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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
OK confirmed HAGAR 76 on 132.4250 now holding at TIDY at 4k which is smack in middle of Del bay east of Dover.There was 2 C-5's,HAGAR 76 and HAGAR 55.I must have misread 46 as being one.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
2057: HUNTRESS told HARASS 57 to expect a call from RENEGADE for a radio check. Didn't hear RENEGADE from my location but HARASS 57 says he heard him loud and clear. This was done on the primary freq «228.9»
2058: TANKER 10 being called by HUNTRESS on «228.9» and 10 is answering him on «260.9»...neither hear the other.
2103: TANKER 10 still calling on «260.9» and HUNTRESS calling him on «228.9» Will they ever catch up with each other? Stay tuned.
2106: HUNTRESS asking 57/58 if they can wait until TANKER 10 gets on station to refuel...they can.
2107: TANKER 09 wants an RTB but HUNTRESS tells him to stand by until he can make contact with 10. I think 09 is going to get them together.
2108: TANKER 10 finally shows up on «228.9» and HUNTRESS gives the rundown of who the fighters are and their Mode 3s. 09 gets cleared out.
2117: HARASS 58 goes to refuel with TANKER 10. They finally agree that boom freq "Blue 24" will be used. That turns out to be «320.6»
2119: TANKER 10 asks HARASS 58 his unit...58 says 71st Fighter Squadron which we know is at Langley. Asks tail #...reply is 830029..then asks where 71st is from...58 says 1st Fighter Wing at Langley. «320.6» They talk about thunderstorms and tanker asks if 58 is wearing NVGs...nope, but 57 is....finish refueling at 2123.
2151: HARASS 57 going to the boom for fuel «320.6» 57 gives tail # as 810050.
2235: HARASS 58 heads for the gas station. «228.9» then to «320.6»
2352: HARASS 61/62 take over the CAP and refuel as they start the track. (So what happened to 59 and 60? Skipped I guess. «228.9» refuel on «320.6»
0200: TANKER 11 arrives and replaces 10. He decides he doesn't like «320.6» as a boom freq and wants «271.0» instead. So....HARASS 61/62 go to that freq for refueling. 61 goes first, pulls up to the pumps and asks for 8,000 pounds of gas. (That's about a $4,000 fill up. And we think we have it bad!) Okie-dokie says the boom operator and fills him up. TANKER 11 also asks which unit 61/62 are from and again the answer is 71st at Langley. Ka-ching...8,000 pounds is given and HARASS asks if he takes credit cards. [Just joshing.] 61 tells him he'll be back in about an hour. 62's turn.
0208: HARASS 61 reports off the tanker and back for duty. «228.9» At this time of night HUNTRESS is sounding like he's transmitting from next door.
0214: HARASS 62 switches to «271.0» and also asks for 8,000 pounds. New boom operator...this one is a female. Doesn't's still $4K to fill up.'s over...time to crash.
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
57/58 booked back to Langley due to Lightning within 5 miles forecast within the next 15 mins......
Hmmm you're right there wasn't a 59/60... NYC Cap up too?


Mar 1, 2003
I have Raven flight heading out of Martins this am. I thought i heard the ground controller at Martin say they were heading to either North or South Carolina (I just got up). But they were using 41.95 as A/A chit chat.

I now have the Va. boys coming out talking to GK on 238.1, 141.825, 141.6, 391.2

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1121: OPEC 13 (KC-10A, McGuire AFB NJ) calls Andrews Command Post several times on «378.1» with no results and then tries «141.55» where he finally makes contact. He wants DEECEE 11 (KC-135, 756th ARS, Andrews) to meet him on interplane freq «139.875». After getting no reply on that freq after a couple of tries, he goes back to Andrews on «141.55» to find out where DC11 is - whether he's still on the ground or airborne. Just about that time, DC11 comes up on «378.1» to say he's now airborne and will meet OPEC 13 on "primary." That's the refueling primary freq of «238.9» which is where they finally meet. They are going to be flying a refueling track together and are just deciding where each will be. All of that took from 1121 until 1150

