We Need Updated and New Database Information for California

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Forums Veteran
Super Moderator
Dec 16, 2000
Your master site
trooperdude said:
OK, here it is in zip fomat.
Ok, I converted each sheet to PDF and tagged them with your UID. They're each under their respective Agency's Downloads page.

Everyone else, please be patient when submitting information! It is not a point and click system. 98% of the submissions need to be hand typed and then edited for display. This takes time and California is a large State. Please do not use this thread or any other to post your frustrations. Please remember that if you have solid information, submit it, don't wait for us to stumble upon it in the forums. The easier you make it for us the quicker it will get entered in. Thanks!


Forums Veteran
Super Moderator
Dec 16, 2000
Your master site
SkipSanders said:
About 1 MByte each PDF's, latest maps I'm aware of for San Diego City PD and Fire. Don't seem to be any maps in the Database for the city, so here they are.
These have been uploaded to City's Downloads page.


Feed Provider
Jun 1, 2006
wayne_h said:
Anyone else with info we've missed?

My updated Riverside County Fire freqs on the previous page and a station map on the page before that one.


Silent Key
Dec 19, 2002
wayne_h said:
These have been uploaded to City's Downloads page.

Call me silly, but why do 'maps' belong on the 'downloads' page, instead of the 'maps' page? The maps page says 'we have none, please submit'.

When I check for possible maps, I look at the 'Maps' page, and I'd expect that's where others look, too.


Forums Veteran
Super Moderator
Dec 16, 2000
Your master site
SkipSanders said:
Call me silly, but why do 'maps' belong on the 'downloads' page, instead of the 'maps' page? The maps page says 'we have none, please submit'.
Because you gave me a PDF of a map. I cannot upload it to the Maps/Images area as only images are meant for that page.


Forums Veteran
Super Moderator
Dec 16, 2000
Your master site
Kingscup said:
My updated Riverside County Fire freqs on the previous page and a station map on the page before that one.
Added the map and updated the frequency description.

And a reminder to everyone, please submit frequencies and trunked information via the submission engine first. If after a week it has not shown, and it was not a large, complex submission, please post up here. If you have any other data to submit which can't be sent as a submission post it here; for a speedier action submit that you posted the attachment here. That way things will not get missed.


Jun 27, 2003
wayne_h said:
Yes, it is, now if someone could be nice enough to package it up for me I'll put it into the database.

Ok, done, and submitted under Inyo County.


Feb 18, 2002
Shandon, CA
How do I submit info for review?

I have a few maps and station/apparatus lists I'd like to submit. How do I attach image files and station or unit lists on the submit page? Also, is there a preferred format I should use? Thanks in advance.


Forums Veteran
Super Moderator
Dec 16, 2000
Your master site
SloScanMan_01 said:
I have a few maps and station/apparatus lists I'd like to submit. How do I attach image files and station or unit lists on the submit page? Also, is there a preferred format I should use? Thanks in advance.
Please ZIP all the files in to one and attach them here.


Feb 24, 2001
Mammoth Mountain Database Submission

Here are two submissions I made to the database. The first is for clarification of the Mammoth Mountain Ski Area trunked system. It has two conventional channels in all the radios. The first 14 channels are trunked.

Frequency Input Type Description Channel Tone
851.3875 851.3875 BM Conventional Direct 15 D261
851.3875 806.3875 R Conventional Repeater 16 D261

The second submission covers the conventional radio use of the Mammoth Mountain and June Mountain Ski Areas along with the callsigns of each.

Frequency Input License Type Description CH Tone
451.3000 451.3000 WPXV624 BM Village Operations? ? D754
451.5000 456.5000 WPXV624 RM Village Housekeeping ? D754
451.7875 451.7875 WPXV624 BM Ski Area Reycling? ? D754
452.975 452.975 WPXV624 BM Unknown Useage ? D754

151.835 151.835 KZA563 BM Junior Race Team Adm 1 97.4
151.805 151.805 KZA563 BM Junior Race Team Coaching 2 97.4
151.895 151.895 KNDP942 BM Junior Race Team Coaching 4 97.4

The above three VHF channels are sometimes used at the June Mountain Ski Area with a tone of 82.5

151.955 151.955 WPXV624 M Tamarack Lodge Operations ? 67.0
151.955 151.955 WPXV624 M Employee Housing Ops. ? 82.5
151.5275 151.5275 WPXV624 M Junior Race Team Coaching ? 97.4
151.6025 151.6025 WPXV624 M Junior Race Team Coaching ? 97.4
152.9525 151.9525 WPXV624 M Junior Race Team Coaching ? 97.4
153.0125 153.0125 WPXV624 M Junior Race Team Coaching ? 97.4

If the trunked system is extremely busy the Race Department may use any of the junior race team coaching frequencies to conduct races, which can be daily trials by lift pass holders, amateur series, or professional, world cup, Olympic trial races.

