he's just hearing mic clicks and 36 tells him to fly closer to him so apparently 36 is hearing some very weak modulation...260.9

1502: HARASS 41 gives tail number to TEFLON 15's boomer...260.9
HARASS 41 = F-15C, 84-0022, 71st FS Langley
1504: HARASS 35 and 42 report RTB at this time...260.9
1504: HARASS 35 and 42 get clearance from Potomac 350.25 and are handed off to ZDC-Calvert 281.4 where they start for home.
1505: HARASS 42 and 35 report leaving HUNTRESS' freq...42 asks 35 to come up 3 AUX and appear on 360.15...260.0
1507: HARASS 36 heading for TEFLON 15's boom, is asked for his tail number and gives it...260.9
HARASS 36 = F-15C, 85-0106, 71st FS Langley
HARASS 35 and 42 are talking on interflight so apparently 35 has either fixed the radio problem or has simply switched to his other radio.

(Continued below)
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Jan 5, 2008
Marthas Vineyard, Ma
recent movements past KMVY

86-0017 AE056E C-5B 436AW Rch6017 2026--2036 (Westbound)
>>>>>> out of Ramstein, had been out to the desert.Left USA 8/30 and RON Mildenhall.
97-0400 AE010D C-37A 89AW S5547 2045--2051 (Eastbound)
>>>>>> appears to have RON in the UK, possibly Northolt/Stansted. Is currently Westbound again
90-0532 AE07D1 C-17A Rch654 2140--2144 (Eastbound)
>>>>>> RON Ramstein, continuing East early 9/5 l/n Buapest, Hungary.
06-6163 AE1461 C-17A 60AMW Rch235 2238--2246 (Eastbound)
>>>>>> This one Landed at Ramstein, must have crew changed as it was airborne again less than
>>>>>> 4 hours later and has returned to USA, l/n in California this morning.

69-0015 AE0535 C-5A NY/ANG Rch149 0015--0021 (Eastbound)
>>>>>> landed Ramstein.
03-3122 AE1233 C-17A 437AW Rch3122 0039--0047 (Westbound)
>>>>>> appears to have departed Ramstein, after a number of days in the desert. Left USA 8/23
91-0511 ADFD7B C-26B ArNG/Ma 0911--0916 (arriving locally)
91-0511 ADFD7B C-26B ArNG/Ma 1135--1142 (departing locally)
XV107 43C0A8 VC-10C-1K RAF RRR2531 1239--1245 (Eastbound)
>>>>>> back to Brize Norton, came to USA 9/01, noted mostly Balt/Virginia but also Michigan.
97-0044 AE07F6 C-17A Rch9744 1335--1343 (Eastbound)
>>>>>> to Ramstein, crew change straight onward to desert and back to Ramstein.
164996 AE03E3 C-130T BD996 1424--1432
>>>>>> last noted by me, destination unknown.
164404 AE0416 E-6B GotoFMS 1428--1433
>>>>>> round and about, back to PAX?
00-0177 AE0813 C-17A 62AW Rch533 1651--1658 (Eastbound)
>>>>>> to Ramstein, crew change straight onward to desert
62-3515 AE026B KC-135R NH/ANG Tefln12 1754--1758 (CAP bound)
06-6163 AE1461 C-17A 60AMW Rch6163 1947--1959 (Westbound)
>>>>>> see outbound flight above.
04-4128 AE123A C-17A 305AMW Rch465 2018--2033 (Westbound)
>>>>>> Left USA 8/30, seems to have gone through Lajes and RON out in the desert. Back to
>>>>>> Italy then RON desert again. Then RON Ramstein, then RON Italy and back via Lajes.
69-0002 AE0528 C-5A AFRC/68AS Rch9002 2135--2151 (Training?)
163692 AE025B C-20D vv692 2201--2206 (Eastbound)
>>>>>> was Catbird1 on radio, later picked up in Italy.
07-7182 AE20C3 C-17A Rch7182 2228--2238 (Eastbound)
>>>>>> to Ramstein, quick turn [4 hours] and on to the desert.

