2018 VHF Low Band Logs

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Premium Subscriber
Jun 16, 2014
Are those various Virginia Sheriff offices still actively using low band?

I feel like they would be using the VSTARS system.
Yes they are. A lot of those counties also simulcast on VHF, but low band is still in use. STARS is only used by statewide agencies such as DOT, state police, etc. And as far as I am aware of, no individual counties are on the STARS system.


Kentucky DB Admin...
Database Admin
Feb 29, 2004
Monitored from Central Ky using a Pro 197, Win500 and a 6 meter Ringo Ranger from 1-16-19 to 1-18-19

30.300 PL 150.0 Convoy
30.500 PL 150.0 Ft. Hood ?
31.000 PL 150.0 unk Range Control
32.250 PL 150.0 have in past notes MI NG but didn't hear enough to confirm
33.500 PL 150.0 UH72A's A-A
34.150 PL 150.0 unk Range control
35.000 PL 150.0 poss TX NG
38.500 PL 150.0 Ft. Carson
41.800 PL 150.0 Helo
41.900 PL 150.0 have in past notes Att IN but didn't hear enough to confirm

Public Safety
33.600 PL 114.8 "61 Staging"


Kentucky DB Admin...
Database Admin
Feb 29, 2004
Monitored from Central Ky using a Pro 197, Win500 and a 6 meter Ringo Ranger on 1-22-19

30.450 PL 150.0 Ft. Hood
33.500 PL 150.0 UH72A's A-A
38.300 PL 150.0 Range Control giving wx report
49.700 PL 150.0 CORPUS CHRISTI NAS, Army Ops


Kentucky DB Admin...
Database Admin
Feb 29, 2004
Monitored from Central Ky using a Pro 197, Win500 and a 6 meter Ringo Ranger on 1-24-19

30.450 PL 150.0 Ft. Hood
34.150 PL 150.0 unk US.mil
38.325 PL 150.0 Helos
38.900 PL 150.0 Ft. Knox
40.500 csq no tone Helo A-A
49.950 PL 150.0 A-10's A-A


Kentucky DB Admin...
Database Admin
Feb 29, 2004
Monitored from Central Ky using a Pro 197, Win500 and a 6 meter Ringo Ranger on 2-6-19

30.300 PL 150.0 Convoy
30.450 PL 150.0 Ft. Hood
36.900 PL 150.0 Martindale Army Heliport


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
Log: 2018/05/28 - 2018/12/31
San Antonio, Texas
Uniden BCD996XT Scanner with G5RV Antenna

