Sticky Thread for MilAir

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Over the past hour or so, there have been several transports coming from and going to Andrews using both «141.55» and «378.1».
Tanker freqs have also been in use...«351.2» Tiger Ops from a DC tanker that said he'd be back in about four hours...«139.875» tanker interplane with chat...and «238.9» primary refueling freq with a couple of tankers chatting. Tankers are on station usually for a reason. Hope it happens soon.
2048: Someone just cleared off the tanker on that «143.825» freq Jack...sounded like "37" was the aircraft.
2051: Aircraft 26 and 27 on the «143.825» freq. Must have been 27 that I heard above.
2053: Refueling continues on this freq....they're using the boom method which at least points toward Air Force aircraft rather than Navy or Marines.
2056: Complete the refueling operation...aircraft backing off from tanker and dropping 500 feet. Tanker is on this freq also but no callsign used. Mention changing to Washinton Center on «133.125»
2058: TEAM 36 (KC-10A tanker, McGuire AFB NJ) on «133.125». The two fighters are performing a lead swap...still chatting on «143.825» Fighters?
2101: The flight changed to «120.975» and then back to their tac on «143.825»
They used their callsign on the ATC freq but I missed it....dammit.
I'm beginning to think this pair called 26 and 27 are tankers, not fighters. On ATC they mentioned 25 was with them and pulled out of the formation earlier and it sure sounded like TEAM was the callsign in reference to 25.
Well, I said the tankers were up for a reason...they're all over the place but I still haven't figured out why.
2113: This flight has been flying toward the southwest...present heading 226. Still «143.825»
2114: Coming up on Norfolk airspace.
This sounds like we've found another tanker interplane fact, they mentioned being on interplane a couple of minutes ago when one of them came back from the ATC freq.
2117: Identity established...these are TEAM 26 and TEAM 27 - both KC-10A tankers from McGuire. «120.975» The things we missed were the transmissions from the fighters when they were doing the refueling...we were just hearing the interplane chat of the two tankers. Both tankers are describing themselves as "Heavy" on the airway freqs - which, of course, they are.
2125: Starting to fade on «143.825» and heard very weakly on airways «120.975» I wonder why they're using the VHF freqs on the airways rather than UHF?
2140: TEAM 25 to 26 back on «143.825» He says he's coming back "your" way. Loud and clear this time. Can only hear one of them. This is the tanker that was mentioned earlier that had broken away from the flight of 26/27.
2148: TEAM 25 reports to 26 that he's at flight level 210. «143.825»
2149: 25 repeats the transmission but adds that he's on interplane.
2150: 25 says he's still got 85,000 (he must mean pounds of fuel) «143.825»
And that was the last heard from them or anyone else before midnight.

By the way...great catch on this freq Jack.
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Mar 1, 2003
Is that a normal refule freq?
21:00- they are real loud up here in Baltimore
Thanx for the compliment. Isn't this a T-Bird freq?
21:13- just said victor interplane
Must be an awsome sight up there. wish I was there
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
On late today...
1047: TEAM 30 up in GK's area «238.1»
1048: NJ-ANG active «138.125» mentions just coming off the tanker.
1048: GK's «255.0» and BayWatch «354.8» also active...need to sort out the players.
1052: Warren Grove Range active «283.1»
1052: Northrup Gruman test active «123.2» and «123.225»
1055: NJ-ANG flight to R-4006. «138.125»
1055: Bollen Range active «237.2»
1058: Refueling freq active «228.0»

1105: DEVIL 11 (NJ-ANG) on «138.875»
1107: DEVIL 11 is single ship F-16 about to begin ground attack exercise...30 minutes playtime, lets range controller know he's equipped with LITENING AT pod. He's in Pax River area on the range around Vienna «138.875»
1112: Northrup Gruman flight contacts his chase aircraft, which is still on the ground, and tells him he's working BayWatch on «354.8»
1113: Range controller for DEVIL 11 is callsign SNAKE 01. «138.875»
1116: Both Northrup Gruman aircraft now airborne and using callsigns RAT or RAP 1 and 2 «123.2»
1120: the Northrup pair mentions an F-16 above them (no doubt DEVIL) «123.2»
1121: DEVIL complains that every aircraft in the area is flying below him «138.875»
1124: Pair of A-10s coming home to Martin State «347.2» callsign AXEMAN
1127: Fighters departing Bollen Range to the south «237.2»
1143: COLT A-10 flight coming home to Martin State (from Bollen?) «347.2/297.2»
1145: DEVIL flight heading home to Atlantic City on «261.0»

1205: BOXER 116 (C-38, 201st ALS, Andrews) reports airborne at 1200 on Boxer Ops freq at Andrews «314.25»
1207: BOXER 116 announces to Langley Dispatch that he's an AstroJet C-38 arriving to drop off pax «141.75»
1220: Northrup Gruman flight reports RTB on «123.2» then checks out of BayWatch area on «354.8»
1221: SALTY DOG 536 checks out of BayWatch area on «354.8» I've been listening to him for the past hour on BayWatch freq «341.95» working with a ground station he's been calling IDN or IDM. They were testing an air-to-ground crypto system. And I'll let it go at that.

