Sticky Thread for MilAir

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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
1837 «282.725» Axeman Flight with Potomac TRACON (BWI) departing Martin State also on A/A «142.3»
1839 «317.425» Axeman with Potomac TRACON (BWI), Direct Salisbury....
1841 «347.2» Axeman reports "Airborne at 35" to ops
1843 «354.8» Axeman flight checks in with Baywatch (Patuxent Complex)
<missed freq> Crab-58 with ATC, change to 124.55
1846 «319.4» Team-27 with Mcguire command post checking on status of ?Tankers?

1922 «121.8» I'm hearing a bit of the ADW ground freq today, I think we should be getting some fighters up from there momentarily..
Hmmm Since it's also the MTN ground freq and given Jacks post from the UHF side «253.4» below it's probably MTN ground

1932 «282.275» Raven-1 with Potomac TRACON Depart KMTN, then "push 5" then
1933 «317.425» Raven-1 with Potomac TRACON, direct AGARD,
1937 Raven-1 request Direct Atlantic City, Push 12 then they come up on 277.4 ZDC-Kenton DE ((Got called away for a sec and missed where they went))

1944 Axeman with Potomac TRACON «290.475» then switch Tower «297.2» for landing
1952 «143.8» Interplane chat, coordinating altitudes, I have as 756ARS, KADW ops freq
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Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
1830-1845 Tomcheck ? flight of 3 Barnes A-10's working Warren grove range 283.1
1848 Tomcheck ? flight departs north for Barnes NY cntr on 307.8


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I was amazed to just notice that the page views of this thread shot past those of the Stick Major Events thread.

Just turned the scanners back on and am hearing the MD-ANG activity that Chuck mentions above and am also hearing callsign COACH on ZNY-Colts Neck on «307.8» and then over to Warren Grove Range on «283.1». Interesting if the COACH call is from Langley because it would mean another ground attack capability and that would mean F-22s. I'm going to try to catch them when they leave the range to see which direction they go. I could use some help doing this. Of course, there are other users of the COACH callsign so they might not be the Langley bunch but nothing else on my callsign list fits for that callsign from this general area.

Carbineone, you could be correct. I heard COACH but I'd settle for TORCH - also good at Langley but also good for CT-ANG A-10s from Bradley which use the range often. Let's check again when they come off the range.
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Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
1905 Torch flight of 2 unknown aircraft type working warren grove range 283.1
Just saw prior message maybe callsign was coach.
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Mar 1, 2003
Just heard the ground controller at Martins(253.4) say Dep. freq of 282.275 so another flight o A-10's should be coming out soon.did not catch callsighn or destination.
20:37- Tin 253.4 is the ground freq at Martin state
20:42- I have them on 40.15 did not catch freq #

Please ignore my times 1 hour to fast sorry!!!!

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Jack, who uses 253.4?
(Had a brain explosion Jack...Martin State Ground Control....thanks. Sometimes a freq just doen't register.)
Jack, I generally listen to the 121.8 freq and can hear him fine most of the time.

Carbineone, just heard TORCH back to ZNY-Colts Neck on «307.8» so you were correct on that call.
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Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
1931 Torch flight departing warren grove northeast on 307.8
It was A-10's from Barnes
1935 Mako flight on Warren grove range 283.1
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1934: Have some refueling on «238.9». Missed the call but suffix is 01 talking with 29
1934: Also have Martin State A-10s with BayWatch on «354.8»
1936: Have Martin State A-10s working «40.15»
1946: BATON 55 (EC-130 193d SOG Harrisburg) to GIANT KILLER on «255.0» to W-107 area. BATON keeps trying for the next seven minutes to get his clearance and finally is cleared for altitudes up to 30,000 at 1953.
1951: RAVEN flight on Raven Ops freq «143.8»

Any further log references will be in a new message below since (at least for me) there is a page change after the next message and I don't want to have to keep going back and forth.

Chuck (or anyone else) did you catch any reference to the FM 40.15 freq I mentioned above from that Raven flight?
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
Alan, Nope didn't hear the ref.

carbineone, Raven-1 flight should be heading your way. they were looking for clearance to Atlantic City..

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Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
1945 Baton 55 with GK requesting clearance into W-107 255.0
I will keep a heads up for the Raven flight.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Okay...where'd all the aircraft go? I have the Martin State «143.8» active but hear nothing else...well, just heard Warren Grove on «283.1» also. I was fussing just before 8 p.m. because I had to use one of my scanners for the webcast police/fire stream and there was so much going on. Now...nada.

