Sticky Thread for MilAir

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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
JackTV said:
127.275 a/a, 248.4, 354.8 , 283.1 , 270.8 , all active so far
157.1- coast guard just reported activity up around Aberdeen pyrotechnic and flair activity

Before Raven hit the range they were on 285.4 which i believe is up NE.So if that is true it seems to me that 283.1 is warrengrove...????
237.2 active


Yup - 285.4 is Washington ARTCC Sea Isle NJ Low discrete, per Sept. MT 73s Mike


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
By the way, I've created a quick and dirty CSV file with the UHF Wasington ARTCC freqs, if anyone is interested. Pmail please.
Just be aware that somethings might have changed 9/1 when a new list came out, but it will at least get you started. 73s Mike


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Jack, I'm still undecided which range that is. I lean toward Warren Grove.

The view from in the seat of an F-16C...

2119: Had BATON 55 (AC-130) leaving GIANT KILLER area reporting he's heading back to KMDT (which is Harrisburg) «135.725»
2135: Pair of NJ-ANG F-16s heading for Atlantic City «138.125»
About 2300 had that LOBO 203 exiting the Aberdeen Range on freq «248.4». He was noted earlier using LOBO 11 when he entered the range. He still sounds like a helo. He mentioned he was going back to Phillips AAF when he left the range.

The more I look at that picture of the F-16 cockpit seat, the more I want to say ouch at the thought of sitting there for hours and hours as they sometimes do on a CAP or on a deployment flight. Doesn't matter how comfortable that seat is - it's an awkward position to be in for hours. Not much room.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1121: DC-ANG active 127.275/143.15/139.90, Callsign ANGRY, flight of four.
1127: NJ-ANG active 138.875, flight of two, callsign DEVIL, in BayWatch area 270.8, leaving Pax River direct Sea Isle, direct Atlantic City at 1135
1133: Warren Grove Range active 283.1

NOTE: I think, for now, I'm going to label that 283.1 freq as Warren Grove based on the info that Jack brought forth last night. It was exactly the info we needed to determine where the aircraft are in the ATC web before hitting the range.

1141: ANGRY flight heading home...want permission for formation landing. With SOF 139.9

Around 1230 I heard a DRAGNET (E3B, Tinker AFB OK) chatting with someone on 251.6. I don't know who that freq belongs to other than the Blue Angels. Before he made contact, he said, "transmitting in the blind for radar contact." The rest of his conversation was just chat responding to whomever was giving him directions on the ground but nothing that would identify his activity.

1414: COLT 1 (A-10, MD-ANG, Martin State) airborne «347.2»
1420: AXEMAN airborne «347.2»
1421: TBOLT 41 (possibly F/A-18, VMFA-251, Beufort SC-but I don't think so), flight of 4 into GIANT KILLER area on 249.8. Says he's going to meet up with and be MARSA with CORONA 61 (unknown). TBOLT flight is complaining they can't hear the female controller at GK. They tell her to get closer to the mic..she does and they say it's a little better. Another TBOLT says he can't understand anything she says. Once before had complaint of a female controller at GK that doesn't speak well, mumbles, etc.
1428: TBOLT says they'll do ops on 292.3.
1428: VA-ANG active 141.825
1435: Northrup Gruman active 123.225
1438: CORONA 61 tries to check in with GK on 238.1, then 249.8 and then back to 238.1 and complains about her being weak and unreadable.
1440: CORONA fighters are working 141.6 for chat. This might make CORONA and TBOLT belong to the VA-ANG. But...we know fighters from Shaw AFB also use this freq for tac. They switch to 292.3 for ops. CORONA is also a flight of four aircraft.
The TBOLT flight is using 141.825 for chat...almost confirming these flights are VA-ANG.
1445: MD-ANG A-10s are at Warren Grove range on 283.1.
1445: OMAHA 3 being called by OMAHA 4 on 282.425.
TBOLT and CORONA fighters are working the W-386 area of GIANT KILLER.
1456: Have a tanker working boom freq 387.8