07-7172 AE146A C-17A 436AW Rch277 0156--0203 (Eastbound)
>>>>>> landed Ramstein
98-0057 AE0803 C-17A 62AW Rch8057 0159--0206 (Eastbound)
>>>>>> to Ramstein, quick turn [5 hours] and on to the desert.
03-3115 AE1198 C-17A Ms/ANG Rch3115 0238--0246 (Eastbound)
>>>>>> landed Ramstein
70-0467 AE0558 C-5A Tn/ANG Rch0467 0314--0321 (Eastbound)
>>>>>> landed Ramstein
83-0081 ADFEAC KC-10A 305AMW Cacti21 0545--0552 (Eastbound)
>>>>>> landed Mildenhall?, dragged x6 Tx/ANG F-16s
79-1949 AE01DE KC-10A 305AMW Team55 0547--0555 (Eastbound)
>>>>>> must have been Cacti22, came back this way later after doing its bit.
79-1949 AE01DE KC-10A 305AMW Team55 0748--0800 (Westbound)
80-0326 AE0605 C-130H Ga/ANG Rch404 1020--1030 (Westbound)
>>>>>> out of Prestwick, appears to have been in the desert. Left USA 8/29 with a RON Prestwick.
80-0320 AE05FF C-130H Ga/ANG Rch462 1020--1030 (westbound)
>>>>>> same as above
68-0217 AE051E C-5A Rch8217 1319--1329 (Westbound)
>>>>>> out of Mildenhall, has been out to the desert. Left USA 8/28 for Ramstein, Appears to have
>>>>>> spent 5 days on the ground there.

Off topic..........just heard an airliner checking in on 133.45,........"how are the rides at 330?"...."OK, ... lie to the passengers"


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Guard Dog CAP Tankers 02-06 September 2009

02 September (Wednesday)
TEFLON 01 not used due to schedule change
TEFLON 02 = KC-135R, 58-0107, 132nd ARS, ME-ANG Bangor
TEFLON 03 = KC-135R, 59-1466, 108th ARS, IL-ANG Scott
TEFLON 04 = KC-135R, 62-3515, 133rd ARS NH-ANG Pease

03 September (Thursday)
TEFLON 05 = KC-135T, 58-0099, 171st ARW, PA-ANG Pittsburgh
TEFLON 06 = KC-135R, 58-0098, 132nd ARS, ME-ANG Bangor
TEFLON 07 = KC-135R, 57-1456, 77th ARS AFRC, Seymour Johnson
TEFLON 08 = KC-135R, 62-3547, 133rd ARS, NH-ANG Pease

04 September (Friday)
TEFLON 09 = KC-135T, 58-0045, 171st ARW, PA-ANG Pittsburgh
TEFLON 10 = KC-135R, 58-0107, 132nd ARS, ME-ANG Bangor
TEFLON 11 = KC-135R, 57-1456, 77th ARS AFRC, Seymour Johnson
TEFLON 12 = KC-135R, 62-3515, 133rd ARS, NH-ANG Pease

05 September (Saturday)
TEFLON 13 = KC-135T, 58-0117, 171st ARW, PA-ANG Pittsburgh
TEFLON 14 = KC-135R, 58-0021, 132nd ARS, ME-ANG Bangor
TEFLON 15 = KC-135R, 57-1456, 77th ARS AFRC, Seymour Johnson

Early 1600 hour HARASS 42 on his way back to the CAP w/ZDC in a new (different) jet.
1614: HARASS 42 sent to Potomac Approach and checks in at FL 210 requesting to enter the CAP...350.25
1615: HARASS 42 calls TEFLON 16 (it's really 15 but he called 16) and wants to do a boom check by getting just 4000 pounds...36 hops on to say he should just get a topoff...260.9 (Guess 42's intent was to quickly take his place in the CAP and relieve 36)
1617: HARASS 41 tells 36 to go to MAN AUX 358.85 where he arranges for 36's departure.
1618: HARASS 36 to Potomac for clearance to RTB in about 5 minutes...350.25
1619: HARASS 42 to TEFLON 15 for a topoff and is asked for his tail number which he gives...260.9
HARASS 42 = F-15C, 85-0102, 71st FS Langley
1623: HARASS 41 to HUNTRESS reporting 42 has good fuel flow and requests RTB for 36...260.9
1623: HARASS 42 off the boom after taking 6300 pounds...260.9
1624: HARASS 36 told to RTB (260.9), goes to Potomac (350.25) and picks up his clearance and is handed off to ZDC-Calvert (281.4) where he checks in at FL 210.
1626: HARASS 36 back to HUNTRESS to report leaving the freq at this time...260.9
1630: HARASS 42 reports Jackal sour but working....41 reports timber/jackal sweet...260.9