Continued below if warranted.
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Jul 24, 2005
TinEar said:
1221: SALTY DOG 536 checks out of BayWatch area on «354.8» I've been listening to him for the past hour on BayWatch freq «341.95» working with a ground station he's been calling IDN or IDM. They were testing an air-to-ground crypto system. And I'll let it go at that.

Should be EA-6B #159909

-DPD Productions - Custom Scanner, MURS, & Ham Antennas-


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1312: DC-ANG F-16s active with BayWatch on «354.8» callsign SCARY. Didn't catch him on any of the usual tac freqs taking off although they were being scanned. Entering search mode on a couple of scanners to find them.
1321: WILD 1, single ship w/BayWatch on «354.8» 30 minutes in area then tunnel back to Andrews. Same with him - no detection on normal tac freqs. OTOH, if these were both single ship formations, there would be no need for chat on tac freqs between home and the area controller, would there?
1334: BADER 22 calling BADER Ops on Langley tac freq «238.825» BADER is an F-15 callsign assigned to the 19th Fighter Squadron at Elmendorf AFB Alaska. Deployed to Langley perhaps?
1341: STEEL aircraft (KC-135) to Pittsburgh Ops on «395.1» airborne at 1732Z
1342: BADER 22 calls BATTLESTAR on «238.825» BATTLESTAR becomes a question mark. BADER 22 reports 10 minutes out and is Alpha-1. The Alpha maintenance status makes him sound like a transport rather than a fighter. Even fighter units need support aircraft when they deploy for maintenance personnel, etc. so this BADER call could still represent the Alaskan F-15 unit.
1345: SALTY DOG 202 to BayWatch on «344.4» 202 doing touch-and-go approaches at Pax 1359 he says his next will be a full stop. He's also talking to Tower on this freq.
1347: Nothing more heard from SCARY or WILD flights since reporting in to BayWatch when logged above. WILD said he'd be working in BayWatch area for 30 minutes before returning to Andrews. Didn't hear him come out by 1400.

1401: U/I flight taking off on Langley NASA Ops freq «123.375» says to tell maintenance the EDC failed on takeoff.
1403: SCARY 1 to SOF on «139.9» says he'll be in in 15 minutes. He was a single ship which accounts for the no chat status on takeoff earlier.
1405: SCARY 1 switches to Tower on «349.0» for landing.
1406: MD-ANG A-10 flight in the air from Martin State «142.3»
1408: And here's the WILD 1 flight just leaving BayWatch on «270.8»
1409: WILD 1 to SOF «139.9» reports several M-82s used. Unusual for these guys to do this type training in single ship assignment.
1413: WILD 1 to tower on «349.0» reports seeing the SCARY.
1418: COLT 1 (MD-ANG) with Washington Center, Sea Isle NJ reports on way to Atlantic City at flight level 110. «285.4»
1423: Warren Grove Range active «283.1» Our COLTs? (Turns out it's them)
1423: PAT 014 (Army Priority Air Transport) to Andrews on approach to pick up a Code 4 pax and take him to Norfolk. Explains that Code 4s generally don't like Space Available passengers to ride with them so he can't say if he'll have open seats but he'll ask him after they land. Needs topoff of about 200 gallons of fuel. «378.1»
1427: COLT checking with Wash Ctr to see if there's any traffic between them and the range. «285.4»
1435: COLT 1 and 2 at Warren Grove...2 has a bad targetting pod...2 is also a newbie getting instruction and critique from 1. Had same type situation yesterday from this unit. «283.1» chat on «142.3»
1438: JOSA 556 to Andrews on «378.1» 30 minutes out, C-21, tail #40065, one Space-A pax to drop off, picking up 6 duty pax, needs 2K fuel, takeoff 1 hour after landing.
1443: Northrup Gruman test flight back up on «123.225»
1455: Expect traffic in GIANT KILLER area shortly...have had an aircraft testing on «238.1» on two xmitters - probably an E3B. Look for Langley fighters.
1456: TESTER 11 on Pax «354.8» says he has a problem. Wants to know if anyone is up that can come take a look at his aircraft. He then says there's a couple of T-38s in the area and wants them to come look. He wants them to look at the nose area to see if there's anything unusual showing. He switches to Pax freq «310.55» and repeats all that message. Says he's currently at 300 knots. Someone meets up with him...he tells them he hears a noise in the nose area that increases as he accelerates. Chase aircraft tells him nose landing gear door is completely closed so it's not that. Chase is crossing under for a look. Sees nothing unusual except perhaps an avionics door(?) that isn't quite closed. TESTER 11 reports that he's going to RTB.

