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Jul 24, 2005
TinEar said:
1307: WATERBUG 964 operating by himself in the BayWatch area on «354.8» He has been tooling around in the area for about 30 minutes now.

Hmm... VX-20 of course, but my guess would be 165964 T-6A.

-DPD Productions - Featuring the MilTenna LP Gain Scanner Antenna-


Feb 18, 2005
Brentwood,Md PG
Yeah here in Brentwood,Md the CAP looks good flying back and forth.
10:29 VENUS 41 checking in to Andrews,sounds like asking for a parking space.
Also a silly question; what aircraft are theyusing for the CAP?


Mar 1, 2003
A-10's on 46.75

Hey All,
Got some A-10's on 46.75 FM sounds like they are from Willow Grove.Might be looking for a tanker.Fairly strong signal here in Baltimore.
09:30- It's a flight of 3 10 minutes from Martinsburg
09:34- lots of talk about gas usage
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Mar 1, 2003
Starting to hear the Va. guys coming out on 141.875 also talking to Giankiller
on 238.1.
10:18-swtching to 292.3 Fury is the flight

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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
DRAGO is a known callsign used for memorial flyovers usually at Arlington cemetary.
Used for all types of aircraft but usually fighters though have heard B-2 once use that callsign for flyover at Arlington.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1910: The Combat Air Patrol, bullseye Thurmont, is still active. Presently, it's F-15s from Langley HARASS 37 and 38 and the current tanker is TANKER 25. Primary freq still «228.9» with refueling on «260.9».
1930: TANKER 25 hit the joker point and asked to RTB. He changed to GUARD DOG freq «135.25» and got clearance up to flight level 33,000 and was cleared for RTB to Pease AFB NH. Have the two F-15s using «228.175» for chat.
2030: TANKER 26 made it on station and two very thirsty F-15s (still HARASS 37/38) cheer and line up for fill ups.
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Jul 24, 2005
Mark said:
DRAGO is a known callsign used for memorial flyovers usually at Arlington cemetary.
Used for all types of aircraft but usually fighters though have heard B-2 once use that callsign for flyover at Arlington.

The Rose Parade B-2s used Drago last year... And in 04 the B-2, and also a 117 and 22 from Edwards all used Drago.

-DPD Productions - Custom Scanner, MURS, & Ham Antennas-


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
I had the 895 and Radiomax doing selective recordings on my master file since 11am this morning, and had done a little listening on Friday. Here's a quick summary of the CAP stuff heard so far; I also recorded numerous Andrews and Dover but I'm not sure the traffic I heard was CAP related....

127.275 DC ANG Drago callsigns as noted earlier
135.525 and 288.35 for Guard Dog; 288.35 was by far the busier of the 2
Huntress very easy on 260.9 and 228.9; 283.75 was used Friday nite a fair amt for coordination and some chitchat, but nothing today
Langley calls included 251.25 (tower) 376.2 (PTD), one hit on 357.10 (too brief to get a real solid ID on it); 276.675 was busy on Friday, Saturday AM but evidently not since. 228.175 was also up as noted earlier.
A couple of calls (never heard the responses) on 321.0 (CP common)

Interesting comments this afternoon on 260.9; someone 'crashed their Pitts' (controller's words, not mine) in a field, and some other folks came on to respond that they had tracked it. Also something evidently spilled or caused some other problem that someone 'didn't want to put on the ops report....'. Hmmm

381.3 was hit a couple of times; a review of the recordings sounds like the same kind of traffic that's on Andrews 378.1 - but the question remains - it's possibly a Langley freq, but whose? Traffic mostly involved people on board, needing a parking spot, ect.

Also interesting was, except for the one log above, the almost coimplete lack of activity on the VHF mil band; I managed to get someone calling into Andrews Navy Ops (139.3) asking for a cart and a maintenance truck to meet the flight when it landed, but that was about it. I wasn't scanning that band nearly as actively as the UHF side, as I have no way to record and catalog that information.

