Updates are Coming

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Mar 17, 2005
Redruth UK
DaveIN said:
So for future *major* updates you pay for new features instead of paying for a new radio. Sounds good to me.
Well done Paul & his team of testers.Yes I would be happy to pay for Upgrades,hoping that updates to the upgrades were free in cases of glitches along the way.
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In Memoriam
Premium Subscriber
Apr 19, 2004
Arlington, TX
Well, I hesitate to step back into this quagmire, but here goes.

Uniden has announced no for-pay upgrades, nor have we set pricing or feature sets. As I mentioned in the release, I'll do my best to make sure that the feature set on any upgrade is worth the price. In any event, such upgrades are at the very minimum a few months and possibly many months away (if they happen at all). I want to be clear here that I am talking about upgrades (i.e. adding new features) not updates (enhancing current features). We have no plans to charge for updates, only upgrades.

The tentative (because while we are on final approach we are still testing) release date for the last Version 1 update for both scanners is March 25 (this update only adds ESN/ESN Checksum). The tentative (for the same reasons) Version 2 update which will incorporate the improvements mentioned in the release is about 1 week after. You will be able to wait and perform both updates in the same session, if you so desire.

Part of what we are testing is the actual web and update process, not just the firmware performance after the update. While I know that the new requirements are concerning to some, we are going to do our best to make the update a smooth process. There should never be a reason to have to send a scanner to us for "unbricking."

Updates take time to develop and test. We've been working on these since last November (actually even before that, but that is when we released the first improvements for beta testing).

Finally (and I had to look this up to be sure what it meant), there is no such thing as a "root kit" being installed on your pc to accomplish any scanner update.

Paul "The Booty" Opitz
Chief Smoochie
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Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Premium Subscriber
Feb 3, 2001
Lansing, MI
eorange said:
And you know this how?

Guess if you'd been around and reading my posts over the years, you might notice my track record...

Some of my note above (guessing at a feature price) is speculation. In that instance, it's clear I'm just throwing out an opinion.

Other things above, are not.

Let me rephrase it -- for as "stupid" as I am in some eyes, there certainly is a lack of "you were wrong" replies to any of my posts in the past...

So apparently I only chime in when I know something. You don't see me in the marine monitoring section or antenna building forum.
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Aug 11, 2007
rdale said:
What features are they adding later on that they originally said would be free?
The point is that Uniden said firmware updates will be free.

rdale said:
Consider this? What if the upgrade is $7.95? So the 396 cost you $514.90 instead of $500? Is that a problem?
Yes it is, if those should have been included on the radio in the first place. Wasn't $500 enough to pay? Do you REALLY want to keep paying more for Uniden to get it right?

rdale said:
Here's a thought - don't put the firmware in if you don't want the updates listed?
Why should people be prohibited from having fixes?

rdale said:
I don't understand.

Then you enter the correct key, and reupload the firmware. No big deal.
Spend some time researching how often data becomes corrupt by encrypting and decrypting. It is EXTREMELY common. According to Uniden, firmware update failure will brick your scanner. Not to mention the implications of root kits. Ask Sony about that.

rdale said:
No, sounds like you're just guessing. And you guess wrong.
So, what is the solution when the end user cannot input the key? And how do you know my "guess" is wrong? Are you Uniden?

rdale said:
You truly think they will reenable your scanner for free?

rdale said:
It's not nearly as bad as you think. Don't worry.
Someone deliberately disabling MY scanner isn't bad? Really? Give me your scanner so I can disable it for you.

rdale said:
Uhhh, no. "These" are not being released now, there is a list of features with the coming firmware update and it doesn't "add" anything that the PSR500 has.
They are definitely being advertised now. Heavily advertised. Think that's a coincidence? Don't kid yourself.

rdale said:
I'd like to thank jambo for one of the dumbest posts I've seen on here in a while...
I don't think he expected you to understand. You clearly didn't.


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Premium Subscriber
Feb 3, 2001
Lansing, MI
f494d957 said:
Yes it is, if those should have been included on the radio in the first place.

Those features WERE NOT included when you bought it. You knew they weren't there, and nobody said they would be added later. If I were you, I'd be THANKFUL that the potential exists that they'll improve on the featureset at reduced costs without requiring a replacement radio.

