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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
2340 «290.475» Cobra-1 with Potomac TRACON climbing and departing out of ??
2250«285.4» Cobra-1 with ZDC Sea Isle, NJ

2251«360.7» Cobra-2 with Potomac TRACON then switches to «285.4» ZDC Sea Isle

VAQ-209 still at Andrews? Still have EA6Bs? Still use Cobra? Inquiring minds want to know!
Actually the web page was updated on 1 Nov 05 so it looks like they are still at NAF Andrews

On the way back...
0120 «285.4» Cobra -1 with ZDC
0122 «285.4» Cobra -2 with ZDC Sea isle, Direct Nottingham...
0135 «119.7» Cobra -1 direct Nottingham POTOMAC TRACON BWI
0137 «119.7» Cobra -2 POTOMAC TRACON BWI
0141 «119.85» Cobra -1 with POTOMAC TRACON KADW
0144 «119.85» Cobra -2 with POTOMAC TRACON KADW

0143 «280.2» Cobra 501 reports "5 Minutes out" VAQ-209 Ops Freq..

0145 «349.0» Cobra-1 with Andrews Tower
0148 «118.4» Cobra-2 with Andrews Tower

I guess that settles it........VAQ-209 is still there.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Let's jump in the car and take a trip down to Andrews one of these days and we can scout out the runways, parking areas, etc. (and get arrested and put in the pokey but....)


Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
Nah we won't get arrested, we can just say we were looking for the Commissary and play l like we're old crotchety retirees....

Wait a minute! Maybe we don't want to tell them the truth....


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I've been actually planning to make a trip to both Andrews and to Aberdeen/Martin State just to check things out. It's been a long while since I was last on Andrews and I've never been to Aberdeen.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
ARIS 45 C-5 85-0005 reworked C-5 aircraft from Travis enr Dover for delivery on CP 349.400 but now with Wimington Tower 126.000 and Philly appch low 119.750 wants to do a touch and go before landing Dover.
Was pinning my meter on scanner then heard him roar over head Cecil County...gee no wonder!
Status was alpha 3..guess still needs work..



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
2003: YANKEE 16 (A-10, CT-ANG Bradley) with ZNY-North Mountain «269.1» checking in at FL250
2004: YANKEE 16 cleared down to FL230...then 210.
2005: YANKEE 16 to HER and then direct to the airport (Can't find a reference to HER and they didn't define the airport they were talking about.) Change to 338.3 but I never do hear the flight on that freq.

Thanks for the ID on the 280.2 freq Chuck. Guess I need to put that freq back in with the Andrews mix. I found it on another bank and have had it locked out for about a year figuring it wasn't there anymore.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Finally got the Stridsberg 8-port multicoupler set up along with a new layout for the scanners (presently six running - five BC-785s and a PRO-2042). Getting used to the spacing of the speakers is difficult with a new setup. I keep reaching for the wrong scanner when I hear something. It'll just take some time getting comfortable and adjusting to the direction of sounds.

Not much happening this morning since turning the scanners on.
Late 1000 hour/early 1100 hour...had a SALTY DOG 437 through the ZDC area on «281.4» Patuxent and «284.7» Bucks Elbow VA. Some refueling without callsigns spoken on «238.9» and a small medevac plane landing at Langley using CP freq «251.25» dropping off 1 litter patient, 1 ambulatory patient and a family member.
1159: ???? 61 into GIANT KILLER's area...says he'll be there for just 10 minutes «238.1»

1200: STEEL 81 (KC-135, 147th ARS, PA-ANG Pittsburgh) to Steel Control on «311.0» reports he'll be landing in 25 minutes, has one writeup, will land with 40K fuel on board. He also says STEEL 82 is about 10 minutes behind him.
1220: Langley tac freq «238.825» active...they mention they'll be working this freq as prime and also callsigns used...will expect entry to GK's area shortly. (Or maybe they've already entered and I just didn't hear it.)
1225: Langley tac freq «252.775» active
1226: LION 41 (F-15 Langley) flight into GK's area on «238.1»
1229: LION 41 tells GK the flight is switching to tac freq «238.1»
1231: U/I flight into BayWatch area heading for R-4006 at 15,000 feet.
1231: LION 41 on tac «252.775»
1248: LION flight just setting up for an air combat mission on tac «252.775» (And this was the last I heard from them.)
1253: SALTY DOG 103 with BayWatch on «270.8» wants confirmation of altitude...then repeats 24,5(00).

