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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1845: Have had a couple of fighters chatting on «139.9» for the past 15-20 minutes. I don't think they are DC-ANG F-16s that normally use this freq. It sounds more like deploying aircraft or someone in transit and is fairly weak from my location.
1854: REACH 8226 calling HUNTRESS on «364.2» (Had this aircraft in the 1400 hour going into Langley.)
1855: REACH 8226 asks HUNTRESS for a sweet/sour his Mode 3 as 6512 so HUNTRESS can identify him on his scope. «364.2»

1901: Raven Ops yakking with aircraft on the ground at Martin State «347.2» Get ready.
1904: And here they are...pair of A-10s up on tac «1142.3» Callsign AXEMAN
1906: AXEMAN flight reports back to Raven Ops they were off the deck on the hour «347.2»
1910: AXEMAN flight push 12 and comes up on ZDC-Kenton DE «277.4» requesting clearance to 5002
1914: AXEMAN to ZDC-Sea Isle NJ on «285.4» checking in
1933: Three ship flight with Potomac TRACON on «317.425» Didn't hear the callsign. AXEMAN flight??? Nope, it's a RAVEN flight of three A-10s from MD-ANG Martin State.
1937: Potomac tells RAVEN flight to change to Dover Approach on 257.875 and that's exactly where they come up and report they are heading for Atlantic City.
1944: Warren Grove Range active on «283.1» Little doubt that RAVEN flight is there but I didn't follow the AXEMAN flight out of the area so I don't know where they went. (Per carbineone above they are at Warren Grove also.)
1955: DC32 (KC-135 756th ARS Andews AFB) to LIBERATOR on squadron freq «351.2» asking about ramp freeze at Andrews.

2014: Martin State A-10s on tac «142.3» again and being heard rather well on the Warren Grove «283.1» freq...they must be higher.
2019: AXEMAN flight 10 minutes out from Martin State with Ops on «347.2»
2020: U/I (See below) aircraft with Phillips AAF on «126.15» reported he just had a massive bird strike and must return to Harrisburg.
2024: BATON 55 (EC-130, 193rd SOG, PA-ANG Harrisburg) to Baton Ops on «395.1» 15 minutes out...negative on engine shutdown, A-2 (This is the aircraft that was at Phillips with the bird strike)
2027: BATON 55 reports co-pilot can't see out his windshield. «395.1» Guess that's where the bird strike was.
2036: Warren Grove Range still active «283.1»

2106: DC 32 to TIGER Ops reports hitting a bird...says it was not over the airfield so the bird is not on the runway. «351.2» What's up with these bird strikes tonight?
2113: RAVEN, flight of three A-10s coming home to Martin State...14 miles out, straight in approach for runway 33. «297.2»

Carbineone: Both the earlier MCGRUFF flight and now the CHILLY flight (the one with the emergency) are reported using 138.05. Is it true that both Barnes and Bradley use that for a tac freq that you know of? I'm thinking that CHILLY is from Barnes but I'm not entirely positive of that...they both might be from Bradley. To make matters more difficult, some of the New England listeners use CHILI and some CHILLY.

Chuck, yes, it is constant on that freq (243) for me. I've had it locked out for months because of it. Oh, and I was running search in the 300-340 range the whole time before and after you reported the CRAB C-130 with Martin State and heard nothing. Guess I'll move the search a bit higher and see what I get.
Going lower rather than higher...searching 270-300 for the CRAB Ops freq this time.

Frequency 280.2 becomes of interest...heard a couple of transmissions from military aircraft...not nearly enough to identify it...found in search for CRAB Ops but have no idea if it's associated. Putting it into scan rotation for possible ID.