464.5000 464.500 none M Juniper Springs Lodge Guest ? 67.0
464.5500 464.5500 none M Juniper Springs Lodge ? 67.0
Maintenance and Housekeeping

June Mountain Ski Area (owned by Mammoth Mountain Ski Area)

Frequency Input License Type Description CH Tone
460.875 465.875 WNHW213 RM Admin/Building Maint.
Snow Removal/Lift Supervisors
Sport School Supervisosrs June 1 97.4
460.875 460.875 WNHW213 BM Direct June 2 97.4
452.650 457.650 WPMS578 RM Ski Patrol/Lift Maintenance
Electrical Maintenance June 3 82.5
452.650 452.650 WPMS578 BM Direct June 4 82.5

Call Signs:

1 Administration
2 Slope Maintenance (Grooming) Snowcats ID as "PB-xx", which
stands for the Piston Bully groomers Mammoth Uses
3 Ski Patrol permanents - all others use last names
4 Lift Maintenance
5 Lift Operations
6 Snow Placement (snow making and road plowing)
7 Electrical Maintenance
8 Security
9 Facility Maintenance
10 Not used
11 Telecommunications and Information Services
12 Race Department and Terrain Parks (snow board play areas)
13 Not used
14 Transportation
15 Mammoth Mountain Inn / June Mountain Slope Maintenance
16 June Mountain Sport School Supervisors
17 June Mountain Snow Removal
18 June Mountain Lift Operations
19 Host Department
GS4 - GS8 Panorama Gondola Supervisors

Mammoth Mountain Sport School and Snowmobile Adventures use last names for all personnel. Sport Schools located at the Main Lodge, Canyon Lodge, and Little Eagle Lodge.

Base Stations

GS1 Panorama Gondola Lower Station
GS2 Panorama Gondola McCoy Station (mid mountain)
GS3 Panorama Gondola Upper Station
Control Main Lodge Snowmaking Control
541 Communications Center
542 Employee Housing Base
543 Main Lodge Ski Patrol
544 Vehicle Maintenance Garage
545 Lift Operations
546 Administration
547 Cat Crew HQ
549 Mammoth Mountain Inn Housekeeping
550 Front Desk Mammoth Mountain Inn
641 Snowmaking Control Canyon Lodge
642 Canyon Lodge Office
643 Canyon Lodge Ski Patrol
741 June Mountain Main Office
743 June Mountain Ski Patrol Office
744 June Mountain Ticket Office
747 June Mountain Vehicle Maintenance Garage
19 Office Host Department Office
Gun 1 Avalanche Artillery at the top of Chair 1
Gun 2 Avalanche Artillery at the top of Lincoln Mountain
Gun 3 Avalanche Artillery northeast of Chair 14 base
Top of xx Ski patrol stationed at the top of ski lifts. x or xx is
the ski lift location
Top of the World Ski patrol station at the top of the Panorama
B x or xx Bus numbers as painted on the side of the bus
Base 1 Transportation HQ and control at Main Lodge
Base 2 Transportation control at Canyon Lodge

I will break this up by putting the codes used in another submission.
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Feb 24, 2001
Mammoth Mountain Database Submission

Mammoth and June Mountain Ski Areas radio codes.

Codes (some thought to be unique to Mammoth/June)

Code 2 Urgent
Code 3 Life threatening emergency - stay off radio until Code secured
Code Blue Toilet Stopped Up
Burrito Mammoth/June ski patrol uses this term for equipment loaded on a toboggan or sled which carriers the injured. The equipment carried is not known, but probably gets wrapped up in a blanket. MFA Malicious False Alarm * In reference to a reported injury/accident.
RGS Returned to Groomed Surface (Used by Mammoth Snowmobile Adventures)
RTB Returned to Boarding *
RTC Returned to Carpet * (See magic carpet in the definitions below)
RTD Meaning Unknown * (Possibly involves a guest who has been driving or drinking)
RTS Returned to Skiing *
RTW Returned to Walking *
SFR Short Form Release * A liability release signed by a guest who decides not to continue in the ski patrol’s care.