25.0000 AM WWV
30.9200 167.9 US Business - Unidentified
31.3000 150.0 US MIL - Range Control
31.4800 107.2 US Business - Unidentified
31.6800 118.8 US Business - Unidentified
31.8800 94.8 Farmers
33.0600 123.0 School Buses
33.9200 151.4 Fire/EMS Dispatch - "cross street is Cedar Park Blvd"
34.2000 150.0 US MIL - Range Control, Camp Bullis TX
35.0000 150.0 US MIL
35.1000 97.4 US Business - Unidentified
35.1800 107.2 US Business - Unidentified
35.1800 179.9 WPVZ709 Comfort Engineering Co, Tupelo MS - very strong signal
35.3600 127.3 Trucking business
35.4400 131.8 Troy Ready-Mix, Troy MO
35.4400 136.5 Creek rides
35.7000 146.2 US Business - Unidentified
35.7000 173.8 KXV294 Freds Towing Inc, Alton IL
35.8200 107.2 US Business - Unidentified
35.8400 103.5 US Business - Unidentified
35.8400 192.8 US Business - Unidentified
35.8600 156.7 US Business - Unidentified
35.9200 118.8 US Business - Unidentified
35.9800 94.8 WNPE424 Whitewater Valley RVs, Liberty IN
35.9800 141.3 US Business - Unidentified
36.5000 150.0 US MIL - Butts AAF, Ft Carson, CO
36.8000 150.0 US MIL - Helos, Texas
36.9000 150.0 US MIL - Martindale Army Heliport Ops, San Antonio TX
37.0000 150.0 US MIL - "Dragon 4" "Dragon X-Ray"
37.0400 127.3 Sheriff - Smyth Co, VA
37.1000 162.2 KET358 Morgantown Utility Board, WV
37.1000 D712 Unidentified
37.2600 CSQ KIN656 EMS/Fire Dispatch, Perry county TN - "fire at 1522 Little Spring Creek RD"
37.3200 85.4 KWX509 Sheriff Dispatch - Grayson county VA (input is 39.160)
38.9000 150.0 US MIL - Range Control
39.2600 118.8 KVV806 CA HP - Base - COPPER 1 - Arrowhead (101) / San Bernardino (75)
39.3000 D632 Police Dispatch - Unidentified
39.3400 162.2 WPHM449 CA HP - Brown - Base - Temecula (115)
40.3250 150.0 US MIL
40.6700 CSQ SNOTEL
42.0000 186.2 KA5824 MO HP
42.0600 203.5 MO HP
42.1000 203.5 MO HP
42.1200 118.8 KMH995 CA HP - Base - GOLD - Bishop (72) / Bridgeport (71) / Mojave (59)
42.1200 203.5 MO HP
42.3800 173.8 KAA522 MO HP
42.4000 173.8 MO HP
42.5000 173.8 NC HP - Channel 10 Base
42.5800 186.2 KAA958 MO HP
42.6000 173.8 NC HP
42.8600 203.5 MO HP
42.9200 203.5 MO HP
42.9600 D261 "I don't know if they need any more trailers"
42.9600 127.3 US Business - Unidentified
42.9600 D032 "Keep with their time" "It's a long gravel driveway"
43.0000 114.8 US Business - Unidentified
43.0000 151.4 Farmers
43.0000 162.2 US Business - Unidentified
43.0000 179.9 "He didn't even get up to the trailer, he turned around and came back"
43.0000 D131 US Business - Unidentified
43.0200 91.5 "squeeze by each other at that dirt pile or what?"
43.0200 141.3 "Thank you"
43.0200 162.2 Manatt’s, Inc, Iowa statewide
43.0400 107.2 Itinerant frequency - truck to truck
43.0400 118.8 Itinerant frequency - US Business - Unidentified
43.0400 127.3 Itinerant frequency - US Business - Unidentified
43.0400 151.4 Itinerant frequency - US Business - Unidentified
43.0400 162.2 Itinerant frequency - US Business - Unidentified
43.0400 173.8 Itinerant frequency - US Business - Unidentified
43.0400 D026 Itinerant frequency - US Business - Unidentified
43.0600 91.5 KAO617 Overland Sand & Gravel Co, Stromsburg NE
43.0600 100.0 Car to car passing through San Antonio
43.0600 118.8 Dump trucks
43.0600 146.2 A company that loads "crushed concrete, pea gravel, fill sand" for customers
43.0600 186.2 US Business - Unidentified
43.0800 85.4 US Business - Unidentified
43.0800 94.8 Undentified US business
43.0800 118.8 "go across the road, he knows what to load you with"
43.0800 127.3 Undentified US business
43.0800 173.8 US Business - Unidentified
43.1000 103.5 Cement trucks
43.1200 118.8 Cement trucks
43.1200 127.3 US Business - Unidentified
43.1200 146.2 US Business - Unidentified
43.1400 100.0 "back here behind these planters"