Re 280.2: Unfortunately, no Chuck. Heard the same conversation you did I guess but not enough to reach an opinion on it. Oh, I guess you mean is the unit still there....don't know for sure. Speaking of Navy...did you catch that log at 1511 above with the Navy freqs given out by Andrews?
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
As soon as I walked in and turned on my radios -
1909 «277.4» (ZDC Kenton, DE)Axeman checking in request direct 5002 (R-5002, Warren Grove Range).. Air to Air «143.2»
1909 «121.8» Martin State Ground giving clearance to next flight departure freq will be «290.475»
1914«277.4» Axeman Push <285.4> (ZDC-Sea Isle)
1914«285.4» Axeman checks in((WEAK))
1921«121.3» Crab 58 with Martin Tower
Alan are you hearing any interference or signals on «243.0?
1930«290.475» Raven-1 with Potamac TRACON(BWI) Departing Martin State (MTN)
1932«347.2» Raven-1 with Raven Ops "up at 28 after"
1933 «317.425» with Potomac TRACON(BWI), cancel IFR, request flight following, Three Ship (looks like they're going to PAX)
1937 Maybe not to PAX, push to «257.875» Dover Approach, and check in. report passing to the north of Dover enroute Atlantic City..
1955«351.2» ?DeeCee?-32 with ops inquiring about ramp freeze at KADW
1958«121.8» MTN Ground with clearance for ??(maybe Crab) departure freq will be «119.7»

I think Both AXEMAN and RAVEN went to WARREN GROVE. AXEMAN said direct 5002...
2020 «317.425» AXEMAN-1 Flight checks in with Potomac TRACON inbound MTN
2023«282.275»" Push 4" Continue Approach to MTN
2026«297.2» "Push 3" Axeman with MTN Tower

2028 «280.2» Brief conversation here that I missed. I have this ID'ed a COBRA Ops VAQ-209 at Andrews NAF. Are they still there?

2108«317.425» Raven-1 flight of three with Potomac TRACON inbound MTN
2111 «297.2» "Push 3" Raven with MTN Tower

2143«119.7» Crab-52 and Crab-58 with Potomac TRACON inbound MTN

«385.9»CRAB-58 calling CRAB OPS !! But no joy...

2149 «121.3» CRAB-52 with Tower cleared to land
2151 «121.3» CRAB-58 with Tower inbound full stop

I had the 122.85 NAVY freq, but it seems to also be an Company freq for Jamaica air and someone else.. at 2115 Getaway (missed the numbers) looking for a gate assignment..

!&*!@#$)!@#$ I had Baton Ops programmed in as 395.2 instead of «395.1»!!
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1000 hour:
VA-ANG F-16s active on their tac «141.875»
A DEVIL 11 NJ-ANG flight of F-16s went to W-107 with GIANT KILLER and back again and used GK's «255.0» to enter and exit the area and «138.425» as a tac freq.
Warren Grove Range active on «283.1»
A RECON 70 in contact with Phillips AAF on «126.15»
PACER 81 off the deck at Andrews on «378.1» at 1522Z
Langley fighters into GK's area using «238.1» and callsign VELCRO

1100: OPEC 43 (KC-10A McGuire AFB NJ) calling McGuire Command Post several times without receiving a reply - maybe because he's using «349.4»
1103: DEVIL 11 calling COWBOY several times on tac «138.425» COWBOY is the ground controller for the DEVIL grount attack/buddy lase mission.
1104: OPEC 43 switches to «319.4» and makes contact with McGuire Command Post and inquires about his receiver HAGAR 70 (C-5 Dover AFB DE). After asking a few times, he's told HAGAR 70 is airborne.
1109: TEAM 42 (KC-10A McGuire AFB) refueling U/I aircraft using «238.9»
1110: Other tankers talking - but weakly - on «228.0»
1115-18: REACH 7043 calling McGuire Command Post on «349.4» with no response.

1200: U/I C-17 with tail #98-0054 landing at McGuire to drop off 54 pax and pick up the crews from three other C-17s due to land at McGuire today. He also used the «349.4» freq for McGuire.
1211: Northrup Gruman pair up and working on «123.225» Sabre 168W is one call.
1214: SPIDER 41 (F-16, 178th Fighter Squadron ND-ANG Fargo), flight of two, checking in with HUNTRESS on «260.9» reporting just off from Langley. Says he'll change to GIANT KILLER freq
1224: SPIDER (I think) just finally checked in with GK on «233.7»
1234: DC 41 (KC-135, Andrews) to LIBERATOR on «351.2» reports arrival in 30 minutes, is A-1 and will land with 38K pounds of fuel on board.

