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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
2142: Have a flight of three A-10s reporting 10 minutes out from Martin State and all 3 are Code 1. Have no idea who this flight is. «347.2»


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1225: SALTY DOG 101 and 410 (probably F/A-18s) doing a very careful refueling simultaneously on a single tanker. The refueling was done by the hose and drogue method (used by Navy and Marine aircraft) rather than the flying boom method we normally see with Air Force fighters. They were very timid in their approach to the tanker. Activity within Pax River BayWatch area on «299.4» [Thanks Dave for your info below]
1239: Three flights of Langley F-15s (DEVO, PANAMA and DEFT) enter GIANT KILLER area on «249.8» They mention holding off for a bit on the start of their exercise until a couple of Hornets (F/A-18s) leave the area.

1301: At least some of the gaggle of Langley F-15s are working on GK's «389.1»
1318: Langley tac freq active «233.525»
1323: SALTY DOG 101 and 410 refueling yet again...101 approaching left hose and 410 to the right hose. «299.4» Good fuel flow reported to both aircraft. The pilots were not tentative at all this time in their approach to the tanker. Practice makes perfect, as they say.
1330: 101 and 410 disengage from the hoses.
1330: Have an aircraft (no callsign heard, suffix 11) talking to Fury Command Post (VA-ANG Richmond) inquiring about the flights of BASH and SLAM aircraft. He repeats that BASH flight will be four aircraft, BASH 41-44, and that the SLAM flight will make eight total aircraft but did not repeat the suffix numbers for that flight. He then went on to place some bets on upcoming pro football games with the controller at Richmond. «289.3»
1342: Same guy, 11, again to Command Post giving refueling freqs...says boom freq will be primary «238.9» and secondary «319.7». This was again on «289.3»
1351: SONIC 1 & 2 (F-15s Langley) active on tac freq «228.175»
1353: Langley tac freq active «358.85»
1357: Bollen Range becomes active...someone reports 10 minutes out «283.1»

NOTE: With reference to Jack's question from last night about the Warren Grove Range not being heard on the old freq of 286.2...I've been calling this 283.1 freq as belonging to Bollen Range based on the range controller callsign of RANGER which has a history at Bollen/Kiowa. However, it could very well be that this 283.1 is really the Warren Grove Range but I don't have enough info to prove it one way or the other. If one of us could happen to follow a flight through ATC contacts and then onto the 283.1 freq we might be able to pinpoint its general location.

1401: VFA-106 from the Oceana NAS active on «237.8»
1415: U/I tanker enters GK's area to fly refueling track AR636 at 25,000 feet. «238.1»
1416: VA-ANG Richmond flight of four F-16s, callsign BASH, flight leader BASH 41, now in GK's area. «238.1» Says they are going to contact the tanker.
1419: BASH flight contacts tanker on «238.9» and is told by the tanker that they're going to use the secondary freq «319.7». BASH flight leader tells flight to "push" that freq. I hear nothing there.
1427: Flight of A-10s, MD-ANG, Martin State reports off at 1822(Z) «347.2»
1429: SLAM flight enters GK's area, flight leader SLAM 61, on «238.1»
1429: Customs freq «282.45» active with OMAHA 1...sounds routine.
1432: VA-ANG freq active «141.825» with someone saying all players will use «292.3» which is a GK ops area freq. I assume that means all the BASH and SLAM fighters.
1435: MD-ANG flight, callsign AXEMAN, flight of two, enters BayWatch area on «354.8»
1439: OMAHA 1 flight heading for Gaithersburg on a 300 degree heading. Ground controller is RENEGADE.
1440: OMAHA 1 asks for a location near the Fort Meade area. (I think he means as a point to proceed to before heading for Gaithersburg. «282.45»
1441: Another flight of A-10s reporting off from Martin State at 1437, callsign RAVEN «347.2»
1441: VA-ANG tac freq active «141.875»
1442: OMAHA 1 did proceed north and then turned on a 215 course for Gaithersburg...told by RENEGADE to change to TRACON freq «125.65»
1444: RENEGADE has OMAHA 1 looking for an airborne contact by OMAHA...asks if they should move to a different location. «282.45»
1448: Martin State A-10s working tac «142.3»
1451: OMAHA 1 still getting headings/distances from RENEGADE to "something" that hasn't been defined yet. «282.45»
1458: AXEMAN flight on «143.8»
1458: OMAHA 1 terminating search or flight or whatever he was doing. «282.45»
1500: END OF REPORT...continued below if warranted.
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Jul 24, 2005
TinEar said:
1225: SALTY DOG 101 and 410 (probably F/A-18s) doing a very careful refueling simultaneously on a single tanker.