43.1400 127.3 "instead of pulling into here to turn around"
43.1400 151.4 "I wanna see where this piles at"
43.1400 D565 "A'ight!"
43.1800 162.2 US Business - Unidentified
43.1800 D662 Manatt’s, Inc, Iowa statewide
43.2800 77.0 Ingram Readymix, San Antonio TX
43.2800 118.8 US Business - Unidentified
43.2800 162.2 Manatt’s, Inc, Iowa statewide
43.3200 D132 US Business - Unidentified
43.3600 151.4 "let me re-zero the scale then we let you back back up"
43.7000 D156 "in the lane closure, right before the car wash"
43.7400 107.2 Vans
43.7600 123.0 US Business - Unidentified
43.7800 94.8 US Business - Unidentified
43.8600 146.2 US Business - Unidentified
43.9600 162.2 Repeater w/ business comms
44.0000 150.0 US MIL - "load and lock your weapons, prepare to engage and report"
44.1600 151.4 "nobody touches the air tanks on them old trucks"
44.2400 CSQ "just bucket up"
44.3400 D612 US Business - Unidentified
44.5800 CSQ BNSF Hy-Rail Limits Compliance System (Packets)
44.6200 186.2 KMB443 CA HP - Pink 2 - West Los Angeles (79)
44.7000 77.0 OK HP
44.7200 D632 Robot stating time in Eastern time zone
44.7400 186.2 CA HP
44.9400 186.2 KRB411 CA HP - Black 2 - Central Los Angeles (15)
45.0200 192.8 KCQ240 CA HP - Orange 3 - Baldwin Park (81)
45.0400 146.2 CA - "On I10, west of Corn Springs Rd"
45.1200 114.8 US Business - Unidentified
45.1200 156.7 Possible Larimer County CO Recycling Center
45.1800 77.0 OK HP
45.2000 162.2 "row 3"
45.2200 77.0 OK HP
45.4400 103.5 "This station is participating in a test of the Illinois Emergency System" distorted, several transmitters keyed simultaneously
45.4800 131.8 KNJB860 CARTS, Cullman Co AL
45.5000 192.8 WQA721 CA HP - Yellow 3 - East Los Angeles (82)
45.5200 94.8 Unidentified public works
45.5200 186.2 WPAE678 CA HP - TEAL 2 - West Valley (56)
45.7000 136.5 KMH277 CA HP - Tan 3 - Newhall (78) / Antelope Valley (89)
45.8200 151.4 "got a little black Lexus parked too close to the cart"
45.9800 203.5 KNEZ445 State Prison - Springville AL w/ Morse ID
45.9800 203.5 KNJN759 State Prison - Athens AL w/ Morse ID
45.9800 CSQ WPJZ987 State Prison - Decatur AL w/ Morse ID, very slow Morse
45.9800 203.5 KYB888 BA State Prison - Frank Lee Youth Center, Speigner AL w/ Morse ID
46.0000 77.0 Universal Macomb Ambulance, Macomb MI
46.0000 D251 US Business - Unidentified
46.0200 114.8 Fire/EMS Dispatch - possible Geauga Co OH
46.0800 151.4 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Bartow Co GA
46.1400 107.2 Fire Dispatch - Green Lake WI (positive ID by voice 6/13/10)
46.4200 131.8 KNJB860 Cullman Area Rural Transportation System
46.4600 CSQ KII763 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Rockingham Co, NC
46.4800 131.8 Fire/EMS Dispatch - possible Eden Prairie MN
47.2000 107.2 SC DOT Ch. 8
47.2800 103.5 "Eastover"
47.2800 173.8 SC DOT
47.3600 114.8 KFR701 SC DOT
47.5000 173.8 Carrier - no audio. Heard w/ band openings since 5/2013. Possible NC Emergency Mgmt.
47.5200 186.2 "Dispatch"
47.6400 179.9 "collect overtime all day"
47.7800 151.4 Possible New York Power Authority
48.2600 100.0 "he said he'll be there as quick as he can"
48.3400 CSQ Unidentified
48.4200 107.2 KAJ927 Central Electric, Jeff City, MO
48.7600 D023 "Emerald 29"
49.3400 91.5 Repeater keyed, no audio
49.4600 67.0 Pike Electric Ch 11 <nationwide contractors>
49.4800 67.0 Pike Electric Ch 12 <nationwide contractors>
49.5000 67.0 Pike Electric Ch 13<nationwide contractors>
49.5200 67.0 Pike Electric Ch 1 <nationwide contractors>
49.5200 179.9 Cement trucks
49.5400 67.0 Pike Electric Ch 2 <nationwide contractors>
49.5400 127.3 US Business - Unidentified
49.5600 110.9 Unidentified business, possibly in OK
49.5800 67.0 Pike Electric Ch 3 <nationwide contractors>