Ende Von Bericht - Guten Abend alle 73s Mike
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Very nice Mike. Re that 283.75 freq with HUNTRESS...are you saying that's a NORAD freq or something used for tac by the CAP fighters that were working at the time?

I can add some insight to that 357.1 freq. I had the first HARASS fighter, 31, yesterday using that to call IRON Ops - the Command Post for the 1st Fighter Wing at Langley. He called a couple of times and got no response.

The 381.3 freq is used for a Command Post at both Pope and Shaw AFB so you would hear traffic similar to 378.1.

It's also interesting that you heard 139.3 for Andrews Navy Ops. All the calls recently to them have been on 139.4 and we made a freq change in the database as a result.


2128: REACH 6018 with Dover Command Post on «349.4». He's due into Dover at 0153Z and is A-2/A-3 maintenance status for an autopilot pitch problem. He wants minimum time on the ground so he can make his trip to Spain on time. He's alloting 2 hours, 45 minutes on the ground so wonders if maintenance can be standing by to begin work immediately after he lands. Dover confirms they can.
2150: HARASS 41/42 coming on station to replace 37/38 (Last time they skipped 39/40 aslo...wonder what's up with that?)...41/42 just cleared into GUARD DOG and are using «228.175» for chat as did 37/38.
2153: HARASS 41/42 announce AUX Prime 16 will be «260.9» and AUX 15 Prime will be GUARD DOG «288.35»
2156: HARASS 41/42 report into HUNTRESS they are 40 miles from the CAP and ask for altitudes. Flt lvl will be 230. They perform the usual Alpha check of the DATALINK system with HUNTRESS upon coming to the CAP.
2202: HARASS 41 goes to the tanker on 260.9 and reports his tail number as 810035...42 shortens his tail number to 2012 and leaves off the 81, 82 or 83.
HARASS 37 was tail number 820019 and 38 was 830029.
2207: 42 going to feed at the boom with TANKER 26 also on 260.9
2210: HARASS 37/38 RTB Langley. They switch to Main AUX which, of course, is 228.175.
2233: 41/42 agree 228.175 will be Main AUX during their flight.
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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
283.75 was used as a chit chat freq on Friday and I heard the Harass fighters saying 'I'll stay at 20...right turn' ect. so that's what I mean when I mentioned 'coordination'; I never heard a call to Huntress, but I had it on my list as being used as 'Blue 01' in the past. Of course, that might not be the case now. Thanx for those other notes. That clears up a couple of questions about what I had in my recordings. 73s Mike


Mar 1, 2003
Bc 898T VS RS PRO-2042

Hey All,
I am finding out that the 898T may be a little more sensitive in the 225-400mhz range then the pro 2042.The 898T is stoping on 251.050 (ADW Atis) in the scan mode and the 2042 is not. I am using microwave cables with sma connectors to bnc male on both radios with a stridesburg multicoupler. Both cables are the same length. usually I don't pick up 251.050 unless the conditions are right but I have it this morning. Just a little tid bit I thought I would throw out there.



Mar 1, 2003
Just like yesterday the Va guys are out this AM
09:21- 141.6 not sure if its the Va guys or not. Maybe another flight
09:24- T bolt flight on 141.6 Marsa with Fury
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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
It's very quiet over here; absolutely no hits at all on any of the freqs I reported yesterday. I started scanning about 11am - it's 2:22 now. Anyone else notice the quiet? Or is it just that the CAP has flown beyond my horizon (with indoor antennas, very possibly) 73s Mike


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Looks like the CAP both started and ended early based on the published NOTAM that tipped it off.

