1111: The A-10s are now at Bollen Range on «237.2» and chatting on squadron tac freq. «142.3» They are using callsign COLT at the range.
1115-1117: Have _____ Air Force 801 calling Dover Command Post with no reply. Finally, McGuire Command Post answers him and takes a message to pass to Dover. 801 will arrive there in 25 minutes, needs fuel, customs and wants to depart as quickly as possible. The blank above is a country name I believe but his heavy accent didn't register with my ears and I just couldn't get it. Unfortunately, McGuire area ground stations have now faded with the sun higher in the sky. «134.1»
1135: COLTs coming home, landing on runway 33, straight in approach "holding hands" - w/Martin State tower. «297.2»
1135: Two H60 helicopters off from Weide AAF, crossing Phillips AAF area. «126.15»
1139: That ____AF801 aircraft landing Dover. And I still don't know whose air force he belongs to. w/Tower «126.35»
1159: MedSTAR helo transitting Phillips on the way to Upper Chesapeake Hospital. «126.15»
1204: CRAB 56 (C-130J, MD-ANG, Martin State) calling CRAB Ops. «385.9»
1215: Aircraft just off the runway at Martin State w/RAVEN Ops. Callsign SPORT. This is the call they use when travelling. «347.2»
1227: Found COLT 1 on «319.15» No idea who belongs to this freq....sounds like he's preparing for a landing.
If this is the SPORT heard leaving Martin State, the flight was not very long so he couldn't go far.
1242: SKIER 93 (C-130, 139th AS, NY-ANG, Schenectedy) contacts Raven Ops...IDs as C-130, arriving 20 minutes. «347.2»
1300: We should be hearing the DRAGNET E3B aircraft working in GIANT KILLER's area soon. Remember he said yesterday that he'd be back today at the same time.
1304: And here he is with GK. He says he's off from Oceana. «249.8»
1314: Activity up from Langley on tac «358.85» Flight of two. They mention heading for Atlantic City. They also mention being able to see the hurricane "way back there."
1317: 161NG, the Northrup Gruman test flight aircraft with BayWatch on «369.9» Says he's 25 miles north of Pax, will be working for 60-90 minutes between 25-30,000 feet. Also wants a UHF freq for his ops - says VHF always has interference. He's assigned «270.8» He goes there and checks in.
1318: Andrews Command announces ramp freeze in effect. «141.55»
1323: TANKER 30 checks in with HUNTRESS on «260.9»
1327: Langley fighter wishes he brough his NY sectional with him. "Why," asks the other? "So I could identify that city off to the right," he says. «358.85» [It's Glen Burnie, it's Glen Burnie I shout while waving at them]
They think it's Sea Isle but arent' sure.
1332: They're passing Atlantic City «358.85» One of them wants to know what that orange line is he sees (on his scope?) "It's the other tanker track that we're not going to use today," says the other.
1335: They comment on the New York accent as they check in with NY Center.
1336: SLAM (VA-ANG F-16 Richmond) enters GK «249.8»
1336: The Langley fighter lead mentions they are about to contact HUNTRESS and need to keep the chatter down. Go back to 358.85 (which is where they are) for brief chats.
They are also about to hook up with the tanker. (probably the TANKER 30 reported earlier who was around JFK Airport in NY when he checked in).
1338: BASH (VA-ANG) and YODA (F-15 Langley) check in with GK «249.8»
1339: It's apparent our Langley pair of fighters is doing a Combat Air Patrol duty over NYC.
1345: Found 'em...HUNTRESS working with our Langley fighters on «271.0» That's a good freq for HUNTRESS in that area.
1347: They are using callsign HARASS 31 and 32 for the CAP. Refueling on this freq. 31 is tail # FF 8-30017 and 32 is FF 8-20019. Still on 271.0
1353: HARASS 31 finishes refueling with TANKER 30 and sends in 32 to refuel. Same freq.
1406: HARASS 32 finishes refueling..a little chasing around before he could hook up.
END OF REPORT...Continued below if warranted.
Note to Chuck: I remember you mentioned a Romanian aircraft landing at Andrews last night. Just saw a note on the news that the president of Romania, Traian Basescu, is here in the U.S. Here, then off to Detroit on Friday, then to NY for a UN meeting. Why Detroit? 40,000 Romanians live there.