1300: BACKY 92 (KC-135, Seymour-Johnson AFB) spells callsign and IDs with that info...enroute Andrews, 5 crew members (and the rest faded out)
1301: SALTY DOG 100 with Pax River on «277.0» getting ready to refuel. Tanker asks if SALTY DOG 100 can come up on 123.525 and SALTY says yes...(will set up on it)
NOTE: Adding 123.525 to refueling frequency list...I didn't have this one.
1304: Tanker tells SALTY DOG 100 he's cleared to contact the right hose (hose and drogue method of refueling) «123.525»
1305: CHAPPY 11 (F-15 Langley) into GK's area on «233.7»
1305: Tanker to SALTY DOG 123 says he can refuel on the left hose but then tells him to hold off for a minute....«123.525»
1309: Tanker tells SALTY DOG 100 to disengage from right hose and move to the right «123.525»
1310: Tanker tells SALTY DOG 123 to approach the right hose (guess there was a problem with the left hose) «123.525»
1315: SALTY DOG 123 cleared off the hose and breaks right «123.525»
1315: Tanker asks u/i ground controller if he can come home now...he only has 4K fuel left. «123.525»
1318: Caught the end of a transmission from the above tanker with BayWatch on «354.8» saying he'll come up the right side of R-4006.
1320: GK's «373.1» active (must be the CHAPPY flight)
1350: Very quiet for the past half hour but now hearing some activity on Langley's tac «238.825»
1355: LION 41 flight active on Langley's tac freq «252.775»
1359: PACER 24 to Andrews Command Post on «141.55» on the ground in about 10 minutes, is A-1, tail #84-0125 and needs transportation for 3 crew members.

1401: JOSA 364 to RAYMOND 16 (1st Ftr Wg, Langley AFB VA) on «251.25» reports he's a C-21 arriving at Langley in about 15 pax but picking up 2 pax, needs 3K fuel.
1404: HAGAR 70 (C-5, 9th AS, Dover AFB DE) to Dover Command Post on «349.4» arriving in 30 minutes, is A-2, training completed and needs a parking spot.
1430: PAT 954 to Andrews Command Post on «141.55» arriving in 25 minutes, has an A-4 on board and will need 450 gallons of fuel upon landing and a parking given 3 row.
1434: TESTER 15 (US Navy Test Pilot School, Patuxent River Naval Air Station) with BayWatch on «270.8»
1438: TESTER 18 with BayWatch on «270.8»
1448: JOSA 149 to Dover Command Post on «134.1» arriving at Dover with a D/V A-7 on board....D/V has already arranged transportation...need parking spot...and gets B-1.
1451: DC 21 (KC-135 756th Air Refueling Squadron, Andrews AFB MD) arriving Andrews in 30 minutes, is A-1 and needs parking. On squadron freq «351.2»