Time to quit...each edit is taking a very, very long time to load.
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Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
86-0017 AE056E C-5B 436AW Rch6017 2026--2036 (Westbound)
>>>>>> out of Ramstein, had been out to the desert.Left USA 8/30 and RON Mildenhall.
97-0400 AE010D C-37A 89AW S5547 2045--2051 (Eastbound)
>>>>>> appears to have RON in the UK, possibly Northolt/Stansted. Is currently Westbound again
90-0532 AE07D1 C-17A Rch654 2140--2144 (Eastbound)
>>>>>> RON Ramstein, continuing East early 9/5 l/n Buapest, Hungary.
06-6163 AE1461 C-17A 60AMW Rch235 2238--2246 (Eastbound)
>>>>>> This one Landed at Ramstein, must have crew changed as it was airborne again less than
>>>>>> 4 hours later and has returned to USA, l/n in California this morning.

69-0015 AE0535 C-5A NY/ANG Rch149 0015--0021 (Eastbound)
>>>>>> landed Ramstein.
03-3122 AE1233 C-17A 437AW Rch3122 0039--0047 (Westbound)
>>>>>> appears to have departed Ramstein, after a number of days in the desert. Left USA 8/23
91-0511 ADFD7B C-26B ArNG/Ma 0911--0916 (arriving locally)
91-0511 ADFD7B C-26B ArNG/Ma 1135--1142 (departing locally)
XV107 43C0A8 VC-10C-1K RAF RRR2531 1239--1245 (Eastbound)
>>>>>> back to Brize Norton, came to USA 9/01, noted mostly Balt/Virginia but also Michigan.
97-0044 AE07F6 C-17A Rch9744 1335--1343 (Eastbound)
>>>>>> to Ramstein, crew change straight onward to desert and back to Ramstein.
164996 AE03E3 C-130T BD996 1424--1432
>>>>>> last noted by me, destination unknown.
164404 AE0416 E-6B GotoFMS 1428--1433
>>>>>> round and about, back to PAX?
00-0177 AE0813 C-17A 62AW Rch533 1651--1658 (Eastbound)
>>>>>> to Ramstein, crew change straight onward to desert
62-3515 AE026B KC-135R NH/ANG Tefln12 1754--1758 (CAP bound)
06-6163 AE1461 C-17A 60AMW Rch6163 1947--1959 (Westbound)
>>>>>> see outbound flight above.
04-4128 AE123A C-17A 305AMW Rch465 2018--2033 (Westbound)
>>>>>> Left USA 8/30, seems to have gone through Lajes and RON out in the desert. Back to
>>>>>> Italy then RON desert again. Then RON Ramstein, then RON Italy and back via Lajes.
69-0002 AE0528 C-5A AFRC/68AS Rch9002 2135--2151 (Training?)
163692 AE025B C-20D vv692 2201--2206 (Eastbound)
>>>>>> was Catbird1 on radio, later picked up in Italy.
07-7182 AE20C3 C-17A Rch7182 2228--2238 (Eastbound)
>>>>>> to Ramstein, quick turn [4 hours] and on to the desert.

07-7172 AE146A C-17A 436AW Rch277 0156--0203 (Eastbound)
>>>>>> landed Ramstein
98-0057 AE0803 C-17A 62AW Rch8057 0159--0206 (Eastbound)
>>>>>> to Ramstein, quick turn [5 hours] and on to the desert.
03-3115 AE1198 C-17A Ms/ANG Rch3115 0238--0246 (Eastbound)
>>>>>> landed Ramstein
70-0467 AE0558 C-5A Tn/ANG Rch0467 0314--0321 (Eastbound)
>>>>>> landed Ramstein
83-0081 ADFEAC KC-10A 305AMW Cacti21 0545--0552 (Eastbound)
>>>>>> landed Mildenhall?, dragged x6 Tx/ANG F-16s
79-1949 AE01DE KC-10A 305AMW Team55 0547--0555 (Eastbound)
>>>>>> must have been Cacti22, came back this way later after doing its bit.
79-1949 AE01DE KC-10A 305AMW Team55 0748--0800 (Westbound)
80-0326 AE0605 C-130H Ga/ANG Rch404 1020--1030 (Westbound)
>>>>>> out of Prestwick, appears to have been in the desert. Left USA 8/29 with a RON Prestwick.
80-0320 AE05FF C-130H Ga/ANG Rch462 1020--1030 (westbound)
>>>>>> same as above
68-0217 AE051E C-5A Rch8217 1319--1329 (Westbound)
>>>>>> out of Mildenhall, has been out to the desert. Left USA 8/28 for Ramstein, Appears to have
>>>>>> spent 5 days on the ground there.