101 is an 18C... 410 is probably an 18E, since they use the low 4xx for E's, and the high 4xx for F's.

I try to keep track of the test stuff. It's hard though, because the VX units always rotate the newest ships through... mainly because they always need the latest blocks to use as reference on new software and other upgrades. The VX units like 9 and 31 out here get new supers all the time because of that.

-DPD Productions - Featuring the MilTenna LP Gain Scanner Antenna-


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1501: OMAHA 1 is now testing the laser warning system around D.C. He reports he sees red only, no green. «282.45»
1503: Bollen Range active «237.2»
1504: OMAHA 1 being sent to a location on course 145 degrees, 9 miles and says he'll terminate after this one. Then reports sparkle is red only.
1505: OMAHA 1 reports he's going to RTB to Reagan National. He tells RENEGADE to let him know if he needs more help tomorrow, next week or whenever. «282.45»
1506: NJ-ANG active on «138.425» This might be the flight that was at Bollen on «237.2»
1506: SLAM and BASH flights appear to be RTB Richmond «141.825/141.875»
1511: Tanker reporting end of his mission with Richmond Command Post and he's going back to the land of the Red Sox haven....I assume that makes him a tanker from....ohhhh....Pease AFB NH since I don't know of a tanker base around Boston. All of New Hampshire is part of Red Sox Nation. «289.3»
1514: Now have an OMAHA 4 on «282.45» This sounded like a patch to this freq. OMAHA 1 was direct.
1535: DC-ANG active «143.15» Callsign ANGRY, flight of two F-16s
1537: Another DC-ANG flight active «127.275» Callsign BULLY, flight of two F-16s
1544: Pair of RAVENs coming home to Martin State, both Code 1 «347.2»
1546: ANGRY cameras on «143.15»
1550: ANGRY flight operational chat on «143.15», BULLY flight ops on «127.275»
1552: Have a single F-16 at the Aberdeen Range on «248.4» Callsign BANGER 21 from NJ-ANG has no ordnance and will be simulating various bomb attacks...45-50 minutes playtime. Working with ground RACK/RAT 01 which was aboard a boat last time we heard him. BANGER 21 is also working with BRAVO Tower which is the overall range controller. Repeats that he'll be "dry" all day.
1559: ANGRY flight at Bollen Range «237.2»

1601: This BANGER 21 flight is a joy to listen to considering he's so close to my location. He's attacking targets along the coast. «248.4»
1603: DEVIL 11 (NJ-ANG, Atlantic City, F-16s) active «138.425» Reports he's in a flight of two F-16s.
1606: GEMINI 4053 to Dover Command Post on «134.1»
1607: A pair of fighters working BayWatch Echo on «264.55» for the past half hour or so. They are marble mouths...difficult to catch the callsign...probably Navy.
1609: BANGER 21 equipped with "LITENING AT" pod.
Great traffic on the range. Wish I could record would be a great intro for someone new to MilAir. «248.4»
1614: DEVIL flight in ground attack mode. «138.425»
1617: BANGER 21 calling FIREWALKER at the Aberdeen Range. «248.4» He's explaining again to him that he's a single F-16 and giving his weapons for attack (although he's dry) and says he has 35 minutes of playtime left, then changes that to 40 minutes. This is a new callsign for Aberdeen Range. Adding to callsign list.
1620: BANGER 21 confirms there are no overflying friendlies. Earlier, on his first approach, there were friendlies that he wasn't told about. Will put it in his report and asked for the Aberdeen commander's initials for that report.
1627: Langley Command Post active «311.0»
1630: BANGER 21 now calling FIREWALKER 2 and goes through the whole routine of explaining who he is, his ordnance and states 25 minutes of playtime left. «248.4» It appears the FIREWALKER guys are outfits training on the range in a ground operation. BANGER mentions not screwing up "their" training. He also mentions friendlies in a boat and the distance of the boat from the target. He's also told not to overfly the boat. He wants to know if the ground commander wants him to strafe or use a GBU...the GBU is what he'll attack with and save the guns for the possibility of the ground unit coming under attack. This is really a fantastic exercise with a ground unit using the aircraft for close in support as they maneuver around an "enemy" force.
1637: STEEL 1 (KC-135 tanker, PA-ANG, Pittsburgh) to STEEL Ops on «311.0» Arriving, wants parking.
1641: BANGER reports he has 20 minutes of fuel left. «248.4»
1648: Low level helo crossing Aberdeen Range...very weak...BRAVO Tower thinks it's BANGER talking but BANGER corrects him and says he's the one that'll be heading back to Atlantic City when done...back to FIREWALKER again to get directions for next target. He's going to strafe a position on the beach about 75 meters from some friendlies. He describes where the rounds fired by the ground units are hitting. In goes BANGER and does his thing. He'll do one more run. Still on «248.4»
1652: ANGRY 1/2 report in to SOF on «139.9» to give results of their mission.
1654: BANGER reports 100 rounds left of his original 500. Last strafe coming up.
1654: BULLY flight coming home «143.15» Heard ANGY flight very briefly at Bollen and BULLY wasn't heard at all during their mission. No idea where they were.
1656: Yet one more attack from BANGER with two GBUs and reports he's out of 20mm.
1658: BANGER reports bombs away...15 seconds till they hit. «248.4» Has the friendlies on the ground egressing to the SE...reports 5 minutes fuel left and can give one more attack if wanted by the ground force.
1700: Final BANGER attack will be on a boat...bombs away on it.
1702: BANGER 21 calling REDWOLF at the range at the direction of RACK/RAT 01. No contact from him. 3 minutes of fuel left.
1702: BULLY to WATERGATE SOF on «139.9» with mission results. Code 1 and Code 2 for the aircraft.
1703: BANGER squeezing out one more attack «248.4»
1705: Suddenly BANGER still has 3-4 minutes fuel left...2 GBU-38s left...will attack boat...says there's a fire on the ground where the ground unit's rounds were hitting...obviously live fire....splash on the boat, reports he's bingo on the fuel. Reports he'll be home in 15 minutes, a few minutes to get in the building and then he'll give a call to the ground unit (on the phone). He scoots away for Atlantic City. «248.8»
1705: ANGRY and BULLY flights about home.
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Feb 23, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
A couple of questions:
What does it mean when they report their camers are on or off?
How about when he says he'll be "dry" all day?