There are lots of transports in the area this morning going and coming from Andrews and McGuire. One of the more interesting was Balkan Air Force 681 going into Andrews to offload cargo and passengers. The heavy accent and Andrews inability to hear anyone until they are right on top of them made this conversation take many minutes. The Andrews radio ops also have the bad habit of not replying after someone relays info to them. That means yet another transmission from the aircraft to inquire if they were heard. Often, the Andrews op will say no and want it repeated. It gets repeated and again silence from the Andrews op. It has to be maddening to the pilots.
There was a SUMIT 25 talking to McGuire on «319.4» in the 1100 hour. He spelled his callsign out with one "M" rather than two. It seems some of these callsigns are computer generated and result in strange spellings. For instance, there are A-10s at the 172nd FS in Battle Creek MI that we have always had as "FREEBIE" on our callsign lists but when pilots have spelled it out, it is "FREBY." (Thank you Greg)
End of editorial.

1230: Langley fighters active on tac freq «233.525» First fighters of the day. Looks like a flight of two. Callsign DEFT (F-15) One of them mentions there's a Beech aircraft in the area but he can't see him because his radar is "toast." Heard for a couple of minutes and then disappeared.
1247: Very weak transmissions on GIANT KILLER freq «391.2» and then on GK's «292.3» at 1252.
1257: Two groups of fighters in GK's area - one on «292.3» and the other on «391.2» - most likely Langley F-15s. Air to air combat group in the north, the other in the south...fight's on command given and off they go.

1327: Fighters (F-16s) working on tac freq «141.9» and flying over New York City. They are yucking it up about places they've visited in NYC and mention flying over the Statue of Liberty. Actually, these might be part of a MAZDA flight of F-16s from Germany that are flying in two waves of six aircraft each and heading for Wright Patterson AFB. We last heard this freq as tac for Shaw AFB SC when they flew the CAP over NYC last week. A little earlier this flight ( if it is the MAZDA F-16s) was heard on «290.3» contacting Boston Center. Info is that the second wave is about 30 minutes behind the first.
Still chatting at 1343 and mention 350 to go. (I take it he means miles to go). At 1345 they mention the callsign MAZDA and confirm they are a flight of six aircraft. They also mention freq «141.975». I find chat on that freq also. There are three aircraft on each chat freq. They also confirm in chat they are F-16s and that they have a KC-10 (tanker) with them. That was at 1352. Last I heard from them was at 1355.

From another source...the second MAZDA flight was delayed and is rescheduled for tomorrow morning. The KC-10 mentioned in traffic above was BLUE 41 from McGuire AFB. Boom freq was «294.8»

Log continued below if warranted.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
>There was a SUMIT 25 talking to McGuire on «319.4» in the 1100 hour. He spelled his callsign out with one "M" rather than two.
One of the more interesting was Balkan Air Force 681 going into Andrews to offload cargo and passengers.<

SUMIT 25 731 AS/302 AW PETERSON AFB CO. A popular callsign for the Colorado C-130's.
Actually spelled SUMMIT but for phonetic air calls they drop the one M.One of those weird things..

BAF 681 I heard also is Belgian Air Force aircraft,a regular into Andrews and sometimes Dover.
Usually pilot has better English than that and just says BAF 681 and arrival message.
Usually fly C-130's also...



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Thanks Mark. I better take my ears in for a checkup. That 681 had a really heavy accent and I never would have gotten "Belgian" out of it. No doubt you're correct since you've heard him previously. His accent though was not French or German as found in Belgium but was Slavic. And that helped me to "mis-identify" him as Balkan.

