We Need Updated and New Database Information for California

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Dec 31, 2002
Santa Rosa, CA.
hotdjdave said:
Hi fellow Californians and others,

Who wants to be the representative for your county and/or surrounding counties? You can sign up in this thread to represent an area. You can pick more than one area and more than one person can cover the same area.

Listed below are all the counties in California. Pick the one(s) you would like to represent and post it/them here in this thread. Then we will know who will be covering what area.

What you will be doing is checking and verifying the information in the database for your area(s). Additionally, you can seek out new data to submit to this thread for further review and evaluation, before submitting it to the database.

Here are the counties, pick the one(s) you would like to cover and then post them here so we can begin making a list:

Alameda Alpine Amador Butte Calaveras Colusa Contra Costa Del Norte El Dorado Fresno Glenn Humboldt Imperial Inyo Kern Kings Lake Lassen Los Angeles Madera Marin Mariposa Mendocino Merced Modoc Mono Monterey Napa Nevada Orange Placer Plumas Riverside Sacramento San Benito San Bernardino San Diego San Francisco San Joaquin San Luis Obispo San Mateo Santa Barbara Santa Clara Santa Cruz Shasta Sierra Siskiyou Solano Sonoma Stanislaus Sutter Tehama Trinity Tulare Tuolumne Ventura Yolo Yuba

Thank you from the California Database Administrators.


I did a search in this thread and it doesnt look like anyone has signed up for Sonoma County. I've been monitoring the Freq's in the county for a number of years now and have compiled quite a list. I've submitted a few to the database but would also like to take a role in keeping it updated by adding new freqs as they are found and/or updating the current ones.




Feb 24, 2001
Dave, I either missed your post or don't remember it. I would like to sign up for Mono and Inyo Counties. One of these days I need to submit the information for each of them. The information on the database for these counties is not very good, some mistakes and a lot of information missing.


Database Admin
Nov 25, 2003
SFO Bay Area and Las Vegas NV
Fire Tone Outs

For the 996 and 396 fans.....

I have a moderate sized spreadsheet that covers fire tone-outs mostly CalFire SCU/CZU/BEU areas, Monterey, Santa Cruz, Southern San Mateo, and Santa Clara counties.

Both quick-call and DTMF, station and b/c tones.

It's a bit large to cut and paste into the database entry screen for each agency.

Would a database mod prefer me to e-mail it or what's your preference ??

This is the result of about a month's of monitoring, logging and verification, and will be an evolving project as I start monitoring other agencies that I can hear and adding to the
database of what I already know.


Forums Veteran
Super Moderator
Dec 16, 2000
Your master site
trooperdude said:
Would a database mod prefer me to e-mail it or what's your preference ??
Can you ZIP it and attach it? I'd take on the task but I'm strapped for time at the moment.


Feed Provider
Jun 1, 2006
New frequencies for Riverside Co. Fire

RRU 4 has a name change to RVC CMD 1
Support 4 is no longer is service and can be deleted from the database.

RVC CMD 2 151.025RX 156.240TX
Support 10 154.755RX 154.755TX
RVC TAC 5 158.820RX 158.820TX


Forums Veteran
Super Moderator
Dec 16, 2000
Your master site
trooperdude said:
I will attempt that tonight when I get home to a computer with WinRAR.
Can you ZIP it? Unless its attachment support is unlisted RAR files can't be attached. ZIP is the only supported archive format.


May 4, 2004
Alpine, Ca.
Exsmokey said:
Here is the Mammoth Mountain Ski Area's Trunked System:

Mammoth Mountain Trunked System (Fleet Map: b0 S11, b2 S11, b6 S4, b7 S4)

Frequencies Used: 856.5125 - 860.5125, & 855.8375. 855.5375 will be added in the future.

Note: The repeaters are located in the upper gondola station building at the top of the mountain. Control channel switches between 860.5125 and 859.5125 about every 24 hours.