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Nothing strange about the "camera on/off" command. They actually have a camera recording their flight and such things as targets they shoot at or drop bombs on. I'm sure you've seen even the old cameras from wartime shows on such things as the History Channel capturing shootdowns of enemy planes.

In the case of fighters on training missions, they are either "hot" or "dry." Hot means they are going to use actual ammo and dry means they are going to just simulate the shooting/bombing/missile firing activity.

1930: Bollen Range active on «283.1»
1947: And the other Bollen Range freq is active «237.2» Callsign COLT, MD-ANG, A-10, flight of three
1959: COLT reports to BALKY (range controller) they'll be in one more time and gives parameters of the next attack.
2008: The «283.1» freq is still active...the fighters there sound like GOAL 1 and 2. That callsign belongs to the 56th Fighter Wing, Luke AFB AZ. If this is correct, this will make the third time we've heard callsigns from Luke operating in this area within the past couple of weeks. I'm almost becoming a believer that they're deployed to this area. Almost.
2016: The «237.2» freq still active with COLTs doing a Maverick least one of them is dry.
2018: COLT tells BALKY they'll do two more passes and then RTB. «237.2»
2020: GOAL 1 reports departing (range?) «283.1» Nope...still there several minutes later.
2024: COLT flight of three A-10s departs Bollen Range «237.2»
2028: COLT flight on the way home, 10 minutes out, all three are Code 1 «347.2»
2035: NJ-ANG, F-16s, Atlantic City active on «138.25»
2036: Chat on air refueling primary freq «238.9»
2036: COLTs with Martin State Tower «297.2»
2044: Have someone on the Aberdeen Range «248.4» Was hot on the range...left about 2053.
2052: Have the NJ F-16s doing ground attack on «138.875» Very brief ground attack and then "just flying" (on webcast for now)

2106: Have a LOBO 203 working Aberdeen Range «248.4» Several users of the LOBO callsign but none seem to fit for this exercise. This has the sound of a helicopter.
2107: Have Bollen Range active again «283.1»
Continued below.

NOTE: So I won't get anyone confused (as I already have)...I made a typo on the entry at 1606 above when I said GEMINI aircraft was on 134.15 with Dover...should have been 134.10. Made correction to the entry.
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Mar 1, 2003
Here comes the NJ boys
285.4 (going to 28,000)
20:45 - I also have some activity on 248.4 not sure who or what it is.
20:53 - sounds like the Nj flight might be going to Norfolk

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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Heads up on cable TV as Air BUs plane with twisted nose gear is about to land at LAX. Could be lots of sparks...