50.0630 CW WR7NV/B Las Vegas NV
50.0648 CW K0IBM/B Denver CO
50.0677 CW K0EC/B Vail Mtn CO 45W
50.0690 CW W9RCA/B Indianapolis IN
50.0776 CW N0LL/B Smith Center KS
Last edited:


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
I was in Eagle Pass, TX following the floods of 2013. They were using 47.420 and 47.500 (146.2) for a lot of traffic. VHF low band was very effective for covering a wide area without a repeater.

Your best bet for Red Cross radio traffic on low band is 47.42 MHz. That's the national ARC frequency reserved by the FCC. Some larger chapters also license another of the 47 MHz special emergency channels (47.46, 47.50, 47.54, 47.58, 47.62, or 47.66 MHz) to keep day to day traffic off the nationwide channel.


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
Log: 2018/06/15 - 2018/12/31 (1 of 2)
Childersburg AL
Uniden BCD996P2 Scanner with STS2 Antenna

29.7900 100.0 WQMA652 Van Pool Transportation LLC, MA
30.3750 150.0 US MIL
30.4500 150.0 US MIL - Ft Hood Range
30.6000 103.5 WPCU949 Farmingdale, NJ, George Harms Construction
30.6000 107.2 Unidentified US Business
30.6200 94.8 KRJ214 Hensel Ready Mix Inc, Kenton OH
30.6400 110.9 KBB466 Thomas Bennett & Hunter, Westminister MD
30.6800 151.4 Van Pool Transportation LLC, MA
30.7200 151.4 WQPU857 Van Pool Transportation LLC, MA
30.8000 173.8 Taxi Dispatch in Spanish
30.8200 151.4 WQPU857 Van Pool Transportation LLC, MA
30.9200 D072 KXC278 H&S Plumbing & Heating, Hernden VA.
31.0400 173.8 Great Neck Taxi, Long Island
31.0800 146.2 Possible Diamond Sand, Sussex NY
31.1200 100.0 Repeater - Secco of Palmer, Inc, Holyoke MA (School Buses). Input is 35.4000
31.2000 D432 Thomas, Bennett & Hunter Concrete, WV
31.2400 123.0 Unidentified US Business
31.3000 150.0 US MIL - Range Control - Oklahoma National Guard Camp Gruber Maneuver Training Center
31.3400 136.5 Forestry?
31.4600 131.8 NC Forestry
31.6400 118.8 Rock haulers
31.7500 150.0 US MIL
31.8200 D244 Trans Group-Monsey (school buses in Rockland County)
32.0500 150.0 US MIL
32.6800 141.3 Repeater w/ US FD skip
33.0400 114.8 WQDR782 Fire Dispatch - West Barnstable MA
33.1000 150.0 US MIL
33.1000 186.2 Buses, Central School District, Somers NY
33.4400 179.9 KCD346 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Tolland County CT
33.4600 114.8 Fire dispatch - Provincetown MA
33.4800 114.8 KCB781 Barnstable Fire Department, Barnstable MA
33.4800 123.0 Fire Dispatch - Athol MA
33.4800 186.2 KNDE746 Fire Dispatch - Rappahannock County VA
33.5200 131.8 Fire Dispatch - East Haven CT
33.5400 110.9 KCE357 Fire/EMS Dispatch, Bethany CT
33.5600 100.0 KNIP458 Fire Dispatch - Easton CT w/ callsign ID
33.5800 114.8 KNCS289 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Yarmouth Municipalities MA
33.5800 179.9 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Ledyard CT
33.6400 114.8 KNAW393 Fire Dispatch - Bourne MA
33.6400 136.5 Fire Dispatch - Wilton NH
33.6600 114.8 KCD566 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Truro MA
33.6600 179.9 KCB979 Fire Dispatch - Norwich CT
33.6600 186.2 KCF311 Fire Dispatch - Carlisle, MA
33.6800 114.8 KCF564 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Mashpee MA
33.7000 107.2 KDP395 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Cattaraugus County NY
33.7000 151.4 KDP395 Fire Dispatch - Cattaraugus County NY
33.7000 192.8 Fire Dispatch - Somerset Co PA
33.7400 107.2 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Barre MA
33.7600 100.0 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Possbile Sterling MA
33.7800 77.0 KCF415 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Cheshire Co NH
33.7800 82.5 KTG669 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Allegany Co MD
33.7800 114.8 KNGE459 EMS dispatch - Falmouth MA
33.8000 179.9 KXV431 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Windham Co CT
33.8200 141.3 KCO372 FD/EMS - Calvert County, MD
33.8200 179.9 Fire Dispatch - Possible KAV469 - Colchester, New London, CT
33.8400 131.8 KCF918 Fire Dispatch - Uxbridge, MA
33.8600 77.0 KGC676 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Washington Co, MD
33.8600 179.9 Tolland County Mutual Aid, CT
