The week I was there then theymust have been taking it easy. It is not like it used to be but being local I understand your position of building up the place. However on the 380Mhz systems your right there are a lot of TGIDs active but I could care less about them because they are NOT exciting. I can't say for Eglin/Hurlburt but Pensacola the clear TGIDs are dull. I don't care about maint since those are the hardest to assign a tag to. The fuel trucks and TLine TGIDs are only interesting during the airshow. But whatever. Your there your whole life and I'm there only two weeks out of the year and if I can't hear something right off the bat, well I just don't have the time for search most of the time. Not to mention the damn USCG is encrypted 90 percent of the time. P25 is the worst invention radio makers come up with. Encryption made easy. Have fun. I'm out!!