I do not know if I am alone in my way of thinking but I would like a piece of software to act like unitrunker but show all the info like trunk88. I love both programs but would like to have it all in one package. I know both programs are free and I should not look a gift horse in the mouth, but I like the look and feel of unitrunker but would like to see messages ie. status's and the likes. I would do it but my programing skills suck. I would like it to show things that the dispatch sees. I know the OSW stream provides a lot of info and I would love to see a program utilize all of the info in one program. Like I said I love trunk88 and untrunker but I have to dedicate two of my older computers to monitoring, I believe if someone melded unitrunker, trunk88 and even idtracker into one program they would dominate the scanning scene. I know I will probably get flamed for my thoughts and I acknowledge all the hard work that the programmers have put into these programs but I love to know everything that is happening and I feel I am missing stuff. Just my thoughts, thanx for reading my post. Any thoughts or opinions are welcomed. (good or bad) I love reading replies to my posts.