1500: JOSA 601 to SAM Command on «141.55» reports 15 minutes out, is A-1, needs 2,000 pounds of fuel, has tail #84-0105, has a R-5 on board plus two Space A pax and is releasing two seats on the outbound flight which will be at 2300Z...gets parking for 3 row.
1504: JOSA 298 to SAM Command on «141.55» no reply
1508: JOSA 298 tries again and makes contact...will arrive in 30 minutes, is a home station C-21, tail #84-0077, wants ground to call maintenance and tell them they are A-2 for an autopilot writeup. «141.55»
1530-40: MAINE 86 (KC-135 132nd ARS, ME-ANG Bangor) calling Andrews Ops and Andrews Didpatch several times on «372.2»with no reply...extremely weak at the first call and now loud and clear as the aircraft approaches our area.
1544: MAINE 86 makes contact with Andrews Dispatch and (female) says they'll be on the ground in 10 minutes. They are coming to pick up their crew members that were at Andrews for altitude chamber tests. Didn't hear the reply but she responds to ground "that's exactly what I wanted to hear." «372.2»
1556: OPEC 78 (KC-10A, McGuire AFB NJ) to U/I Command Post on «134.1» starts to ask for a message to be passed to McGuire and then says "never mind...I'll try them myself." He comes back to this freq a minute later and asks for a phone patch to McGuire and gives the number.
1559: TESTER 19 to BayWatch on «354.8» says he'll be manuevering veritcally.
1600: OPEC 78 apparently can't get the phone patch and tells the ground station to never mind, he should be close enough now to contact McGuire directly. «134.1»
1600: OPEC 78 calling McGuire Command Post on «319.4» to say he's 30 minutes out. He then loses contact with McGuire and calls him several times. Finally, gets him and says they'll be landing prior to sunset...are A-2 for a problem with the boom. No pax, no cargo.
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ARTCC DB Manager
Database Admin
Aug 30, 2003
Highland, IL
Hi all,

I added info about the 102d FW, Massachusetts ANG unit in the Wikki page, and also made some minor changes to the PCT KBWI Section sector names. Sector names came out of an older SOP from PCT that I had for reference with a project. I'll be adding ZBW soon.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Thanks for the additions Paul.

Speaking of KBWI, where did the 123.825 frequency come from? Westminster arrival? Never heard of this one - at least for BWI. The ground station is not transmitting from BWI on this freq like the rest of the BWI TRACON freqs. Whoever added that one, fill me in please since I'm apparently ignorant of its usage.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1917: HUNTRESS freq «260.9» active...someone checking a bullseye on their DATALINK.
1919: Freq «138.0» with a pair of fighters...maybe SPIDERs....mentioning a CAP. In chat, they mentioned frequency 132.77(5). Setting up on it to see if I hear anything. (Turns out it's a Center or TRACON freq.)
1920: SPIDER 45/46 (F-16, 178th Fighter Squadron, ND-ANG, Fargo) with HUNTRESS on «260.9»
1926: SPIDER 45 calling Washington Center on «132.775» Says he's got a bogie down at 1500 feet and needs permission to descend down to that level. Says he needs a heading of 300 and the descent clearance as soon as possible.
1928: SPIDER 45 tells HUNTRESS he has the clearance.«260.9»
1928: SPIDER 45 asking Washington Center for clearance to heading 280 now «132.775» Man, this is going to be a long night if the SPIDERs need to get clearance from the Center for every course and altitude change.
1930: SPIDER 45 wants confirmation that he's to perform a "head butt west" «260.9» He also asks HUNTRESS for the aircraft type if it's possible. SPIDER 46 tells HUNTRESS that 45 is making a second pass at the intruder. This is a live intercept of an aircraft in the ADIZ.
1932: SPIDER 46 relaying messages for 45 because 45 is so low he can't be heard. (I can't hear 45 either) 46 reports 45 has dispensed a couple of flares at the intruder. «260.9» Just before that, 46 told 45 he had permission to close on the target.
1936: SPIDER 46 relays that the tail number is N37BK (helo from Wilmington DE)
1937: SPIDER 46 on «132.775» telling Washington Center that SPIDER 45 is going to escort the intruding aircraft into a County airport west of Richmond. And he says 46 will stay in the CAP. He is escorting them into Chesterfield County Airport. Says the aircraft is at 1700 feet. 46 with Center telling them 45 has been ordered to follow the aircraft all the way down to the runway at Chesterfield County Airport.
(Unfortunately, the HUNTRESS controller is not the one I can hear that transmits from Andrews. This intercept is down around Richmond so it makes sense that Andrews isn't controlling it.)
1940-45: Occasional transmissions from SPIDER 46 to HUNTRESS just mainly asking if he heard that last transmission - probably meaning from SPIDER 45 which I can't hear at all on this freq. «260.9»
That N37BK does compute as a good tail number according to the Landings Database. It belongs to a company out of Wilmington DE.
1949: SPIDER 45 tells Washington Center he's established back in the CAP «132.775»
1949: SPIDER 45 says he wants to head for the tanker «260.9»
1950: TANKER 4 on «260.9» making contact with SPIDER 45. The tanker is identifying with the suffix 4 and the fighters are calling him 04.
1950: SPIDER 45 with Wash Center on «132.775» saying he's established in the block 21-23,000
NOTE: The 132.775 freq is Washington Center Sector 14 Falls Church Low. The corresponding UHF freq is 351.8.
1953: SPIDER 45 asking TANKER 4 if he has his beacon on. Tanker responds that he does. «260.9»
1958: SPIDER 45 completes refueling with TANKER 4 at FL210. «260.9»
1959: SPIDER 45 tells Washington Center he's descending back to the CAP altitude of 200. «132.775»