1315: Just barely can hear a fighter flight that entered GK's area on «238.1» and is performing their operations on «312.3» and «389.1» One of the callsigns sounds like KICK (F-15 Langley)
1320: Confirm KICK is callsign on «389.1» in an air combat exercise.
1323: Another U/I flight into GK's area using «238.1» says they'll be in W-3007 for the next 30 minutes.
1331: Pair of F-16s from the VA-ANG at Richond active on tac freq «141.625»
1342: REACH 9006 into Andrews on «378.1» arriving on the hour, A-1, no cargo or pax, will park at 13-C and is on a crew rest stop so will talk about upload tomorrow.
1347: SALTY DOG 322 with BayWatch on «270.8» is going to be doing some vertical manuevering.
1351: JOSA 228 with Andrews on «141.55» reports A-2 and wants Andrews to advise C-21 maintenance that their autopilot is "misbehaving" and wants a crew bus for two and if he gets it, it would be "awesome."
1354: SALTY DOG 124 with BayWatch on «270.8»

1400: REACH 9013 to Dover Command Post on «349.4» arriving at Dover 1915Z, IDs as a C-5, has 7 pax to offload, has 73 seats available on the outbound, needs 85K fuel, and needs transportation for 13 crew members.
1405: MAPLE 91 (F-16 VT-ANG Burlington) flight through the area on various ZDC Virginia freqs...last one was Lynchburg on «270.35» at FL330.
1410: PITTMAN 1 (F-16, Shaw AFB) into GK's area using «238.1» reports as a single ship F-16 flight.
1410: JOSA 668 reports off the ground at Andrews at 1900Z «141.55»
1415: Pair of A-10s up from Martin State on «142.3» Callsign AXEMAN
1421: MAPLE 91 flight with ZNY-Philipsburg on «306.2» at FL350 and then to ZNY-North Mountain on «269.1» still reporting FL350 at 1423...then to ZNY-North Mountain on «273.6» to report same FL350 at 1424.
1426: CARBON 21 (A-10 MI-ANG Battle Creek) with ZDC-Cape Charles VA on «257.7» checking in.
1434: DEFT 11 (F-15 Langley) into GK's area using «238.1»
1438: NJ-ANG F-16 up with Ops on «261.0» reporting "I blew out my GC."
1441: ROCKY 51 (F-16 CO-ANG Buckley or F-15 Langley) with ZDC-Snow Hill on «256.8»
1444: ROCKY 51 calling GIANT KILLER several times on refueling freq «238.9» and gets no reply. (Surprise, surprise!)
1445: ROCKY 51 then calls GK on «249.8» and says it's a flight of two and will be working in the area for the next 15 minutes.
1448: BICEP 11 (F-16 NJ-ANG) with ZDC-Snow Hill «256.8» reports he'll be working R-4006.
1449: BICEP 11 to BayWatch on «354.8» entering airspace enroute R-4006, will be in area for 30 minutes at top altitude 20K and will RTB VFR when he's done. (Believe this is single ship flight...guess it was his wingman we heard on 261.0 with the problem that went home.)
1452: PAT 837 to Davison Meteo on «139.4» saying he'll be departing for KCAE (Columbia SC), departing at 2030Z and arriving there 2215...wants that message passed to the Guard unit. (So, this freq is used by both Navy Ops at Andrews and still by Davison AAF.)
1459: BATON 20 (EC-130, PA-ANG Harrisburg) to Baton Ops on «395.1» arriving 10 past the hour and is A-2.

1501: Pair of fighters chatting on «139.9» that doesn't sound like DC-ANG F-16s. Transitting flight perhaps....same as yesterday evening. (We've got that out of area ROCKY flight around here somewhere.)
1503: And fighter chat on «142.175» that may not be VA-ANG F-16s...just inflight chat.
1504: GK ops freqs «292.3/373.1» active.
1506: U/I fighters on ZNY «307.8» going to Warren Grove range.
1508: Langley freq «364.15» active
1508: Bollen Range active on «237.2» with a flight of three.
1510: BICEP 11 (single ship) with ZDC-Kenton on «277.4» heading for Atlantic City and wants to do two 360s around Philadelphia...says he's out of R-4006.
1513: The fighter chat on «139.9» seems to be at one of the ranges - either they guys that are at Bollen or the ones at Warren Grove.
1517: Warren Grove Range active on «283.1»
1518: AXEMAN flight of two A-10s 10 minutes out from Martin State with Ops on «347.2»
1527: BICEP 11 with Ops on «261.0» reporting his aircraft is Code 3.
1530: Pair of A-10s Martin State chatting on tac «142.3» Believe this is who was working Bollen Range on 237.2

Have to quit for now and so this is the....END OF REPORT
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
Alan, -- Thanks! As far as the « & »'s I changed computers and this one has an actual number keypad.....

