2014 VHF Low Band Logs

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Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
VHF Low Band Log: 2014/06/01 - 2014/06/21

VHF Low Band Log: 2014/06/01 - 2014/06/21
North of San Antonio, Texas
Uniden BCD996XT Scanner with Dipole Antenna

30.6000 107.2 Unidentified US business
30.6200 94.8 Unidentified US business
30.6200 210.7 WPSD819 Millenium Taxi Service, Chattanooga TN
31.0500 150.0 US MIL
31.2000 203.5 Taxi dispatch in Spanish
31.9600 82.5 WPWC364 International Car Svc., Brooklyn NY
32.1800 77.0 Taxi, Alajuela, Costa Rica <ID by Bartels>
32.3400 127.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
32.3800 156.7 Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
33.7000 151.4 KDP395 Fire Dispatch - Cattaraugus County NY
33.7000 192.8 Fire Dispatch - Somerset Co PA
33.7800 82.5 KTG669 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Allegany Co MD w/ dispatch
33.8200 141.3 KCO372 FD/EMS - Calvert County, MD
33.8600 82.5 KQH904 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Licking Co OH
34.2000 150.0 US MIL - Camp Bullis Range
34.9000 150.0 US MIL
35.0600 110.9 Ike Brubaker, Lafayette, IN
35.0800 97.4 KBW502 Quigley Smart HVAC, Rock County, WI <ID by Paul Logan>
35.1000 118.8 KRL868 Ravinia Plumbing & Heating, Highland Park IL
35.1200 127.3 Mercury Cab, Chattanooga TN
35.1800 186.2 Unidentifed US business
36.1000 150.0 US MIL - Range <repeater>
36.3000 150.0 US MIL
36.8000 150.0 US MIL - Helos
36.9000 150.0 US MIL - Martindale Army Heliport Ops, San Antonio TX
37.3600 110.9 IL DOC - "F1 Low Band"
37.6400 141.3 Unidentified Public Works
37.7750 150.0 US MIL
38.1500 US MIL
39.2200 192.8 KMA801 CA HP - WHITE 2 - South Los Angeles (77)
39.4000 162.2 WPHM445 CA HP - Base - ORANGE 1 - San Diego (87)
39.4000 186.2 KTN273 CA HP - Base - GOLD 2 - Santa Fe Springs (83)
39.5000 100.0 Possible Pearisburg, VA
39.5200 79.7 Fire Dispatch - unidentified
39.6800 118.8 KDG272 CA HP - Base - TURQUOISE 1 - Riverside (74)
39.7200 162.2 WPPC737 CA HP - Base - GRAY 1 - Westminster (55)
40.6000 150.0 US MIL - Helos
40.6700 CSQ SNOTEL
42.1200 186.2 MO HP
42.1400 186.2 KAA203 MO HP - Rural Dispatch [F-30]
42.4200 151.4 TN HP
42.5000 173.8 NC HP - Channel 10 Base
42.5600 123.0 TN HP
42.6000 173.8 NC HP
42.6400 173.8 NC HP
42.8200 186.2 KAA201 MO HP - Dispatch-to-Mobiles [F-20] w/ callsign ID
42.9400 173.8 NC HP "Raleigh"
43.0600 146.2 Unidentified US business
43.1200 146.2 Unidentified US business
44.9400 186.2 KRB411 CA HP - Base - BLACK 2 - Central Los Angeles (15)
45.5000 192.8 WQA721 CA HP - YELLOW 2 - East Los Angeles (82)
45.9800 203.5 WNQW911 State Prison - Clio AL w/ Morse ID
45.9800 203.5 WNFH286 State Prison - Union Springs AL w/ Morse ID
46.0000 150.0 US MIL
46.0800 151.4 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Bartow Co GA


Jan 8, 2008
Drexel Hill, PA
Picked up 42.06 203.5 PL MO HP very briefly last night on my Pro 164 with standard rubber duck during a frequency search. Heard mention of Springfield (MO). Didn't pick up any other skip.