Talk Group Channel Department and Function
600-1 1A Ski Patrol
600-2 1B Ski Patrol Alternate *
600-3 1C Ski Patrol Alternate
200-1 2A Host & Lift Operations Supervisors/Administration/Bike Park **
200-2 2B Gondola Operations
200-3 2C Ski Hosts
200-5 3A Lift Maintenance
200-6 3B Lift Maintenance Alternate
200-7 3C Lift Maintenance Alternate
200-9 4A Slope Maintenance (Grooming-all areas daytime, Main Lodge night)***
200-10 4B Slope Maintenance (Grooming-Little Eagle Lodge area night)***
200-11 4C Slope Maintenance (Grooming-Canyon Lodge area night)***
200-13 5A Snow Placement (Snow Plowing & Snowmaking)/Lift Construction **
200-14 5B Snow Placement (Snow Plowing & Snowmaking) Alternate
200-15 5C Snow Placement (Snow Plowing & Snowmaking) Alternate
000-9 6A Race Department/Motocross Event (2 week event in June) **
000-10 6B Race and Terrain Parks Alternate
000-11 6C Terrain Parks (Snowboard Play Areas)
001-1 7A Main Lodge/Woollywood Sports Schools/Adventure Center **
001-2 7B Main Lodge/Woollywood Sports Schools Alternate
001-3 7C Main Lodge/Woollywood Sports Schools Alternate
001-9 8A Canyon Lodge Sports School/Sierra Star Golf Course Operations **
001-10 8B Canyon Lodge Sports School Alternate/Sierra Star Food Operations **
001-11 8C Canyon Lodge Sports School Alternate
000-1 9A Eagle Lodge Sports School
000-2 9B Eagle Lodge Sports School Alternate
000-3 9C Eagle Lodge Sports School Alternate
201-1 10A Security Main Lodge
201-2 10B Security Alternate
201-3 10C Security Canyon Lodge
201-5 11A Building Maintenance.
201-6 11B Building Maintenance and Telecommunications Alternate
201-7 11C Telecommunications
201-9 12A Mammoth Mountain Inn Operations/Maintenance/Guest Services
201-10 12B Mammoth Mountain Inn Housekeeping
201-11 12C DAY: Inn Alternate/NIGHT: Shuttle Buses
700-1 13A Vacant
700-2 13B Mammoth Snowmobile Adventures
700-3 13C Juniper Springs Lodge Shuttle Van
201-13 14A Transportation Red Line & Staff
201-14 14B Transportation Main Lodge Parking Control/Shuttle/Motocross Shuttle **
201-15 14C Transportation Green/Blue/Orange Lines/Canyon Parking Control/Shuttle
851.3875R 15 Conventional repeater(D261)
851.3875 16 Conventional simplex

* Ski Patrol does not normally use B, as it is hard to distinguish from C with gloves on.
** Summer channel use (when it differs from winter channel use). Lift construction may use several other channels unused in the summer, such as channels 8 &13.
*** Normal use is A only. Splitting use into A, B, & C occurs only when workload & radio use demand.

I should have the UHF and VHF submission soon.
Can this be added to the list of California trunk systems?


K9DJW - Senior Member
Database Admin
May 10, 2005
The Valley (SFV), Los Angeles, CA
Exsmokey said:
Dave, I either missed your post or don't remember it. I would like to sign up for Mono and Inyo Counties. One of these days I need to submit the information for each of them. The information on the database for these counties is not very good, some mistakes and a lot of information missing.
You got it. Thanks, your input is much appreciated; especially from you - a wealth of information.
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DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 19, 2002
SloScanMan_01 said:
Is there currently a representative for San Luis Obispo County? If not, I would like to represent.

I'm in SLO County, but by all means, if you have edits to what's in the database, please submit them. The more the merrier.


May 4, 2004
Alpine, Ca.
Please Add To Database

I guess I miss spoke. What I meant to say was will one of the admins please add the Mammoth Mountain trunked system to the list of trunked systems in California in the database?
Exsmokey said:
Here is the Mammoth Mountain Ski Area's Trunked System: [removed duplicate content]
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