eBay coupons vs Uniden

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Jan 5, 2003
Retired 40 Year Firefighter NW Tenn
We agree I think general law and fire should be in the clear with encrypted traffic channels for sensitive data (drug bust, swat work, doa notifications, personal information, ect). But most have no idea how much crime is solved by local people monitoring. Streaming has its points plus and minus. The big minus with me is the news media playing archived recordings of events.


Feb 12, 2006
McDonough County, IL
Irrelevant. It was not Uniden's business what incentive or coupon eBay was offering at checkout...

They literally got on to a seller for complying with their rules - $649.99 MAP! Then they made him increase the price and lose sells. That's how they take care of dealers/sellers? ha!

It is their business, as the manufacturer, if a seller/distributor has agreed to MAP with the manufacturer. No, the seller couldn't prevent the fact that eBay offered this discount, but as long as the product is listed for sale on the host site (i.e, eBay in this case), per MAP, the seller has to ensure that the final sale price doesn't deviate from MAP if said seller wants to continue to be an authorized dealer and obtain future products to sell from the manufacturer. If the policy, which is essentially a legally enforceable contract, stipulates that the product MUST be excluded from any hosting site discounts that lower the final sale price beneath the MAP threshold, the seller is responsible for abiding by that stipulation or the seller risks losing its authorized status.


Mar 31, 2010
A large volume of radios couldn’t have been sold. There are only maybe 10,000 in existence on the entire planet right now...

I would doubt if the number of SDS100 scanners in existence right now is anywhere near 10,000 units. As has been posted here on RR there are currently 9 known/posted sellers of the SDS100 in the USA (Universal Radio, Scanner Master, Bearcat Warehouse, Zip Scanners, The Ham Station, Ham Radio Outlet, Main Trading Company, Radar Busters and eBay seller webtron-x) and that list includes ALL of the major scanner sellers. If each one of those dealers received an initial allocation of 100 SDS100 scanners that would only total 900 scanners. Even at 200 units allocated to each dealer (highly doubtful that any dealer has gotten that many thus far) would only total 1,800 scanners.

Just for some known reference numbers, Richard from the Main Trading Company sent out an email stating that they had 50 available for pickup at HamCom (on June 8th, 9th and 10th) and 20 more coming in on June 11th or 12th. The eBay seller webtron-x posted receiving a total of 105 units (initial 5, then 60 additional and then 40 more additional). Based on that information it would seem that an allocation of about 100 units per dealer (plus or minus) would be in the ballpark as of right now. I would imagine that the size of a given dealer, their relationship with their distributor and their previous sales volume could all have an impact on their exact allocation.


RF is RF
Premium Subscriber
Jun 3, 2011
The Natural State
...per MAP, the seller has to ensure that the final sale price doesn't deviate from MAP if said seller wants to continue to be an authorized dealer and obtain future products to sell from the manufacturer...

Minimum ADVERTISED Price. Which was met, 100%. $649.99. The seller had to do nothing and change nothing to be 100% in compliance with Uniden.

eBay offering a discount that they cover doesn't change the seller's compliance with Minimum ADVERTISED Price restrictions since he had it listed at the MAP.

As others have rightfully pointed out, it isn't that difficult to understand...Uniden was in the wrong.


Feb 12, 2006
McDonough County, IL
Minimum ADVERTISED Price. Which was met, 100%. $649.99. The seller had to do nothing and change nothing to be 100% in compliance with Uniden.

eBay offering a discount that they cover doesn't change the seller's compliance with Minimum ADVERTISED Price restrictions since he had it listed at the MAP.

As others have rightfully pointed out, it isn't that difficult to understand...Uniden was in the wrong.

No, the MAP threshold CANNOT be undercut by a sitewide discount. In other words, in no way, shape or form can the final transaction that the buyer pays fall below the MAP. So even with a discount applied, in this case, the buyer still has to pay the MAP. You don't understand Uniden's MAP agreement. If a seller is going to use eBay, that seller is forced to remain compliant with the final sale price being at least equal to the MAP, regardless of whatever discounts the site is hosting that lowers the final sale price for the consumer.


