Everything NYPD encryption.


Communications. Breaking News. Photography
Sep 29, 2014
Monitoring NYC from Sea Bright NJ, East Hanover NJ
A good 75% of your posts over the past many years have been dedicated to complaining about encryption, so try to have some self-awareness before labeling others.
Accuracy counts: I would say more like 80% of my posts have been awareness, and information about encryption of law enforcement entities in the areas that I live, and the fact is that I have been a proponent of encryption on tac channels with open communications on dispatch channels.

That's a fact.

I have total self-awareness.

I mean what I say and I say what I mean.

Some on here call people "cry babies" because of the information brought forth about encryption.

Everybody is entitled to their own opinion but no one is entitled to their own facts.

I'm not on here to win a popularity contest and I couldn't care less what others opinions of me are.

I will continue to be as factual as possible and I will continue to advocate for clear open police communications on dispatch channels, for both the public and for the press.... Even if it means having a delay for officer safety.

I will always make the best effort to stay within the rules and regulations of this group in doing so.


Mar 15, 2010
I'll speak my peace on this. We are all part of a radio forum that hosts the largest online radio feed there is. It's a cash cow. There is no what if, and or but about it. That is fact. IF they in fact institute a 30 min delay dept hosted feed, who gives a flying f***? Who cares what your opinion on the matter is. It's just another feed that will continue to be available right here, regardless if you think it's stupid or not. I'm sure it'll get plenty of use.

Now, instead of name calling, bashing, calling each other out, why don't everyone just stay tuned to what happens and post updates. I know, novel idea right? Otherwise, Kevin or another big dog is going to shut this thing down. With good reason.

Just for the record, I'm not taking any sides here as I am neutral. I could careless what NYPD does, the whole City could switch to LTE tomorrow and it wouldn't bother me in the least. My views on E goes both ways (sorta) after being in radio so long. Some stuff I agree with, some I do not.

Plus, can't everyone just get along at, at least on here in this F'd up society in which we live? If you don't agree with something someone says, there is no need to be keyboard warrior to prove a point that really nobody cares about. We are all here because we take an interest in radio. I enjoy these guys on here, lots of knowledge, even if I don't always agree with them and there is nothing wrong with that. Anyway, I'm out. Good luck.


Aug 16, 2002
no one seems to be arguing the encrp.debate.
just why there making a big deal over nypd wanting to encrp.
If you look at other fourms with cities that have both fire and pd running encp. there is not this much drama.
If they want the big media and print to have it they will give it to them. and if thats all they want to have it thats it. If they dont want others to have access to it or a dealyed feed. oh well suck it up and move on .
Just because a dep.chief says coms are inportant does not mean his bosses feel that way . perfect example when i was riding a fire engine/amb.
we had a lt. that wanted the rigs washed after every run . needless to say the chief did not feel that way .
If a bunch of suits want to carry on a debate about this from now to the end of time knock yourself out.
Who is willing to pay for them to unencp if by chance its overturned. i have seen that it can be very pricey to unenc a straped radio . perfect example of this is orange co calif. when the new fire chief took over he stated that fire encrp would be removed and that was almost 5 years ago . and today its still encp due to the cost to have them unencp .
people need to understand that there not entilted to public saftey coms access. You dont see people griping about the fbi, dea, or ss being encrypted .


Communications. Breaking News. Photography
Sep 29, 2014
Monitoring NYC from Sea Bright NJ, East Hanover NJ
no one seems to be arguing the encrp.debate.
just why there making a big deal over nypd wanting to encrp.
If you look at other fourms with cities that have both fire and pd running encp. there is not this much drama.
If they want the big media and print to have it they will give it to them. and if thats all they want to have it thats it. If they dont want others to have access to it or a dealyed feed. oh well suck it up and move on .
Just because a dep.chief says coms are inportant does not mean his bosses feel that way . perfect example when i was riding a fire engine/amb.
we had a lt. that wanted the rigs washed after every run . needless to say the chief did not feel that way .
If a bunch of suits want to carry on a debate about this from now to the end of time knock yourself out.
Who is willing to pay for them to unencp if by chance its overturned. i have seen that it can be very pricey to unenc a straped radio . perfect example of this is orange co calif. when the new fire chief took over he stated that fire encrp would be removed and that was almost 5 years ago . and today its still encp due to the cost to have them unencp .
people need to understand that there not entilted to public saftey coms access. You dont see people griping about the fbi, dea, or ss being encrypted .
There will be NO "unencrypting" of NYPD radios required.
The NYPD will stay encrypted.
They will offer an ap to the press that will be real time CLEAR.
They will offer an ap to the public that will be 10 minutes or 30 minutes delayed, in the CLEAR.
That is the legislation proposed.
The only cost to NYPD is to host these aps. Or Broadcastify will host, just like Chicago PD is doing. Thats IT.
"People" need to understand the NEED for CLEAR comms on Dispatch Channels. Stop Griping.
No one LIVES in the neighborhood of the FBI, SS or DEA..... Stop Griping!