* Ski patrol use for injury/accident disposition

DNF Did Not Finish (Race Department)
DNS Did Not Start (Race Department)
DQ Disqualified (Race Department)

10 codes are standard APCO (Association of Public-safety Communications Officials) except for:

10-21 Call your base
10-43 Message delivered
10-50 Emergency traffic
10-60 Lift stoppage due to unknown reasons
10-C Non-injured guest carried in toboggan towed behind snowmobile w/ski patrol behind toboggan with rope attached for control
10-R Courtesy snowmobile ride for guest
10-75 Accident involving Mountain vehicle/bus
10-83 Lost child
10-100 Bus driver bathroom break

I will make one more submission for terminology used at these ski areas.
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Feb 24, 2001
Ski Area Teminology and Lingo

I made one last submission to the database and it consists of a multi page glossary that is helpful when listening to the Mammoth Mountain and June Mountain Ski Areas. Many of the terms are used industry wide making the glossary useful at other areas. It took me almost 45 minutes to format the material into the database submission form. The glossary comes from a text document I have of my local scanner information notes. It is rather difficult to format for posting on this thread so I'm going to skip that portion of this database submission. Once it is added to the database everyone will have the chance to look it over to see if I have missed something. I welcome the opportunity to learn from your comments.

I hope the administrators add this submission to the database as it would be most valuable for interpreting the traffic on the radio systems of the June Mountain and Mammoth Mountain Ski Areas as well as others in the U.S.


Feb 24, 2001
Future submissions Mono and Inyo Counties/Caltrans/USFS/NPS

I'm between jobs right now, although with all the projects I'm working on around the house, in my workshop, and on my vehicles I don't have much time left, especially considering this is "get ready for winter" time around here. I will try to complete my submissions for Inyo and Mono Counties, Caltrans, and the USFS and NPS. The statewide submission for Caltrans will be based on an extensive and lengthy look I had of one of their handhelds about 18 months ago.

The Caltrans submission will not occur until I have a chance to research all the Caltrans FCC licenses around the state. The handheld alphanumeric display shows the area a channel is to be used in and I want to find out where the repeater is for each channel. This research will be lengthy and will only occur if I continue to be unemployed. Additionally I need a time period where my elderly mother remains stable and not demanding so much of my time.

I will try my best to get these submission in before I hear back on several job applications I have pending. I think I have a lot of useful information that I would like to share.


May 15, 2006
Costa Mesa, Ca

On this new LA (ICIS) system it shows that Pomona PD is encrypted. MOT 37680 Pomona PD blue 1 comes in good and is not encrypted. I'm receiving very well from Newport Beach with a TV roof antenna. Google search sysid: 391D and you will find it easy also, set scanner to table and base to 480.500,380,12.5. john
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Feb 24, 2001
Here is a submission I just made to the database. Everything you wanted to know about government radio in Mammoth Lakes but were afraid to ask!


Frequency Input License Type Description Ch. Tone
155.595 0.0 WNDM858 BM Mammoth Lakes PD ? 151.4
155.595 159.015 WNDM858 RM Mammoth Lakes PD Mammoth Rpt ? 151.4
155.595 159.015 WNDM858 RM Mammoth Lakes PD N Village Rpt ? 131.8
? 158.910 WNDM858 M Old Input to Repeater Use Unknown 0.0
158.760 0.0 WNPQ420 BM Mammoth Lakes Town Channel 1 0.0
158.835 0.0 WNDM858 BM Mammoth Lakes Road Channel 3 0.0
156.075 0.0 M CALCORD 4 0.0
155.025 0.0 WNDM858 BM Town Auxillery 1 ? 0.0
155.115 0.0 WNDM858 BM Town Auxillery 2 ? 0.0
118.050 0.0 KLU74 B Mammoth Airport WX Broadcast none 0.0


Frequency Input License Type Descipion Ch. Tone
154.115 0.0 KUQ510 BM Main Channel 1 0.0
155.055 0.0 KUQ510 M Mobile to Mobile 2 0.0


Frequency Input License Type Description Ch. Tone
155.205 0.0 none BM Buses 1 0.0
155.265 0.0 none BM Maintenance 2 0.0
155.985 0.0 WPXF799 BM Yard & Field Trips 3 0.0
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