Feb 23, 2005
Why are most of you guys accepting webtron-x (whom you probably have never heard of before now) saying Uniden forced them to change their price over UPMan (who seems to go out of his way to explain things honestly) who said that they did not force them to change their price? He said they reminded him of MAP and allowed him to decide how to proceed (and they then made the decision to raise his price rather than stop being an authorized dealer).

As I said before, these promotions are not hidden from the EBay sellers...EBay sellers are advised in advance of these promotions so that they can avoid this very situation.


RF is RF
Premium Subscriber
Jun 3, 2011
The Natural State
Sites all over the web sell with "see price in cart" and even "call for the best price" policies because of MAP. The "deal" price isn't advertised. Simple and compliant. The manufacturer has their money and the rest of the transaction is between buyer and seller. What a concept!

If Uniden has this ridiculously strict policy you have described that is just another example of underhanded practices to circumvent competition and a free market which, in this case, hurt a dealer/seller.

To say that's disappointing is an understatement, especially considering they have a stellar scanner to sell.


Aug 7, 2005
And just how is this FAIR to the OTHER SELLERS Jeff at the Ham Station, Scannermaster , zip and the other small sellers EBAY going to give them $100 each also I THINK NOT FLEEBA. THE SELLER would have sold every scanner he had if he had posted in RR about being authorized seller and a price of $649 and free shipping he chose the wrong platform to sell his scanners.

The coupon was not exclusive to Webtron-X, any of the other sellers could sell on eBay, if they choose not to use that platform, TOUGH!


Mar 22, 2017
Cleveland, OH
Why are most of you guys accepting webtron-x (whom you probably have never heard of before now) saying Uniden forced them to change their price over UPMan (who seems to go out of his way to explain things honestly) who said that they did not force them to change their price? He said they reminded him of MAP and allowed him to decide how to proceed (and they then made the decision to raise his price rather than stop being an authorized dealer).

As I said before, these promotions are not hidden from the EBay sellers...EBay sellers are advised in advance of these promotions so that they can avoid this very situation.

IMHO, it was a rock and a hard place situation. What was the seller to do? If he removed his listing, he would have lost sales for a 12-hour period during the introduction of a niche product when the market was hot. If he left the price at $649.99 could he make the buyer double pinky-swear not to use the coupon in order to satisfy the MAP mandate (which seems to be more of a mandate to ensure that the end user paid $649.99 no matter what dealer they ordered it from)?


RF is RF
Premium Subscriber
Jun 3, 2011
The Natural State
IMHO, it was a rock and a hard place situation. What was the seller to do? If he removed his listing, he would have lost sales for a 12-hour period during the introduction of a niche product when the market was hot. If he left the price at $649.99 could he make the buyer double pinky-swear not to use the coupon?

That was irrelevant - neither the seller's business nor Uniden's since the coupon was between eBay and the buyer. The seller still received the full price. The price was still listed as $649.99, the MAP.

This would ONLY apply if it was a coupon the seller was offering exclusively for his products, not a site-wide thing from eBay.


Feb 12, 2006
McDonough County, IL
In having been involved with this with a retail vendor previously, what a lot of people don't understand is that MAP goes beyond the posted sale price on the site. In this case, for example, yes, the vendor was selling the item for $649, which is obviously compliant with the MAP agreement. eBay was willing to eat the extra $100 to drive traffic to the site, essentially refunding the vendor; hence, it would appear that the transaction wouldn't violate MAP agreements.

