Database has been updated. Simulcast 1 has been deprecated for the time being, Site 7 renamed as Simulcast 7 with the frequencies that rbarker reported.
I've programmed those in my BCD996P2, picking up very little. I'm located in S. Austin, but is showing decent signal strength.
No clue, don't have those programmed in mine.Do you happen to know if the Creedmoor or Davis sites still work?
I Saw that, I am getting some audio using info posted about site 7 with the extra freqs added. I programmed Davis and Creedmoor in, not seeing anything on them.The 851.2875 for Simulcast 1 is still active and transmitting It's just not producing any active talkgroups or voice traffic. I do not know about Davis or Creedmoor
Make sure 851.2875 is NOT programmed into your radio for site 7 as it is still active on site 1.When I first programmed, I put in all primary and alternate control channels. I confirmed 851.1375 is in there but I am still not receiving any traffic.
The coverage area for Site 7 does indeed seem to cover most of the county. Signal strength is comparable to site 1 - travelling northeast, northwest, and southwest. I've not tried the airport yet (southeast) but expect that to be quite good when I do.Maybe this weekend I can drive around for another survey.
Make sure 851.2875 is NOT programmed into your radio for site 7 as it is still active on site 1.
What software/setup is this?Here is a screenshot of the frequencies that I am seeing since yesterday along with hits for each frequency. 851.3125 is probably sketchy (1 hit) and may be a miscode by the software. Looks like it lines up with what rbarker already posted. I personally would not depreciate Simulcast 1 just yet in your systems, its still operating and traffic may switch around again if this is maintenance related.
Usage: v-voice, d-data, c-control, a-alternate control, i-used to transmit site information.
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