1908 «290.475» Colt -1 Flight with POTOMAC Tracon (BWI)
1909«347.2» Colt-1 with ops "Up at 1906"
1909 «290.475» "Push 12" ((Should be 277.4 ZDC-Kenton DE, but missed the check in))
1930 «290.475» Raven -1 flight up with POTOMAC TRACON, Direct AGARD
1930 «118.3» Martin ground gives clearance to another flight, departure freq will be 119.7, so CRAB?
1932«317.425» Raven-1 with Potomac, request direct Atlantic city, "Push -12"
1933«277.4» Raven-1 with ZDC-Kenton DE.
RAVEN Air to Air «142.3»...
Some flights at Warren Grove, I'm catching snippets on«283.1» (I'm recording Survivor tonight, not in the mood to watch..)
Are you hearing the racket on «253.4» Martin Ground ?? Sounds like a little kid with a radio, singing with some background noise almost like a baby monitor out of band....

2053«317.425» RAVEN-1 with Potomac TRACON inbound Martin
Nope not hearing anything on the 140 freq..
2059«297.2» RAVEN-1 with Tower
2105«140.0» Been hearing this freq but still weak..

Updated the 104th FS WIKI with the new A/A freq and changed Preset U-12 to confirmed
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1952: JUDGE 1 with ZNY on «381.6» The RAVEN flight mentioned someone was at the Warren Grove Range when they got was the JUDGE flight who is now leaving and heading for home. It's not on my callsign list but I seem to remember JUDGE being from one of the New England states ANG units. (Later confirmed elsewhere that JUDGE was a flight of two A-10s that returned to Barnes in MA which lets me add this callsign as the 103rd Fighter Wing, Barnes ANGB MA.)
NOTE: I've been calling the ZNY 381.6 freq Colts Neck but the New York Center itself calls it Ship Bottom so Ship Bottom it shall be.
2000: JUDGE 1 to ZNY-Matawan on «282.3» IDs as flight of two at FL 190. At 2002 they go to FL240.
2003: U/I flight on ZNY «282.3» reports RTB Barnes. (This is someone other than the JUDGE flight.)
2010: The same U/I flight, while on 282.3, says to switch to 317.7 and they do where they call New York Center and report RTB Barnes again. They don't indicate any problem with the freq. However, I show that freq to be Washington Center (a VA sector) - not NY Center. (And it's not on the NY Center list they distributed so it has to be a mistake on someone's part.)
2021: COLT flight (A-10, MD-ANG Martin State) on ZNY-Philipsburg «338.3» checking in
2022: Bollen Range active on «237.2»
2040: Have u/i fighter chat on a tac «140.0» two speaking...they are in a ground attack exercise according to their chat.
2050: RAVEN flight from tac «142.3» to Ops on «347.2» where both report Code 2 and they request a landing on runway 33.
2055: The fighter pair is still going strong on «140.0» and I now believe this is the same pair working Bollen Range on «237.2»
2101: The Bollen pair is definitely the pair working 140.0. They are leaving the range now and heading to the south for Harrisburg. Trying to catch them on a Center freq.
2105: It is COLT 1 and 2 working the 140.0 freq...they just used callsigns for the first time. This confirms a second tac freq for the MD-ANG A-10s.
2110: Number 2 man cleared from «140.0» to contact Ops and sure enough comes up on «347.2» to report Code 2 for both aircraft. The COLTs used the 140.0 freq all the way home and were very loud and clear as they flew south from the range toward Martin State.
2114: Air refueling freq «238.9» is of them uses 46 as ID.
2155: REACH 5507 to Andrews on «141.55» reports airborne from Andrews at 0252Z and wants Andrews to contact Robbins AFB Command Post that they will arrive there at (0)5(00)Z and will have 30 pax...needs transportation for the pax and a taxi for two.
2249-52: TEAM 46 (KC-10A McGuire AFB NJ) calls McGuire Command Post several times before making contact on «319.4» reports he's 20 minutes out, is A-2 maintenance status and needs parking. (This must be the 46 I heard at log point 2114 on 238.9)
2257: ???? 11 to McGuire Command Post on «319.4» reports in the blocks at 0415Z, is A-1 and needs a parking spot.
2320-25 ???? 77 calling McGuire Command Post on «319.4» arriving McGuire at 55 after the hour, is a home station C-17, Tail #44135, is A-2 for pilot's overhead electrical panel backlighting inoperative and numerous small write-ups. Needs parking and says they'll be staying in the Best Western. (He gave that callsign about 6 times and spoke clearly and I just could not make it out. It sounded like BOWLING.)