1504: OMAHA 3 (Customs) contacts BWI Tower on 119.4 to say he'll be working up to Tipton and then down to DCA. Tower tells him to work 119.7, not tower. Roger that.
1513: TESTER 24 (Navy Test Pilot School, Patuxent NAS) with BayWatch on 354.8
Also have VA-ANG freq 141.625 active. This was a pair of either the TBOLTs or CORONAs that went to this freq for a private chat.
1529: TESTER 09 with BayWatch on 250.3. Female driver that stutters and mumbles and has absolutely no inflection in her voice...I just can't imagine how she got a seat. Yes I can.
1530: TBOLT and CORONA flights ended their ops. RTB but didn't mention where but I'm still assuming this is VA-ANG based on the three tac freqs they used. Since the tac freqs were all VHF, I think we can also assume these were F-16s and not F-15/F-18s.
1540: Two A-10s (probably AXEMAN) from Martin State coming home, checked out of BayWatch area on 354.8, then to 347.2 and 297.2 for landing.
1543: NJ-ANG freq 138.875 active, two F-16s, callsign BICEP
1550: Two COLTs 10 minutes out from Martin State 347.2
1553: Northrup Gruman pair still flying, using 123.225. The transmitter sounds horrible - appears to be overmodulated but his wingman doesn't seem to be having any trouble understanding him. They are working in the BayWatch area on 281.8
1554: NJ-ANG flight of two F-16s, callsign BICEP 11/12 checks into Pax River area on 270.8, still using 138.875 as a tac freq. The BICEP pair is arguing over an aircraft that just passed behind calls it a Citation, the other says it's a Hornet. Hmmm...not much alike about those two aircraft types.

1603: BICEP 12 reports he's "deadeye" on tac freq. The flight is performing ground attack exercises.
1609: BICEP calls COBRA and identifies as two F-16s, mentions ordnance to be used, has DATALINK2 (or did he mean datalink too?), LITENING AT. COBRA sounds like he's got to be a range controller but I'm not sure which range they're using. This was on tac 138.875. I have several COBRAs on the callsign list but nothing that fits for a range controller.
(The more I listen to this activity I think I'll take a guess and say the COBRA controller is an exercise controller on the ground at the usual range around Vienna MD - the Pax River Range. I'm basing this on the signal strength of the aircraft as they go into a ground attack which is similar to past attacks at this location by others. It can't be much farther away than that because the aircraft transmitter signal remains very strong even when he drops down low.)
1636: The BICEP pair still in ground attack exercises with COBRA which sounds more and more like a range controller rather than a temp ground force acting in a forward air controller mode. They are still using their tac freq for all this activity.
1648: BICEP clears out of BayWatch area on 270.8 and then goes back to tac freq.

NOTE: Someone give me the location of these coordinates and we'll have his location during one attack....38.28.934 x 75.49.680. I can't seem to find a converter on the net. I'd appreciate a link to one if anyone has one. Chuck, old buddy?
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
NOTE: Someone give me the location of these coordinates and we'll have his location during one attack....38.28.934 x 75.49.680. I can't seem to find a converter on the net. I'd appreciate a link to one if anyone has one. Chuck, old buddy?
It is indeed Vienna, Maryland...
If you go to "view maps" on the Topozone it lets you put in coords in a multitude of formats...

I'm away from home, down in Richmond, and haven't had time to do any Milair Monitoring -- I seem to be missing out on good stuff!
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
2034: OMAHA 3 calling for radio check...then asking if he can have a demonstration of the "Sparkle" -- referring to the red/green laser warning system around D.C. He then goes on to tell someone they are barely readable on Net One. Can't hear the other end so no info on callsign. «165.2375»
2055: Refuelers on primary «238.9» 55 calling 56 for radio callsigns used.
2101: And a couple of other tankers chatting on interplane «139.875»

Meant to mention this last night and then forgot about it when I posted that picture above from in the seat of an F-16. We've recently had some aircraft from the DC-ANG coming home and reporting to their SOF (Supervisor Of Flying) during their mission report that they were Code 2 for MFD problems. That's the Multi-Functioning Display that is located just to the left and right of the center console. They are the scopes just above the pilot's knees in that picture.

Someone asked me in an email what that red button is on the stick that's in the pilot's right hand in the picture. That's the firing button for whichever weapon system he has selected. And to answer another question, the ejection handle is right down between the pilot's legs. As they say...grab the eject handle with one hand, your ----- with the other and pray.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1300: DC-ANG active for the flyby at the Dover race track just before the start of the NASCAR race, flight of four F-16s. «139.9»
The problem is that I don't know where they went after the flyby. I heard them chatting on the SOF freq as mentioned above but never heard them coming home. I did hear something that sounded like fighters landing at Dover and working with the tower on «279.625» so that's perhaps where they went.

