Station In Use Alert Tone? Like a lot of agencies use to indicate a priority event is taking place so all units hold all traffic if not rush/emergency if your not involved? Every few seconds a "BEEP!"?
When my radio (SDS 200) is scanning the Wake County system, it keeps making this short single tone sound every few moments, generally Garner PD DISP (at least tonight). Can anyone tell me what that tone is or what it's for? Thanks.
Thank you. That explains it then.
What is "Tac Med"? Do these folks function as the civilian version of combat medics?
Has NCSHP changed ID's?
In Charlotte area today and listened to a few VIPER sites. Noticing two new TOWERS listed as neighbors, but unable to pick up any traffic on the frequencies DSD+ is giving. The site numbers and control channels are:
2.21 853.375, CC = 0-379, probably license number WRDU882
2.81 773.30625, CC = 1-1808, no license found
Gaston County sites becoming simulcast, perhaps ????
Troop 5/ towers Mebane,altamahaw,cane mtn. These are the towers and troops.What tower are you listening to? What NCSHP Troop?
I meant troop DTroop 5/ towers Mebane,altamahaw,cane mtn. These are the towers and troops.
My viper is doing fine just no NCSHP@heard125action I will be going through that area tomorrow and I'll see if I pick up anything from 40. But there have been no changes any where I'm aware of, if there had been I'm sure others would be commenting too.
My viper is doing fine just no NCSHP