Off topic..........just heard an airliner checking in on 133.45,........"how are the rides at 330?"...."OK, ... lie to the passengers"


These logs must be a lot of work for you do research and post. Thank you--- I like the format and teh info contained in them.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
TEFLON 16 = KC-135R, 62-3506, 133rd ARS, NH-ANG Pease

1856: And here we go again...HARASS 43/44 arrive in the CAP but 44 is broken and must RTB. Problem is a left spinout? and no radar. HARASS 41 will accompany 44 back to Langley.
1858: HARASS 41 to Potomac TRACON for clearance to RTB Langley in five minutes and says he'll be taking 44 back with him...350.25

1901: HARASS 42 back in the CAP after taking 9K fuel...260.9
1904: HARASS 41/44 cleared to RTB...260.9
1905: HARASS 41 picking up clearance to RTB Langley from Potomac...cleared OTT, HCM, LFI...350.25
1906: HARASS 41 and 44 go to "3 AUX" to talk about the problems with 44...360.15
1907: HARASS 41/44 handed off from Potomac TRACON to ZDC-Calvert and check in at FL 210 in the right turn toward Harcum...281.4
1909: HARASS 43 off the tanker's boom and back in the CAP...260.9
1910: HARASS 42/43 go to interflight (MAN AUX) and chat...42 reports his radar is getting "squirrely"....they then talk about the problems both are of them says, "Things are starting to break down."...360.15

2017: HARASS 44 just making it back to the CAP...says he's 40 miles south and heading toward the tanker with nose cold and weapons safe...260.9
2018: HARASS 42 heading to the tanker for 1000 pounds (for the purpose of night AR training requirements which he mentioned earlier on interflight freq)...260.9
2026: HARASS 42 to Potomac TRACON for RTB clearance in 5 minutes...uhhh...more like 2 minutes...350.25
2027: HARASS 44 was going to topoff with the tanker but 43 told him to just take 1K....TEFLON 16 boomer asks for 44's tail number which he provides...260.9
HARASS 44 = F-15C, 81-0038, 71st FS Langley
2031: TEFLON 16's boomer tells HARASS 44 that his fuel recepticle is not latching...44 then relays that info to 43 and 43 asks if that isn't the same jet he had the other is - he says it's 1038...260.9
2033: TEFLON 16 and HARASS 44 are going to do more training and 44 is going back for another 1K...they'll see if the recepticle latches this time after they're done...260.9
2035: When done passing fuel, 44 reports it still isn't latching...44 says he's going to stay in pre-contact for a minute...260.9
2036: HARASS 43/44 go to interflight and discuss the problem...43 decides 44 should stay in the CAP and continue on if it's okay with TEFLON 16...HARASS 44 and TEFLON 16 then chat about what they're going to do...43 then pops in and tells HUNTRESS that he should allow 44 to RTB because he's unable to receive gas...260.9 (HARASS 42 has never left the area...was waiting to see what was going on w/44)
2041: After a bunch of chat on interflight, it was decided that HARASS 42 should go home and he starts the process...350.25
2042: Now 44 is saying that according to TEFLON 16, the procedure they'd have to use is for emergency refueling only...sooooo....43 tells him that he should stay for awhile and when he gets down to the point that he has to go home because of fuel, 43 will send him home and 44 will maintain the CAP...360.15 (HARASS 42 better get down the road before they change their minds)
2044: HARASS 42 gets his RTB clearance from Potomac and is handed off to ZDC-Calvert...281.4
2055: HARASS 43 tells TEFLON 16 that he's sending 44 in for another try to refuel...if it's not successful, he'll send 44 home in about an hour when he'll have just enough fuel for the trip home. (44 currently has 13.7K fuel)...43 then explains the whole mess to HUNTRESS that it's an emergency procedure under current conditions with 44...260.9
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Premium Subscriber
May 14, 2009
Cincinnati/Dayton, OH
XV107 43C0A8 VC-10C-1K RAF RRR2531 1239--1245 (Eastbound)
>>>>>> back to Brize Norton, came to USA 9/01, noted mostly Balt/Virginia but also Michigan.