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
VHF Low Band Log: 2014/06/22 - 2014/06/23

VHF Low Band Log: 2014/06/22 - 2014/06/23
North of San Antonio, Texas
Uniden BCD996XT Scanner with Dipole Antenna

30.1000 150.0 US MIL
30.6200 94.8 Unidentified US business
30.6200 210.7 WPSD819 Millenium Taxi Service, Chattanooga TN
30.6400 110.9 KBB466 Thomas Bennett & Hunter, Westminister MD
30.6400 146.2 WQGE864 * Repeater - Mid Continent Concrete, Siloam Springs AR
30.7000 150.0 US MIL
30.8000 151.4 Unidentified US business
30.8800 D754 "be quick"
31.0400 107.2 School buses
31.2000 91.5 KLT894 Central Heating & Cooling Inc, Mountain Home, AR
31.2000 203.5 Taxi dispatch in Spanish
31.3000 150.0 US MIL - Range Control - Oklahoma National Guard Camp Gruber Maneuver Training Center
31.4500 150.0 US MIL
32.2000 150.0 US MIL
32.3400 127.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
32.6500 150.0 US MIL "Blackhawk Xray"
33.5500 150.0 US MIL
33.7000 151.4 KDP395 Fire Dispatch - Cattaraugus County NY
33.7800 82.5 KTG669 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Allegany Co MD w/ dispatch
33.8600 77.0 KGC676 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Washington Co, MD w/ voice ID
33.8600 82.5 KQH904 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Licking Co OH
33.8600 146.2 Fire/EMS Dispatch "Boat stranded in the river"
34.0400 127.3 Taxi - Turrialba, Costa Rica
34.2000 150.0 US MIL - Camp Bullis Range
34.9000 150.0 US MIL
35.0400 146.2 Farmers
35.0600 110.9 Ike Brubaker, Lafayette, IN
35.0800 97.4 KBW502 Quigley Smart HVAC, Rock County, WI <ID by Paul Logan>
35.1200 127.3 Mercury Cab, Chattanooga TN
35.1200 146.2 Unidentified US business
35.1600 192.8 Morse ID "KDI323" - ATT California
35.1800 179.9 HVAC company
35.5250 150.0 US MIL "Dustoff 35" "Dustoff 32" "Dustoff 18"
36.1000 150.0 US MIL - Range <repeater>
36.9000 150.0 US MIL - Martindale Army Heliport Ops, San Antonio TX
37.0400 127.3 Sheriff - Smyth Co, VA
37.1000 107.2 Unidentified US business
37.8600 173.8 Gas Utility
37.9800 CSQ Highway maintenance crew
38.3500 150.0 US MIL - Butts AAF, Ft Carson, CO
38.5000 150.0 US MIL - Ft Chaffee Range Control
38.8750 150.0 US MIL
39.1400 162.2 CA HP - Base - BLUE 1 - Border Division
39.2200 192.8 KMA801 CA HP - WHITE 2 - South Los Angeles (77)
39.2600 118.8 KVV806 CA HP - Base - COPPER 1 - Arrowhead (101) / San Bernardino (75)
39.3600 162.2 WPPD852 CA HP - Base - GREEN 1 - San Juan Capistrano (113)
39.4000 162.2 WPHM445 CA HP - Base - ORANGE 1 - San Diego (87)
39.4000 186.2 KTN273 CA HP - Base - GOLD 2 - Santa Fe Springs (83)
39.6800 118.8 KDG272 CA HP - Base - TURQUOISE 1 - Riverside (74)
39.7200 162.2 WPPC737 CA HP - Base - GRAY 1 - Westminster (55)
39.8000 162.2 WPHM449 CA HP - Base - TAN 1 - Oceanside (92) / Temecula (115)
39.8600 173.8 WPYP239 CA Orange County Freeway Service Patrol
40.3300 103.5 Bureau of Indian Affairs schools
40.8000 150.0 US MIL - Range Control (Ft Gruber?)
41.6000 150.0 US MIL - Range Control
42.0000 186.2 KA5824 MO HP - Statewide mobile
42.0600 203.5 MO HP
42.1200 118.8 KMH995 CA HP - Base - GOLD - Bishop (72) / Bridgeport (71) / Mojave (59)
42.1200 186.2 MO HP
42.1200 203.5 MO HP - Car-to-Car - West [Ch 47]
42.1400 186.2 KAA203 MO HP - Rural Dispatch [F-30]
42.3800 173.8 KAA522 MO HP - Dispatch-to-Mobiles [F-70]
42.4200 114.8 TN HP, District 2 - Chattanooga
42.4200 162.2 TN HP
42.4400 179.9 KUV545 CA HP - Base - RED - Blythe (6) / Indio (76) / San Gorgonio Pass (97)
42.5600 118.8 KMH962 CA HP - Base - WHITE - Barstow (73) / Morongo Basin (106) / Needles (114) / Victorville (12)
42.6000 173.8 NC HP
42.6400 173.8 NC HP
42.7400 114.8 KFO717 TN HP - input to 45.700 repeater
42.8600 203.5 MO HP
42.9600 D125 Buses, possibly in WI
43.0200 118.8 Unidentified US business
43.0600 91.5 KAO617 Overland Sand & Gravel Co, Stromsburg NE w/ callsign
43.0800 127.3 Undentified US business
43.1000 103.5 Cement trucks
43.1200 118.8 Unidentified US business
43.1200 127.3 Unidentified US business
43.1200 146.2 Unidentified US business
43.1800 127.3 Unidentified US business
44.6200 186.2 KMB443 CA HP - PINK 2 - West Los Angeles (79)
44.7000 77.0 OK HP
44.9400 186.2 KRB411 CA HP - Base - BLACK 2 - Central Los Angeles (15)
45.0200 192.8 KCQ240 CA HP - ORANGE 2 - Baldwin Park (81)
45.4800 131.8 KNJB860 Cullman Area Rural Transportation System, AL
45.5000 127.3 KJM513 CA HP - Base - BROWN 2 - Bakersfield (69)
45.5000 192.8 WQA721 CA HP - YELLOW 2 - East Los Angeles (82)
45.5200 186.2 WPAE678 CA HP - TEAL 2 - West Valley (56)
48.5000 131.8 Unidentified business
49.3400 118.8 Unidentified US business
49.3800 79.7 El Paso Natural Gas Pipeline - Ch 2
50.0000 150.0 US MIL