2014: JOSA 996 into Andrews on «378.1» arriving 25 minutes, is A-1, has a D/V on board Code A-5 plus two Space A pax.
2022: Tanker interplane «139.875» active with two tankers coordinating mentions direct Norfolk.
2025: REACH 8266 to Dover Command Post on «349.4» arriving at 45 after the hour, has 10 terminating pax and is A-1, needs parking spot.
2057: BATON 55 again kvetching with GIANT KILLER on «255.0» Wasn't paying attention to it at the time so missed the gist of the conversation.

Chuck, I was out of the room and missed the conversation on 238.1 between the tanker that was on 139.875 and GIANT KILLER about his refueling mission. All I heard was a JINX 32 and altitude block 24-26000. The other aircraft is JINX 26. (which turns out to be DEUCE 26, not JINX 26)

Nevermind that whole statement about JINX callsign since it was apparently DEUCE and not JINX that's the refueling aircraft. Chuck, you've got a list with JINX as C-17s?

Thanks for the refs Chuck. Gotta watch House now.
Is that CRAB 57 on Phillips 126.15?
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
2021«139.875» UI Interplane, "coordinating MARSA" "get a plug or two" "they gave us Direct Salisbury then Norfolk" TANKERS??
2035«347.2»Raven-2 with Ravens Ops inbound
2036 «238.1» Deuce/Zeus-26(KC-10 McGuire) with Giantkiller, Jinx-32(C-17 Mcguire) in trail..enroute Norfolk ( are the aircraft A/A above) He definitely used Deuce/Zeus the second time around and said "we're the tanker" I have one web reference to Jinx as Mcguire C-141/C-17s, so that's a guess... Deuce is a good Mcguire tanker call
- Found two references one is the Northeastmilair group, the other the is Jersey Milair page

2041 «297.2» Raven with Tower inbound full stop.. Where did they go?? Where did they come from?

I also caught DeeCee 24 with KADW Tower inbound for landing, this would tie up with the 756ARS ops freq«143.8» I noted active earlier...
2208 «119.0» Crab 58 with Potomac TRACON inbound MTN for landing (I"m hearing the controller on 119, but not the aircraft...)
2214 «119.0» Crab 58 cancels IFR and changes to «121.3» MTN Tower
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Yes indeed, many are gone but we've got at least CRAB 56/57/58 that are somewhere around this area and someone is in control of them. I would think there has to be an Ops freq somewhere even if they were down to a single aircraft.

1025: NJ-ANG active on «138.45» buddy last ground attacks
1026: VA-ANG flight leaving GIANT KILLER area and RTB Richmond «238.1»
1027: DC-ANG active, flight of two using tac «127.275» flying up in New Jersey and (non-stop) talking about how nice the area below them is (Cape May). Callsign WILD
1034: WILD flight of two to SOF on «139.9» to report both are Code 1 as they fly home. Currently 69 miles out...then change back to V-5 «127.275»
1041: VA-ANG using tac «141.825»
1059: The two ship NJ-ANG ground attack mission - probably at Pax River Range - continues on «138.425»

1111: The NJ-ANG pair, callsign BANGER, has finished their ground attack work and is headed home to Atlantic City through ZDC-Kenton DE on «277.4» to get clearance for the trip.
1112: There are Navy fighters all over the Pax River area in flight testing roles but I can't stay with them to capture callsigns due to listening time constraints at the moment.
1255: Langley tac freq «252.775» active. It's a flight of two aircraft and continues well into the 1300 hour.

1347: Looks like we finally may have some action starting. Have Raven Ops on «347.2» talking with A-10s on the ground. They should be in the air soon....I hope.
1351: NJ-ANG flight of two is airborne and using tac freq «138.425»
1352: Someone is in the GIANT KILLER area on «373.1» It sounds like a flight of four I heard travelling through the ZDC on Bucks Elbow and Linden freqs but couldn't for the life of me catch the callsign. All I got was the suffix of 31. The activity is all very weak from here.
1353: Activity on the Warren Grove Range «283.1»