NOTE: Earlier had 139.9 tac freq active that wasn't the DC-ANG F-16s. Turns out that is also used by the MA-ANG Barnes 104th FW and that unit has been coming to Warren Grove Range the past couple of days so I suspect that's who was using the freq. Also earlier, I caught JUDGE leaving Warren Grove and had another flight that I marked as U/I but I now believe it was a CHILI (or CHILLY) flight also from Barnes. The Barnes units also use 138.05 for tac which has been mentioned in the past couple of days in conjunction with a unit at Warren Grove Range. So....JUDGE added for Barnes, 138.05 and 139.9 added for Barnes and 140.0 added as tac freq for Martin State MD-ANG A-10s. And then there was light.

Glad to have you with us on this board Dave.

Quick updates there Chuck...excellent work on the Wiki.
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Nov 3, 2005
Colt 1 & 2 were working earlier with Rocker 62 doing a little refueling beginning about 19:41 up here in PA. Must have been around the Duke MOA. They were on 259.40. I heard some traffic, it really wasn't audible to me on 140.00, maybe it was the Colt Flight.

I'm pretty sure it had to be them, I really have pretty limited coverage. I am only armed with a Radio Shack PRO-60 and a generic $25 Radio Shack Antenna.

BTW, TinEar and n3bxv, it is your excellent posts that let me know who is going to be visiting my neck of the woods when I go to the website and find out that the Duke MOA is going to be active. The dog fights I heard last week with the Wild Flight and Darkstar were pretty awesome.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Late start today but it's mostly quiet in the MilAir world at the moment.

1241: Have THOR calling OMAHA 3 (Customs) telling him he doesn't have radar contact and then 30 seconds later saying he does. «282.425»
1243: THOR asking OMAHA 03 to confirm RTB «282.425»
1243: Martin State Tower to a RAVEN aircraft on the ground «297.2»
1251: OMAHA 03 being called by THOR on HUNTRESS freq «260.9» Still calling at 1256 with no response from OMAHA 03 after several tries.
1258: Freq «138.2» active with probable NJ-ANG F-16s but since this freq has been used by even DC-ANG recently, I need a callsign to confirm identity
1259: Yes, it was NJ above...COSMIC 45/46 are now with HUNTRESS on «260.9» giving the wx for the area...probably the start of a CAP.