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
VHF Low Band Log: 2014/06/24 - 2014/06/26

VHF Low Band Log: 2014/06/24 - 2014/06/26
North of San Antonio, Texas
Uniden BCD996XT Scanner with Dipole Antenna

30.6200 94.8 Unidentified US business
30.6200 210.7 WPSD819 Millenium Taxi Service, Chattanooga TN
30.6400 110.9 KBB466 Thomas Bennett & Hunter, Westminister MD
31.2000 203.5 Taxi dispatch in Spanish
31.3000 150.0 US MIL - Range Control - Oklahoma National Guard Camp Gruber Maneuver Training Center
31.4500 150.0 US MIL
32.0800 100.0 Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
32.1500 150.0 US MIL
32.3400 127.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
32.3800 156.7 Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
33.8600 82.5 KQH904 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Licking Co OH
34.2000 150.0 US MIL - Camp Bullis Range
34.8000 150.0 US Mil
35.1200 127.3 Mercury Cab, Chattanooga TN
35.1800 179.9 HVAC company
36.1000 150.0 US MIL - Range <repeater>
36.2000 150.0 US MIL - Heloport
36.7500 150.0 US MIL - Helos
37.7750 150.0 US MIL
38.7000 150.0 US MIL - Airfield
39.2200 192.8 KMA801 CA HP - WHITE 2 - South Los Angeles (77)
39.4000 186.2 KTN273 CA HP - Base - GOLD 2 - Santa Fe Springs (83)
39.5000 141.3 EMS Dispatch, Alleghany Co VA
40.6500 150.0 US MIL
40.6700 CSQ SNOTEL
41.6000 150.0 US MIL - Range Control
42.0200 100.0 Prison
42.0600 203.5 MO HP
42.1000 203.5 MO HP
42.1400 186.2 KAA203 MO HP - Rural Dispatch [F-30]
42.4200 162.2 TN HP
42.4200 173.8 TN HP
42.5000 173.8 NC HP - Channel 10 Base
42.6000 173.8 NC HP
42.8200 173.8 NC HP
42.8600 203.5 MO HP
42.9400 203.5 MO HP
44.7000 77.0 OK HP
45.4800 131.8 KNJB860 Cullman Area Rural Transportation System, AL
45.5000 192.8 WQA721 CA HP - YELLOW 2 - East Los Angeles (82)
45.5200 94.8 Unidentified public works
45.5200 D412 Walker Co, GA Rural Transportation
45.6000 100.0 Possibly Orangeburg County, SC
45.6200 114.8 TN HP F6 Repeater - District 2 - Chattanooga
45.9800 203.5 WNQW911 State Prison - Clio AL w/ Morse ID
45.9800 203.5 WNFH286 State Prison - Union Springs AL w/ Morse ID
45.9800 203.5 KNJN759 State Prison, Athens AL w/ Morse ID
45.9800 203.5 KYB888 BA State Prison - Frank Lee Youth Center, Speigner AL w/ Morse ID
46.0800 151.4 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Bartow Co GA
48.4800 103.5 KIA969 North Georgia Electric Corp - Lafayette repeater
48.4800 114.8 "Frank, can you hear me"
51.6400 141.3 KA9RIX Repeater