Do you REALLY want to keep paying more for Uniden to get it right?

The PAY is for NEW FEATURES, not bug fixes.

Why should people be prohibited from having fixes?

Show me where that claim has been made by Uniden?

According to Uniden, firmware update failure will brick your scanner.

You misunderstood.

So, what is the solution when the end user cannot input the key?

Why would he be prevented from entering the key? I'm not sure you are familiar with the key / upload process.

You truly think they will reenable your scanner for free?

Again - it won't be disabled. Seriously.


Aug 11, 2007
I like how you tear apart everyone's post piece by piece. So, following your lead...

rdale said:
Those features WERE NOT included when you bought it. You knew they weren't there, and nobody said they would be added later. If I were you, I'd be THANKFUL that the potential exists that they'll improve on the featureset at reduced costs without requiring a replacement radio.
Yikes. Wait a second here. What features? I'm talking about proper decoding. I'm talking about the ability to set an EDACS wide control channel with NFM frequencies. I'm talking about "features" necessary to simply monitor. That's it.

Regardless, if Uniden again requires me to buy a new radio like they did with the 250D, Uniden will cease to exist in my vocabulary. If they want want to remain in the business, they should think twice about going down that road again.

rdale said:
The PAY is for NEW FEATURES, not bug fixes.
Did I miss Uniden declaring this? Regardless, you must install that root kit. That is BAD!

rdale said:
You misunderstood.
That's it? You aren't going to clarify?

rdale said:
Why would he be prevented from entering the key? I'm not sure you are familiar with the key / upload process.
OK, that blew right over your head. Again, research data corruption that happens from the encryption/decryption process...

rdale said:
Again - it won't be disabled. Seriously.
Paul Opitz said it will be. We should believe you, not him?

And yes, you are trying to set people straight. Why are you tearing apart threads line by line if you aren't trying?
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Completely Banned for the Greater Good
May 1, 2003
Philly burbs
One thing that most are missing is that Uniden has taken over a year to write this next firmware update. It's not like they are going to be cranking out firmware updates every week. They don't have the programming talent, obviously.

And what new technology is in the scanning world future? I can't think of much other than maybe more ease of use features, which is a coin-toss for most and fall into the "why didn't they think of that earlier" category.

As I said earlier, they should've make a public beta available. All of the RR membership could've solved the update issues faster than a narrow field of beta testers. This is the biggest flaw in Uniden's software development cycle.

A RAD system "Revolution" I own has had a public beta for the past four or five months and it's helped them immeasurably to quickly nail down bugs and quickly get new betas to users for free, fast and hassle free. With a listserve with a dedicated bug report system and staff running it. It's been testing since December. We'll still have to pay for the final release but since we as owners in turn make money using their software, that's only fair.

Uniden is a good example of how to get it wrong on so many levels.

Damn fine scanner though!



Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Premium Subscriber
Feb 3, 2001
Lansing, MI
f494d957 said:
And yes, you are trying to set people straight. Why are you tearing apart threads line by line if you aren't trying?

I'm trying to educate - and I'm done. People who know my history regarding posts about the 396T get the point. They are "straight."

You have a few choices...

1) Read my past posts on the 396T and trust me
2) Read post #84 very carefully, without any preconceived notions
3) Well, you know.


Aug 11, 2007
UPMan said:
Finally (and I had to look this up to be sure what it meant), there is no such thing as a "root kit" being installed on your pc to accomplish any scanner update.
Wikipedia isn't always a good source of information.

Root kits applications that are installed on your machine not by choice. It hides on your machine and it does things that you otherwise would not want it to do. And they are all but impossible to remove.

The similiarities with this new firmware system are striking. We have NO CHOICE but to install it if we want firmware updates -- and that includes FIXES! It's hidden on our scanner (we don't want it there) and it can be used to disable our scanner. And we cannot remove it.