1530: Have a flight of DC-ANG up on «143.15» Callsign ANGRY..flight of two.
The are doing air to air intercepts with a "pretend" HUNTRESS...same freq.
1554: The ANGRY pair in same activity..."fight's on" command given to HUNTRESS. Actually, it's kind of neat that they go through training routines using the same terminology they would in a real intercept - even if their controller is "fictional" at the time.
1602: The ANGRY flight is now talking about intercepting an aircraft and accompanying him into Patuxent. This might be a real intercept and not part of the training routine they were in. They give the registration of the intercepted aircraft as N4086W. They are guiding him into Patuxent. Naaahhhhh...this is training....the N4086W aircraft is "talking" on the ANGRY freq. ANGRY 2 tells him, "follow my directions or you'll be dead meat." Great stuff!!! The other ANGRY (1) is playing the part of the intercepted aircraft. Funny thing is that that's a real registration number found in the Landings Database for a local Piper Cherokee. Wouldn't it be something if that guy was listening to the ANGRY flight using his number?
1612: They do another intercept and fire a missile at the intruder. One tells the other he'll check for where the debris is on the ground. All of this one too, of course, is training. The only thing missing is the high level of adrenaline that would be present when they actually shoot an aircraft out of the sky.
1616: They start yet another practice the aircraft on "Guard," identify themselves as military aircraft and tell him to scoot on down to Patuxent. All of this, along with the change of freq to guard is actually being done on the same «143.15» freq. Guess they didn't like the way that went because they are contacting the intruder again to get him out of the airspace and reporting to "HUNTRESS" what the aircraft is doing. They also claim to have only a partial registration number of "509." At this point, at 1625, they terminate this portion of the exercise.
1627: Our ANGRY flight goes into ground attack mode as they continue the training routine. At 1638 they do a buddy-lase maneuver and then "knock it off" at that point. Fuel is starting to get low as they near the "bingo" point.
1642: ANGRY contacts SENATE SOF on «139.9», gives mission results, declares both aircraft are Code 1 and wants to know if both runways are open. One is. Declare they are direct from Patuxent. Heading home.
END OF REPORT..for now.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1945: Sounds like we have a DC-ANG flight up on «127.275» Callsign BULLY...using NVGs. (On the webcast for now) It's a flight of three F-16s. They are operating within the Pax River BayWatch area - talking to BayWatch on «354.8»
2007: One of the BULLYs announces he's "deadeye" -- meaning his lasering pod is not working. Tuned it off and back on again and it starts working....about 3 minutes later BULLY2 announces he's "deadeye" yet again. They are still attacking targets with JDAMs. For the next op, it'll be a buddy lase attack with 2 doing the attack since he's deadeye and 3 doing the lasing. They then repeat that several times while swapping deadeye positions taking turns as shooters, lasers and mules. None of these three pilots is a newbie...just bang, bang, position, line up the target, drop ordnance on it and group up for more.
2036: They call terminate...ask BayWatch for tunnel back to Andrews on «354.8» and then head for home on «127.275» in a one mile trail. BULLY 1, Code 1 - 2 is Code 2 - 3 is Code 2.
2042: Command to they head for home. (end of webcast here)
2049: They switch to Andrews Tower «349.0», gear down, prepare to land runway 19L.
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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Here's something I pulled off the Milcom list. Jason R. got to get a look at the comm card for a VH60N (UH-2?) Helo over at the recent Oceana NAS airshow...

Button 1 RedHawk Base 299.3
Button 2 Chambers Atis 242.0 116.425
Button 3 Chambers Ground 352.4 121.6
Button 4 Chambers Towers 379.15 124.3
Button 5 Chambers Ops 268.8
Button 6 Heliport Ops 279.6 126.375
Button 7 Heliport Ops 298.95
Button 8 Pax River App 281.8 127.95
Button 9 Felker Tower 269.25 126.3
Button 10 Norfolk Int Tower 257.8 120.8
Button 11 Oceana Tower 360.2 120.875
Button 12 Oceana Ground 336.4
Button 12 Pentagon Tower 231.3 143.1
Button 13 Newport News Tower 257.9 118.7
Button 14 Langley Tower 263.5 125.0
Button 15 Davidson Tower 229.4 126.3
Button 16 Washington Nat Tower 257.6 119.1
Button 17 Pentagon Tower
Button 18 Andrews Tower 349.0 118.4
Button 19 Andrews Ground 275.8 121.8
Button 20 Andrews Navy Ops 386.8 139.3
Button 15 GiantKiller 233.7 350.0 118.25
Button 16 Elizabeth City Tower 355.6 120.5
Button 17 Norfolk App 273.475 118.9
Button 18 Oceana App 288.3 119.6
Button 19 Chambers GCA 298.95 1119.2
Button 20 Leesburg FSS 255.4 122.2 123.6