Bad time...but must end this report for now. Hope someone can follow that TESTER 11 home.
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Jul 24, 2005
TinEar said:
Thanks for the ID Dave. I would suggest that someone from a ComSec unit should check the tape on that 536 flight. Too much detail.

I have a particular interest in navy test, so I try and keep up on the AC. I tried checking out Pax and other bases in the area back in the 90's, but I found those pesky trees get in the way out there. :)

I'm glad you know when *not* to post certain stuff. Most people don't, and they believe anything that is heard must surely be OK to repeat... Otherwise, why would they have broadcast it in the red. As you probably know, that is far from the truth. Many people in the services have virtually no clue that anything can be monitored at all... Period. I once was at a show and listened in horror, while some guy proceeded to repeat every detail he had heard during an in-depth E-8 test, to the very same crew of the E-8 that was involved in the test earlier that week. They just happen to bring their AC in for the show. The looks on their faces could basically be described as... shock.

Stupidity like that is only going to speed up implementation of clear comm methods like JVoice even faster.

-DPD Productions - Custom Scanner, MURS, & Ham Antennas-


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Currently hearing COLTs 2 A-10's playing with radios A/A 142.300 trying data transmissions of some type.Playing with squelch etc.One can read the other's message but other doesn't read well at all.
Sounds like they have new radios in their A-10's.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1021: MD-ANG active «143.8» Pilot passing weather reports for the area back to Raven Ops from over the Eastern Shore.
1031: Above aircraft callsign WARDOG (OA-10, Martin State) with Washington Center at Sea Isle «285.4» saying he's got to descend because of weather down to 3,000 feet.
1038: NJ-ANG active, callsign DEVIL 11 w/Sea Isle «285.4»...will be in R-4006 at Pax River for 30 minutes and then return to Atlantic City. Flight of two F-16s.
1041: DEVILs using tac «138.875» saying he'll be ready to check in (presumably to Pax) in three minutes and is told to do it on «354.8»..."DEVILs push" is the command. And they do. Ops within the area will be on tac «138.875» with SNAKE 01 range controller.
1045: DC-ANG SOF on «139.9» talking with aircraft on the ground.
1045: Warren Grove Range active «283.1» with AXEMAN flight of A-10s from Martin State.

1106: DEVIL 11 tells SNAKE 01 that cloud cover is now obscuring the targets and so they'll have to RTB at this time. «138.875»
1111: DEVIL flight checks in with Sea Isle on the trip home...8500 feet «285.4» IDs as two ship F-16 formation.
1113: DEVIL flight with DEVIL Ops on «261.0» and still using «138.875» for chat.
1118: DEVIL leader says he's going to SOF frequency and comes up as expected on «138.125»
1139: SALTY DOG 536 (EA6B) to Pax River area on «341.95»
1150: U/I aircraft into Andrews on «378.1» barely readable but is asking for someone "with a high pressure bottle and firefighting mask" to meet the plane. Nothing more heard after that transmission.
1155-59: OPEN SKIES 29 Tango calling SAM Command on «378.1» with no reply.

1200: Finally...OPEN SKIES 29T makes contact...arriving Andrews 1610Z, offloading 19 passengers with luggage going to Base Ops, need airstairs, power cart and parking spot.
1202: AXEMAN flight working with Dover AFB approach on «257.875» asking for 2,000 feet.
1205: SAM Command calling OPEN SKIES 29T on «141.55» OPEN SKIES 29T reports back to her on «378.1» and repeats his entire earlier message that was apparently not heard/copied. Mind you...he's 4 minutes out by this time and still asking for his parking spot and a response to the earlier info. Andrews is terrible about this type thing.
1208: MUSSEL 10 on «292.2» reporting 5 minutes from landing at LZ.
1208: 29T parking in 11 row confirmed (as he's on final)
1210: A-10 with Martin State Tower on «297.2» WARDOG landing and says AXEMAN flight will follow.
1210: OPEN SKIES 29T reports his tail number is 672 «378.1» This is same aircraft that was COBRA 72 the last time we heard him.
1213: MUSSEL 07 reports 5 minutes out, Alpha-1 «292.2»
1225: MUSSEL 10 reports 15 minutes out from landing «292.2»
1228: SALTY DOG 412 with Pax River «285.2»

1314: JOSA 734, home station C-21, Tail #40117, A-2 maint. status, dropping off various pax but two going to Navy side that Andrews paperwork might show going to Air Force side...wants to make sure they know this.
1316: PANAMA 51 (Langley F-15), flight of two into GIANT KILLER area on «238.1»
1335: PAT 082 (Army Priority Air Transport) to McGuire Dispatch on «134.1» Wrong freq but no reply anyway to a couple of calls. He then switched to «372.2», the correct freq, and says he's inbound, needs a little fuel, will drop off two pax and be on his way.
1358: BICEP 11 (F-16, NJ-ANG, Atlantic City) active on V-1 «138.125»...wants SOF to come up on V-15 «138.425» since V-1 is unusable (massive interference). He does and reports EDC failed on takeoff so he's going to burn off some fuel and then RTB.