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
VHF Low Band Log: 2014/06/27 - 2014/06/30

VHF Low Band Log: 2014/06/27 - 2014/06/30
North of San Antonio, Texas
Uniden BCD996XT Scanner with Dipole Antenna

25.0000 AM WWV
30.6200 210.7 WPSD819 Millenium Taxi Service, Chattanooga TN
31.2000 203.5 Taxi dispatch in Spanish
32.3400 127.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
32.3500 150.0 US MIL
33.5000 150.0 US MIL
33.5250 150.0 US MIL "utilize all mounted machine guns"
33.7200 141.3 Taxi dispatch - Alajuela, Costa Rica
33.7800 82.5 KTG669 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Allegany Co MD w/ dispatch
33.8200 141.3 KCO372 FD/EMS - Calvert County, MD
33.8600 82.5 KQH904 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Licking Co OH
34.0400 127.3 Taxi - Turrialba, Costa Rica
34.2000 150.0 US MIL - Camp Bullis Range
35.0600 110.9 Ike Brubaker, Lafayette, IN
35.0600 162.2 WRZ735 Windy's Canoe Rental, Eminence MO
35.1200 127.3 Mercury Cab, Chattanooga TN
35.1800 179.9 HVAC company
36.6750 150.0 US MIL
36.9000 150.0 US MIL - Martindale Army Heliport Ops, San Antonio TX
37.3600 110.9 IL DOC - "F1 Low Band"
37.6400 141.3 Unidentified Public Works
37.8600 173.8 Gas Utility
38.3500 150.0 US MIL - Butts AAF, Ft Carson, CO
38.9000 150.0 US MIL - Ft Knox Range Control
39.2200 192.8 KMA801 CA HP - WHITE 2 - South Los Angeles (77)
39.5000 141.3 EMS Dispatch, Alleghany Co VA
39.6800 118.8 KDG272 CA HP - Base - TURQUOISE 1 - Riverside (74)
39.7200 162.2 WPPC737 CA HP - Base - GRAY 1 - Westminster (55)
40.6700 CSQ SNOTEL
42.0600 203.5 MO HP
42.1000 203.5 MO HP
42.1200 118.8 KMH995 CA HP - Base - GOLD - Bishop (72) / Bridgeport (71) / Mojave (59)
42.1200 203.5 MO HP - Car-to-Car - West [Ch 47]
42.5600 118.8 KMH962 CA HP - Base - WHITE - Barstow (73) / Morongo Basin (106) / Needles (114) / Victorville (12)
42.6000 173.8 NC HP
42.7800 203.5 MO HP
42.8200 173.8 NC HP
42.8600 203.5 MO HP
42.9400 203.5 MO HP
43.0200 141.3 Car to car in San Antonio TX
43.0400 88.5 Unidentified US business
43.0400 107.2 Car to car
43.0800 D606 "Cut through them barricades like you gonna get off on Anderson."
43.1000 103.5 Cement trucks
43.1200 118.8 Unidentified US business
43.1200 127.3 Unidentified US business
43.1200 146.2 Unidentified US business
43.3600 151.4 Unidentified US business
44.9400 186.2 KRB411 CA HP - Base - BLACK 2 - Central Los Angeles (15)
45.1200 156.7 "you got a little Durango coming up"
45.4800 131.8 KNJB860 Cullman Area Rural Transportation System, AL
45.5000 192.8 WQA721 CA HP - YELLOW 2 - East Los Angeles (82)
45.5200 D412 Walker Co, GA Rural Transportation
46.0800 151.4 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Bartow Co GA
49.3400 118.8 Unidentified US business
49.3800 179.9 Electrical work
49.4600 67.0 Pike Electric <nationwide contractors>


Apr 20, 2005
I am getting lots of South american taxies in the 30mhz range. but I am also picking up an unusual activity on 30.720mhz it is in english, it sounds like they were paging for someone.