33.9000 91.5 KKL552 Fire Dispatch - Broome Co NY w/ voice ID
33.9200 131.8 KCD598 Fire Dispatch - Old Low Band, West Boylston MA
33.9200 151.4 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Licking Co OH "156 N Summit Ridge SW"
33.9400 179.9 WNHR373 Fire Dispatch - Waterford CT
33.9600 114.8 Fire Dispatch - South Plainfield NJ
33.9600 127.3 KCD658 Fire/EMS Dispatch, Westminster MA
34.1500 150.0 US MIL - "Copy last report, landing ashore"
34.2000 150.0 US MIL
34.7000 150.0 US MIL - Camp Lejeune Range Control Primary "Blackburn"
34.9000 150.0 US MIL - Helos
35.0400 100.0 Unidentified US Business
35.0400 141.3 Unidentified US business
35.0400 151.4 Unidentified US business
35.0800 141.3 Unidentified US business
35.1800 186.2 Niles Flash Cab, Niles IL
35.3200 D074 Buses or Vans
35.3600 123.0 Paragon Ready Mix, Utica MI
35.3600 127.3 Unidentified US business
35.3600 146.2 Unidentified US business
35.4000 136.5 Unidentified US business
35.4400 131.8 Troy Ready-Mix, Troy MO
35.4800 151.4 Unidentified US business
35.4800 192.8 Unidentified US business
35.5200 146.2 Unidentified US business
35.6200 Morse ID "..451" - possible KPA451, San Antonio TX
35.6400 CSQ Digital & voice paging
35.6800 CSQ Digital paging
35.7200 136.5 "West Hampton Hight School" buses
35.8200 114.8 WPNY352 Puerto Rican Car Service, Brooklyn NY
35.8400 192.8 Possible Bonded Concrete West Sand Lake, Rensselaer Co NY
35.9800 146.2 Unidentified US business
36.0750 150.0 US MIL
36.2500 136.5 Carrier - heard with band openings since 2015
36.2500 146.2 WNPQ686 Therm O Jet Inc, Cliffside Park NJ w/ Morse ID
36.5000 150.0 US MIL
36.6000 150.0 US MIL
36.7000 150.0 US MIL
36.9000 150.0 US MIL - Martindale Army Heliport Ops, San Antonio TX
37.0200 146.2 Police Dispatch - West Milford, NJ
37.0400 127.3 Sheriff Dispatch - Smyth Co, VA
37.1000 162.2 KET358 Morgantown Utility Board, WV
37.2660 107.2 Police Dispatch - Possible Waldwick NJ
37.3600 110.9 IL DOC - "F1 Low Band"
37.4400 131.8 Dump trucks
37.4600 CSQ KWG479 PPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID
37.5800 114.8 KCB460 Unitil Energy Systems, Concord NH w/ Morse ID
37.5800 192.8 KEB502 Orange & Rockland Utilities Inc Rockland,NY
37.5800 D412 KGA845 Potomac Electric, 10611 Westlake Dr, Rockville MD w/ Morse ID
37.7200 192.8 Orange and Rockland Utilities, Rockland NY
37.9400 141.3 School buses
37.9600 94.8 Possible Ch. 3 Alt LB Dispatch, Bloomingdale NJ
38.1000 150.0 US MIL
38.3500 150.0 US MIL
38.5000 150.0 US MIL - Ft Chaffee Range Control
38.9000 150.0 US MIL - Range
39.0000 150.0 US MIL
39.0600 110.9 MD State Parks
39.1800 107.2 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Possible Oakham MA
39.2400 127.3 MD State Police
39.2800 110.9 MD State Police
39.3000 110.9 MD State Police
39.3000 D632 Possible Sheriff Dispatch, Pulaski Co VA
39.3400 110.9 MD State Police
39.3400 127.3 MD State Police
39.3600 110.9 MD State Police
39.3800 110.9 MD State Police
39.4000 110.9 MD State Police
39.4000 162.2 WPHM445 CA HP - Base - ORANGE 1 - San Diego (87)
39.4000 186.2 KTN273 CA HP - Base - GOLD 2 - Santa Fe Springs (83)
39.4200 110.9 MD State Police
39.4400 110.9 MD State Police
39.5000 110.9 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Allegany Co MD
39.5200 79.7 WQAW220 Sheriff Dispatch - Craig Co VA
39.5200 110.9 MD State Police
39.5400 203.5 Unidentified Law Enforcement
39.5600 97.4 Sheriff Dispatch - possible Carroll county or Appomattox county VA
39.6000 110.9 EMS & Police Dispatch - Douglas MA
39.6000 146.2 EMS Dispatch - Paramus Municipalities NJ
39.6400 110.9 MD State Police
39.7600 110.9 Possible Petersham MA
39.7800 100.0 Police Dispatch - Uxbridge MA
39.7800 110.9 WPWC705 MD State Police
39.8400 110.9 MD State Police
39.8600 162.2 Police Dispatch - Possible Northbridge MA
39.8800 97.4 WQTF208 NY Office of Parks, Rec., and Historic Preservation at Lake Welch State Park in Stony Point
39.9000 156.7 Police Dispatch - Norwich CT
39.9200 110.9 MD State Police
39.9600 82.5 WNHH912 Sheriff - Randolph County WV
39.9600 100.0 WAWD749 Fire - Frontier Co, NE
39.9800 88.5 KGL481 EMS Dispatch - Greene Co NC w/ voice callsign ID