1401: BICEP 11 on Sea Isle «285.4» saying he'll switch to Washington on «257.7» That should be the Salisbury freq. (Not programmed here so I didn't follow him over.)
1426: BICEP 11 (presumably in a new jet or maybe changed his mind earlier about RTBing after the problem) with BayWatch on «354.8» He calls PENNYWISE (unknown - possibly yet another range controller) to let him know he's about to RTB. Shouldn't have been on this freq anyway.
1429: BICEP 11 to BayWatch that he's ready to RTB. «354.8»
1430: RAVEN 2 (A-10, Martin State)) to BayWatch...says he's entering at 13,000...RAVEN 1 also here. «354.8»
1432: BICEP 11 with Sea Isle on «285.4»
1432: RAVENs want R-4005 southern edge. «354.8»
1433: BICEP 11 on tac «138.425» wants message passed to SOF (remember, he can't use V-1) that he'll be Code 3 for the earlier problem which confirms he just went on with the flight rather than that original RTB response to the problem.)
1440: TESTER 09 (USN Test Pilot School) enters BayWatch area on «354.8» Switches to «264.15» to give BayWatch his weather observances. Then back to «354.8»

1444: OMAHA 3 (Customs) vectored by THOR to a target in the no-fly area. «282.45»
1445: THOR tells OMAHA 3 to disregard because the plane is leaving the airspace now. OMAHA 3 acknowledges. «282.45»

1446: RAVEN 1 to BayWatch saying his flight will RTB in about 10 minutes. His wingman, RAVEN 2, will depart first. Wants clearance back to Martin State. «354.8»
1451: RAVENs chat on «142.3»
1453: RAVENs to «347.2»...says coming back early...10 minutes out...both Code 1 however, number 1 needs a new frequency card. (And send me a copy, please.)
1456: SKULL 22 calling RAVEN 16 on Langley Command Post freq «251.25» and then on Langley's other Command Post freq «311.0» and then back to «251.25» No reply anywhere. Identities unknown for both callsigns - meaning they don't fit with anything I've got in my callsign database lists.

1501: SKULL 22 then heard on «381.3», the Command Post freq for both Pope and Shaw AFB calling RAVEN 16, then back to «311.0» where he calls Langley Command Post and then RAVEN 16. He then tries calling LIGHTHOUSE on «311.0» By 1504, he makes contact with LIGHTHOUSE and wants to know simply when runway will be open. Will it be earlier than 1600?" He is flying with SKULL 21 and will be there - apparently at Langley - at around 1600. LIGHTHOUSE is the Command Post at Seymour-Johnson AFB but I believe he just used him for a phone patch to Langley to find the desired information. Still no firm ID on the SKULL or RAVEN callsigns although SKULL is listed for C-130 from several locations and so is RAVEN.
1511: RAVEN 1 (not to be confused with RAVEN 16) is gear down and ready to land at Martin State «347.2»
1516: TESTER 24 with BayWatch «270.8»
1529: OMAHA 3 and THOR in radio checks. «282.45» I'm only hearing the ground station THOR. Either OMAHA 3 is transmitting elsewhere or hasn't been patched through to this freq yet.
1534: OMAHA 4 (yes, 4 this time, not 3) from THOR reporting he has lost radar contact with him «282.45»
1535: Chopper on the Aberdeen Range on «248.4»
1537: "OMAHA 4, THOR. Copied all." «282.45» Didn't hear OMAHA 4. Perhaps 3 and 4 are around their nest at Reagan National and haven't been patched to the operational freq which is the reason I'm not hearing them.
1549: There is someone doing high speed maneuvering in the BayWatch area on «387.9» No callsigns have been used - just the aircraft IDing himself as 100. And he's also a high speed talker. He seems to be running through a series of tests. At 1554 he says he was not full on gas at takeoff so he's got about 20-30 minutes left. He's following preplanned exercises according to "cards" as most test flights seem to do. At 1558 he switches to BayWatch freq «256.5» and asks if any SALTY DOG aircraft are on the freq. Says he'll stay on the edge of the R-4005 area from 5,000 down to the surface. Also wants to know if he should stay on «256.5» or go back to 8. He then goes back to «387.9» which I guess makes that his Button 8 on the radio. (Save for future.)
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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Here's a great little site with Jersey Coastal Milair (McGuire, et al) freqs - it was last updated back in Feb, so some of this is likely to be out of date; but a quick glance of the logs shows many things are still good....

