
  1. APXandRailroadRadios

    Forest Preserves District of Cook County Police Dispatch

    Hi everyone, I recently got a radio for NAS. I saw that the Cook County Forest Preserves Police has STARCOM talkroup 2637 as “Channel 2”. Does anyone know the dispatch talkgroup or if they are encrypted? Thanks!
  2. Grecom PSR-600

    Grecom PSR-600

    I have a Grecom psr-600 available. Not much use for it in my area anymore. Works like it should. $300 Firm
  3. T

    BCD325P2/BCD996P2: BCD996P2 programming there has to be a faster way...

    Hello all. I just picked up a BCD996P2 that I will be using in some upcoming road rallies. I purchased the GPS unit to go with it Id like to be able to listen to Highway patrol, police and sheriffs as i pass through each county. I have scanpro and I have started working on a database to upload...
  4. wolfie161616

    OPP and NOR in the past

    Okay so I have been on the Wayback Machine looking at RR in the past to see how radios in my area have changed over the years and I noticed a term I have never seen before. "NOR System" Seen under OPP Wide in 2008 just as the province was starting to join Bell FleetNet (See Here: Ontario...
  5. S

    Port Authority - General Callsigns

    Does anyone have any information on Port Authority callsigns at all? I understand that they are now encrypted, and any relevant information is hard to come by, but I am looking for any information on callsigns used by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. While I am interested in police...
  6. J

    Unencrypted police channel?

    Hello all! So, the emergency services are all encrypted in my country (they all use some form of custom encrypted TETRA, impossible to monitor), last week I was monitoring my scanner and I heard what sounded like traffic police conducting a raid. I've heard it before last year back when I...
  7. R

    Help finding Philadelphia police radio frequencies.

    Hi there my name is RYAN and I was wondering if I can have help finding some frequencies for the following talk group id numbers. I’m unaware of what the frequency would be for the talk group. They are from the Philadelphia area police departments. 237 0ed D PFD North Fire North Fire...
  8. R

    Hudson pd

    I’m looking for the common frequency for Hudson pd to listen on rtl-sdr.
  9. C

    Law Enforcement Channel(s) To Listen To In New Jersey?

    Hi, I'm Chloe. I am not comfortable with forums, so I hope I am doing this correctly. I listen to public safety comms from around the world and I really wanted a NJ channel. I use Scanner Radio and Police Scanner. Recently, I have been listening to agencies from On Patrol: Live. Tonight, I am...
  10. G

    BCD436HP help with Chelsea Police Dispatch

    Hello, I am new to scanners. I read the manual as well as the easy to read manual, yet I still can't seem to figure out how to listen to my local Suffolk County: Cities/Municipalities - Chelsea: Police Dispatch channel (470.8875MHz NFM C131.8). I used to be able to listen to the channel on my...
  11. radioscan

    Cincinnati Police Restructuring, dissolving District 5 by year's end.

    Cincinnati Police will dissolve District 5 by the end of the year. They will re-draw, and cover the City with four districts. WCPO-TV Channel 9 coverage : https://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/hamilton-county/cincinnati/cincinnati-police-department-will-re-structure-eliminate-a-district
  12. K

    Sturgis Police 1, 2 and 3

    For the person who posted the Sturgis PD groups, i just want to ask what those are used for and how active those 3 are..? thanks in advance Todd J Rittel KC0CCB / WRKH774
  13. p25man123

    Active Shooter at Michigan State University

    I’m hearing several reports of shots fired at MSU at the moment with multiple 911 calls coming in. Communications are being received over at East Lansing/MSU PD Dispatch (MPSCS TGID 139) Active Situation is ongoing. Shooter is using a Handgun. Sources: Active shooter reported at Michigan State...
  14. BC2001

    Question Regarding Middlesboro PD

    So I've been looking at MPDs FCC callsign (FCC Callsign KIA516 (MIDDLESBORO, CITY OF)) and I noticed that 154.12250 is listed - as well as their two known frequencies: 151.070 & 155.580. I haven't received MPD traffic in quite a while where I live in Northern Bell County, but I used to. Can...
  15. I

    Clermont, Florida

    I just moved here and looking for some help as I see the last entry for "Clermont" was in 2010. If I understand correctly they are on a trunked system. If so, what are the emergency services frequencies for Lake County and Clermont, and which handheld scanner would you recommend? Thanks in...
  16. A

    Is Cyprus Police Fire and EMS encrypted?

    Hello. I’m not asking to monitor these frequencies. This post is strictly for research purposes! I’m curious on what Frequencies the Cyprus Police Fire and EMS services are using. I’m researching what radio systems First Responders in EU countries use and I’m aware that the UK is using TETRA...
  17. D

    Philadelphia International Airport Police/Fire

    Hello. I’m new to the scanning world, I have a sds100 and love it. I have both Philadelphia Fire and Police programed. My question is, I’m trying to listen into the Philadelphia International Airport Police and Fire channels. Per RadioReference, the channels are not encrypted. Is it because they...
  18. ExecutiveChef

    Mauldin PD on P800 could it be?

    I hear police activity coming from around Mauldin SC coming from this Talkgroup-44395 Could Mauldin Police be on the Palmetto 800 now. The Talkgroup-44395, which is very close to Mauldin FD Talkgroup-44399 Mauldin PD Talkgroup-44395 *Could this be Mauldin PD It was very little traffic from...
  19. Anime

    Requested: Documented Cases of Civilian Scanner Listeners Helping LEO/Fire

    Hi there, apart of my attempt to gather evidence to show the benefits of open scanner traffic(dispatch only, obviously), I am looking for news articles or PD/FD Facebook/Twitter post that mention a situation where someone listening to their radio traffic ended up helping them. Such as hearing a...
  20. Anime

    Any Departments That Ended Encryption or Reversed Decision To Encrypt?

    I've search for this answer everywhere with little to no success. But can anybody name any agencies that either went fully encrypted then later decided/was forced to go unencrypted again? Or even agencies that have said they will never encrypt (dispatch) traffic? A few that I've heard of was New...