Where is Asheville at? I've never heard of it, good luck in your move. Your gonna miss all the fun around here. There are so cool things to come very soon!
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New channel city wide coverage including the red and blue subway tunnels hence Red/Blue. I put the above ground transmitter in service Thursday. I was wondering how long it would take it to show up on the forum lol. This is a narrow band frequency works pretty good so far I bet there was some testing going on we where using it Thursday
No, it must be testing maybe??? Who on zone 1 was out there?? I took off Friday so I wasn't listening...
I sent you a pm shades not sure if you accept them
The Fire Museum of Greater Chicago will have a special display on Saturday, March 31st from 1000 to 1400 hours that will activate a 911 call to the Main FAO that will go toa 2-11 with joker stand, radio, speaker and fire gound communications heard and explain how dispatch was done witout computers. Old timers and candidates are invited to bring family and friends/neighbors to see how we did it "in the old days" The FMGC is at 5218 S Western AVenue and parking is free. Please remember this is YOUR museum and your history.
Shades, Thanks for all the info that you supply us all.
Now that the DAY is just about here I want to be sure I am ready.
I have each of these freqs programed individualy as a P25 single freq trunk system. 6 different systems.
I also have them on the same system quick key so they will all scan at the same time.
Is this correct or will I only be able to have 1 system going at a time?
This is what I have:
477.78750 Fire Main
477.98750 Joint Ops
478.21250 Fire Englwood
477.51250 Ems North
476.68750 CityWide Fire
478.46250 Ems Englwood
I hope this will help others as much as it will me.
Thanks again,
Are you all ready for EMS switch-over tomorrow 8am?