I make mistakes -- Corrections are appreciated.


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
Log: 2018/06/15 - 2018/12/31 (2 of 2)
Childersburg AL
Uniden BCD996P2 Scanner with STS2 Antenna


40.5000 150.0 US MIL - "Guard"
40.6700 CSQ SNOTEL
41.5000 150.0 US MIL - Airfield
42.0600 192.8 WV HP - Martinsburg / Charles Town Dispatch (paired with 45.78)
42.0600 203.5 MO HP
42.1000 110.9 Unidentified Law Enforcement
42.1000 167.9 KQA488 WV HP w/ voice ID
42.1000 203.5 MO HP
42.1400 110.9 Carrier - no audio
42.5000 173.8 NC HP
42.5600 173.8 NC HP - Prisoner Transport
42.6000 173.8 NC HP
42.9200 203.5 KAA202 MO HP - Metro Dispatch-to-Mobiles [F-13]
42.9400 173.8 MO HP
42.9600 114.8 Possible Towne Taxi, Inwood NY
43.0000 151.4 "back in on number 5"
43.0400 136.5 Unidentified US business
43.0400 107.2 Mobile to mobile
43.0400 114.8 KDC669 Morse ID - not found in FCC database
43.0600 203.5 Dump trucks, Alabama
43.1200 118.8 Unidentified US business
43.1200 127.3 Possible Hart & Iliff Fuel Oil, Sussex NJ
43.1400 173.8 "check it out"
43.1400 D565 Possible Webb Concrete, Heflin AL
43.1800 D662 Manatt’s, Inc, Iowa statewide
43.2000 146.2 Fire Dispatch
43.2400 151.4 Police Dispatch - repeater output - tone when idle
43.2400 177.3 Police Dispatch - repeater output
43.2800 77.0 Ingram Readymix, San Antonio TX
43.2800 162.2 Manatt’s, Inc, Iowa statewide
43.3000 177.3 Same tones as 43.24
43.3000 131.8 Fire/EMS Dispatch - repeater output, related to 43.24, Eastern Time Zone, steady tone following transmissions
43.3200 D565 "we're gonna do six loads tomorrow"
43.3600 103.5 KZB778/R Charles W Rohde III, North Richland Hills TX
43.4000 D114 Unidentified US business
43.4400 77.0 WNCG835 Ingram Readymix, San Antonio TX
43.7000 D156 Possible Chain Electrical Contractors, Statewide MS
43.7000 131.8 Possible Thumb Area Transit, Huron MI
43.7400 107.2 Vans
43.7600 123.0 Possible Interurban Transit Authority, Allegan MI
43.8400 D172 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
43.8800 146.2 Unidentified US business
44.2400 100.0 "That other crew is still finishing up, I’m gonna head to Chilamar<?>"
44.2800 100.0 Utilities "the Town of Mount Washington"
44.5800 CSQ BNSF Hy-Rail Limits Compliance System (Packets)
44.6200 82.5 Morse ID "KUZ700", Parks Police - Region 4 (Finger Lakes) NY. That callsign is not licensed for this freq in the FCC database.
44.7000 77.0 OK HP
44.7200 71.9 Partial Morse ID "QM6443"
45.0000 141.3 PA Game Commission, Southwest Region
45.0200 192.8 KCQ240 CA HP - Orange 3 - Baldwin Park (81)
45.1400 156.7 Police, Possible Coventry CT
45.2600 131.8 Possible Animal Control, Nevada CA
45.3600 186.2 KDR767 Fire / EMS Paging - South Brunswick NJ
45.4400 82.5 Possible Mount Olive NJ
45.4800 162.2 Fire/EMS Dispatch - EDT
45.6200 162.2 TN HP
45.7200 CSQ EMS Dispatch - Repeater - unidentified
45.7600 77.0 VA DOT
45.8000 173.8 Police Dispatch - Jefferson NJ
45.8600 136.5 Hotline - Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Statewide Public Safety CT