1433-35: RANGER 84 (C-12, VIP ferry) calling Andrews Ops on «372.2». No reply. He later calls himself RANGER 81. He also says, and I quote....."Eeny meeny miney moe, who can hear this radio?"
1436-39: RANGER 81 (same guy) calling Andrews Base Ops «372.2» Still no reply.
1441: Finally makes contact on «372.2»...says he's 15 minutes out, needs transportation for 2 crew and 5,000 gallons of gas along with a power cart. Told to switch to «141.55». Lots of mic presses follow on that freq but no voice.
1454: RANGER 81 finally comes up on «141.55» but is unreadable.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
2005: OMAHA 3 (Customs) active...mentions heading for Baltimore «165.2375»
2050: OMAHA 4 on «282.45» And someone else trying to transmit on «165.2375»...sounds like a patch that isn't quite working.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
0924: CAPITOL 91, the flight of four F-16s from the DC-ANG that did the flyby at yesterday's Dover NASCAR race is just coming home. They say they'll be home in about an hour. They checked in with SENATE on SOF freq «139.9» and seemed to get no answer... then went to Victor 5 on «127.275». Also heard them on «139.15» and «143.15» in the next few minutes.
0937: They are doing ground attack exercises after checking in with BayWatch on «354.8». It seems they are in the Patuxent Range area around Vienna. Exercise on V-9 «143.15» and V-5 «127.275»
0956: DEVIL 11/12 NJ-ANG F-16s active tac freq «138.875» Believe they are on Pax River Range.
0959: CAPITOL flight on SOF «139.9» and apparently heading for home.

1002: DEVIL checks in with COBRA 4 (Pax Range controller but this one sounds airborne) on tac «138.875»
1003: CAPITOL flight checks in with Andrews Tower...91/92 on «349.0» and 93/94 on V-4 tower freq «118.4»...they identify as CAPITOL GUARDIANS,
1016: DEVIL flight tells BayWatch on «270.8» that 12 has a bad transponder so 11/12 will "hold hands" all day.
1028: DEVIL flight departing BayWatch area to the north. «270.8» I believe that COBRA 4 call was a simulated call to range control and that one of the DEVILs provided the answer.
1029: DEVIL reports to BayWatch that, "No, the BANGER flight will not be coming up today."
1030: DEVIL 11 tells 12 to "push 256.8"...they apparently go there and then back to «138.875» for the ride home.

1100: DEVIL 11 with GIANT KILLER on «135.725», then «255.0». Says he's heading for Salisbury and wants to know if his present course will take him into W386 or not. He gets testy with the controller and asks for land line number. Says he's going over to Center and promptly comes up on «285.4», Washington Center, Shipbottom NJ.
1101: Someone (probably a Tinker E3B) asking GIANT KILLER on «135.725» if the BANGER flight has checked in yet. DEVIL told BayWatch earlier that BANGER wouldn't be coming into his area but don't know if that excluded GK's area too.
1107: Trooper 1 checks in with Weide AAF on «126.2» to inform him he's eastbound up Route 40 at 1000 feet. (For out-of-state readers, The Troopers are helos of the Maryland State Police mostly used for medical evacuation.)
1111: DEVIL 11, flight of two F-16s checks in with GK on «138.875» He wants to enter R-4006. Strange use of this freq for GK. He states his wingman is DEVIL 13 who does have a working transponder this time. Was the GK call a mistake? It must have been because R-4006 is a Pax River controlled space.
1116: DEVIL 11 contacts COBRA 4 again to state intentions in the area, COBRA 4 acknowledges. «138.875» 30 minutes playtime in the area stated. So, it's definitely Pax River area, not GK's area. By the way, live ordnance is not allowed in R-4006 so bomb runs/ground attacks in this area around Vienna will always be dry. This DEVIL 11 is the same speaker as the previous 11. Could he have landed, switched jets or refueled and be back to Pax that quickly - approximately 30 minutes? Or did he do an aerial refueling while awaiting a new wingman (DEVIL 13)? That seems more reasonable. Anyway, they are doing buddy lase exercises.
1137: There is a TEAM 80 (KC-10A tanker, McGuire AFB NJ) in the GIANT KILLER area loittering at 26,000 feet. «135.725»
1138: Navy JT048 checks into GK's area «135.725»
1139: TEAM 80 mentions he'll RTB McGuire. «135.725» He must have a problem with his UHF radio...he asks GK for VHF frequencies for ATC.
1146: DEVIL 11/13 both declare Code 1 status as they check out of R-4006. They said 30 minutes playtime and meant it. «138.875» 13 sent off to ATIS as they prepare to head home. Then BayWatch on «270.8» to clear. Their last target was to be a pickup truck heading up the road, unaware that simulated death was being prepared, but 13 couldn't lock onto him so he was spared. Have you ever been targeted from above and been oblivious to it all? "Maybe" and "absolutely" are the only two correct answers.
1157: Navy JT048 clears out of GK's area and says he's proceeding to Atlantic City. Cleared to AC at 7000 feet, leaving 14K now.