2000: SPIDER 45 re-established in the CAP «260.9»
2002: SPIDER 45 sent to 228.9 for a radio check. «260.9»
2002: SPIDER 45 calls for radio check on «228.9» and then goes back to «260.9»
2006: SPIDER 45 reports he had trouble because of the small cross section of the helo on radar but had good visuals on it during the intercept. «260.9» Also confirms the name of the airport was Chesterfield County Regional Airport.
2011: GRAYHAWK 8 (E2C, VAW-120, Norfold NAS) into Dover on Approach freq «257.875»
2012: SPIDER 45 sent to 288.35 for radio check and comes back to «260.9» saying he had no joy on that freq.
2016: SPIDER 45 sent off to yet another freq for a radio check and comes back to «260.9» reporting no joy on that one either (I think it was 299.6)
2017: Have had an aircraft variously calling himself Army 1778 and King Air 1778 on Washington Center freq «132.775» flying around the area with lots of altitude changes.
2018: GRAYHAWK 8 with a touch and go at Dover on Tower freq «279.625»
2024: SPIDER 45 asks 46 , "What's your fuel?" No reply heard. «260.9» 45 in a turn and I miss part of his question to HUNTRESS about launching back to Langley to pick up a spare. (Think he's referring to SPIDER 46 that must have a problem and needs a new jet. SPIDER 46 never did refuel after 45 did and maybe that's his problem.)
2028: SPIDER 45 tells 46 to try contacting Ops on VHF - but doesn't specify the freq. I still can't hear 46 so he must be low and close to Langley at this time. «260.9» Haven't heard a peep on their tac freq 138.0 since they first scrambled.
2033: SPIDER 45 reports confirmation that Ops is launching/has launched a spare from Langley. He also wants to know how much time they'll be up for this mission. «260.9»
2034: Have a WHAMO 51 (NEST-Nuclear Emergency Seach Team) on Washington Center freq «132.775»
2036: SPIDER 45 reports he's "holding hands in a one-mile trail" (didn't say with whom) «260.9»
2041: SPIDER 45 says he's a flight of two and giving a five-minute call for RTB to Langley. «132.775»
2042: SPIDER 45 reports 6800 pounds (fuel), Code 3 (maintenance status) for radar and 46 reports 5400 pounds, Code 3 for radar. «260.9» Push 360.85
2033: SPIDER 45 reports ready to RTB at this time. «360.85»
It's now 2051 and haven't heard from the SPIDERs since that transmission on 360.85 saying they were ready to RTB.
Anyone have an ID for that 360.85 frequency? I can't seem to find it on any of my lists.