You should look in to the Sony Data Rights Management (DRM) fiasco very heavily before putting this firmware thing into place.

rdale said:
1) Read my past posts on the 396T and trust me

rdale said:
2) Read post #84 very carefully, without any preconceived notions.
I didn't come up with that idea on my own. I read it carefully without preconceived notions. Every notion I have is due to what Paul Opitz wrote. We have no choice but to install this thing.

rdale said:
3) Well, you know.
No, I don't know. Explain yourself.


Aug 11, 2007
Boomeranger said:
One thing that most are missing is that Uniden has taken over a year to write this next firmware update.
That's because they have been investing a lot into this registration / encryption / don't neglect to use the key and type it correctly or we'll disable your scanner thing. That is not cheap technology to develop.

Boomeranger said:
As I said earlier, they should've make a public beta available. All of the RR membership could've solved the update issues faster than a narrow field of beta testers. This is the biggest flaw in Uniden's software development cycle.
Uniden seems a little too secretive to me. But hey, it's not my company.

I'm scared to use any firmware updates from Uniden now.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Chicago , IL
UPMan said:
Well, I hesitate to step back into this quagmire, but here goes.

Uniden has announced no for-pay upgrades, nor have we set pricing or feature sets. As I mentioned in the release, I'll do my best to make sure that the feature set on any upgrade is worth the price. In any event, such upgrades are at the very minimum a few months and possibly many months away (if they happen at all). I want to be clear here that I am talking about upgrades (i.e. adding new features) not updates (enhancing current features). We have no plans to charge for updates, only upgrades.

The tentative (because while we are on final approach we are still testing) release date for the last Version 1 update for both scanners is March 25 (this update only adds ESN/ESN Checksum). The tentative (for the same reasons) Version 2 update which will incorporate the improvements mentioned in the release is about 1 week after. You will be able to wait and perform both updates in the same session, if you so desire.

Part of what we are testing is the actual web and update process, not just the firmware performance after the update. While I know that the new requirements are concerning to some, we are going to do our best to make the update a smooth process. There should never be a reason to have to send a scanner to us for "unbricking."

Updates take time to develop and test. We've been working on these since last November (actually even before that, but that is when we released the first improvements for beta testing).

Finally (and I had to look this up to be sure what it meant), there is no such thing as a "root kit" being installed on your pc to accomplish any scanner update.

Paul "The Booty" Opitz
Chief Smoochie

Oh no...a whole month of this sniping on the public board ! The initial report of a "one week or so release" has now been pushed back to address some issues still remaining..ok, that's good by me ! When the release comes out, the thought is it will be tried and tested...once again that's good by me ! Paul, i'm not sure if my question was lost in the mix , any word if this "fixes" the Starcom 21 issue? My best guess based upon the description is yes, but just asking if anyone actually tried it. How about UHF Trunking...looks like it does based upon that "decoding issue" that you mentioned, but any word ?


a Kentucky DB Admin...
Jan 2, 2003
on the road to Nonesuch, Ky...
No one at Uniden has any business inside my scanner, PERIOD!
Do the right thing. Zip it, post it and let me use it as I see fit.

UPMan said:
Uniden has announced no for-pay upgrades, nor have we set pricing or feature sets.

A friend convinced me to get a 396 because I would enjoy some of the features not available on the PRO 96... After reading your news release I am wondering about his counsel. I am concerned about a number of things, the least of which is the "no for-pay" line with a remark that Uniden hasn't set pricing or feature sets.... If you are going to require me to pay for something I don't want or need then I should have the option of trading those features for some that I do want or need....

UPMan said:
(this update only adds ESN/ESN Checksum).

This is a grave concern.... you are requiring me to connect to YOUR site to then create an ESN/ESN Checksum that will be on YOUR servers.... you will have my number and other information already gleaned from my cookie... so I am using a web update from rr.com and suddenly a message flashes across my screen that I have an illegal scanner, or I need to send money for this or that.... Makes me very leery about the Uniden provided free software....
How much memory are you going to eat-up with the ESN info? I use a lot of my memory because I have a lot loaded into my 396.

UPMan said:
While I know that the new requirements are concerning to some, we are going to do our best to make the update a smooth process. There should never be a reason to have to send a scanner to us for "unbricking."

When a news release tells me there is no need to worry about something it makes me wonder.....