Continued below if warranted.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1203: Pair of fighters - probably Navy - announce they are going to the tanker to take 10,000 pounds apiece. They are working in BayWatch area on «299.4». They say this will be their last hit at the tanker.
1207: Refueling is on this freq...the fighters are cleared to the "hose" which lends support to these being Navy/Marine fighters. Tanker at 25K altitude. My guess would be SALTY DOG F-18s of some variant.
1210: OMAHA (Customs) aircraft up on «282.45». Reports radar contact. ADIZ violator? Guess not...nothing further.
1211: Refueling finished for fighters....10K dispensed which was all the tanker had left.
1214: Someone trying to check into GK's area on «233.7» but reporting that GK is unreadable. "Can't read you at all ma''ve got a horrible feedback." Where have we heard that before?
1220: Primary refueling freq «238.9» with two tankers chatting. State speed will be 275.

NOTE: The Cherry Point MCAS (Marine Corps Air Station in Havelock NC) is heard fairly well from this part of Maryland and the Base Ops freq of «126.85» stays fairly active for those that don't have it programmed.

1223: OMAHA 3 on «282.45» says will set down at the south side of Tipton (Airfield at Fort Meade Army Base) and then will RTB. Ground station THOR confirms and tells OMAHA 3 there is a Trooper helo to the northeast. OMAHA 3 confirms seeing it. THOR loud and clear. OMAHA 3 has a female driver today.
1238: THOR advises OMAHA 3 of more traffic in her area...another helo...2 miles at 400 reply from OMAHA to two transmissions from THOR about the helo's position. «282.45» 1 mile and has data tag on it...OMAHA 3 finally reponds and confirms it's a helo at the hospital. THOR's happy.
1246: On «282.45» the following...."OMAHA 3, THOR copies. Have a good day." However, I heard nothing from OMAHA 3 on the voice channel so wonder if she didn't transmit another way. She was so loud and clear even when setting down at Tipton that I don't think she'd become unreadable on this freq. Hmmmm. I wonder if she transmitted on a different freq and what I was hearing was a patch of THOR onto this freq? Possible I guess.

1354: MilAir for the past hour plus has been quiet..perhaps the heavy overcast over much of the area has kept them on the ground.

1416: Northrup Gruman test flight freq active «123.225»

1425: Radar currently showing rain over much of Baltimore County, extending into Harford and up into York and Chester Counties in PA. More rain from the west just on the edge of D.C. These are all light rain showers but there is a whole band of them to the west, extending from western MD and down through WV and VA, moving to the northeast. This should hold MilAir to an absolute minimum until it all passes through the area.

1433: Having said all that weather news...NJ-ANG becomes active on «138.425» Callsign AERO
1437: NJ guys on «285.4» (Wash Ctr, Shipbottom NJ), then to «256.8» (another Washington Center freq at Snow Hill MD)...flying at 14,000 feet.
1443: TESTER 27 (USN Test Pilot School) with BayWatch on «270.8»
1444: NJ guys to BayWatch on «270.8», callsign AERO, flight of two F-16s
NOTE: I've called this callsign AERO and others call it ARROW. I hear "AIR" as the first syllable most of the time, however, today the flight leader clearly seems to be saying ARROW....and the wingman pronounces it AERO. I'm stumped.
1445: Back to «138.425» as a tac freq
1450: AERO/ARROW flight is in ground attack exercises on Patuxent River Range...still using «138.425» With ATC and Pax, their callsigns use suffix 21/22...on tac it's 1 & 2.