45.8800 156.7 Possible Berks Co PA "that's Bowman and 26th"
45.9400 110.9 VA DOT
45.9800 203.5 KNEZ445 AL Prison,Springville w/ Morse ID
46.0200 114.8 Fire Pagers - Geauga County OH
46.0400 103.5 Fire Ops - Croton-on-Hudson Municipalities NY
46.0400 141.3 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Possible Middlesex Co CT
46.0600 97.4 Fire Dispatch - Cumberland County PA
46.0600 110.9 Fire Dispatch - Delaware County NY
46.0600 141.3 Fire Dispatch - New Haven County CT, Guilford Control 1, Madison Control 2
46.0600 167.9 Fire Dispatch - Possible Westchester County NY
46.1000 167.9 Fire Dispatch - Possible Chautauqua County NY
46.1000 88.5 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Unidentified
46.1000 100.0 KEG503 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Jericho Fire District, Jericho NY
46.1000 131.8 Fire Ch. 1 Countywide Dispatch, Sussex Co NJ
46.1000 D754 Fire/EMS Dispatch
46.1200 79.7 Fire/EMS Dispatch
46.1200 100.0 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Nassau Co NY
46.1400 114.8 EMS Dispatch - Possible Geauga OH
46.1400 167.9 Fire Dispatch - Possible Chautauqua Co NY
46.1600 123.0 Fire Dispatch - Possible Orange County NY
46.1800 82.5 Fire Dispatch - Possible Jefferson Co NY
46.1800 131.8 Fire Dispatch - Possible Rockland Co NY
46.1800 141.3 Fire Dispatch - Middlesex Co CT, Valley Shore (Big Gun WQF238), Control 3 (Old Saybrook), Control 9 (Clinton), Middletown Control, Cromwell Dispatch
46.1800 151.4 Fire / EMS Dispatch - Schoharie Co NY
46.1800 186.2 Fire Dispatch - Possible Adams Co PA
46.2000 100.0 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Possible Tioga county NY
46.2200 CSQ Unidentified
46.2400 82.5 Fire / EMS Ch 4 - Onondaga Co NY
46.2400 151.4 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Danbury CT
46.2600 CSQ WPXW412 Fire Dispatch/Paging - Westchester Co NY
46.3200 100.0 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Tioga NY
46.3600 CSQ Fire / EMS Dispatch - Allegany Co NY
46.3800 77.0 Fire Dispatch - Meriden CT
46.3800 110.9 Fire Dispatch - Possible Columbia County Fire F3 NY
46.3800 123.0 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Putnam Co NY
46.3800 173.8 EMS Dispatch - Eastern Time Zone
46.3800 CSQ Fire/EMS Dispatch - Loundon County VA
46.4400 127.3 Fire Dispatch - Possible Putnam Co NY
46.5000 141.3 Fire Dispatch - Possible Yonkers NY
46.5600 156.7 WPTE678 Fire Dispatch - Oakland NJ
46.5600 173.8 Fire Dispatch - Jefferson NJ w/ dispatch and voice ID
46.5800 110.9 Unidentified
46.9000 150.0 US MIL
47.0000 150.0 US MIL
47.5400 CSQ Hospital Alerting System, Philadelphia PA
47.8000 103.5 Cullman Electric Cooperative, Cullman AL
48.2200 192.8 KEB503 Orange & Rockland Utilities Inc, Spring Valley NY w/ voice callsign
48.5400 186.2 Electrical utility
48.9200 D072 "Si, por favor"
49.1200 100.0 National Grid - Monterey Repeater, Berkshire MA
49.1400 151.4 Fire Dispatch - Ridgefield CT
49.5000 67.0 Pike Electric Ch 13 <nationwide contractors>
49.9000 150.0 US MIL