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
It's on both Fox News Channel and CNN. It's a Jet Blue aircraft...Airbus 320. Circling for two hours to burn off fuel.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
2112: AXEMAN, MD-ANG, entering Aberdeen Range, calling BRAVO Tower and RACK/RAT 01, flight of two A-10s «248.4» (on webcast...this should be good listening)
2118: 20 minutes of playtime reported by AXEMAN
2120: DC-ANG active «143.15»
2126: Tanker chat...maybe the 756 ARS at Andrews «351.2»
2126: LOBO making another run at Aberdeen Range «248.4»
2127: AXEMAN talking to FIREWALKER at the range «248.4»
2128: Another DC-ANG flight is up, callsign BULLY, flight of four «127.275» These guys are just coming telling when they took off or where they went
2131: AXEMAN reporting back to RAVEN Ops that it's weird at the range with bullets flying and helicopters firing...real wild situation. «347.2» From activity this afternoon we knew thee was a ground exercise going on and now air support has been added with live firing from both air and ground units. The helo is still using the LOBO callsign.
2135: AXEMAN leaving Aberdeen Range «248.4»
2139: BULLY flight landing Andrews runway 19 «349.0»
2140: AXEMAN flight landing «297.2»
2140: LOBO helo(?) still firing at Aberdeen...left gun 1500 rounds left...right gun is down for now. «248.4»
2144: Just noticed the NJ-ANG F-16s are still flying «138.875» Ground attack exercise
2146: RAVEN flight reports 10 minutes out «347.2»
2154: NJ flight, callsign BICEP, flight of two F-16s reports to Base Ops, reports both are Code 1 on «261.0»
2203: The LOBO helo is still chatting with ground controllers at the Aberdeen Range «248.4»
2204: LOBO 203 to BRAVO Tower reports he's done at the range...9000 rounds expended. «248.4»
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Jack, you've convinced me...I've got to put those low band freqs back into the scan rotation. You've been hearing them on just about every flight using those freqs.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
From 1143-1156 had BATON 55, an EC-130 from the 193rd SOG, PA-ANG Harrisburg trying to contact GIANT KILLER on «255.0» and «135.725». No luck.

1207: NJ-ANG F-16s active «138.125» Callsign DEVIL, sounds like flight of two.
1214: DEVIL flight mentions being over Wallops Island «138.125»
1221: DEVIL flight contacts Base Ops «261.0», reports 15 minutes out, both Code 2.
1223: SALTY DOG 320 (F/A-18) with BayWatch on «270.8»
1235-1255: Have had a pair of fighters working with HUNTRESS on «234.6». Haven't been able to come up with an identity simply because they haven't used a callsign yet. They have been in an air intercept training exercise and being vectored by HUNTRESS.
1256: No sooner said, than done. They are F-15s from Langley, HOCUS 81 & 82. «234.6» When they talk to each other, they become HOCUS 1 & 2.
1245-1300: Have fighters in air combat training on BayWatch freq «341.95» Callsign DOG

1305: DOG flight reports "joker" so they break off the fight. Didn't hear them on any other channel after that.
1317: HOCUS 81/82 report to GK on «249.8» that they are RTB and 7 miles from base.
1322: SONIC 73 (Langley F-15) checking into GK's area. «249.8»
1323: Bollen AG Range active «283.1» Heard acft say, "Standby TIGER, I'll be right with you." Don't know if he's talking to another aircraft or range controller. Just before that he was passing messages back and forth with the controller via an MDT type of comm device. When he comes back he does more of the same. He asks a question and tells the controller to answer him via the device. Then he says to standby, he'll be typing him a message. The aircraft is then not heard for several minutes. At 1336 he says to standby, he'll be right back. Apparently, they were using the device for the several minutes he wasn't heard.
1331: SONIC 71 to GK on «249.8»
1339: The aircraft at Bollen on «283.1» calls..."TIGER, this is SANDY 1" TIGER is the ground station and SANDY is a good call for several units. Among them are these...
SANDY OA-10 103RD FS, PA ANG NAS Willow Grove
SANDY KC-135R/T 319th ARW Grand Forks AFB
The OA-10 from Willow Grove is a good bet but not sure he'd have a messaging device on board and have the room/ability to type while flying. He goes on to mention a SANDY 2 and 3. He tells ground that if he can't reach him on this channel, to go to the Uniform Guard channel 243 (he says 343, then corrects himself) to get him. He then says ground can get SANDY 2 on Aux but didn't give the freq. I still have doubts whether this is Bollen or perhaps Willow Grove Range or even Warren Grove Range.
1345: Now he's telling the ground controller to get out his mirror and he's giving various instrux for giving mirror flashes in response to certain cues.
1347: CADE (A-10, PA-ANG, Willow Grove) contacts BRAVO Tower at Aberdeen Range for entry. «248.4»
1350: Now the aircraft on «283.1» is giving instructions to TIGER for splinting a fractured leg. I'm really confused.
1351: CADE is a flight of two A-10s. He contacts the boats that we have variously called RACK and RAT but this guy appears to be using ROCK 01 to contact them. «248.4»
1352: CADE says he'll be dry on the first run.
1352: Aircraft SANDY 1 now calls 05A on the ground..."the one with the fractured leg." He's also giving instrux for when to set off smoke in response to hearing his personal identifier from the aircraft. This is obviously becoming a training exercise for both close air support and recovery of either downed fliers or trapped and injured infantry units. I'm going to rule out all three of the SANDY identities shown above. SANDY is not a fighter and it would make no sense to have a KC-135 tanker doing the training they seem to be doing.
1354: CADE flight having great trouble hearing ROCK 01, repeatedly gives his ID...tells him to try different xmitter....he does and now loud and clear.