Jack, your report on the 898 doesn't surprise me a bit. All the newer Unidens, starting with the 780, 785, etc seem to be great on the MilAir band and have super sensitivity across all bands. Only the 396 seems to be getting comments about low sensitivity on some bands and practically deaf on MilAir. I hope that problem is fixed before the base version comes along which is when I was hoping to start replacing all my current batch of scanners. If not, I'll just stick with what I've got.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Caught the CAP early this Sunday morning around 7 am local but must have been the end.
One F-15 gave tail as 78-0548 which is listed as a Langley F-15C. Old but still kicking!
Heck I was in high school in 1978...LOL
He was up with Tanker 28 out of Bangor Maine 260.900 A/A refueling.
Yakking about leaves turning color up there...
I see Bangor base made the hit list for closing...They have a bunch of old KC-135's but they sure seem to keep busy everywhere... shame

a couple others I had tonite...

TAF 606 Turkish Air Force probably KC-135 arrive Andrews 378.100.rough english accent.
Turks have a few old US KC-135's they go back and forth to US with.

SPAR 64 C-37A #01-0076 depart Andrews 2145z,probably headed back to Ramstein.Came in Andrews friday nite from there with that tail..

Northeast Maryland


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
0945: DC-ANG active as I turn on the scanners this morning. They're on «143.15» for tac and seem to be in the GK area on «255.0»
0955: It's a WILD DC-ANG flight that's in GK's area also on «255.0»
0955: Also have a flight of fighters chatting on «138.625» as they fly through the area. They're talking about baseball scores and the "us" in their conversation revolves around Chicago. They also mentioned flying over the nuclear power plant. I assume that means Calvert Cliffs.
0958: SCARY 1 reports a flight of two heading back to Andrews with Sea Isle on «285.4»

1005: SCARY and WILD flights back to Andrews with SOF on «139.9»
1007: Flight of fighters on «138.625» identifies with callsign MAPLE. Flight leader says switch to Shaw Victor-1 and they come up on «138.025». Not sure from the conversation there that these fighters are from Shaw...maybe they are but are talking like strangers to the area...perhaps deploying there. MAPLE shows in the callsign list as F-16s from the 134th Fighter Squadron of the VT-ANG in Burlington. (Confirmation came from another source that this was a flight of three fighters from the VT-ANG)
1020-1100 TESTER 24 with a chase aircraft on Pax River «291.15» performing tests of air intercept routines...playing from a "card." They switch to BayWatch on «354.8» to clear the area and RTB. (Didn't say where but presume Pax) Yeah...mentions runway 6 for landing.

1120: Have a fighter in the Pax River area working «270.8» Clearing and RTB to runway 6. Callsign SALTY DOG 205. His tac work was on «344.4»
1144: IRON 71 (F-15 Langley) clears into GIANT KILLER area on «238.1» to work for the next 20 minutes. «358.85» is tac for this flight.
1146: Army Copter 736 overhead Weide AAF to the airfield for cargo dropoff on Aberdeen Range freq «248.2» Later heard on «126.15» with Phillips AAF saying he's going over Route 40 up to Havre de Grace and return.
1147: BATON 51 (EC-130 193d Spec Ops Group, PA-ANG Harrisburg) enters GK's area on «255.0»
BREAK REPORT...Continued below if necessary
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1210: IRON 71 reports RTB «238.1»
1211: DRAGNET (E3B Tinker AFB OK) radio check with HUNTRESS on «364.2»
1213: WATERBUG 958 on Pax River «314.0»
1215: BANDIT 81 (F-15 Langley) into GK's area on «238.1» Later heard with ops on «391.2»
1218: DRAGNET calling STARGATE (E8C JSTARS-backend callsign) on «364.2»
1223: CAVE (F-15 Langley) heard on Langley tac «276.675» (Thanks Jack for finding this freq) Later switches to 10 AUX «228.45»
1238-1247: THUG 11 (B-1B, 34th Bomb Squadron, 28th Bomb Wing, Elsworth AFB SD) on primary refueling freq «228.9» calling a tanker callsign I missed. At 1248 he finally makes contact and the callsign of the tanker is TOPCAT 02 (KC-135E, 1085h ARW, NJ-ANG McGuire AFB). He confirms they'll be at the IP at 1715Z.
NOTE: Callsign list shows THUG B-1Bs at Mountain Home AFB ID but it should be changed to Elsworth AFB SD.
1253: DC-ANG active «143.15» Flight of two F-16s, callsign SCARY
1258: Langley Command Post freq «251.25» active. It's a single F-16 that wants a message passed to ops to let them know he's 10 minutes out. Didn't hear a callsign but he obviously doesn't belong to Langley.

