Well, I hesitate to step back into this quagmire, but here goes.
Uniden has announced no for-pay upgrades, nor have we set pricing or feature sets. As I mentioned in the release, I'll do my best to make sure that the feature set on any upgrade is worth the price. In any event, such upgrades are at the very minimum a few months and possibly many months away (if they happen at all). I want to be clear here that I am talking about upgrades (i.e. adding new features) not updates (enhancing current features). We have no plans to charge for updates, only upgrades.
The tentative (because while we are on final approach we are still testing) release date for the last Version 1 update for both scanners is March 25 (this update only adds ESN/ESN Checksum). The tentative (for the same reasons) Version 2 update which will incorporate the improvements mentioned in the release is about 1 week after. You will be able to wait and perform both updates in the same session, if you so desire.
Part of what we are testing is the actual web and update process, not just the firmware performance after the update. While I know that the new requirements are concerning to some, we are going to do our best to make the update a smooth process. There should never be a reason to have to send a scanner to us for "unbricking."
Updates take time to develop and test. We've been working on these since last November (actually even before that, but that is when we released the first improvements for beta testing).
Finally (and I had to look this up to be sure what it meant), there is no such thing as a "
root kit" being installed on your pc to accomplish any scanner update.
Paul "The Booty" Opitz
Chief Smoochie