Noticed a couple of things. Andrews Navy ops is still listed on 139.3, not 139.4 as has been previously reported. It suggests that the freq shift is rather recent, and not everyone has gotten the word yet.

The other item is Button 12 - Pentagon tower. Who knew that they would have a 'tower' frequency? I would have suspected that they would remote that from somewhere....

73s Mike


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I'm going to be away from my radios until later this afternoon but just wanted to post a reminder that the other half of the MAZDA F-16 deployment from Europe to Wright-Patterson AFB is scheduled for today. Their scheduled arrival time at Wright-Pat is 1745Z (1345 local). That means they should be passing over NYC - where I was able to pick them up yesterday - around 1315-1330 local time and maybe even a bit earlier. The callsigns for the six aircraft are MAZDA 91-96. I had them on tac freqs «141.9» and «141.975» but they may have selected others for this flight. Best thing to do would be to set up on those two and run a search on the 138-144 range. Hope someone manages to get them.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Guess no one heard the MAZDA flight. Four of the six F-16s did fly and were working Boston ATC freqs at about 1 p.m. on their way to Wright-Pat. That would have put them over NYC about the same time as yesterday's flight.

Mike, ref your freq list above: There are two Button 12s. It's not a typo on your part because I saw it that way from another source also - but - someone sure made a typo.

1855: There is activity at the Bollen Range «283.1»
1918: DC-ANG active on SOF freq «139.9» It's a little unusual to use the SOF freq for chat purposes...but they're doing it. By 1931 they are getting very weak. It is/was a flight of two.
1934: Still hearing them - fair to weak. I've been assuming this is a DC-ANG flight but it might not be which would explain why they are using this freq. Note: Nothing heard from them after that transmission at 1934.
1936: REACH 80078 calling Andrews, no reply «378.1»
1936: Chat on 756 ARS freq «351.2»
1941: Chat on primary refueling freq «238.9»
1944: DC-ANG active «127.275»...goggles on. Flight of two. Callsign WILD. (On the webcast)
1950: NJ-ANG active «138.875» Flight of two.
1953: NJ fighters - goggles on. «138.875»
1953: DC-ANG up on «143.15» might be another pair. It is...callsign ANGRY
1955: REACH 489T to Andrews...arriving with 31 pax and 5 rolling stock.
1956: NJ fighters talking about some ugly weather where they're going...not sure they can even get around it.
(Looking at current radar, there are very large thunderstorms in the lower bay.)