1404: U/I aircraft landing at Langley using Command Post freq «251.25» says he's dropping off a Space A pax and picking up an A-4 to take to Offutt (AFB).
1409: REACH 9027 (C-5) to RAYMOND 16 (1st Fighter Wing, Langley AFB VA) on «251.25» reports landing in 15 minutes, IDs as a C-5, is A-1, no pax or cargo but needs 180,000 pounds of fuel upon landing.
1417: REACH 8226 also calling RAYMOND 16 as he heads for Langley on «251.25» He reports 20 minutes out, is A-1, needs parking spot and 140,000 pounds of fuel upon landing and wants info about his upload.
1418: NJ-ANG is a flight of two F-16s using callsign BICEP. «138.425»
1419: Flight of two A-10s from Martin State MD-ANG is airborne on «142.3» They were doing the instructor/student chat as they flew out...heard them about another two minutes and then they just disappeared from listening range.
1423: BICEP flight heard on «305.2» (I'll have to look up that freq...can't remember who it belongs to. I know it's used for Patuxent GCA but that doesn't seem reasonable for this flight. They were giving altitude info while using it.)
1424: BICEP flight into BayWatch area using «270.8» report they'll be there about 30 minutes.
1426: REACH 8226 tells Langley he'll release 73 seats on the outbound leg. «251.25»
1432: BICEP pair doing buddy lase attacks on the Pax River Range using tac «138.425»
1446: The A-10 pair from Martin State is just barely readable again and still on «142.3»
1450: HAGAR 11 (C-5 Dover AFB DE) with Dover Tower on «279.625» landing
1452: SALTY DOG 123 enters BayWatch area using «270.8» says he'll be working with SALTY DOG 120 and switches to «256.5» where he contact 120 and begins his work.
1453: BICEP 11 with ZDC-Snow Hill MD on «256.8» for direct Atlantic City. Push U-7
1455: BICEP flight to U-7 on «285.4» with ZDC-Sea Isle at 15,500 FL...then descending down to 7.5 at 1457...push U-6 at 1458 and they should come up on 261.0 as a result.

1500: CRATE 41 (F-15 Langley), flight of four with GK on «391.2» and another flight of three (no callsign heard) with GK on «292.3»
1503: Have two U/I fighters chatting on «141.9» which is a Shaw AFB tac freq but haven't heard them use a callsign yet.
1504: Hearing activity on Warren Grove Range «283.1»
1505: U/i flight of two entering GK's area using «249.8» callsign sounds like RASTER (F-15 Langley) and they say they'll be MARSA with CRATE.
1511: U/I flight working with Andrews Command Post on «141.55» says he has 386.8 for the Navy but wants a VHF freq. Andrews gives him 122.85 for the Navy and the aircraft repeats the freq. (So I program that freq and what do I hear? Nothing, nada, zip. Guess he used it and was gone by the time I set it up.)
1515: Martin Tower «297.2» with COLTs coming home.
1516: MCGRUFF (A-10, 103rd Fighter Wing, CT-ANG Bradley) flight heard with ZNY-Flint Hill on «290.2» and then with ZNY-Colts Neck NJ on «307.8» Probably going to Warren Grove but MCGRUFF flight leader started to call RANGER while on 307.8 and that callsign has been associated in the past with the Bollen Range. (Here's where you can clear this up carbineone...I don't have a firm callsign for the Warren Grove Range.)
1519: Gear down full stop landing by the COLTs on «297.2»
1526: Langley freq «364.125» active. Fighters with SPAD Ops.
1528: LION 41 flight (F-15 Langley) into GK's area using «249.8»
1529: Martin State flights of both COLT and RAVEN were up...I think COLTs have all landed and RAVENs are about to land. «142.3/297.2/347.2» (Nope...other way around....COLTs are both Code 1 and about to land now.)
1530: Langley tac freq «252.775» active.
1536: Army Copter 627 to Weide Advisory on «126.2» says he's over the Bush River now and has hazardous cargo to drop off.
1541: MCGRUFF flight already back to ZNY-Colts Neck on «307.8» for the trip home. Guess they can't stay too long at the range because of distance from/back to Bradley.
1600: END OF REPORT...until later in the day. Thanks for the help with the Warren Grove Range today carbineone and thanks for that Bradley tac freq which I didn't have.

Good catch carbineone...was wondering if that's where the A-10s went. I've got a very loud buzzing noise mixing with all my freqs today and making it difficult to hear some of the traffic. It's annoying to say the least.
And thanks for confirming the RANGER callsign for Warren Grove.
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Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
1455 283.1 Colt 1 and 2 working Warren grove range a/a on 142.3
1517 283.1 Mcgruff flight working warren grove range
1536 138.05 mcgruff a/a
Tinear I have a lot of intermod here myself today.
Yes Ranger is Warren grove range callsign unless they have a visiting combat controller working the aircraft.
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Mar 1, 2003
Got some tankers up on 238.9,319.7(they called this one "secondary")
I wonder who else will be up tonight? Get ready!!



Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
1841 barnes a-10 just declared emergency headed home immediately from warren grove
he said no fire visible 283.1 mentioned 139.625
1845 on 282.300 now mentioned some type of leak light on
1858 talking to ops on 138.050 going through checklist about landing
TinEar not sure on the 138.050 will have to pin that one down in the future
1947 ravens checking in with warren grove 30 miles west
1949 axeman still on the range probably departing soon
2004 FORCE36 with Mcguire cp 319.4
2032 Team39 with mcguire cp a-1 condition full stop no touch and goes due to bird condition 319.4 bad night for birds lol
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