2118: OPEC 18 (KC-10A, McGuire AFB NJ) to RAYMOND 16 (1st FW, Langley AFB) reports 50 miles out from Langley and wants parking spot...gets West row. «251.25»

2317: REACH 925 to McGuire Command Post on «319.4» 20 minutes out, A-1, needs crew bus and parking spot.
2318: REACH 923 to McGuire Command Post on «319.4» arriving 40 past the hour, A-1, needs crew bus and parking
2322: REACH 925 gets parking spot L-3 «319.4»
2323: REACH 923 gets parking spot M-1 «319.4»
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ARTCC DB Manager
Database Admin
Aug 30, 2003
Highland, IL
TinEar said:
Thanks for the additions Paul.

Speaking of KBWI, where did the 123.825 frequency come from? Westminster arrival? Never heard of this one - at least for BWI. The ground station is not transmitting from BWI on this freq like the rest of the BWI TRACON freqs. Whoever added that one, fill me in please since I'm apparently ignorant of its usage.

I'm pretty sure that 123.82 is a Dulles area PCT freq...



Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
2035 Opec18 319.4 with Mcguire c.p.
2038 JINX22 with Opec18 about refueling Opec says they are headed to Langley but are 1hr behind will try to coordinate refuel 319.4
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
GREYHAWK 08 Navy E-2C VAW-120, Norfolk NAS did a couple touch and gos at Dover AFB tonite all on Uniform freqs.Appch 257.8750,Tower 279.6250 then departed for Oceana NAS on ZDC 277.400


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1117: GIANT KILLER's «238.1» active
1118: Langley's SPAD Ops active on «364.125»
1127: Copter 280GS with Phillips AAF on «126.15» transit to the east.
1129: Aircraft 406 to Shadow Maintenance at Pax River NAS on «310.15» says he's off the deck and may be back later.
1158: TOIL 39 (C-130, 357th Airlift Squadron, Maxwell AFB AL) to Dover Dispatch on «269.125» IDs as a C-130 about 25 minutes out, has two pallets to download and wonders if they have a "Loadway" or a forklift. Says he'll return to Maxwell after downloading.

1203: Navy 691 into BayWatch area R4006 for 30 minutes and wants altitudes 17,000 down to 3,500. Entering the area at 14K. «354.8»
1212: BOLAR 70 (C-5, 3rd Airlift Squadron, Dover AFB DE) to Dover Command Post on «349.4» reports he finished his air refueling training and will be landing at 1330 local.
1214: Langley's tac freq «238.825» active...pair of u/i fighters.
1217: More fighters on Langley's tac «252.775» with one of them having a radar problem.
1221: ?DECAF? 21 into GIANT KILLER's area on «238.1» (These are the Langley fighters heard on the tac freqs reported above.) It's a flight of four aircraft
1222: DC 21 (KC-135, 756 ARS Andrews AFB MD) approaching Andrews and will be doing a final stop by 1300.
1222: ?DECAF? 21 flight to GK's «391.2» and «373.1» for ops...they'll be doing some 2 vs 2 air combat exercises
1227: Above fighters to Langley tac «228.45» to lay out the mission.
1233: Looks like those fighters gave up the 391.2 freq and are now working GK's «312.3»
1236: JOSA 284 to Andrews Command Post on «378.1» arriving in 15 minutes and will park on 10 row...wants to ensure transportation has been arranged for his pax and the air crew.
1238: PAT 674 calls Andrews on «378.1» with no reply so tries «141.55» and makes contact to report 10 minutes out and is a C-26. He says he's picking up a D/V Admiral to take to McDill AFB FL and just wants to let him know he'll be landing in 10 minutes.
1245: HOOPER 61 flight (F-15 Langley) into GK's area on «238.1»
1248: RACK 41 flight (F-15 Langley) into GK's area on «249.8»
1254: U/I aircraft IDs as a single F-16, 10 minutes out to Langley Command Post on «251.25»
1255: JOSA 869 reports off the deck at Andrews at 1754Z «378.1»