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
VHF Low Band Log: 2014/07/01 - 2014/07/16

VHF Low Band Log: 2014/07/01 - 2014/07/16
North of San Antonio, Texas
Uniden BCD996XT Scanner with Dipole Antenna

30.2250 150.0 US MIL "Range"
30.4250 150.0 US MIL
30.5250 150.0 US MIL - Airfield "Sabre X-Ray"
30.5800 91.5 KAJ444 MO Con Haulage, Fulton MO <identified by Paul>
30.6200 94.8 Unidentified US business
30.6200 210.7 WPSD819 Millenium Taxi Service, Chattanooga TN
30.6400 110.9 KBB466 Thomas Bennett & Hunter, Westminister MD
30.6400 146.2 WQGE864 * Repeater - Mid Continent Concrete, Siloam Springs AR
31.2000 91.5 KLT894 Central Heating & Cooling Inc, Mountain Home, AR
31.2000 203.5 Taxi dispatch in Spanish
31.4400 118.8 "you good to go"
32.1250 150.0 US MIL - Range Control
32.1800 77.0 Taxi, Alajuela, Costa Rica <ID by Bartels>
32.3400 127.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
32.3500 150.0 US MIL
32.3800 156.7 Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
32.4750 150.0 US MIL - Airfield
32.5000 150.0 US MIL
33.0800 D074 "fuel it"
33.5250 150.0 US MIL
33.7000 107.2 KDP395 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Cattaraugus County NY
33.7000 151.4 KDP395 Fire Dispatch - Cattaraugus County NY
33.7000 192.8 Fire Dispatch - Somerset Co PA
33.7200 141.3 Taxi dispatch - Alajuela, Costa Rica
33.7800 82.5 KTG669 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Allegany Co MD w/ dispatch
33.8200 141.3 KCO372 FD/EMS - Calvert County, MD
33.8600 77.0 KGC676 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Washington Co, MD w/ voice ID
33.8600 82.5 KQH904 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Licking Co OH
33.8600 146.2 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Unidentified
34.0400 127.3 Taxi - Turrialba, Costa Rica
34.1100 88.5 Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
34.1800 110.9 Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
34.2000 150.0 US MIL - Camp Bullis Range
34.5000 103.5 Portuguese - Brazil
34.8000 150.0 US Mil
34.8200 CSQ Portuguese - Macapa, Amapa state, northern Brazil
34.9000 150.0 US MIL
34.9750 150.0 US MIL
35.0400 94.8 Farmers "it's gonna get real windy, real quick"
35.0600 110.9 Ike Brubaker, Lafayette, IN
35.0600 162.2 WRZ735 Windy's Canoe Rental, Eminence MO
35.0800 97.4 KBW502 Quigley Smart HVAC, Rock County, WI <ID by Paul Logan>
35.1000 118.8 KRL868 Ravinia Plumbing & Heating, Highland Park IL
35.1200 127.3 Mercury Cab, Chattanooga TN
35.1600 192.8 Morse ID "KDI323" - ATT California
35.1800 179.9 HVAC company
35.1800 186.2 Unidentifed US business
35.7200 94.8 Aggregate hauler
35.9200 97.4 Unidentifed US business
35.9200 118.8 Unidentifed US business
35.9400 173.8 WQGY539 Hollywood Club Tow
36.1000 150.0 US MIL - Range <repeater>
36.2000 150.0 US MIL - Heloport
36.6000 150.0 US MIL
36.6750 150.0 US MIL
36.9000 150.0 US MIL - Martindale Army Heliport Ops, San Antonio TX
37.0400 127.3 Sheriff - Smyth Co, VA
37.3600 110.9 IL DOC - "F1 Low Band"
38.3500 150.0 US MIL - Butts AAF, Ft Carson, CO
38.7000 150.0 US MIL - Airfield
38.9000 150.0 US MIL - Ft Knox Range Control
39.1400 162.2 CA HP - Base - BLUE 1 - Border Division
39.2200 192.8 KMA801 CA HP - WHITE 2 - South Los Angeles (77)
39.2600 118.8 KVV806 CA HP - Base - COPPER 1 - Arrowhead (101) / San Bernardino (75)
39.3600 162.2 WPPD852 CA HP - Base - GREEN 1 - San Juan Capistrano (113)