I logged this on 9/3 calling Metro for weather at McGuire and Dover; never did give a position, but most likely north of Patterson if it was picked up in Michigan.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland

These logs must be a lot of work for you do research and post. Thank you--- I like the format and teh info contained in them.


So do I. That's really the bottom line for all those flights to explain why we heard them. I think it's a fantastic piece of work. That's why I couldn't understand why anyone would get worked up the other day over that kind of info even though the basic aircraft ID came from an SBS list that had been edited down to include only specific aircraft. Damn...that's good stuff!

I ran out of time to edit the past message so had to start a new one.

2105: HARASS 44 tells TEFLON 16 he'll come to the boom in about 10 minutes...he then tells HUNTRESS he has about one hour of fuel before he has to leave for home - if he can't take fuel from the tanker...260.9
2111: HARASS 43 tells TEFLON 16 to do the refueling attempt with 44 on the backup AR freq 228.9...16 didn't hear him so he repeats the part about doing it on the backup freq but doesn't repeat the freq (don't know where the tanker will go)...260.9
2113: HARASS 43 and 44 go to 228.9 and check in...we'll see if 16 shows up here...he does so 44 starts heading to the tanker...228.9
2115: TEFLON 16 clears HARASS 44 astern...228.9
2120: HARASS 44 cleared to the boom of TEFLON 16...228.9
2122: HARASS 44 on the boom...16 asks if he wants a topoff - he does...228.9
2123: TEFLON 16 gave some gas and HARASS 44 reports he now has 16,000 pounds...(didn't mention whether it latched or if they're using the emergency procedure to pass fuel without the recepticle latching onto the boom. In this case, the boomer is just sort of "shooting" the gas into the recepticle. I can see the danger involved if something goes wrong such as 44 not being able to hold his aircraft steady during the AR. They continue the operation.)...228.9
2126: HARASS 44 asks if he was latching on that time and TEFLON's boomer confirms that he was...228.9 (Everyone goes back to 260.9)
2127: HARASS 44 to HUNTRESS to report he's back in the CAP with enough gas to complete the VOL...260.9

2303: CAP done for the night.
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Premium Subscriber
May 14, 2009
Cincinnati/Dayton, OH
0629Z 349.400 BUCKEYE CONTROL - REACH 0358 (KC-135R, 60-0538) calling, no response

Seems very urgent, calling every 20 or so seconds.

Still no contact after 10 attempts. I really wish they'd list Patterson Dispatch as the primary contact for the base - the AFRC folks deal almost solely with the 445th AW and usually just tell everyone else to use the PTD frequency. I once heard a C-5 (from another unit) hailing Buckeye desperately with an engine out IFE, and after 30 minutes of calling, they finally answered and told them nonchalantly to switch to 372.2. I'm hoping REACH 0358 isn't having a problem like that....

I think they've given up after 20 minutes of trying. Hopefully if they've got a problem they can find a divert somewhere nearby.

Back to bed for me (at least until something else starts transmitting).
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Premium Subscriber
May 14, 2009
Cincinnati/Dayton, OH
NICKEL 32 (unid) airborne shortly after 1900Z. Haven't heard 31 (31 and 32 came in on Friday).

Just listened back to my recordings, NICKEL 31 left earlier this morning, requested VHF for ZID (32 took UHF).

??? 61 departed, direct FWA.

??? 1 (maybe TULSA?) departed, requested direct TRIVO or CVG.
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Jan 5, 2008
Marthas Vineyard, Ma
Rch7621 checking in on 133.45 ACK.
>>> only thing on the box was N810AX DC10 of Omni Air with OAE761 in the c/s block.
>>> looking up OAE761 on Flightaware shows a previous flight of FortBliss/Biggs AAF New Mexico to
>>> Norfolk Naval Station. So most likely a positioning flight and is now taking Naval supplies out East.


Premium Subscriber
May 14, 2009
Cincinnati/Dayton, OH
REACH 237T (unid) - blocking in at 2135Z, requesting crew transport, no pax, no cargo, 8 crew, parking India ?, RON
MAPLE? 81 (unid) - sounded like MASIL 81 (closer to "MACE LATE ONE"), 20000 lbs of fuel, RON
BENGAL 41 (unid, maybe P-3?)

Moving back to school tomorrow, so maybe I can confirm the first two visually if they don't depart early.
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