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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
I just got a couple of hits on 324.0 for a 'Tanker 33' doing a r/c, then someone came on and said something about seeing him in a hour and a half. Other freqs as reported above silent right now.

73s Mike


Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
Heads up for the 1300 121st FS Flyby at Fedex Field, See my post above(previous page)
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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Yeah, Drago 1,2,3 all doing checks on tracks - burning fuel I guess until 1300. Lots going on 127.275 [edit] They're definitely in an exercise before they do the flyby; I just heard Drago 2 be told that he was involved in a 'targetting exercise'.

Also noted someone on 348.725 saying they were all staying above 11000 feet

Probably not related to the CAP or flyby, but 342.0 (Huntress) caught my ear. A French flight getting what sounded like ARTCC type routing directions. I suspect this flight is European, not Canadian nor Caribbean due to the strong accent. Very distinctive.

73s Mike
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Just turned on and find HARASS working the CAP primarily on HUNTRESS freq «324.0»

Also have the tanker, TANKER 15 just leaving the CAP for RTB on GUARD DOG freq «135.525»

The HARASS fighters I've just heard are 22 and 34 which is kind of odd unless one of them made a mistake.
1335: HARASS fighters on Langley tac freq «228.45»

[Edit] Note to Chuck: The last page is not the last page everywhere under this new format. Your messages above are on the same page for me. Depends whether you select the default or your own message count per page. I'm on default at the moment.
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
Interesting, I also have the default setting but the post is on the previous page for me. I imagine it's tied to screen resolution and other settings as well.

I had Harass 33 and 34 earlier on the Tanker, so it might be a mispeak.

&%*!@ *! I was searching for the A/A earlier and couldn't find it,
--Because it was locked out in my list!

For those wondering - Mission accomplished
Ice Cream, I say again, Ice Cream
(yes I'm a bit strange some days, but it keeps me sane, or so I think)
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
COSMIC 45/46 (F-16, NJ-ANG, Atlantic City) taking over for HARASS in the DC CAP with HUNTRESS on «260.9»
Add TANKER 16 to the freq.
COSMIC also working their tac freq «138.425»
CAP flight 1804 buzzing around Annapolis «149.5375» [Civil Air Patrol — Not to be confused with the Combat Air Patrol]
1443: TANKER 16 having trouble hearing HUNTRESS on «260.9». They then try «228.9»..still no off they go to «364.2». TANKER 16 says he tried all three of his radios and HUNTRESS is bad on all of them. Finally, they go to «234.6» where they get a 4x4 hookup.
1448: COSMIC flight also goes to «234.6»
1504: DEECEE 94 (756th ARS, Andrews), 10 minutes from home, A-2, 43,000 pounds of fuel aboard.
1505: COSMIC 46 heading for the tanker. Female boom operator on the tanker. (Just saying...)
1517: JOSA 618 heading for Andrews, tail #40140, landing 1930Z, one R4 plus one, also 2 other Space A pax, needs 1500 pounds fuel, A-1 maint-stat, six Space A seats available outbound, takeoff 2015Z. «378.1»

1521: Cessna 67386 clearing through Pax River area to Salisbury with Pax App/dep. «127.95» Also checked to make sure restricted area was "cold" (no activity). Interesting thing about that aircraft when checked in the Landings Database as follows:
N-number : N67386
Aircraft Serial Number : 15281802
Aircraft Manufacturer : CESSNA
Model : 152
Engine Manufacturer : LYCOMING
Model : 0-235 SERIES
Aircraft Year : 1978
Owner Address : 7540 GENERAL AVIATION DR
FORT MEADE, MD, 20755-1801
Type of Owner : Government
Registration Date : 04-Mar-1987
Airworthiness Certificate Type : Standard
Approved Operations : Utility

1631: Evac 60132 to Andrews Command Post..landing 2044Z, A-1 Maint/stat, need Customs to meet plane, transportation for 4 crew and 50K fuel. «378.1»
1632: COSMIC 45/46 still with HUNTRESS and still on «234.6»

1644: OMAHA 3 scrambled for a violator in the air defense zone. Indications are the aircraft landed at the Bay Bridge airport. THOR wants OMAHA 3 to go to the airport and check the aircraft on the ground for a hot engine to find out who it was. OMAHA 3 can't do it because he's low on fuel. «282.45»
1645: THOR tells OMAHA 3 the aircraft is in the pattern again at Bay Bridge - suspects he did a touch and go. Be ready for intercept if he heads toward the zone again.

While this was going on, the COSMIC CAP aircraft were not diverted from their mission to join in the intercept of the violating aircraft.