1400: CADE 2 going in on the target dry also. After a lot of haggling to get the target marked, apparently ground units did it with 50mm fire and in the CADEs go to attack. «248.4»
1402: CADE working with FIREWALKER at the range.
1403: SANDY1 giving instrux again to ground units on life saving techniques..."go prone, drink some water if you've got it, get ready to "mobilize" you understand?" This has been the total training exercise from from injury of ground units, to treating their injuries and preparing for recovery by friendlies along with signalling and messaging recovery aircraft. Interesting...very. «283.1»
1403: CADE flight apparently told of someone in the water near their target...CADE says "he better swim 50 meters in a big hurry."
1404: CADE hot for this next target. «248.4»
1408: VA-ANG up on «141.825/141.875»
1408: CADE units don't seem very happy with target marking by the ground units and plead for "lat/longs" «248.4» finally have the target in sight, friendlies in sight, coming in hot.
1409: Now SANDY flight is having ground units mark (lase) targets for them so they can attack...they are talking about using "30 mike mike" so these are indeed A-10s. My bad. Willow Grove A-10s is how I'll mark them. «283.1»
1414: CADE again expressing displeasure with how the ground controller is marking targets...he tells him again that he needs laser marking or lat/longs but can't do it just by guessing which thing on the ground is the target.

1421: I've got to close down for now...CADE flight still at Aberdeen Range on «248.4» and the flight on «283.1» is still between TIGER on the ground and a flight of SANDY A-10s from Willow Grove. Both are extremely interesting and informative missions. I learned a lot from both today. A-10s from Martin State are now up on «142.3», Langley fighters on tac freq «233.525» and VA-ANG on «141.825/875». Add a flight of Langley fighters entering GK's area on «238.1» and going to «389.1» for ops and using callsign CHAPPY.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1955: Have two flights of DC-ANG F-16s on «127.275» and the other on «143.15». One flight is WILD callsign. The other is ANGRY. (One of these two flights might have just been going home. Heard them just as I turned on the scanners.)
1956: Bollen? Range active «283.1»

2005: MD-ANG active, AXEMAN flight of A-10s report off at 2001. «347.2» Later on «142.3»
2009: Have a SCARY 1 (DC-ANG, F-16, Andrews) trying to contact GIANT KILLER on «238.1»
2013: SCARY 1 now on GK's «312.3» As is WILD 1.
2020: LOBO 11 calling Aberdeen Range on «248.4»
2022: DC-ANG workign with DARKSTAR on «143.15» (A mythical DARKSTAR I believe) SCARY on «143.15» with DARKSTAR and WILD with BARNYARD on «127.275»
2028: RAVENs (ID as two A-10s) and AXEMAN (A-10, MD-ANG, Martin State) at range on «283.1»
2057: We have someone at Bollen Range also on «237.2»
2057: WILD flight reports mission results on SOF freq «139.9» SCARY follows with the same.

2100: WILD and SCARY heading for home.
2110: AXEMAN and RAVEN heading for home.
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Mar 1, 2003
127.275 a/a, 248.4, 354.8 , 283.1 , 270.8 , all active so far
157.1- coast guard just reported activity up around Aberdeen pyrotechnic and flair activity

Before Raven hit the range they were on 285.4 which i believe is up NE.So if that is true it seems to me that 283.1 is warrengrove...????
237.2 active

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