I make mistakes - Corrections are appreciated.


Well Known Member
Premium Subscriber
Nov 25, 2007
W St Louis Cnty, MO
kkn50, what time of day are you capturing most of your low band traffic for your two recent posts?

I've done a bunch of manual tuning through the band with an Icom R9000 but not at an ideal time so it is rare I catch anything.
Most of my time is from an hour before sunrise to about an hour or two after.

I wish I had time to tune around during the later afternoon into sunset but other projects restrict that. If your best hits are during the afternoon, early evening timeframe, I may just need to shuffle some projects around as I truly miss logging low band traffic.



Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
During e-skip season I usually began hearing stations from the east around 9:00 local and the west in the early afternoon. Typically nothing early morning or after 10:00 pm.


Well Known Member
Premium Subscriber
Nov 25, 2007
W St Louis Cnty, MO
During e-skip season I usually began hearing stations from the east around 9:00 local and the west in the early afternoon. Typically nothing early morning or after 10:00 pm.

After I read this reply yesterday, I then realized the two posts of logs were actually your compilation of logs from the last half of last year. I did not notice that when I asked the question and thought they were from some rare opening the day before!


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
I was wayyyyy behind on posting logs. So far this year not much to post.

After I read this reply yesterday, I then realized the two posts of logs were actually your compilation of logs from the last half of last year. I did not notice that when I asked the question and thought they were from some rare opening the day before!


Premium Subscriber
May 17, 2004
Bergen County, New Jersey
These are some of my unidentified frequencies from the 2018 season. I've been trying to ID them since and occasionally check the forums and database for them. If anyone can ID any or all I'd appreciate it!

31.320 136.5

35.040 141.3

35.100 192.8

35.360 127.3

39.100 151.4

42.960 032

42.960 192.8

44.260 162.2

47.280 103.5

48.920 072

I have them programmed into my "Unconfirmed" bank and have ProScan running 24/7 to hopefully get a hit on some of these with some clues as to where they are.


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
Here's what I have:
35.0400 141.3 KNGG654 Rushville / Vermont IL, Glover Oilfield
42.9600 D032 Unknown "Keep with their time" "It's a long gravel driveway"
47.2800 103.5 Unknown "Eastover"

These are some of my unidentified frequencies from the 2018 season. I've been trying to ID them since and occasionally check the forums and database for them. If anyone can ID any or all I'd appreciate it! I have them programmed into my "Unconfirmed" bank and have ProScan running 24/7 to hopefully get a hit on some of these with some clues as to where they are.
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