1503: TESTER 09 into BayWatch area on «270.8»
1504: ARROW flight says push V-1 and comes up on «138.125» with DEVIL Ops. He wants to linger over Vienna because of traffic in the area. ARROW flight leader then calls WARHAWK on this freq and passes authentications and info for ground attack runs such as IDs as F-16s, Mode 3 settings and ordnance to be used. WARHAWK is yet another range controller at Pax River Range. The controller passes info about a shot down helicopter (simulated of course) that this flight is going to give support to. Flight leader then calls GLADIATOR which, I guess, is the downed copter or the ground force giving aid to the crew of the chopper. ARROW flight is being vectored to the area of the operation by WARHAWK. All the above brings us to a time of 1513 and continuing.
1519: ARROW flight continues...WARHAWK brought them to the general area, GLADIATOR takes over and tries to get them to a specific ground target. The flight is having great difficulty hearing GLADIATOR but finally get the target pointed out. At 1521 the flight is lining up for attack. Still on «138.125» or V-1. It takes another couple of minutes to punch in the coordinates and get they go at 1524 and at 1526 announce splash and good hit. ARROW 21 is now deadeye so 22 takes over. Seems we've heard a lot of these F-16s go deadeye (laser pod not working) recently.
1533: ARROW flight leader with BayWatch on «270.8» says they'll be out of there in about 10 minutes...will take 13,000 flight level for going home. Meanwhile, 22 is still with GLADIATOR over on «138.125» trying to set up for his attack at 1535. The downed crew on the ground has taken retirement by now.
1536: TESTER 15 with BayWatch on «270.8»
1543: TESTER 15 announces RTB. «270.8»
1546: ARROW flight finally fixes position of their target. «138.125»...ready to attack and does...switches to «270.8» to tell BayWatch they'll be out in 3 minutes....ARROW 2 reports joker on «138.125» which means they've got to get out of there and head home.
1551: The "knock it off" command finally comes and the two F-16s join up for the flight home. «138.125»....21 goes to «270.8» to ask BayWatch for departure clearance. Switch to «305.2» (Pax GCA), then to Snow Hill on «256.8» and off they go on the return route to Atlantic City at 1556. Would have been a very quiet afternoon if it wasn't for this flight.
1557: They switch to V-15 or «138.425» where they report ARROW 1 is Code 2 for MFD (and now we know what that is), ARROW 2 is Code 1.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
0927: Northrup Gruman «123.225»
0928: Executive One Foxtrot (Unknown) airborne from Andrews «378.1» "You can release our backup."
0940: MD-ANG RAVEN A-10s active «347.2»
0945: DEECEE 21 (KC-135, 756th ARS, Andrews) airborne «378.1»
0948: TIGER Ops from DEECEE 21 «378.1»
0948: MD-ANG A-10 «40.15 FM»
0954: MD-ANG w/Warren Grove Range «283.1»
0957: DC-ANG F-16s active «143.15» Callsign SCARY, flight of two

1000: MD-ANG COLT 1 reports airborne «347.2»
1003: DC-ANG to Pax River «354.8» and ops on «143.15»
1008: OMAHA 3 from THOR «282.45»
1009: SCARY flight at Pax River area R-6609, Tangier Island Range «143.15»
1010: Second DC-ANG F-16 flight active, Callsign WILD, flight of two «127.275»
1012: NJ-ANG F-16s active, flight of two, callsign DEVIL «138.125» Pax River Range
1015: COLT w/Bollen Range..just passing through...will be back for 1100 range time...controller will be MUSTANG 01. «237.2»
1017: DEVIL flight w/DEVIL Ops «261.0»
1026: WILD low level continues...SCARY continues at Tangiers Island...DEVIL ground attack ops continue on Base Ops freq....COLT/RAVEN flights unheard 10 minutes.
1037: Tankers on primary «238.9»
1043: DEVIL flight with range controller CHARLIE 7 «261.0»
1047: Refueling primary freq chat...sounds like DC21 heard earlier «238.9»
1048: SCARY flight coming home...w/SOF WATERGATE for SCARY 1 and w/SENATE for SCARY 2 on V-1 «139.9»..back to «143.15» for chat
1056: SCARY w/Andrews tower for landing «349.0»