1649: COSMIC 46 heading for tanker again. «234.6»
1659: COSMIC 45 heading to the flying gas station. «234.6»
1709: COSMIC 45 reports to HUNTRESS that they are now post refueling and back to work. «234.6»
1711: COSMIC 45 lets HUNTRESS know that will be their last refueling. Guess they'll be going home to Atlantic City after they burn off some fuel and be replaced by ???? «234.6»
1713: ???-21 calling Langley Command Post. «251.25»
1717: RAVEN 16 calling Langley Command Post. This is not the RAVEN call for the MD-ANG at Martin State. It might be the RAVEN for KC-135s at Seymour Johnson AFB NC...just my guess. There are several users of this callsign. «311.0»
1720: PACER 85 to Andrews Command Post..arriving in 20 minutes, A-1. «378.1»
1730: ‡‡ This was about the last time I heard the COSMIC flight. They were on their tac freq and may have been heading home. No replacements heard so the CAP might be done. «138.425»
1752: Nope...still flying...COSMIC 45/46...43 and 53 minutes since they refueled...they've got to be close on fuel. «234.6»
1756: TANKER 16 requests RTB Bangor (Maine) at flight level 230. The 101st Air Refueling Wing is located in Bangor. «234.6»
1759: Civil Air Patrol flight 1808 off the ground at Bay Bridge Airport resuming patrol. Wonder if he participated in the searching out of the air defense zone violator from earlier? «149.5375»
1815: Pair of Navy fighters from VFA-106 Oceana NAS active. «237.8»

Continued below somewhere if necessary.
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
I'm not hearing 234.6 at All, does it sound particularly weak to you, Alan? Or is it just your "magic" Scanner again!


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Guess it's that old magic again Chuck. I'm hearing it well here - when they talk. Did you catch that scramble earlier?
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
I think that ATC just cleared them back to Atlantic City

{edit}No, I unfortunately didn't hear the scramble,l'm trying to track down some interference on 138.425 and was distracted...
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
They didn't report anything on 234.6 when they left. I heard them call HUNTRESS but couldn't hear the reply and that was probably when they cleared - not long after the tanker asked to RTB. They would have been out of fuel if they stayed much longer. No replacements so it must be done. I don't think those two Navy fighters from VFA-106 are going to do a CAP.

1831: The Navy pair is landing at Oceana NAS. «237.8»
1836: On final at Oceana. «237.8»
1850: PAT 176 arriving Andrews with Sam Command...3 codes aboard to dropoff, no fuel needed, tal #90100. He'll take outbound "Space A"s if they're ready to go immediately. Parking on 10 row «141.55»
1853: NJ-ANG F-16s active. Sounds like they're doing a refueling. «138.125»
1858: Have a flight of four aircraft - sounds like fighters - on a strange freq which belongs normally to the 1st Helo Squadron at Andrews. «141.7»
1907: The flight of four fighters presently report passing Snow Hill and mention arriving Nantucket - apparently heading for Massachusetts. I believe these are the same fighters I heard refueling on the NJ freq. I'm wondering now if they are really from the NJ-ANG or someone else just using their freq. Deployment? «141.7»
1916: Our fighters are still on the same freq - but getting weaker now as they head east. «141.7»
1919: Another new freq for them. «139.8»
1930: Still talking and sounding stronger. I believe the ones on 139.8 are a second flight. «139.8»
1949: Last transmissions heard from flight of six aircraft. «139.8»
(See message #475 below for more info.)

1939: TRACK 66 heading for Andrews, C-21 landing in 15 minutes. «378.1»
1930: MATCOM 1, C-21, (CINC, Materiels Command) heading for Andrews, tail #40141, landing 0005Z, A-1, departing 0025Z. «378.1»
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Mar 1, 2003
Hey Tin,
It sounds like a flight of 5 .Loud and clear up here in Baltimore.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
OK. And they are just starting to get a bit weaker now at 1945.

And it is a flight of six on 139.8. They are checking fuel levels amongst themselves at 1949.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
And we have an answer. I passed the flight info up to another MilAir listener (Paul K.) in Massachusetts and he picked up both flights (141.7 and 139.8). Both flights went (or are on the way) into Pease AFB in New Hampshire. They used callsign GOLD (tankers with them). That was some great teamwork. Thank you Paul.

Paul has that second flight arriving over Nantucket. They have a couple of tankers with them using that GOLD callsign. GOLD is a known KC-10A tanker call.

Okay...change in info. The fighters are not heading into Pease AFB. It's the tankers that are from Pease - which certainly makes sense. Last time the GOLD tankers were heard, it was for a flight heading to Europe.

GOLD 11 and 12 relieved by GOLD 21 and 22...all KC-135 tankers from Pease.

Looks like we've got a flight of fighters heading for points east - at least to Europe. I'm going to go out on a limb and say these guys were F-16s from the VA-ANG. I feel fairly sure they were F-16s based on terminology.
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
Ahh, I think I heard one of these flights earlier on ATC, "something"-61, I couldn't ever figure out what he was mumbling.

Gold is the Common Tanker Callsign for Eastbound Trans-Atlantic flights, Now I have to remember where I know that from.....{edit to add} More properly --the common callsign for Tankers supporting Eastbound Deployments AKA "Coronet East"

{edit} Found - Here's Rene H's page that explains it
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Except that this time the GOLD tankers were just for fighters heading for Europe. The first pair of tankers, GOLD 11 and 12 headed back to Pease. And the second pair may now be heading back to Pease.