Jersey Coastal Milair

73s Mike


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
However, there are also a lot of mistakes on that page Mike. I bookmarked it a long time ago and check back occasionally. I've even emailed the guy to give him some updates for his page but he just ignores them. One of smaller problems is that he has mixed the ANG units from Willow Grove and Atlantic City and called them all New Jersey units. Start with the callsign list and you'll see lots of mistakes there before getting to anything else.


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Well then, perhaps it's time to start a page - maybe a Wiki page - with all the correct callsigns, unit names and so forth? Seems to me that if that page is so inaccurate, that something like that needs doing.

I can create the index off the main page, as I'm an admin now 73s Mike


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mike, are you replacing Eric or in addition to him?

I've been submitting things to the database within the MilAir realm starting with info for various airports within the listening area that support what we hear. Slowly but surely we'll get the details of various fighter squadrons filled in too. We've done pretty well with the Andrews units so far and will spread out from there. I've long wanted to list viable callsigns for each of the units and this might be a good time to start submitting them. I'd suggest putting them with the rest of the info for the units though rather than in the Wiki so we'd have a one-stop shopping experience for that type info.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Just a catch up note: On 9/27, Tuesday morning at 0928 I logged an aircraft using Executive 1 Foxtrot and marked it as unknown. That is the callsign for an aircraft carrying the family of the President.


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
No, Tinear I'm not involved with what Eric does. I'm strictly on the Wiki side, not involved with anything to do with maintaining the various databases. Different function entirely.
The reason I had suggested the Wiki is because anyone - not just an admin - can update the pages themselves. Since today's AXEMAN might be tomorrow's TINEAR (sri, couldn't resist), such flexibility would be a real necessity.
73s Mike


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1000: Warren Grove Range active «283.1»
1002: AXEMAN flight airborne «347.2»

NOTE: Combat Air Patrol will probably be up over the area from 6 p.m. tonight until 4 p.m. Sunday afternoon. This is per NOTAM 5/8857.

1024: AXEMAN flight checks into Warren Grove at FL105 and 15 miles to the west. «283.1»
1030: A pair of unidentified fighters working in the BayWatch area on «299.4» They met up in the zone and mentioned going to the tanker. Ongoing at 1042. One of them identified as 101. (SALTY DOG perhaps)
1049: Northrup Gruman test flight with chase active «123.225»
1051: TESTER 09 leaves BayWatch area on «354.8» and announces RTB.
1056: COLT (A-10, Martin State) at Bollen Range with BALKY (Range Control) on «237.2» Also working tac freq «142.3»
1058: AXEMAN flight at Warren Grove has a WARDOG (OA-10) with them. «283.1»

1120: AXEMAN/WARDOG leave Warren Grove Range. «283.1» Heard on Wash Ctr Snow Hill freq «256.8» a few minutes later. Chatting on tac «142.3» on the way home through 1133. Mention they are going to do an air show maneuver when reaching the airfield. Also that they are required to call in when 10 minutes out but that means 10 minutes from landing, not from the airfield.
1136: And so they call Martin Tower on «297.2» And on «347.2» they report Code 1 and Code 2 for the AXEMAN flight.
1138: JOSA 635 approaching Andrews to drop off pax, no cargo, in Alpha-2 maint. status for problems with autopilot and gear door and will take off in approximately 3 hours at 1851Z.
1139: Have a pair of Naval fighters (F/A-18 Hornets) from VFA-131 (Wildcats) at Oceana Naval Air Station on «239.875»
1143: COLT and AXEMAN flights meet up over Martin State...this must be the air show thing they mentioned in chat. It is..."Where am I supposed to be? On my right. Okay, on the right." «142.3» And at 1149 they mention a formation landing. These are the COLTs, the AXEMANs and WARDOG. (AXEMANs? Yup...doesn't become AXEMEN but sure sounds strange.)

1205: JOSA 638 calls Andrews on «378.1» but Andrews replies on «141.55». This goes on for a couple of minutes before Andrews answers on «378.1» 638 is a C-21, Tail #40040, is 20 minutes out, dropping off 2 Space A pax, needs 2K fuel, and will release 2 seats for the trip back to Langley.

NOTE: Just saw a story on the newswire that airlines are cancelling flights because of the "skyrocketing price of jet fuel." I wonder if this will be extended to the military at some point just to make political points.