1300: Copter (most likely OMAHA 03) being patched onto Customs freq «165.2375»
[This might have been a scramble rather than the start of a CAP. The HUNTRESS controller being used is not the local one so I can't hear his commands to the aircraft.]
1304: Andrews C-38s active on their squadron freq «314.25» no callsign used
1306: COSMIC 45/46 still with HUNTRESS on «260.9» COSMIC 45 mentions freq 364.8. (I punched in that freq but heard nothing. In case it was a mistake on his part, I also monitored HUNTRESS freq 364.2 but nothing there either. They did come up again on 260.9 without any reference to the 364 freq.)
1310: OMAHA 03 says he's in a turnaround now and heading back but didn't say to where. «165.2375»
1318: OMAHA 03 reports "he's going into Hyde Park." (Or did he mean Hyde Field?) «165.2375» [He's talking about another aircraft - not himself]
1320: COSMIC 45 tells HUNTRESS he's got a track (on his datalink) that's showing "suspect" «260.9»
1322: U/I aircraft calling CRAB SHACK on Customs freq «282.425»
1325: OMAHA 01 now on «282.425»
1325: COSMIC 45/46 still working HUNTRESS on «260.9» and using «138.2» as tac chat freq.
1327: Have very weak and uncopiable transmissions (from here) on HUNTRESS freq «228.9» It's someone other than the COSMIC flight.
1330: Someone calling HUNTRESS on «234.6» I can tell he's giving map coordinates but that's about all I can pick out of's still just too weak.
1332: The aircraft on «234.6» gave coordinates 3534W 07831N and his Mode 3 but didn't use a callsign
1335-6: HUSKY 55 (lots of choices for this callsign - doesn't sound like a fighter) calling HUNTRESS on «364.2» says he's over Sea Isle at this time, gives his Mode 3 and asks for a Mode 4 check.
1338: The NJ pair is now performing ground attack practice on tac «138.2» so I guess we can assume they are no longer working for HUNTRESS but I didn't hear them clear off the «260.9» freq. The OMAHA pair has also disappeared so it sure looks like that was a scramble with HUNTRESS rather than a CAP.
1341: HUSKY 55 thanks HUNTRESS for the help and tells him to have a good weekend. «364.2»
1343: U/I aircraft with SPAD Ops on Langley's «364.125» says he's Code 1.
1345: VENUS 94 to SAM Command on «378.1» arriving Andrews, Code 2, wants transportation for 3 crew members and a parking spot...and gets 6-A for parking.
1346: The u/i aircraft with HUNTRESS on «234.6» is reading off another string of coordinates but still too weak to copy.
1353: OMAHA 1 is back up on «282.425» talking about the identity of the plane that landed (at Hyde ?Park? which I guess is a reference to Washington Executive Airport/Hyde Field in Clinton MD)..says definitely not a crop duster - it was an airplane. (well okay)
1355: Meanwhile, the quiet guy on HUNTRESS freq «234.6» is reading off coordinates again.
1358: COSMIC 45/46 ( 1 & 2 on tac) still in ground attack mode on «138.2»

1401: COSMIC 1 says he's heading for the tanker and when he comes off 2 can go «138.2»
1402: COSMIC 1 is with the tanker on HUNTRESS freq «271.0» for refueling activity. Callsign is TANKER 1.
1404: Have had a pair of fighters chatting for the past several minutes on «139.625» They sound like a pair just passing through the area.
1407: Warren Grove Range active on «283.1»
1409: COSMIC 45/46 are now back with HUNTRESS on «260.9» where 46 says he's heading for the tanker.
1410: COSMIC 46 with the tanker on «271.0» The F-16s are very weak on this freq
1418: After refueling, both COSMIC F-16s are back with HUNTRESS. It appears they went aloft for a scramble in response to an intruder of some type into the no-fly area. The OMAHA aircraft were also sent up and apparently either forced down or watched the aircraft land at Clinton. The COSMICs then did some ground attack exercises on their tac freq and then, when finished with that, went right back to HUNTRESS for what now looks like CAP activity. I'm not sure any longer just what their mission is.
1420: U/I fighters, flight of three, chatting on «141.875» might be VA-ANG...and it is (SLAM)
1421: TESTER 11 with BayWatch on «270.8» announces RTB....earlier had TESTER 09 on the same freq.
1423: COSMIC 45 and TANKER 1 chatting on «260.9» about fuel requirements. TANKER 1 mentions something about McGuire. COSMIC 45 mentions that they don't want to land with more than about 40% of a fuel load and that's maximum.
1425: BASS 51 (KC-10, Barksdale AFB LA) calls HUNTRESS on «260.9»
1433: SLAM (VA-ANG Richmond) F-16s with BANDSAW (E3B Tinker AFB OK) on GIANT KILLER's «373.1»
1437: SLAM 41 with GK on «249.8»
1440: More NJ-ANG F-16s on «138.425» callsign not heard yet. (turns out to be BICEP)
1441: COSMIC 1/2 ground attack exercise again on «138.2»
1444: COSMIC 45 told to go to 364.8 for radio check by HUNTRESS «260.9»
1445: COSMIC 45 radio check with HUNTRESS on «364.8» and then return to «260.9»
1445: BICEP 11 flight of two NJ-ANG F-16s on «138.425» with MUD DOG ground controller for ground attack exercise. (Heard someone enter BayWatch area using 354.8 which might have been the BICEP flight)
1447: SLAM flight now on tac «141.875»

