I'm not sure how the sites and the talkgroups relate. Do the sites above broadcast all the talkgroups in the VIPER database, or just specific talkgroups? For example, would I be able to hear Charlotte-related traffic if I programmed the associated talkgroups?
I'm trying to understand the breadth of the talkgroups I could receive with those sites.
In theory, all
statewide talkgroups can utilize all towers. However, you can only hear talkgroups that are affiliated on the tower. Hence, if a Charlotte SHP unit was in your area and on the tower you'd hear that TG, but when they left the area you wouldn't. Happens a lot on the NCSHP Training Center Tower since units from across the state visit each day. Same goes for Statewide TGs, if SW Event Echo 2 is being used in Ashe County, but no one on the local tower is on ECHO 2 you won't hear them, but if someone has a radio on Echo 2 on a tower you are listening too you will hear the traffic. Typically,
county agencies are able to affiliate with towers in their county and connecting counties unless they are on certain statewide TGs. Though, from listening experience, there are exceptions to this rule, but I do not know what they are.
As for what towers each unit/agency uses, that gets a little more difficult. I believe there is a primary tower assigned to certain users, and if they go out of the tower range then it switches.
@trumpetman or someone with a little more knowledge can correct me if I'm wrong.