Over the past few days, October 29 thru November 02, I've monitored the transition of Chatham Co Sheriffs Office Dispatch which has been on 453.800 MHz. As of this evening, 02 November, that analog UHF frequency is silent. I'm monitoring VIPER using UniTrunker, and seeing Talkgroup 10003 Chatham Co SO active with ENCryption in use. During the past few days analog was patched to VIPER and in the clear. Tonight they began using ENC.
I was OK with the transition to VIPER, but now that they're encrypted, my receivers have become more silent as I listened to 453.800 often.
Sad times. Submitted it to the database admin a few minutes ago.
I was OK with the transition to VIPER, but now that they're encrypted, my receivers have become more silent as I listened to 453.800 often.
Sad times. Submitted it to the database admin a few minutes ago.