1506: Now have the BICEP flight on Warren Grove Range «283.1»
1508: Fighters chatting on Shaw AFB tac freq «141.6»
1513: BICEP 12 to Ops on «261.0» to report BICEP 1 is Code 3 for a knob that fell off and BICEP 2 is Code 1. Then back to tac freq «138.425»
1515: FURY 61 (F-16s, VA-ANG Richmond) on GK's «292.3» with BANDSAW. Aircraft are being vectored by female aboard the BANDSAW E3. (And she's good)
1518: VA-ANG freq «141.6» active and FURY 1 & 2 on tac «141.875»
1520: Have another op aboard the BANDSAW E3 that is vectoring another group on «373.1»
1525: Have another u/i flight working Warren Grove Range on «283.1»
1525: BANDSAW to GIANT KILLER on «249.8» thanking him for his patience and work today. Guess that means they're done.
1526: FURY flight of four F-16s working tac «141.875» on their way home.
1527: VA-ANG tac freq «139.625» also active (Must be the SLAM flight)
1528: FURY trying to contact SLAM on GK's «350.0» to see if he's still on UHF
1528: The four FURYs now on «350.0» setting up another air combat exercise.
1528: FURY calling SLAM on tac «141.825»
1553: SAM 9510 to SAM Command on «378.1» reports departing Andrews at 2050Z and will arrive at next station at 0005Z. Has 3 pax and a D/V...reason for late departure is D/V's late arrival.

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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Tin wrote:
HUSKY 55 (lots of choices for this callsign - doesn't sound like a fighter) calling HUNTRESS on «364.2» says he's over Sea Isle at this time, gives his Mode 3 and asks for a Mode 4 check.

That would be Delaware ANG C-130 166th AW most likely.Popular callsign for them.

Just got home and sure are a lot of fighters up now.Seems all ranges are busy now.Must be the good weather...

Northeast Maryland


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1935: SAM Command reporting ramp freeze at Andrews «141.55»
2003: Ramp freeze at Andrews has been lifted per SAM Command. «141.55»
2005: Couple of tankers chatting on interplane freq «139.875» One of them uses suffix 51
2140-45 BETA 02 (C-130 from either Keesler AFB MS or Davis-Monthan AFB AZ) with Andrews on «141.55» reports 20 minutes out, IDs as a C-130, has 1 Space A pax and 8 crew, tail #9102, needs his toilet pumped and will get fuel in the morning.
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
2119«364.2» Huntress with a Modes and Codes check with ??? Huntress audible but not the aircraft


Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
0912 «348.725» ??? -11 Departing KADW
0916 «317.525» ??-11 with Potomac TRACON
0916 «290. 475» Raven-1 flight With Potomac TRACON(BWI) A/A 142.3
0918«347.2» Raven with Ops "Off at 15"
0918«307.9» Raven wth Potomac TRACON (1-5 check in)
0922«317.425» -11 still with Potomac TRACON (BWI) (this guy is mumbling his callsign! sounds like Kos?, {edit} It might indeed have been CAPs)
0925 «343.7» Raven-1 with Potomac TRACON (DCA)
0928 «317.425» Sport Flight with Potomac TRACON (BWI) A/A 34.4
0930 «307.9» Sport 11 flight with PotomacTRACON (BWI) (not the -11 from above)
0935 «343.7» Sport 11 flight of Four check in with Potomac TRACON (DCA) Yes they are following RAVEN, but to where?? Heading south.. DIRECT Linden push 319.1
0937 «319.1» Sports check in with ZDC - Linden, Va

1100«127.275» 121st FS(DC ANG Andrews AFB) active Air to Air...Ops check, Flight of 4 91,92,93,94 Joining up with Tanker, chatting about ski resorts out in Western Maryland/PA
Didn't hear them on ATC at all. Heading West, question on why so far north on the routing.

And then it was Quiet... Should be a flyby for the Naval Academy Football Game sometime around/after 1330

1251«281.4»«317.425» Victory-11 with ATC then TRACON, F-18s according to TRACON, go IFR and into Holding pattern. Will be cleared direct to Andrews after flyby.
"Victory" should be VF-103 "Jolly Rogers" NAS Oceana
I've listening the VHF side of BWI appraoch as well

Alan, I too caught a couple of references to another aircraft, might be a COD as I thought I heard COD and a reference to a "Grumman"

1321 «124.55»COD-25 Reports two minutes to "Jumpers away"
1321 «124.55»COD-25 "Jumpers away" will hold till jumpers on ground, then direct to Andrews

1329 «124.55»Cod-25 "all jumpers on deck"