2000: MD-ANG active «347.2/142.3» Callsign COLT
2003: DC fighters going to GIANT KILLER area...mention coming up on «312.3»
2005: ANGRY flight enters GK area on «312.3»
2008: Another NJ-ANG flight on «138.425» Callsign AERO
2009: Tanker interplane freq active «139.875»
2010: WILD and ANGRY flights now on «312.3» "Fight's on" command given.
2011: DC fighters using exercise callsign GYPSY.
2011: NJ flight clears out of BayWatch area, direct Sea Isle then Atlantic City «354.8»
2014: Bollen Range active «237.2» Sounds like our A-10s from MD-ANG
2014: The other N J-ANG flight is callsign BICEP
2017: NJ-ANG one aircraft with a problem...heading for Atlantic City as quickly as possible. «138.125»
2024: WILD/ANGRY flights still in GK's area...starting another air combat exercise on «312.3»
2025: The BICEP NJ pair is doing ground attack...currently ready to blast a double wide trailer w/2 vehicles in the driveway to kingdom come....simulated of course. «138.425»
2030: NJ pair leaving BayWatch area «354.8»
2035: The DC foursome still going strong...all working operations on «312.3» with WILD chat on «127.275» and ANGRY chat on «143.15»
2036: The NJ foursome split up...Believe AERO went home and BICEP is still doing buddy lase attacks using «138.425» They mention they were supposed to go farther south probably to GK's area but weather kept them north in the BayWatch area.
2045: WILD 2 tells WILD 1 to contact GK on «255.0» and tell him they'll be going home in five minutes. He does it "in the blind" because he couldn't get a reply from GK.
2050: WILD flight "cameras off" «127.275»
2051: BICEP flight scrounging around for another target to attack. They mention this is good training and they don't get to do it every night.
2055: COLT flight still at Bollen Range doing buddy lase attacks «237.2»
2056: WILD heading home on «127.275» and ANGRY on «143.15»...awaiting their mission reports to SOF on «139.9»
2059: BICEP flight making their last attack on a shed outside a house they're calling a "weapons storage shed" and then will head for Atlantic City.

2100: WILD giving mission report to WATERGATE SOF on «139.9»
2101: ANGRY giving mission report to SENATE SOF on «139.9»
2102: BICEP "cameras off" command «138.425»
2102: WILD landing will be Andrews runway 1 left and right.
2105: WILD goggles off «127.275»
2107: BICEP 1 & 2 Code 1, 10 minutes on V-1 «138.125»
2112: AXEMAN flight, two Code 1s, 10 minutes out «347.2» This was the second A-10 flight out of Martin State that Jack mentions below.
2114: BICEP flight on final approach «138.425»
2114: WILD and ANGRY landing with Andrews Tower «349.0»
2119: AXEMAN lands at Martin State «142.3/347.2/297.2»
2124: COLT flight about to do the same.
Everybody just about home....busy night.
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Mar 1, 2003
Sounds like another flight of A-10's will be comin out of Martins headed to somewhere around Atlantic City.Just heard the ground guy at Martins give him his clearence.

8:36 Raven flight up 34.6 A/A Direct to AC
8:40 sounds like they around Dover 257.875
8:49 327.125 goimg to the range

Is it me or does the Bicept guy sound very Mello?

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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
In point of fact, there was 2 other typos in that list; and both were from the source. The list had 119.7 as being from Reagan Nat when in fact it's 119.1 (since corrected) and the other is that there are 2 listings there for the Pentagon Tower. Still it's an interesting list.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
What do you guys have for 277.400? I'm assuming Wash Ctr or appch as heard the last couple days Mil aircraft egressing on this freq at 17k feet or around there.
Possible NY CTr freq?
Just heard ARROW flt check in then next heard on A/C appch 385.500 into Atlantic city.


Mar 1, 2003
Has anyone picked up on the Warren Grove freq. yet ?
286.2 still seems like it is quiet.



Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Mark, that's a Washington Center freq - Smyrna Del low a/d services. That comes from this month's Milcom column in the Sept MT 73s Mike

P.S. Right after the issue went to press, TinEar told me that some ARTCC freqs had changed Sept 1st- so I'm kinda hoping that this one hasn't changed and put egg on my face.....


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mike, info was updated September 1st but it doesn't mean there were freq changes. It could be anything...including freqs.

Jack, I haven't heard Warren Grove in ages. I don't even know if they ever reopened it after that accident where the A-10 shot up the school. I know one of New Jersey's U.S. Senators went ballistic and got the range closed right after that and I never heard anything since.


Mar 1, 2003
Yeah, I agree have not heard that range for a while.There must be a range up there somewhere because the Raven flight said they were going to the range.I tried to do a search 225-400 but got nuthin. I guess somebody at some time will find that freq.

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