39.4000 162.2 WPHM445 CA HP - Base - ORANGE 1 - San Diego (87)
39.4000 186.2 KTN273 CA HP - Base - GOLD 2 - Santa Fe Springs (83)
39.5000 110.9 Fire/EMS Dispatch Alleghany Co VA (simulcast with 800 MHz)
39.5000 141.3 EMS Dispatch, Alleghany Co VA
39.6800 118.8 KDG272 CA HP - Base - TURQUOISE 1 - Riverside (74)
39.7200 162.2 WPPC737 CA HP - Base - GRAY 1 - Westminster (55)
39.8000 162.2 WPHM449 CA HP - Base - TAN 1 - Oceanside (92) / Temecula (115)
39.8600 173.8 WPYP239 CA Orange County Freeway Service Patrol
40.8000 150.0 US MIL - Range Control (Ft Gruber?)
40.8250 150.0 US MIL
41.1500 150.0 US MIL
41.2500 150.0 US MIL - Vanguard 97
41.3000 150.0 US MIL
41.5000 150.0 US MIL - Helos "we're gonna head out to Laramie"
41.6000 150.0 US MIL - Range Control
41.7500 150.0 US MIL
41.9500 150.0 US MIL
42.0200 100.0 Prison
42.0600 203.5 MO HP
42.1000 203.5 MO HP
42.1200 118.8 KMH995 CA HP - Base - GOLD - Bishop (72) / Bridgeport (71) / Mojave (59)
42.1200 173.8 MO HP
42.1200 186.2 MO HP
42.1200 203.5 MO HP - Car-to-Car - West [Ch 47]
42.1400 186.2 KAA203 MO HP - Rural Dispatch [F-30]
42.2600 151.4 TN HP
42.2800 179.9 CA HP - Mobile - RED - Blythe (6) / Indio (76) / San Gorgonio Pass (97)
42.3600 123.0 TN HP
42.3800 173.8 KAA522 MO HP - Dispatch-to-Mobiles [F-70]
42.4200 151.4 TN HP
42.4200 162.2 TN HP
42.4200 173.8 TN HP
42.4400 179.9 KUV545 CA HP - Base - RED - Blythe (6) / Indio (76) / San Gorgonio Pass (97)
42.5000 173.8 NC HP - Channel 10 Base
42.5200 173.8 NC HP
42.5600 118.8 KMH962 CA HP - Base - WHITE - Barstow (73) / Morongo Basin (106) / Needles (114) / Victorville (12)
42.6000 173.8 NC HP
42.8200 173.8 NC HP
42.8200 186.2 KAA201 MO HP - Dispatch-to-Mobiles [F-20] w/ callsign ID
42.8600 203.5 MO HP
42.9400 203.5 MO HP
42.9600 D261 Canoe business
42.9800 127.3 Highway crew
43.0000 162.2 Unidentified US business
43.0600 91.5 KAO617 Overland Sand & Gravel Co, Stromsburg NE w/ callsign
43.0600 118.8 Dump trucks
43.0800 127.3 Undentified US business
43.1200 127.3 Unidentified US business
43.1200 146.2 Unidentified US business
44.6200 186.2 KMB443 CA HP - PINK 2 - West Los Angeles (79)
44.7000 77.0 OK HP
44.9400 186.2 KRB411 CA HP - Base - BLACK 2 - Central Los Angeles (15)
45.0200 192.8 CA HP - ORANGE 2 - Baldwin Park (81)
45.2200 110.9 Police
45.4400 203.5 Kerr County, TX - Public Works
45.4800 131.8 KNJB860 Cullman Area Rural Transportation System, AL
45.5000 127.3 KJM513 CA HP - Base - BROWN 2 - Bakersfield (69)
45.5000 192.8 WQA721 CA HP - YELLOW 2 - East Los Angeles (82)
45.5200 D412 Walker Co, GA Rural Transportation
45.6200 114.8 TN HP F6 Repeater - District 2 - Chattanooga
45.9400 136.5 CA HP - Base - Tac 3 (Star Mtn/LA Area)
45.9800 203.5 WQJ490 State Prison - Childersburg AL w/ Morse ID
47.5200 151.4 Unidentified US business
47.7800 151.4 Repeater - Utilities
49.4600 67.0 Pike Electric <nationwide contractors>
49.5000 67.0 Pike Electric <nationwide contractors>
49.6500 150.0 US MIL
Aug 18, 2010
Peoria, IL
35.2 in the USA is a Part 22 paging channel. If you heard it during a band opening there is no telling where or what it is without providing more information. Some of the paging channels can be used for other things. See Part 22 Paging Channels - The RadioReference Wiki. I'm not sure if all of the information in the wiki article also applies to 35 & 43 MHz paging channels.