1302: Fighter tac freq «138.0» active...might be our SPIDERs again (F-16, ND-ANG Fargo) out of Langley.
1305: The above IDs as a single F-16...talking to ground. «138.0» (See item at 1254: wonder if this is the single F-16 that reported earlier going into Langley. Last transmission was very weak.)
1324: Activity on Bollen Range «237.2»
1326: OMAHA 3 (Customs) from THOR on «282.425» "Just had a call from CRAB SHACK that they would like you to contact RENEGADE on 260.9 for a "sparkle" (red/green laser warning system around D.C.) test on your way back to base." (OMAHA 3 either too low or too far away to hear - and so I don't.) (Had a receiver on 260.9 for the next 15 minutes and heard nothing - as expected.)
1341: JOSA 813 to Andrews on «141.55» 25 minutes out, tail #40119, no D/Vs, no pax, need 3K fuel, parking spot....and is given 10 row.
1344: U/I fighters on «142.45» mention BALKY which is the Bollen Range controller. It's a flight of two aircraft. (This may be the UGLY (A-10 PA-ANG Willow Grove) flight that carbineone mentions below.) Nope, it isn't. See next item.
1345: CADE A-10s (PA-ANG Willow Grove) are the fighters on «142.45» They are working the Bollen Range.
1351-55: REACH 1712 calling Dover Command Post several times with no reply on «349.4»
1355: REACH 1712 makes contact with Dover...reports 10 minutes out, is a C-130, Tail #92-0547, is A-1, has 5 pallets to offload and no pax. «349.4» (C-130H per tail number lookup)

1400: VA-ANG F-16s in the air on tac «141.875» flight of at least three and maybe four. Callsign SLAM
1403: SLAM 31 flight into GK's area on «238.1» and reports he'll be MARSA with RUST 71 (F-15 Langley) for the next 25 minutes.
1406: RANGER 88 (poss C-12 VIP ferry acft) calling Andrews Dispatch on «372.2»
1409: SLAM flight leader "push 292.3" while on «238.1»
1414: TESTER 15 into BayWatch area on «270.8»
1415: OMAHA 3 (Customs) on «165.2375» tells ground to let him know where he should be and wants to know if they're looking for anything special. (This is a patch onto this freq)
1416: SLAM flight on GK's «292.3» for ops
1417: OMAHA 3 still on «165.2375» but it's a lousy patch that keeps cutting in and out. He says he'll let them know when it begins to sparkle (Again, a test of the red/green laser warning system apparently. This must be the test we heard about earlier - see item at 1326 - that was supposed to take place on 260.9. It might be originating on that freq but because OMAHA 3 is so low and distant, I'm just not hearing it there but it's coming through okay on the patch on this freq. Ground station must be RENEGADE as mentioned earlier.) Ground station tells the helo to slow way down, face 070 degrees toward the camera. They are trying to turn the system on. At 1422, ground tells OMAHA 3 he can move in a little closer and then the patch starts cutting in and out. OMAHA 3 is heard saying he is talking to the tower too.
1424: OMAHA 3 reports he doesn't see a thing. The ground station starts talking but cuts in and out as the patched signal goes crazy. OMAHA 3 says he'll head back in. «165.2375»
NOTE: The activity on 165.2375 is in FM mode. The aircraft are using AM mode but the patched signal is in FM.)
1426: OMAHA 4 (Yes, he called 4, not 3) called by ground station with no reply heard on «165.2375» (Because this is such a lousy patch, I don't know how much of this I'm not hearing.)
1430-31: OMAHA 3 and ground talking back and forth but the patch is cutting in and out so much that I can't even get the gist of the conversation. «165.2375»
1432: SLAM flight back to working tac «141.875» (Never did hear the RUST 71 flight they were supposed to be MARSA with in GK's area.)
1436: SMOKY (or SMOKEY - both spellings are valid) 99 (C-21, Petersen AFB, Colorado Springs CO) to SAM Command on «378.1» reports departed Andrews at 1930Z and wants that passed on.
1445: WARHOG 1 (OA-10 MD-ANG -maybe) with one of the ZDC freqs (didn't look fast enough) reporting out of 19.2 for 260.
1445: VENUS 22, home station aircraft, arriving Andrews «378.1»
1450: VENUS 22 to SAM Command again on «378.1» to report he's a home station aircraft arriving at 15 after the hour, has three writeups (all minor), needs parking spot and crew transportation for four...gets 7-D for parking.
1455: TESTER 25 (US Navy Test Pilot School, Patuxent NAS) with BayWatch on «354.8»
1457: TESTER 25 on Pax River «256.5» talking to a u/i wingman.