1302: SCARY fighters into Pax River area with BayWatch on «270.8»
1306: OPEC 78 (KC-10A, McGuire AFB NJ) with McGuire on «319.4» Approaching station, 1 pax, A-2 maint status.
1309: SCARY flight into GK's area on «255.0» Mention to GK they'll be working on «337.225» which I don't have identified. Haven't heard them there yet. I kept a scanner on that freq until 1430 and never heard anyone else using it either.
1313: REACH 475 calling HUNTRESS on «364.2» No reply.
1319: SCARY 1 providing info to and critiqueing the ground attack done by 2 - pro to rookie comments. «143.15»
1335: Both SCARY F-16s reporting their radios are garbled when talking to each other.
1336: SCARY flight exits BayWatch area on «270.8» and requests tunnel back to Andrews. Note that this flight entered both Pax River and GK's areas during its mission. Never did hear them on «337.225»
1339: SCARY 1 and 2 both report being Code 1 as they make for home on «143.15»
1340: SCARY flight to SOF freq «139.9» to report mission results. Then to Sea Isle on «285.4» and back to tac «143.15»
NOTE: After the above transmission, the MilAir band went dead for at least 30 minutes which gave me time to read the comments section on the new Uniden 996T. That will be my next new scanner if they fix the MilAir band deafness problem of the 396T. The press release is in the Uniden Scanners thread for anyone that hasn't seen it yet. Or is interested...:lol:

'Nuther note: Has anyone heard the CRAB C-130Js from Martin State recently? Just realized it's been a long time since I've heard them. Deployed? Already in RI or CA as BRAC has them moving to?

1425: ANGRY 1 (F-16, DC-ANG, Andrews AFB) enters BayWatch area on «270.8»
1436: SALTY DOG 102 working BayWatch on «270.8» requesting to use flight level 3500-10000.
1444: ROLLER 74 (C-130E, 192d Airlift Sqdn, NV-ANG, Reno) trying to contact Dover Command Post on «349.4»
1453: Somebody...maybe NJ-ANG...up on «138.025»...nope it's the VT-ANG again with callsign MAPLE. A minute later they say switch to Victor-2 and come up on «138.525»

1500: ROLLER 74 finally makes contact with Dover CP on «349.4» Reports 10-15 minutes out, IDs as a C-130, needs refueling, will RON (Rest/Remain OverNight) and will be picking up human remains tomorrow. Wants to know if there's a special parking place for that activity at Dover.
1508: One of the MAPLE F-16s mentions, "There's 3-Mile Island below us." «138.525»
1513: ROLLER 74 approaching and working with Dover Tower on «126.35»
1514: MAPLE flight doing the sightseeing tour...talking about what they see below them as they are on the flight home to Vermont. Still on «138.525» but starting to get weak.
1516: ANGRY 1 with BayWatch on «270.8» and then «344.4»
1517: ANGRY 1 reports gear down on «344.4» Is he going into Pax River? Sounds that way.
1521: Nope...ANGRY 1 coming home...reports to SOF on «139.9»
1524: ANGRY 1 to Andrews Tower on «349.0» He's a single ship.
1533: Trooper 6 (MD State Police helicopter) landing at Phillips AAF for a medevac. He's unfamiliar with the airfield and wants instructions where to land. «126.15» Says he's awaiting Potomac TRACON to give clearance into the ADIZ before he can come in.
1544: HARASS 64 into BayWatch area on «354.8» Unusual...never heard this callsign other than in conjunction with a CAP.
1547: Flight of two T-6 aircaft, no callsign heard, with Webster NOLF on «358.0»
1552: Trooper 6 just leaving Phillips AAF «126.15»
1600: END OF REPORT...a rather quiet afternoon.
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