Okay back...
2000 Looks like <357.1> is one of the A/A's
2001 <288.35> Harass 35 checks in w/Guard Dog
2002 <228.9> Harass 33 RTB in a few mins
2004 <228.9> Harass 35 with Huntress, Looks for the Tanker
2006<260.9> HArass 35 on Boom Freq
2007<358.85> This A/A active but weak
2008<228.9> setting up AR with Tanker-4
Didn't catch a callsign on <357.1>..
2022<357.1> Harass 47 on AUX (then nothing)
<119.0/282.275>ATC asking a Commercial Aircraft to check 121.5 to see if they hear an ELT.
<135.525> Tanker-04 discussing conditions and arrival, awaiting T-05, conditions much better at 25
Tanker-04 returning to Lincoln,so probably from the 173 ARS 155 ARW, NE ANG, If Tanker-05 is from WI, is probably 126 ARS , 128 ARW, WI ANG
Good Deal, Alan. The NorthEastMilAir Group seems to be working for you..
Have you found an A/A yet?
I haven't been parked on 357.1 , but it's in the scan list of two scanners, and I haven't heard anything.
Lol, You're probably right, its the Squadron Commander or even the Wing King and some super Junior pilot so lots of "affirm" and "yes sirs"
2338 Here comes Harass-37 .....
2343 Harass 35 RTB, cleared Nottingham then Langley
<357.1> is up again, it's HARASS 35 Flight using it
I'm thinking that with only two radios, they're being required to monitor both "Guard Dog" and Huntress and don't have a radio left to chat until they RTB.....So no funny pilot stories about the franchises
I'm calling it a night.. Have fun.