Thank you. I dont have anymore info. I also got 31.890. Do you know what this might also be. No tone on this one at all like the other.


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
VHF Low Band Log: 2014/07/17 - 2014/07/27

VHF Low Band Log: 2014/07/17 - 2014/07/27
North of San Antonio, Texas
Uniden BCD996XT Scanner with Dipole Antenna

25.0000 AM WWV
25.9500 KB99696 Auxiliary Remote Pickup for AM 950, KOA, Denver CO
30.1000 150.0 US MIL - Helos "monitoring 123.0 on victor"
30.3000 150.0 US MIL
30.6200 94.8 "they cut that one close"
30.6200 210.7 WPSD819 Millenium Taxi Service, Chattanooga TN
31.2000 203.5 Taxi dispatch in Spanish
31.4400 118.8 Unidentified US business
31.6800 114.8 "we'll lay the pipe tomorrow"
32.0800 100.0 Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
32.1000 150.0 US MIL - Airfield
32.1800 77.0 Taxi, Alajuela, Costa Rica <ID by Bartels>
32.3250 150.0 US MIL
32.3500 150.0 US MIL
32.5000 150.0 US MIL
32.5750 150.0 US MIL
32.6250 150.0 US MIL
32.7500 CSQ Tones then encryption
32.8000 150.0 US MIL - Helos
33.3000 186.2 WNFQ812 - Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America, Falfurrias TX
33.5250 150.0 US MIL
33.7200 141.3 Taxi dispatch - Alajuela, Costa Rica
33.8600 82.5 KQH904 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Licking Co OH
34.0400 127.3 Taxi - Turrialba, Costa Rica
34.2000 150.0 US MIL - Camp Bullis Range
34.4500 150.0 US MIL
34.8400 D251 repeats 34.48
34.9750 150.0 US MIL
35.0000 150.0 US MIL - Medevac 'not conscious, not breathing'
35.0400 94.8 Farmers
35.0600 162.2 WRZ735 Windy's Canoe Rental, Eminence MO
35.1200 127.3 Mercury Cab, Chattanooga TN
35.1200 D047 Unidentified US business
35.1800 186.2 Unidentifed US business
35.4400 131.8 Cement trucks
35.9200 97.4 Unidentifed US business
35.9200 118.8 Unidentifed US business
36.2000 150.0 US MIL - Heliport
36.4750 150.0 US MIL
36.6750 150.0 US MIL
36.9000 150.0 US MIL - Martindale Army Heliport Ops, San Antonio TX
37.0400 127.3 Sheriff - Smyth Co, VA
37.3600 110.9 IL DOC - "F1 Low Band"
38.3500 150.0 US MIL - Butts AAF, Ft Carson, CO
39.1400 162.2 CA HP - Base - BLUE 1 - Border Division
39.2200 192.8 KMA801 CA HP - WHITE 2 - South Los Angeles (77)
39.4000 162.2 WPHM445 CA HP - Base - ORANGE 1 - San Diego (87)
39.4000 186.2 KTN273 CA HP - Base - GOLD 2 - Santa Fe Springs (83)
39.5000 141.3 EMS Dispatch, Alleghany Co VA
39.6800 118.8 KDG272 CA HP - Base - TURQUOISE 1 - Riverside (74)
39.7200 162.2 WPPC737 CA HP - Base - GRAY 1 - Westminster (55)
39.8600 173.8 WPYP239 CA Orange County Freeway Service Patrol
41.6250 150.0 US MIL - Range Control
41.8750 150.0 US MIL
42.0600 203.5 MO HP
42.1200 118.8 KMH995 CA HP - Base - GOLD - Bishop (72) / Bridgeport (71) / Mojave (59)
42.1200 173.8 MO HP
42.1200 186.2 MO HP
42.1400 186.2 KAA203 MO HP - Rural Dispatch [F-30]
42.2400 186.2 MO HP
42.3800 173.8 KAA522 MO HP - Dispatch-to-Mobiles [F-70]
42.4200 162.2 TN HP
42.5000 173.8 NC HP - Channel 10 Base
42.5600 118.8 KMH962 CA HP - Base - WHITE - Barstow (73) / Morongo Basin (106) / Needles (114) / Victorville (12)
42.6000 173.8 NC HP
42.8200 173.8 NC HP
42.8200 186.2 KAA201 MO HP - Dispatch-to-Mobiles [F-20] w/ callsign ID
42.8600 203.5 MO HP
42.9200 203.5 KAA202 MO HP - Metro Dispatch-to-Mobiles [F-13]
42.9600 D261 Canoe business
42.9800 127.3 Highway crew
43.0400 107.2 Car to car
43.1200 118.8 Unidentified US business
43.1200 127.3 Unidentified US business
44.0000 150.0 US MIL
44.7000 77.0 OK HP
44.9400 186.2 KRB411 CA HP - Base - BLACK 2 - Central Los Angeles (15)
45.1200 156.7 "I think he's gonna ask you to re-measure it"
45.4400 203.5 Kerr County, TX - Public Works
45.5000 192.8 WQA721 CA HP - YELLOW 2 - East Los Angeles (82)
47.7800 151.4 Repeater - Utilities
49.4600 67.0 Pike Electric <nationwide contractors>
49.4800 67.0 Pike Electric <nationwide contractors>
49.5000 67.0 Pike Electric <nationwide contractors>


Premium Subscriber
Feb 2, 2013
kkn50 can you please check your PMs, I sent a couple of questions about your station.



Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
VHF Low Band Log: 2014/07/28 - 2014/07/31

VHF Low Band Log: 2014/07/28 - 2014/07/31
North of San Antonio, Texas
Uniden BCD996XT Scanner with Dipole Antenna

30.6000 118.8 Unidentified US business
30.6200 94.8 Unidentified US business
30.6200 210.7 WPSD819 Millennium Taxi Service, Chattanooga TN
31.2000 203.5 Taxi dispatch in Spanish
31.6800 114.8 Unidentified US business
32.1800 77.0 Taxi, Alajuela, Costa Rica <ID by Bartels>
32.3400 127.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
33.8600 82.5 KQH904 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Licking Co OH
34.2000 150.0 US MIL - Camp Bullis Range
35.1000 118.8 KRL868 Ravinia Plumbing & Heating, Highland Park IL
35.1200 127.3 Mercury Cab, Chattanooga TN
35.1800 107.2 Unidentified US business
35.1800 186.2 Unidentified US business
35.7600 123.0 Unidentified US business
36.9000 150.0 US MIL - Martindale Army Heliport Ops, San Antonio TX
37.0400 127.3 Sheriff - Smyth Co, VA
37.3000 131.8 Sheriff Dispatch - Lee Co VA w/ voice ID
37.3600 110.9 IL DOC - "F1 Low Band"
39.5000 141.3 EMS Dispatch, Alleghany Co VA
41.5000 150.0 US MIL - Helos
42.0200 100.0 Prison
42.0600 203.5 MO HP
42.1400 186.2 KAA203 MO HP - Rural Dispatch [F-30]
42.3600 123.0 TN HP
42.4200 114.8 TN HP, District 2 - Chattanooga
42.4200 151.4 TN HP
42.4200 162.2 TN HP
42.4200 173.8 TN HP
42.5000 173.8 NC HP - Channel 10 Base
42.5600 131.8 TN HP
42.6000 173.8 NC HP
42.8200 173.8 NC HP
42.9400 203.5 MO HP
45.2400 D072 "1621 York Drive"
45.4400 203.5 Kerr County, TX - Public Works
46.0800 151.4 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Bartow Co GA


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
VHF Low Band Log: 2014/08/01 -2014/08/14

VHF Low Band Log: 2014/08/01 -2014/08/14
North of San Antonio, Texas
Uniden BCD996XT Scanner with Dipole Antenna

30.4000 150.0 US MIL
30.6200 210.7 WPSD819 Millenium Taxi Service, Chattanooga TN
31.2000 203.5 Taxi dispatch in Spanish
32.1500 150.0 US MIL
32.1800 77.0 Taxi, Alajuela, Costa Rica <ID by Bartels>
32.3400 127.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
34.0400 127.3 Taxi - Turrialba, Costa Rica
34.1100 88.5 Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
34.2000 150.0 US MIL - Camp Bullis Range
35.0600 162.2 WRZ735 Windy's Canoe Rental, Eminence MO
35.1000 118.8 KRL868 Ravinia Plumbing & Heating, Highland Park IL
35.1200 127.3 Mercury Cab, Chattanooga TN
36.2000 150.0 US MIL - Heliport
36.5000 150.0 US MIL - Range Control
36.8000 150.0 US MIL - Helos
36.9000 150.0 US MIL - Martindale Army Heliport Ops, San Antonio TX
38.3500 150.0 US MIL - Butts AAF, Ft Carson, CO
39.4000 162.2 WPHM445 CA HP - Base - ORANGE 1 - San Diego (87)
41.3000 150.0 US MIL
42.1400 186.2 KAA203 MO HP - Rural Dispatch [F-30]
42.4200 162.2 TN HP
42.6000 173.8 NC HP
42.6200 173.8 NC HP
44.0000 150.0 US MIL
45.4400 203.5 Kerr County, TX - Public Works
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