UHF Tband Give Back Relief

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Dec 22, 2005
For those of us in the NY NJ Metro area, we can only hope.

By Laura French
WASHINGTON — First responders and U.S. Congress members will hold a press conference on Tuesday to call for the passage of legislation that will protect the T-band spectrum used for fire, EMS and police radio communications throughout the country.
The proposed legislation would prevent the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) from auctioning off the T-band spectrum by 2021 as directed by the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012.
Members of U.S. Congress and public safety leaders will hold a press conference on Tuesday, March 10 to call for the passage of legislation that would prevent the FCC from auctioning of the T-band spectrum, which is used for first responder communications throughout the country. (Photo/ U.S. Capitol via Flickr)
Members of U.S. Congress and public safety leaders will hold a press conference on Tuesday, March 10 to call for the passage of legislation that would prevent the FCC from auctioning of the T-band spectrum, which is used for first responder communications throughout the country. (Photo/ U.S. Capitol via Flickr)

The plan to auction off T-band has already left some first responders “in limbo” as the FCC has begun denying customary license renewals for T-band users, and public safety organizations have determined that large cities such as New York City, Chicago and Philadelphia lack sufficient spectrum in any band to relocate public safety operations, according to the office of Sen. Edward J. Markey, who introduced the bill.
Leaders in public safety including IAFC President Chief Gary Ludwig, IAFF General President Harold Schaitberger and Greater Boston Police Council Chief James Hicks will join Markey, Democratic Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer, Congressman Eliot Engel and Congressman Lee Zeldin in promoting the bill at the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. on March 10.
A livestream of the press conference will be made available when the event starts at 12 p.m. ET.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 26, 2005
Medford, NJ
Philly is already on 800, I don't think they were ever on T-band, they were down on 460 MHz years back.

Towns and counties that are forced off of T-band will most likely end up on 700 MHz, not necessarily on NJICS. Alot of counties in south Jersey have their own 700 MHz systems already or soon to come.


Feb 8, 2014
Surry County, North Carolina
Why would they want to auction off the 470-512MHz spectrum? Maybe they already have a buyer who induced them to sell? Of course for appearance sake it will look like an auction, but it's a sale where lots of money will be pocketed by the individuals controlling the sale. You can't trust anybody these days, especially where money is concerned. If this happens, watch who suddenly retires or leaves to go work with the buyer.


Field Operations Member
Premium Subscriber
Jan 24, 2010
Wandering Around
Why would they want to auction off the 470-512MHz spectrum? Maybe they already have a buyer who induced them to sell?

It was originally purported by the government that the intent was to create space for wireless broadband and commercial data communications. They didn't have a commitment from prospective bidders, just political motivation. Problem with that is the very companies that the FCC saw as potential bidders now have clearly said in filings they don't want that spectrum. The GSM/HSPA/HSPA+ carriers have committed and placed all their 5G in the NR, FR and Millimeter bands, with expansion expected into the 5925 to 7150 MHz range and 64 GHz to 86 GHz range. The CDMA protocol carriers like Sprint and Verizon did the same. There really is no point to auctioning off T-band now if the reasons really were what they were purported to be.
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Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 22, 2005
Nudging my more stubborn memory.Lobbyists from land mobile industry were reportedly involved in the original legislation. If true, I suspect they may be actively opposing new legislation. This will require both houses and the President to agree I believe. This link has original article, press conference and the copy of the proposed bill.
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Field Operations Member
Premium Subscriber
Jan 24, 2010
Wandering Around
Nudging my more stubborn memory.Lobbyists from land mobile industry were reportedly involved in the original legislation.

Land Mobile and special interest groups for the Wireless (cellular) industry. Despite the carriers clearly stating they had no interest. Hence why I say it was politically motivated.


Dec 24, 2005
Uxbridge, north of the river Thames
For those of us in the NY NJ Metro area, we can only hope.

By Laura French
WASHINGTON — First responders and U.S. Congress members will hold a press conference on Tuesday to call for the passage of legislation that will protect the T-band spectrum used for fire, EMS and police radio communications throughout the country.
The proposed legislation would prevent the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) from auctioning off the T-band spectrum by 2021 as directed by the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012.
Members of U.S. Congress and public safety leaders will hold a press conference on Tuesday, March 10 to call for the passage of legislation that would prevent the FCC from auctioning of the T-band spectrum, which is used for first responder communications throughout the country. (Photo/ U.S. Capitol via Flickr)
Members of U.S. Congress and public safety leaders will hold a press conference on Tuesday, March 10 to call for the passage of legislation that would prevent the FCC from auctioning of the T-band spectrum, which is used for first responder communications throughout the country. (Photo/ U.S. Capitol via Flickr)

The plan to auction off T-band has already left some first responders “in limbo” as the FCC has begun denying customary license renewals for T-band users, and public safety organizations have determined that large cities such as New York City, Chicago and Philadelphia lack sufficient spectrum in any band to relocate public safety operations, according to the office of Sen. Edward J. Markey, who introduced the bill.
Leaders in public safety including IAFC President Chief Gary Ludwig, IAFF General President Harold Schaitberger and Greater Boston Police Council Chief James Hicks will join Markey, Democratic Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer, Congressman Eliot Engel and Congressman Lee Zeldin in promoting the bill at the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. on March 10.
A livestream of the press conference will be made available when the event starts at 12 p.m. ET.
Any links to transcripts or what happened at this press conference today?


Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Chicago , IL
Chicago has already acquired an 800Mhz. Digital system and is in the process of migrating over to it. This bill has a slim chance of passing the Senate considering it's sponsors.
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