1242: SAM 9352 to SAM Command on «378.1» reports leaving Andrews at 1640Z, arriving at next station (not named) at 1930Z, 3 pax...reason for late departure - awaiting duty pax.
1259: Copter 002, a CH-47 (a big old Chinook) of the Maryland National Guard landing with Weide AAF Ops on «229.4»

1307: WATERBUG 964 operating by himself in the BayWatch area on «354.8» He has been tooling around in the area for about 30 minutes now.
1308: JOSA 357 calls Langley Dispatch on «141.75»
1308 HARASS 32 (Langley F-15) calling HUNTRESS on «260.9» And here comes the CAP although a bit earlier than expected. He changes to GUARD DOG/Washington Center freq «288.35» for clearance into the area. He asks for a freq and is given «228.9» Reports that HARASS 31 is in trail and should be 2-3 minutes behind.
1312: HARASS 32 asks HUNTRESS to confirm the bullseye is Thurmont. He does. «228.9» And this becomes the operational freq.
1316: HARASS 31 enters GUARD DOG area. «288.35»
1319: HARASS 31 checks in with HUNTRESS at flight level 230. «228.9»
1323: Tanker calls HARASS 31 to let him know he's on his way. Didn't hear callsign. «228.9»
1328: TANKER 20 calls HUNTRESS on «260.9»
1329: HARASS 31 is told by HUNTRESS to go to «324.0» and he does.
1329: TANKER 20 checks in on «324.0»
1329: HUNTRESS 32 will be tanking first. «228.9»
1331: TANKER 20 still trying to make contact on «324.0»
1333: TANKER 20 checks into GUARD DOG on «135.525» at flt lvl 240
1333: At the same time, the tanker is talking to HARASS 32 about meeting up for gas transfer. 32 reports weapons safe and proceeds to the tanker. «228.9»
I don't have a chat freq for the fighters yet. The many references to AUX freqs are various HUNTRESS freqs which they obviously program ahead of time in various AUX positions in their radios. Looks like AUX 16 is «324.0» and 15 is «228.9»
1337: HARASS 32 reports tail #80012 as he meets up with TANKER 20. Refueling taking place on primary ops channel «228.9» Contact reported at 1339.
1342: Refueling finished for 32...tanker asks, "Where are you guys from?" The reply from 32 is, "Langley." (Just for confirmation's sake.)
1344: HARASS 31 reports weather in the area, then says he's going to the tanker and his weapons are in safe mode. «228,9» Visual contact made with the tanker.
1345: Fighters (no callsign) enter GK's area on «238.1» and then ops on «391.2»
1346: Langley tac freq «358.85» active but don't believe this is the HARASS flight...must be the fighters in the GK area.
1348: HARASS 31 on «260.9» with tanker. Contact at 1350.
1348: NJ-ANG active on «138.875» Callsign DEVIL 11
1352: DEVIL 11 at Snow Hill «256.8»
1352: HUNTRESS vectoring 32 toward a target on «228.9» Meanwhile, TANKER 20 while refueling 31 on «260.9» asks 31 to keep him informed since his partner was chasing someone. A couple of minutes later 31 tells the tanker to "skip it"
1353: TANKER 20 tells HARASS 31 he has a fuel leak on the inboard side of his left wing. «260.9» 31 took on 10K fuel
1354: DEVIL 11 to BayWatch «354.8»
1354: HARASS 31 back to primary «228.9»
1355: DEVIL 11 flight will operate 20K and below «354.8» Flight of two F-16s.
1358: DEVIL flight ops on tac «138.425»
1359: Both HARASS 31 and TANKER 20 go to «288.35» because "they" want a radio check.