1100: WILD flight mentions flt lvl restriction in R-6609 of 20K «127.275»
1101: BANGER 21 NJ-ANG, single ship, into BayWatch area «354.8»
1104: MD-ANG A-10s on tac «142.3»
1107: BANGER 21 to «261.0» and also working with range controller CHARLIE 7. DEVIL flight finished and headed home.
1118: BANGER 21 leaves BayWatch area, RTB VFR to Atlantic City, flt lvl 9500 «354.8»
1119: WILD flight to SOF «139.9» reports 15 minutes out, Code 2, Code 1
1122: BANGER 21 reports returning Code 3 for ECS (believe that's the Environmental Control System - heat/cooling etc) «261.0»
1125: WILD flight to Andrews tower for landing «349.0» and still chatting «127.275»
1132: MD-ANG operational exercises continue on «142.3». I wonder if they are using this freq while at Bollen Range. Earlier they mentioned being back to Bollen during the 1100 hour opening but nothing has been heard on range freq «237.2»
1138: Northrup Gruman test flight still active on «123.225»
1144: AXEMAN MD-ANG A-10 flight of two coming of them Code 2 for Armament Control Panel and Pave Penny problems. «347.2»
1146: A-10 flight landing with Martin tower «297.2» and still chatting on tac «142.3»
1151: A-10s on the ground.
1100 hour finishes with a silence across all MilAir freqs.
Report continued below if needed.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1218-1230: COBRA 72 to SAM Command on «378.1» Tail #672...Unk acft...none of the COBRAs on callsign list fit other than perhaps an RC-135 from Offutt AFB but that plane is not equipped for passengers. This is not a fighter, mentioned pax, wanted stairs and parking spot only.
1249: 470 to Weide Ops on «229.4» mentions going into the maintenance test flight area.
1250: Raven Ops to COLT 45 on the ground «347.2»
1255: 470 tells Weide he's going to land..bad UHF radio. «229.4»

NOTE: Add CHROME to callsign list as C-130E, 2nd Airlift Sqdn, 43rd Airlift Wing, Pope AFB. Pulled it out of a news story about the first all-female crew of a 130.

1315: SALTY DOG 320 F/A-18 (Strike Aircraft Test Squadron) into BayWatch area «354.8» Mentions going to the tanker soon.
1317: WATERBUG 808 (Force Aircraft Test Squadron) in BayWatch area on «250.7»
1341: Raven Ops to aircraft on the ground...mentions something about Atlantic City. «347.2»
1346: SALTY DOG 320 requests permission to enter R-4005 area with BayWatch «354.8»

1400: DC-ANG F-16s active «127.275» flight of four, callsign BULLY
1405: BULLY flight checks in with BayWatch on «354.8» will be in area 40 minutes
1407: BULLY reports he's a flight of three...lost one somewhere...BULLY 1/3/4...unless 2 broke away to become a target for the mission perhaps.
1409: MD-ANG AXEMAN flight in the area...«142.3» and BayWatch «314.0»
1415: Sure enough, BULLY flight is doing air intercept exercises on tac «127.275» one mentiones being north of Vienna.
1418: AXEMAN with BayWatch on «270.8» asks for a discrete freq and repeats «256.5» but nothing heard there.
1418: U/I aircraft with BayWatch says he's going to do some approaches at Trapnell and then recover back to Andrews. «270.8» Trapnell Field is the airfield at Patuxent River Naval Air Station.
1434: BULLY flight now attacking MANPADs among other things. They must have missed on the first pass because they kept the same DMPI (dimpie). Still working tac «127.275»
1435: The AXEMAN flight doing much of the same on tac «142.3»
1440: Northrup Gruman flight still active on «123.225»
1441: BULLY flight now working with a simulated airborne controller, callsign AIREDALE on «127.275»
1441: AXEMAN giving detailed flight attack instructions and critiques to his wingman. Must be a newbie. «142.3»
1442: Warren Grove Range active «283.1» COLTs (A-10, MD-ANG) using range
1444: BULLY flight about to drop JDAMs on a simulated SA-3 missile site.
1455: BULLY flight leader to BayWatch says RTB in 5 minutes «354.8»

