
  1. J

    Question about NX-700 mic input

    Hello guys, i have a noob question about the mic pin of this radio (in general). I am new in this world, and i don't know if i can deploy an audio file in this pin. This is my situation: I am looking to connect a computer to this radio: jack (computer) to RJ45 or DB25 (if it's possible). I am...
  2. LouisvilleScanMan

    My 98 Astro Roadside Service/Search and Rescue Van

    My 98 Astro Roadside Service/Search and Rescue Van
  3. C

    Radio with constant scan feature?

    Hello I am looking for an inexpensive VHF radio that will always reactivate the scan feature after transmitting. I have looked at Baofeng and Anytone but cannot tell if this feature is available. To explain I want to have say 20 channels programmed into the radio, I want to be set to transmit on...
  4. Chibson

    DSD+ Fastlane Issue

    I have bought DSD+ Fastlane about 7 months ago and used it for a few weeks and forgot about it until, well today. I was scrolling through my email until I found the email containing my DSD+ Fastlane files. See, I went to the first email I got from them which told me to go to the next email they...
  5. J

    Cos sanders used for mono and repeater???

    So I’m sitting around at work. It’s a slow day. I’m just bouncing around on YouTube, radio reference forums, google, etc... and a wild hair sparked a theory. Therefore I have to ask the experts! Would it be possible or feasible to use two cross band rigs in conjunction with each other to achieve...
  6. jakeschnabel

    Baofeng Baofeng 888s AUX Input?

    Hello all, Just wondering if it was possible to have an Aux cable coming from a phone, that runs into my Baofeng radio and then transmit the audio? Like instead of the mic picking up me talking, it would pick up the phone audio output. Using for a special event to broadcast on speakers...
  7. D

    Spillman CAD Sounds

    Does anyone have the Spillman CAD sounds? I am looking for all the ones they have... I've seen previous posts about them but they are closed and over a year old. Thank you for considering my request.
  8. ladn

    Diversification from Radio

    Diversification is the name of the game in today's global marketplace. :) Maybe some Tesla tomatoes to go with this?
  9. Lon_prepper

    Mesh Networking

    Hello, I am new to ham radio (I'm getting my license at the end of this year hopefully). I've been looking into mesh networking as a possible proposal to my club for ARES and I was wondering if there are any cheaper radios that I could buy that run on the 13cm band, if anyone could give insight...
  10. Chibson

    SDR Dongle Broken?

    So I recently purchased a Nooelec E4000 on Amazon and got it in the mail today. When I got it working with SDR Sharp I keep getting this on the waterfall display. I have tried everything to get rid of this. Not only is this constantly on the waterfall display wherever I frequency I go but now I...
  11. Danny37

    Vertex vx-824 backlight bug?

    So I have my radio with the backlight to be enable with every "key on" it works fine but when I install the vdme-200 in the back of the radio. The backlight stops working after like 20 minutes, the lamp key still works but the "key on" feature doesn't work. Turning the radio off and back on...
  12. JohnO44

    CLMRN (was CSERN)

    All cars being called in today to install new radios. Any insight on this? Hope its not for the “e” option.
  13. emcomm

    NYC - looking to hire a radio installer

    If you're in New York City and you have experience installing ham/commercial radios in cars, please message me, I have cash. Thank you.
  14. K

    UCF: A public records success story

    I wanted to share, with you all, a public records success story of mine. A few weeks ago, 12/05/2018, I submitted a public records request to UCF (University of Central Florida), in order to receive a list of talk groups, their ids, names, and associated departments. This is a record I was...
  15. CopperWhopper67

    TRX-1, Wildcard Help & Logging Radio IDs

    What's the purpose of a Wildcard, and how do I use it effectively? The manual is kind of vague about it. In the EZ-Scan software there is a section under each trunked system labelled Radio IDs. What's the purpose for this and how do I log IDs into the system? Thanks for the help!
  16. CopperWhopper67

    Channel Table for Walmart RDM2070D

    This radio has a 7 channel capacity, andthe first 5 are MURS. What are the other two? Thanks
  17. CopperWhopper67

    Radio Traffic on USFS Freqs

    What kind of radio traffic is usually heard on USFS frequencies? I have not heard much around my area so was just curious on what others heard. Thanks!
  18. R

    Brockville Police is silent? New system?

    Seems in the past couple weeks Bell (bought out glentel) has been working on a new radio system for the Brockville Police. Anyone have any idea what there using now? I heard them yesterday during the day working on the radios until evening and all of a sudden it's now silent.
  19. J

    Radio Mi Amigo International back on air

    After a few hickups, Radio Mi Amigo International is back on air - both on the internet and on several shortwave frequencies including 6085kHz - in today's programming they have a feature on shortwave listening using SDR (Software defined radio) - Radio Mi Amigo International - Bringing back the...
  20. SpectralContent

    Ghost Frequency? Uniden scanner not finding frequency with desired communications.

    I work on the grounds maintenance crew at a golf course that extensively uses radios to coordinate activities. Due to my low seniority, the course would not provide a radio to me. Being extremely curious about the inner logistics of the radio system, I decided to do some research to see if I...