However, MOST anufacturers have covered this loophole in their MAP agreements, and per a Uniden representative's commentary, it would appear they are no exception. The issue is over what constitutes "advertised price." The loophole essentially closes a gap here, whereby, for example, someone goes to eBay and clicks "buy it now," and scanner goes to your shopping cart. Once you get there, you apply the coupon, reducing the price to $549. However, what a lot of people do not realize is that the MAP agreements still consider this price, in the shopping cart, as an advertised price since the transaction has not been completed. Hence, that $549 discounted price, pre-transaction, now violates the vendor's MAP agreement, even though it's in your shopping cart and you are ready to order the item. The manufacturers have already closed those loopholes, i.e., the final dollar value of the MAP-protected product CANNOT be reduced by any sort of a site-wide discount prior to the final transaction, otherwise it violates the MAP agreement. That "advertised price" carries through right to the final point of sale. I didn't make the rules. I realize that many are acerbic over not being able to save $100, but those loopholes are already closed by the agreement.


Mar 22, 2017
Cleveland, OH
That was irrelevant - neither the seller's business nor Uniden's since the coupon was between eBay and the buyer. The seller still received the full price. The price was still listed as $649.99, the MAP.

This would ONLY apply if it was a coupon the seller was offering exclusively for his products, not a site-wide thing from eBay.

Sorry, I edited my post afterwards to add the disclaimer of Uniden's interpretation of MAP - and who ultimately determines whether or not the seller was in compliance and their ability to receive future product allocations.


Feb 12, 2006
McDonough County, IL
If Uniden has this ridiculously strict policy you have described that is just another example of underhanded practices to circumvent competition and a free market which, in this case, hurt a dealer/seller.

It's not incredibly uncommon. Yes, it is that strict. There is basically no way to reduce the final dollar value of the MAP-protected product prior to the final point of sale without running afoul of the "advertised price" clause. It doesn't matter who or what the coupon is from. The consumer pays the MAP price, lest the vendor in question risk running afoul of the agreement.


RF is RF
Premium Subscriber
Jun 3, 2011
The Natural State
Considering there are numerous times I've purchased items from numerous sites that it "shows final price in cart" which is below MAP (the site even often says they can't display it because it's below the minimum price they're allowed to show) that just sounds a bit off to me. So you're saying all of them are in violation? I doubt it, considering some are very very big retailers...

It was a short-lived coupon - if Uniden had just stayed out of it, as they should, then they wouldn't have been painted in such a bad light which also, in a way, painted their seller/dealer in a bad light, though I don't blame him as much as Uniden. The coupon would have ended a few hours later and it'd be over.


Feb 12, 2006
McDonough County, IL
Considering there are numerous times I've purchased items from numerous sites that it "shows final price in cart" which is below MAP (the site even often says they can't display it because it's below the minimum price they're allowed to show) that just sounds a bit off to me. So you're saying all of them are in violation? I doubt it, considering some are very very big retailers...

It depends on the manufacturer and their individual MAP and, ultimately, how they choose to enforce it. I haven't actually read Uniden's MAP agreement since I am not a vendor; I'm just going off of what Paul stated about Uniden's policy. It would appear that Uniden's interpretation of their MAP covers all of these bases and is rather strict. Your mileage may vary. The vendor can still do whatever it wants and risk having to deal with the repercussions from the manufacturer over different interpretations of what constitutes "advertised price."


Jul 24, 2016
It’s interesting to see how people react to this sort of thing. When it’s a scanner they want to buy it’s called price protectionism and anti-free market. When it’s something like tariffs it’s seen as “protecting American jobs.”


Mar 31, 2010
I find it interesting that this eBay "loophole" with the SDS100 and webtron-x has reared its ugly head again as I posted in my post #132 above in this thread. Right now I have a $10 coupon available to me from eBay and I confirmed that I can go through the checkout process, use the $10 eBay coupon and purchase the SDS100 for $639.99 which is below the MAP. Go figure!


RF is RF
Premium Subscriber
Jun 3, 2011
The Natural State
It is just haters using any excuse to bash Uniden STOP FEEDING THE TROLLS

I like Uniden scanners and think the SDS100 is a stellar hit. No hater here.

You feeling ok, buddro? Your posts have been somewhat out in left field lately...
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