Mar 15, 2010
There will be NO "unencrypting" of NYPD radios required.
The NYPD will stay encrypted.
They will offer an ap to the press that will be real time CLEAR.
They will offer an ap to the public that will be 10 minutes or 30 minutes delayed, in the CLEAR.
That is the legislation proposed.
The only cost to NYPD is to host these aps. Or Broadcastify will host, just like Chicago PD is doing. Thats IT.
"People" need to understand the NEED for CLEAR comms on Dispatch Channels. Stop Griping.
No one LIVES in the neighborhood of the FBI, SS or DEA..... Stop Griping!
This is a serious question, how will the agency determine who is press and who is not? This is the only slippery slop I see going on here more than anything. How does Chicago do it? I'm not familiar.


Aug 16, 2002
your a sad sad little man .

Again you did not answer the question of what are you going to do if only the real media have access to either real time or delayed access.
and they dont go with a public feed ?
Real media is tv radio and print not some citizen group or news stringers looking to sell video to a news agency
Just because there is a offer on the table from people does not mean it will happen .
your forcing people to take your side basically . just because richee wants it maybe i should back him .
you could walk up to anyone on the streets anywhere and ask them if they wanted access to the local pd on a scanner or app . they would prob be 50/50 on it. again like i have been stating from day one is that the nypd has the final say not richee not the city council .

Btw i now see where your now stating 10 to 30 min delay. you dont have a clue on what u want.
just be ready for every comment you make i am going to have facts to back my side up.

people are not entilted to anything . sure people need to unbderstand the need .But they understand also what a department decides to do is their bussines. i could be at every city council meeting crying that the citizens in my city need to have access to real time police talk .
let me ask you this whats going to happen if they only give access to like the major networks and print media.
sure i am sure almost all the users on here dont like encp. but the have learned to live with it.
I could be making a ton of post in my states fourm about encp. but i dont cause nothing is going to change it .
i am only stating facts, that no one is crying over the encp of ss dea fbi etc. .


Aug 16, 2002
This is a serious question, how will the agency determine who is press and who is not? This is the only slippery slop I see going on here more than anything. How does Chicago do it? I'm not familiar.
i would think it would be the major tv networks radio stations and news papers . not the citizengroups or these stringers that try to sell video to news stations


Mar 15, 2010
your a sad sad little man .

Again you did not answer the question of what are you going to do if only the real media have access to either real time or delayed access.
and they dont go with a public feed ?
Real media is tv radio and print not some citizen group or news stringers looking to sell video to a news agency
Just because there is a offer on the table from people does not mean it will happen .
your forcing people to take your side basically . just because richee wants it maybe i should back him .
you could walk up to anyone on the streets anywhere and ask them if they wanted access to the local pd on a scanner or app . they would prob be 50/50 on it. again like i have been stating from day one is that the nypd has the final say not richee not the city council .

Btw i now see where your now stating 10 to 30 min delay. you dont have a clue on what u want.
just be ready for every comment you make i am going to have facts to back my side up.

people are not entilted to anything . sure people need to unbderstand the need .But they understand also what a department decides to do is their bussines. i could be at every city council meeting crying that the citizens in my city need to have access to real time police talk .
let me ask you this whats going to happen if they only give access to like the major networks and print media.
sure i am sure almost all the users on here dont like encp. but the have learned to live with it.
I could be making a ton of post in my states fourm about encp. but i dont cause nothing is going to change it .
i am only stating facts, that no one is crying over the encp of ss dea fbi etc. .
You seem awful bitter on E considering your signature comments. What's the dealio.


Sarcastic Member
Nov 23, 2004
AES-256 secured
Let me just comment about giving the press access. I was assisting a Sheriff's Office locating a fugitive and we have access to their ENC talkgroups. BUT, a few local PDs had some guys out as well who did not, so we all switched to an unencrypted IOP talkgroup. I'm at the targets girlfriend's house sitting on her car when she comes out and goes for a drive. Needless to say, myself and others covertly joined her. Well, GF stops at an apartment complex and our target comes out quick and gets in the car and she pulls off. Rather than attempting a stop on the highway where they can take off, we decide to wait until they stop, and if safe to do so with minimal public risk, do a vehicle assault. She winds up pulling into a Wawa, but around the side facing the building so perfect opportunity for a vehicle suppression. We move in, I bump the car while another unit V's to my right and we are out, M4's pointed giving commands.