1400: HARASS and TANKER back on primary «228.9» and report they heard HUNTRESS on «288.35» loud and clear. HUNTRESS apparently heard nothing. He obviously has a Tin Ear. (Sorry, couldn't resist.)
1402: DEVIL flight doing buddy lase exercises...11 giving 12 directions for the laser pointer operation. DEVIL 11 is deadeye. «138.425»
1407: DEVIL flight must be in R-6609 at the Tangier Island Range. They are reporting seeing the sunken ship that's a target out there. «138.425» At 1412 they report that ship must be a has tons of holes in it. They are going to give it a shot...using DATALINK pilot unfamiliar with the system but gets simple instrux that even I could follow. Hmmm...let's see...hit the DL switch, then DI and the bomb releases...
1415: JOSA 638 calling RAYMOND 11 (Eglin AFB FL Command Post) on «311.0»
1416: JOSA 638 makes contact on dispatch freq «376.2», says he'll be on the ground for about 3 hours and has no need for fuel.
NOTE: According to Reuters, the Boston MA police department will deploy 876 police officers for tonight's game between the Yankess and Red Sox in and around Fenway Park. Nothing to do with MilAir but it's the most important thing in my entertainment world tonight. Unbelievable.
1420: DEVIL flight makes two runs at the ship, good hits both times. «138.425»
1424: DEVIL flight to "drop two GBU-12s simultaneously on the boat." «138.425»
1426: HUNTRESS/HARASS contact on «228.9» just to make sure everyone's awake.
1433: DEVIL flight, after trying to attack a couple of boats out there in the bay, switch to «138.875» and then go to «138.2» where comms are extremely clear as they attack another target.
1439: COLT 1 (A-10, Martin State) with Dover Approach on «257.875» Multiple aircraft but no number given.
1439: DEVIL 11 tries, from 17,000 feet and below, to identify a target for 12 who is at 19,000 feet. They never can coordinate visual contact with it on their scopes so they give up and fly up the road toward Atlantic City looking for another target to attack. They switch back to V-17 on «138.875»
1448: HUNTRESS/HARASS comm check «228.9»
1451: DEVIL 11/12 still trying to spot targets via scope acquisition and having a lot of trouble both seeing the same thing. «138.875» Finally, after about 15 minutes of trying, they pick a house out of a cluster of four as the target, both see it and are going in for the attack at 1454. Fortunately, a car passed up the road in front of the target which gave them both something they could see that allowed them to get it together. Using their yardstick display on the scope they found it and smashed it with GBU-12s.
1455: CAPITOL 91 (DC-ANG flyby callsign, F-16s, Andrews) reports in range on SOF freq «139.9» Not sure who this is that went out of the area or when.

1501: DEVIL flight goes over to DEVIL Ops on «261.0» and still chatting on «138.875»
1502: TANKER 20 reports he has 90K fuel onboard. «228.9»
1503: CAPITOL 91 flight contacts Andrews Tower on «349.0» for landing. Still no indication of many planes in this flight. If he doesn't indicate it, it probably means he's a single ship. Since none of the tac freqs were used on his approach, it probably is just a single ship.
1506: Up to this point have not heard the COLT flight anywhere since they checked in with Dover Approach at 1449.
1509: PACER 25 to SAM Command reports takeoff from Andrews at 1502.
1510-11: HARASS 31 trying to call IRON Ops (1st Fighter Wing) on Langley freq «357.1»
1513: Warren Grove Range active «283.1» COLT??? Using 30mm guns so they are definitely A-10s.
1515: Bollen Range active «237.2» Flight reports they are two A-10s with 15 minutes of playtime.
1518: MUSSEL Ops active on «292.2» as is 1st Helo Sqdn on «141.7» as is Phillips AAF on «126.15» as is Weide AAF on «126.20» as is Andrews with REACH 8050 looking for a parking spot on «378.1» Sorry...couldn't catch all the callsigns when all the radios are talking at once.
1518: HUNTRESS/HARASS check comms. «228.9»
1522: Chopper on Aberdeen Range «248.4» Copters check frequently for fires as a result of live firing on the various ranges.
(Continued below...reached max size)
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
[[Now I know...10,000 characters is max size allowed on this forum. End of day is in sight anyway. I should have split it at noon as I normally do.]]

1523: AXEMAN (A-10, MD-ANG) is the flight at Bollen «237.2» Talking with MUSTANG as range controller.
1525: HARASS 32 tells HUNTRESS he's going to the tanker. «228.9»
1530: TANKER 20 tells HARASS 32 to go to «320.6» for refueling but 32 says he prefers «260.9» and so that's where they go to pass gas. (Okay..pass "fuel") Hooked up to the tanker at 1533. Finished passing 14,000 pounds at 1537. Says he'll see him again in a couple of hours. Those F-15s are gas hogs. 32 reports back to HUNTRESS on «228.9» at 1538.
1531: AXEMAN flight clearing off Bollen...says he'd like to stay but used up all his gas on the way in. «237.2» (I know where there's a tanker.)
1536: RAVEN 1 (A-10, Martin State)with Sea Isle on «285.4» Not sure if this is a COLT or AXEMAN.
1540: HARASS 31 reports heading for the tanker «228.9» tells tanker if he'd start a left hand turn it would help. Tanker has no problem with that. 31 goes to «260.9» to meet up with the tanker and does. 31 asks tanker for 12K, then asks how much 32 took. Tanker tells him 14K so 31 wants the same so they're matched up. 31 asks TANKER 20 how long he has to stay and is told another two hours.This is at 1544 and also contact reported at that time as 31 hooks up to the boom. 31 asks TANKER 20 where he's from and is told Pittsburgh, the 171st. They then talk about pro football for a bit. 31 rags on the Steelers and the boom guy tells him the front end guys are talking a lot of smack about him for his Steeler comments...time now 1547. 31 also wants Cleveland to beat the White Sox all 3 games this weekend. (Guess he's looking for more smack.) YANKER...oops...TANKER 20 also mentions the fuel leak again. 14K is passed and they disconnect at 1548.
1540: Someone playing around on refueling boom freq «387.8» but no voice transmissions.
1549: HARASS 31 reports back to HUNTRESS on «228.9»
1550: A-10s landing at Martin State on «297.2»
1552: HARASS 31 tells HUNTRESS there is a lag in seeing the tracks on the scope...says it's about a 20 mile lag. HUNTRESS can transfer to the fighter's scopes all the targets showing on his radar or just certain targets that he wants him to see. In any case, the whole system is lagging for unknown reasons and has been going on for the best part of an hour. Trust me that they can still find an intruder without the scope presentation from HUNTRESS and still take whatever action is necessary. That replication of HUNTRESS' scope is just a bonus. «228.9»