1320 «317.425» Victory-11 for flyby, then to Andrews

1332«124.55» COD-25 cleared direct Andrews
1334«317.425» Victory 11 ok'd for VFR to Andrews

See you all later, going out with the wife...
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Mar 1, 2003
Sounds like that Raven flight is a flight of 5
just heard them on 307.9 going direct but they did not say where.
9:26-Sport flight up 290.475
9:27-34.4 A/A sport flight
9:29- 307.9 sport are they following Raven?
9:32- sounds like they might be going across country
9:36-343.7 sport 11
heard the sport flight saying something about it was supposed to be clear
going across country
9:38-319.1 sportc 11 flight of 4

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Chuck, I wonder if that call might have been CAPS which the DC-ANG has used in conjunction with out of area flights and also with the 9X suffix.

Early in the 1200 hour is a group of four F-16s from the VA-ANG Richmond. They are using their tac «141.875» and GIANT KILLER's «391.2» for ops. Callsign FURY.
1229: FURY 21, flight of four, clearing out of GK's area, RTB Richmond. «238.1»
1232: Have fighters in air combat exercise on «139.625» VA-ANG freq but no callsigns heard yet. The activity disappeared along with the FURY flight so it was either part of that flight or perhaps a SLAM group which has been flying along with the FURYs the past few days.
1247: Have a VICTORY 11 (two F-18s) flight on ZDC-Patuxent MD «281.4» asking if this is a good freq for their fly-by. This must be the fly-by over Navy Stadium before the football game. I couldn't hear the reply from the ground so don't know where they went - or if they went elsewhere. Eventually, VICTORY 11 mentions switching to 317.425.
1252: VICTORY 11 checks in with BWI (Potomac TRACON) on «317.425» at 12,000 feet and says they'll be at 5,500 feet. They indicate they'll be returning to Andrews when done with the fly-by. Then the ground controller tells other traffic to watch out for the two F-18s. Still don't know which unit they belong to or whether they were just staged at Andrews for this flight.
NOTE: The VICTORY callsign has been associated with Oceana Naval Air Station in the past and I'd say that's still a good guess.
There is someone in addition to the two F-18s performing the fly-by. BWI ground asked someone if they were also going back to Andrews after the fly-by. I missed the callsign and the reply was apparently on VHF rather than the UHF freq I'm monitoring. Have three scanners doing search for the F-18 air-to-air but haven't found it yet.
1320: BWI asks someone to notify him before "jumpers away." «317.425»
1323: VICTORY 11 dropping to 2,500 feet for the fly-by «317.425»
1325: Navy COD-25 (C-2A, Norfolk NAS) reports jumpers away...will watch jumpers and then head back to Andrews. «124.55»
1329: VICTORY wants to drop to 1,000 feet for fly-by but are held at 2,500 feet for traffic nearby. COD-25 reports he's done and is heading back to Andrews.
1330: VICTORY 11 now cleared down to 1,000 feet. «317.425»
1332: COD-25 cleared to Andrews at 3,500 feet «124.55»
1334: VICTORY 11 cleared to Andrews at 150 degrees and 2500 feet «317.425» handed off to Andrews Tower
1335: VICTORY 11 with Andrews Tower on «349.0»
Never did find an air-to-air freq for those Hornets.
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Mar 1, 2003
Anybody have an A/A freq for Victory 11?
Where are they from?
They could be VF101 out of oceana
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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Chuck and whomever else might know - I thought 343.775 (note freq) was a Dulles user?

If someone could get me an up to date listing of the milair TRACON freqs, I'd be happy to update the TRACON wiki. They don't appear to be on the RRDB, Airnav or Dave Schoenberger's pages

73s Mike
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
I couldn't find the 343.7 freq anywhere on line, I dug through the DOD FLIP IFR supplement and found it listed for DCA. You are correct, 343.775 is listed for Dulles..

I've been going through the FLIP pubs and Published Approaches and Departures for the DC area and pulling out freqs, and once I get them all organized I'll post them...


Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD

I posted everything that I have in the Wiki. I see you pulled down the Tables you had created, you didn't need to do that...

I think that the information I added duplicated everything you originally put up plus a few more, except for the 390.9 Dulles freq. I'm pretty sure that freq was changed sometime in the past due to the re-farming of that part of the spectrum to Land Mobile Radios.
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