IQ sample would be helpful.
The way TTT handles Individual calls is fairly basic and not a complete solution. I need to do more to make this work a little better.
Groups can be set-up with only the "D-Setup" PDU.
Individual calls require a few PDUs that address the 2x MS that will be in a call. Sometimes 1 MS is not on the current LA so you don't see those PDUs. In those cases it would be better just to ignore that call. (As you only hear one side)
In Individual calls (Simplex/Duplex), the PDUs that seem to be required are "D-Alert", "D-Call-Proceeding", "D_Connect", "D_Connect_acknowlegde", "D-Setup" (sort of).
On Individual calls, TTT triggers on D_Connect_acknowlegde PDU, problem is that these PDUs are not alway sent in same order and TTT reacts to early. I need a small delay to see if the other PDUs arrive before making a decision on setting up a call. (e.g. are all PDUs seen)
The time I'm able to spend on TTT at the moment is limited. I was hoping to have released an update by now.
TTT is probably OK as it stands now but the changes I have made to the plug-in/codec have stalled me a little. Lots of reading of the standard.

That said, I manage to get a little time between things and I sorted the TTT call state/priority sounds detection:
CHANGED: The TTT call state/priority sounds presence is now scanned for about every second. No TTT restart is required when adding and removing the WAVs