1500: WARHOG 1 with ZNY-Big Flat on «270.3» sent to freq 253.8
1502: WARHOG 1 again with ZNY on «270.3» and says 353.8? (Correcting above freq I guess)
1503: TESTER 25 on «256.5» reports a loud bang and then a big vibration...wingman (TESTER 26) coming in for a look.
1505: Wingman tells TESTER 25 he doesn't see anything missing, nothing hanging where it shouldn't be hanging, etc....25 says he'll burn off about 1000 pounds (of fuel) and then RTB. 25 then tells Pax he and TESTER 26 are done with this freq and want another. «256.5» It appears 25 has a nose gear problem
1514: TESTER 25 to BayWatch on «354.8» says he's 8-10 minutes from landing. Wants ground to contact the tower to see if they want 25 to land on a non-duty runway because of his nose gear problem. (I mean you can't go leaving a mess on the active duty runway, can you? If you're gonna splat, do it somewhere that's not going to inconvenience anyone else.)
1517: TESTER 25 still on «354.8» and sounding calm and collected so apparently the problem is not overly severe or else he's one cool character...he's ready to make his approach.
1518: TESTER 25 has field in sight «354.8»
1520: TESTER 25 thanks ground controller for his help «354.8»
1521: TESTER 25 on Pax River Tower freq «344.4» announces full stop landing on runway 6. (And that was the last transmission I heard from him.)
1541: TESTER 26 to Pax River Approach on «250.3» "5 out"
1552: JOSA 625 (female) to Andrews Command Post on «141.55» reports as a home station C-21, tail #40075, arriving in 25 minutes, downloading an R-4 plus 1 duty pax. Mission complete upon landing, is A-1 and requests parking spot...gets 9 row.
1555: JOSA 813 (female) to SAM Command on «141.55» twice with no reply.

1600: It's that time again....END OF REPORT
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Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
1325 283.1 Ugly 1 and 2 working Warren Grove range
1331 363.8 Ugly flight with Mcguire approach
1334 290.9 Ugly flight with Mcguire doing practice approaches a/a on 138.3
1415 268.7 Had Unid aircraft talking to NY center never heard of this frequency before maybe replacing 381.6 ?
1512 268.7 killer1 with NY center
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Jul 24, 2005
TinEar said:
1129: Aircraft 406 to Shadow Maintenance at Pax River NAS on «310.15» says he's off the deck and may be back later.

In SoCal, Maint. at Navy Mugu is 310.1, and the Maint. Depot at North Island is 310.0. Seems like more then a coincidence. I would bet the depot in FL has a 310 freq too.

-DPD Productions - Featuring the MilTenna LP Gain Scanner Antenna-


Jul 24, 2005
Speaking of Navy... Anybody have any VX-20 AAs? I noticed there seems to possibly be some of them out here at China Lake, CA now.

-DPD Productions - Featuring the MilTenna LP Gain Scanner Antenna-
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