1500: BULLY flight joins up for tunnel back to Andrews
1500: REACH 4135 15 out from Andrews, no pax, no cago, requests parking «378.1»
1500: JOSA 691 heading for Andrews «141.55»
1504: BULLY 1 gives mission report to SOF on «139.9» all Code 1
1507: BULLY flight with Andrews Tower on «349.0» 7 miles out, fighters in one mile trail
1515: TESTER 25 in BayWatch area on «354.8»
1524: A-10s coming home to Martin State. AXEMAN flight is on both «142.3» for tac and with Dover Approach on «257.875» in his great circle route.
1527: Langley tac freq «233.525» active. Different sounding transmitter...wonder if this is an F-22?
1528: GIANT KILLER area active. Didn't catch callsign. «249.8»
1529: SALTY DOG 412 and 413 in Pax River area with BayWatch on «270.8»
1532: Langley fighter on «233.525» mentions that GIANT KILLER will have them on «391.2» for ops.
1537: Navy 691 with BayWatch on «270.8» asking for permission to operate in the area for 30 minutes at 15,000 feet.
1538: TESTER 09 with BayWatch on «270.8»
1541: WARDOG (OA-10) to Raven Ops on «347.2» to report 10 minutes out. Code 1.
1545: AXEMAN pair (instructor and newbie) reporting 10 minutes out on «347.2»
1549: TESTER 09 reports RTB on «270.8»
1550: AXEMAN pair chat on «142.3» as they land with Martin Tower on «297.2» This guy is REAL new...but he'll be a full fledged warrior in due time.
1600: Langley pair still flying...«233.525» for tac and «391.2» for ops.
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Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
>1218-1230: COBRA 72 to SAM Command on «378.1» Tail #672...Unk acft...none of the >COBRAs on callsign list fit other than perhaps an RC-135 from Offutt AFB but that plane is >not equipped for passengers. This is not a fighter, mentioned pax, wanted stairs and >parking spot only.

That is OC-135B #61-2672 out of Offutt.
COBRA 70 OC-135B 61-2670 is another you will hear from time to time.
Both are part of US Open Skies treaty and these birds usually are over in Europe flying around taking pics.Seems they always stop at Andrews on way over and back.Probably uploading and downloading crews and film data for the State dept.
Plenty of info on the is one source..

Recently one of these birds I believe COBRA 70 was working New Orleans area for damage assesment after Katrina.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Thanks Mark. Strange that more than one squadron from Offutt would use the same callsign...unless it's a Wing wide call perhaps. That sure pins it down though. Speaking of New Orleans overflights, they also used the U-2 from Beale AFB that provided images of the entire area for damage assessment purposes. That old bird is still extremely useful.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
What has me curious Tin is that under this treaty our old C-135's are used overseas I wonder what type aircarft foreign govts use over here to take pics of US airbases etc?
I assume they would have to schedule such overflights and self id their intentions.
Haven't heard one yet but I'm sure we will someday.
Maybe buzzing Martin State someday from 35k or lower.


Jul 24, 2005
With the sat photography and everything else you can find on the Internet now, I'm not sure other countries need to come here. :) I know the Russians use to like using civilians ships for SIGINT. Ironically, some our best intel is collected from the most ignored platform out there... The good old P-3. Nobody ever talks about them though, because they're not as sexy as the alleged Aurora, or whatever the conspiracy types think is flying these days. :)

-DPD Productions - Custom Scanner, MURS, & Ham Antennas-


Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
Mark said:
What has me curious Tin is that under this treaty our old C-135's are used overseas I wonder what type aircarft foreign govts use over here to take pics of US airbases etc?
I assume they would have to schedule such overflights and self id their intentions.
Haven't heard one yet but I'm sure we will someday.
Maybe buzzing Martin State someday from 35k or lower.

Here's some good info on the Open Skies Treaty..

The other "Open Skies" aircraft are apparently a Bulgarian AN-30, a Hungarian AN-26, a "POD Group" (consisting of Belgium, Canada, France, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal and Spain) C-130H, a Russian AN-30, and a Ukrainian AN-30.

Here's some info on the US OC-135 used--
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
The only curious thing at all about the COBRA 72 flight this morning is that the speaker was not a native American. He was real good...but there was still that very slight accent that gave him away.

P.S. Who is daring enough to ride an AN-26/30 or any Antonov aircraft? Risky business.
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Mar 1, 2003

Hey All,
Is anyone elsae hearing anything on 143.825 AM.They are kinda weak...infact it doesn't even sound like an aircraft. just a couple of guys talking.Maybe its harmonics or something.
20:43- Hold it...sounds like mid air refule talking aout lights and contact... 26

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