You know that feeling you get when you sense someone behind you. Yeah, well I got that feeling...so I had to take my eyes off the target vehicle for a split second to check my 6 and see some ahole with his camera and camera light behind us pointed at us. Luckily a marked unit yanks him back and the target is taken into custody. Gun recovered on target. Could have gone south real quick if he chose to and cameraboy would have been caught in the melee.

Valid press credentials. Was listening to the whole thing on his scanner following along.

County IOP channels went encrypted shorty thereafter.

I become more salty.


Mar 15, 2010
i would think it would be the major tv networks radio stations and news papers . not the citizengroups or these stringers that try to sell video to news stations
Yeah, but then you'll get into a legal battle on who is considered press and who is not. Huge can of worms IMO.


Aug 16, 2002
thats why i am saying if there a member of a tv network news paper or radio station they should all ready have media passes. not these citizen groups or stringers per say .


Communications. Breaking News. Photography
Sep 29, 2014
Monitoring NYC from Sea Bright NJ, East Hanover NJ
You seem awful bitter on E considering your signature comments. What's the dealio.
medic9351301 likes calling people "a sad little man", obviously he is dealing with some self-confidence issues and low self-esteem issues because he constantly has to attack anyone on here that he does not agree with...... With expletives and constant put downs....Just ignore.

his own description says:

Let's keep law dispatch channels clear .
As well as fire tacs clear.
I don't support encryption on dispatch channels.
Last edited:


Aug 16, 2002
You seem awful bitter on E considering your signature comments. What's the dealio.
i am not bitter by anymeans. there are things that i cant control or do anything about. i would love to be able to hear my city pd. but its not going to happen. i have learned to live with it .


Communications. Breaking News. Photography
Sep 29, 2014
Monitoring NYC from Sea Bright NJ, East Hanover NJ
Apparently some of you are not familiar with the broadcastify app. It is available on your smartphones as well as you can access it on broadcastify.com

Tune into Chicago Police department various zones and you will hear what it sounds like when encrypted police communications are offered to the public in the clear with a 30-minute delay.

I think it's self-explanatory and maybe it will help some people on here understand the concept of offering 100% encrypted police communications in the clear to the public.... instead of going round around in circles here.


Aug 16, 2002


oh really your the one that will not answer any questions that have been asked to you .
i am very happy with my life i devoted 28 years to protect inbreads like you that think beacause what u want your going to get.
let richee2000 make a scene and richee gets what he wants . i wish i could live in your fantasy world.
so why dont u answer the dam question i asked you or are u just to stupid to come up with a decent answer


Aug 16, 2002
Apparently some of you are not familiar with the broadcastify app. It is available on your smartphones as well as you can access it on broadcastify.com

Tune into Chicago Police department various zones and you will hear what it sounds like when encrypted police communications are offered to the public in the clear with a 30-minute delay.

I think it's self-explanatory and maybe it will help some people on here understand the concept of offering 100% encrypted police communications in the clear to the public.... instead of going round around in circles here.
i am very familiar with it i ran a feed on it for 12 years .


Mar 15, 2010
i am not bitter by anymeans. there are things that i cant control or do anything about. i would love to be able to hear my city pd. but its not going to happen. i have learned to live with it .
Then it seems you should be for anything that includes public access, delay or not. Just an observation.


Communications. Breaking News. Photography
Sep 29, 2014
Monitoring NYC from Sea Bright NJ, East Hanover NJ
i am very familiar with it i ran a feed on it for 12 years .
As much as you gripe and whine and moan, that is not going to stop the New York City council or the New York State senators as well as the public community groups the press the attorneys for the press as well as neighborhood watch committees to continue their lawsuits, to continue their legislations, and continue whatever necessary to ensure both the public and the press has the availability of NYPD dispatch communications in the clear....


Aug 16, 2002
As much as you gripe and whine and moan, that is not going to stop the New York City council or the New York State senators as well as the public community groups the press the attorneys for the press as well as neighborhood watch committees to continue their lawsuits, to continue their legislations, and continue whatever necessary to ensure both the public and the press has the availability of NYPD dispatch communications in the clear....
again the question is what are you going to do if nypd only gives access to the media and not the public at all . just because all these people want access does not mean there going to just give it to the general public