1602: More A-10s landing at Martin State «297.2»
1604: HARASS 31/32 chat freq is Langley tac «228.45»
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Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
Bush is at Camp D this weekend and the CAP is up, Harass flight. They're using a freq I haven't seen posted before. 276.675
They switched to this freq and one pilot informed another of the freqs they would be using: Guarddog (288.35) and "16 Prime" as he called it (260.9). I may have missed another while I was programming the new one, may have just been the usual 228.9 since it is active too. They continued to use 276.675 as a tac freq.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Thanks for that new Langley freq freqhopping.

HARASS 33/34 replaced 31/32 at about 1800. TANKER 20 is just clearing out of the GUARD DOG area on «135.525» and obviously going back to Pittsburgh as mentioned earlier. TANKER 21 just coming on station. TANKER 21 is calling HARASS 23 on «260.9»...wrong number but they know what he means. Primary CAP freq is still «228.9». TANKER 21 is reporting at 23,000 flight level. And that catches all that up.

1910: TANKER 20 calls his base ops on «311.0», mentioned he was maintenance status Alpha-1 and needed transportation for 5 crew members upon landing.
1925: HARASS 33/34 going for to tanker tail numbers are 81029 for 33 and 82012 for 34. TANKER 21 wants to know if he can give his untrained boom operator some experience. Fine by HARASS. This is on «260.9»
1957: HARASS 33/34 using the «276.675» freq for chat again. (Hard to find space for another freq in the MilAir banks so tossed a little used one.)

2003: Some kind of emergency at New Castle County Airport...dual engine aircraft with two people onboard...about 18 minutes out...being reported on New Castle County fire 453.025. After a couple of transmissions about it, they changed channels and I never heard another word on the conventional channels.

NOTE: CAPITOL 91 (F-16 DC-ANG) reported earlier coming home to Andrews in the 1500 hour was noted using the Cleveland ATC freqs by another source prior to arriving in this area.

2052: 55 and 56 (no callsign used) chatting on the tanker interplane freq «139.875) about going to flt lvl 205.
2111: HARASS flight talking about the Yankees-Red Sox game and getting the score. I told you it was important earlier, didn't I? «228.9»
2113-2128: HARASS 33/34 having a gossip session on «276.675»...sound like a couple of women talking.
2144: HARASS 35/36 checks into CAP on «228.9» and chats on Langley tac «228.175»
2151: HARASS 33/34 head home chatting on «276.675»...down to 13,500 flt lvl.
2159: HARASS 36 hits the boom for gas and back to «228.9»
2215: HARASS 35 reports timber sweet after having trouble with it when he came on station. «228.9»
2219: RED SOX 5 YANKEES 3 ... Best numbers of the night.
2230: HARASS 35 going for gas «228.9» Makes contact with the boom at 2234 on «260.9» Takes on 10,000 pounds and disconnects at 2238.
2248: HARASS 36 to the boom on «260.9» looking for 10K. Hookup made at 2252. He takes 12K rather than 10K and breaks off the boom at 2255.
2300: TANKER 21 reports he's low on fuel...HARASS 35 says he and 36 will need at least another 10K each before their shift is over. Wants to know if TANKER 22 is on the way. He's told 22 is due at 0420(Z) and says he can probably make it until he gets here as long as he's here in an hour and twenty minutes when they'll need to refuel again. As mentioned earlier, these F-15s are gas hogs. TANKER 21 says he's got enough to give each jet 3K before he has to leave in 15-20 minutes...changes that to 5K total he's got to give rather than 6K. Time 2305.
2321: HARASS 35 with TANKER 21 for a radio check on «260.9» Loud and clear responses from both of them.
2325: TANKER 21 is going to give away the last of his fuel. «260.9» Says he can give HARASS 35 2,000 only and does. 35 says it'll do until 22 gets here. Off the boom after that quick fillup and back to «228.9» and on the track.
2327: TANKER 21 requests RTB because he's approaching "bingo" (the point where he has just enough fuel to get home with no room for hanging around) «228.9» Do you think HUNTRESS will say NO?
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