P.S. For the fire buffs, Ladder 49 is just starting on Starz (West) - channel 521 on DirecTV.

P.P.S. Thanks for that link Chuck. It's very informative.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
It took some digging - a LOT of digging - but I believe I have the answer to the deployment we heard last evening.

Two waves of "more than a dozen" F-16s from the 93rd Fighter Squadron, 482nd Fighter Wing from Homestead Air Reserve Base in Florida took off at 5:02 and 5:22 last evening bound for duty in Iraq. The time we picked them up in our area would fit with that departure time. Support and maintenance personnel from the unit left on Friday and Saturday on C-17 transports. Being a Florida air unit also explains why their freqs were not previously known to us - «138.125/141.7/139.8»

Based on the info we got from Paul in MA about the refueling, it appears GOLD 11/12 refueled the first wave and GOLD 21/22 took care of the second wave. GOLD aircraft were KC-135s from Pease AFB in NH.

From the "more than you wanted to know" category...
The F-16s we heard were from the 93rd Fighter Squadron - known as the Makos. These F-16C aircraft can be identified by the Mako shark painted on their tail and the letters FM (for Florida Miami). The base is located about 25 miles south of Miami. The base also houses a group of F-15s used for scramble capabilities for NORAD, along with Customs aircraft and the Air Force's Hurricane Hunters.

Interestingly (to me), the 93rd was the first unit equipped with the LITENING II targeting pod. I mention that only because I just heard an F-16 from the NJ-ANG unit within the past couple of weeks talking about their unit just getting this equipment and they were on a "shake out" mission for it at the time I heard them. The Florida unit has had them for three to four years. The difference between Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard units perhaps?

The 93rd is slated to grow larger. The BRAC report indicates F-16s from both Hill AFB in Utah and the Richmond Air National Guard unit in Virginia will move to Homestead.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1300 hour:
Langley F-15s currently flooding into the GIANT KILLER area under the control of DRAGNET (E3B Tinker AFB). «238.1/249.8/391.2» among the freqs being used currently and more will be coming. ARCO is the callsign of the first flight.
1313: Add Langley tac freq to active list «252.775»
1324: Add callsign RIDER to list of Langley fighters. Callsign previously unknown.
1325: Add Langley tac freq «315.85» to list of actives. Callsign RIDER working here. At least a flight of two, but probably three since I heard RIDER 41 and 43. Adding to my master callsign list as F-15s.
1330: Callsign DEADEYE 21 (CH-146, CANFORCE, 4th Wing CFB, Cold Lake Canada) with Patuxent on «127.95»
1332: Have NIGHTSTAR (Unknown) with BARNYARD (Unknown) on «355.25» Freq unknown.They are talking about missions within the GIANT KILLER area and mentioned (while talking about available assets) one aircraft just coming off the tanker (missed callsign but sounded like TOWN). I get the impression these are tankers talking to each other.
1345: Add the HUNGRY callsign to the list of F-15 Langley fighters working GK's area.
1346: BLUE ANGEL 9 calling GIANT KILLER and wants to start descent. Calls multiple times before getting an answer. Going down to 8000 feet. «249.8»
1355: Marine Corps 74 calling Davison on Davison AAF Ops freq «139.4»

1401: ARCO 61/62 calling SPAD Ops on Langley freq «364.125»
1403: Langley fighters talking about overflying an airfield and saying that's an emergency landing facility should they need it with about a 5,000 foot runway. They identify it as Wallops. «252.775»
1410: Bollen Range active. «283.1»
1412: Add CRATE to the list of Langley F-15s callsigns in the GK area. «249.8»
1414: Add «358.85» to the list of Langley tac freqs being used.
1424: Have callsign SABRE 73 calling DRAGNET on Langley tac freq «228.175» SABRE is good for F-15s from Seymour-Johnson AFB (and several others) but not for Langley -- in the past.
1432: Aircraft callsign SILVER DOLLAR on «141.7» calling this freq 9-Victor. Just asking for radio check.
1433: SABRE aircraft in air intercept training with DRAGNET on Langley tac «228.175»
1435: Add callsign BANDIT to the group of F-15s from Langley. They are also working on «228.175» with DRAGNET.
1452: DRAGNET calls GIANT KILLER and tells him he's turning the airspace in W386 back over to him. "We'll be back tomorrow at the same times," were his parting words. «249.8»
CLOSE THIS MESSAGE..Will continue below if warranted.
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Jul 24, 2005
TinEar said:
1332: Have NIGHTSTAR (Unknown) with BARNYARD (Unknown) on «355.25» Freq unknown.

Nightstar is E-8 12th EACCS. Barnyard is probably whoever he might be directing... Sounds like a tac call.

-DPD Productions - Featuring the MilTenna LP Gain Scanner Antenna-
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