Well, I did attend the meeting and encryption was brought up by a police chief in the audience. He asked if their dispatch channel could be encrypted, or if a group of police agencies in his area could all encrypt. The answer was the police radios cost more, and encryption could be done for any agency. It wasn't clear to me if all police will be encrypted automatically in the county or not, so I'm trying to get that clarified. They are providing low-power non-repeated encrypted channels already as part of the proposal.
Someone else asked about what scanner listeners could hear, and they talked about how expensive the scanners are now, and how it's difficult for them to monitor P25 systems (?).
Another big thing that came up was a new implementation schedule. Originally testing was to be done in January, 2018, with implementation starting in March. Now, testing won't be done till Spring, with agencies starting to use it in July. Completion not till December. Reason given was they don't want to test till the leaves come out on the trees (?), since testing with no leaves in January wouldn't be a true test. This was never given as a reason before, and all the news agencies are still reporting March as the completion date.
There will be 2 simulcast cells, urban including Erie City and Millcreek as one cell, and the rest of the county as another cell. Hopefully this may cut down on scanner listening problems caused by simulcasting. No new towers have been built yet, as they are only doing core drilling sampling now.
The presentation file of the meeting will be posted on the web soon. I'll provide more info as I get it.