UPMan said:
Finally (and I had to look this up to be sure what it meant), there is no such thing as a "root kit" being installed on your pc to accomplish any scanner update.

If Uniden trusts me as a consumer then allow me to download the update and trust that I have given you the serial number stamped on the label in the battery compartment (based upon my good faith registration) and allow me to do the update without worry that Big Brother Uniden is gonna make my scanner a brick and spy on me and do all manner of things Sony-esque....
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Jan 18, 2004
In the pines where the sun never shines
unitcharlie said:
No one at Uniden has any business inside my scanner, PERIOD!
Do the right thing. Zip it, post it and let me use it as I see fit.

A friend convinced me to get a 396 because I would enjoy some of the features not available on the PRO 96... After reading your news release I am wondering about his counsel. I am concerned about a number of things, the least of which is the "no for-pay" line with a remark that Uniden hasn't set pricing or feature sets.... If you are going to require me to pay for something I don't want or need then I should have the option of trading those features for some that I do want or need....

This is a grave concern.... you are requiring me to connect to YOUR site to then create an ESN/ESN Checksum that will be on YOUR servers.... you will have my number and other information already gleaned from my cookie... so I am using a web update from rr.com and suddenly a message flashes across my screen that I have an illegal scanner, or I need to send money for this or that.... Makes me very leery about the Uniden provided free software....
How much memory are you going to eat-up with the ESN info? I use a lot of my memory because I have a lot loaded into my 396.

When a news release tells me there is no need to worry about something it makes me wonder.....

If Uniden trusts me as a consumer then allow me to download the update and trust that I have given you the serial number stamped on the label in the battery compartment (based upon my good faith registration) and allow me to do the update without worry that Big Brother Uniden is gonna make my scanner a brick and spy on me and do all manner of things Sony-esque....
You go unitcharlie!!!Feather's ruffled again..Rightfully so I could not agree more well put..May be Uniden self destruct..Sound's like all this is going over like a led baloon with the the customers They may want to re-think this idea..
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Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Premium Subscriber
Feb 3, 2001
Lansing, MI
werinshades said:
Oh no...a whole month of this sniping on the public board !

Maybe they'll tire before then... Maybe they'll find some unique feature they don't like in Win500 and attack DonS instead?


Jan 18, 2004
In the pines where the sun never shines
rdale said:
Maybe they'll tire before then... Maybe they'll find some unique feature they don't like in Win500 and attack DonS instead?
This is an interesting thread why would we get tired of putting in our thoughts on the situation at hand..People just giving some feedback on what they feel about this pay as you go and we would like to spy on you if you do not mind (well if you will agree to all terms and conditions we will make your scanner like it should have been when you paid 500 buck's for it)No i don't see anything wrong with that why should anyone be upset?And Don Starr dosen't charge for updates no reason to attack him..I hope gre reads this thread and they will learn how we do not like this kind of support..
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Sep 19, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
f494d957 said:
That's because they have been investing a lot into this registration / encryption / don't neglect to use the key and type it correctly or we'll disable your scanner thing. That is not cheap technology to develop.
Your posts on this matter have been 100% nonsense. You can't read and properly comprehend what others have written, yet you continue to embarrass yourself. The ESN will be used as a simple encryption/decryption key, so if you mess it up (decryption key doesn't match encryption key), the scanner will end up with scrambled (e.g. useless/nonfunctional) firmware until you use the correct ESN as the encryption key. It is not a deliberate attempt by Uniden to brick your scanner. Why is that so hard for you to deal with? It's not - you simply have some perverse need to create a strawman to prop up your ludicrous rant.

And it's not cheap technology to develop eh? No prior art out there that could be used to encrypt/decrypt a 1MB block of data? You're insulting our intelligence.

BTW, I like your "encrypting/decrypting can corrupt data" nonsense. Somehow, the Internet manages to successfully pass encrypted data all the time (never heard of SSL or https?) and my password-protected zipfiles haven't lost a byte yet, or even an itty bitty bit. Where do you come up with this drivel?

Ah, I see you also don't know what a rootkit is. And you never will, because you are clearly one of those folks who already know it all and are unable to learn from others.

I'm scared to use any firmware updates from Uniden now.
So don't. Problem solved.
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