ICI Trunked System - Posts your new findings here!


Oct 20, 2006
Managed to copy 40560 today a couple times, but not certain of its usage either. But its definitely Pasadena area there was mention of traffic backups due to the parade.

One thing I do wonder, with the new Pasadena P25 system up, will Pasadena keep some of its TGs on the Glendale system?

Another non-listed TG I picked up on the Glendale system was 39728 which sounded like some activity regarding prep work at the "event site" which I believe I believe is the Rose Bowl.

Lastly in addition to the previously listed Encrypted TGs on the new Pasadena system noted the following also this morning.
2108 = Verdugo Red-7 patch
2115 = Verdugo Red-8 patch
2469 = Encrypted
2530 = Encrypted
2536 = Pasadena Traffic Management Command Center
3859 = Radio service testing..

i think it was pointed out awhile ago that if you take 2108 x 16 you get 33728
and if you take 2115 x 16 you get 33840.

the numbers are the same just shown differently basing on your scanner or program.

can we add a colunm to the database for unitrunker ID's?


Global DB Admin
Mar 4, 2009
Beverly Hills and Culver City upgrading to P25

As part of Federal grant funding, Beverly Hills and Culver City will be receiving monies to convert their ICIS sites from Motorola Smartzone to P25.

Culver City was awarded $439,000 to cover upgrades of equipment at its Baldwin Hills tower site to enable to 32 talk-group P25 system while Beverly Hills is receiving $1.18 million to cover its site upgrades to P25 standards along with purchase of field radio gear and other ICIS related infrastructure enhancements.

Motorola expects to install and functionally test the upgrades prior to March 31, 2012.


Jun 23, 2006
Area C
Yeah I think it is animal control. I parked my scanner on it and have heard more transmissions. They were talking about transferring a dog to someone elses truck.

I assumed it was a law enforcement channel after the first few transmissions because I heard a lot 10 codes (one's I didn't recognize and didn't find on google, actually 11-xx codes) and what sounded like normal dispatching to incidents/calls.

I just heard them mention "Northwest corner of Lincoln Villa" - not sure if that's Pasadena area...

Funny you heard that.. One of their trucks was involved in a 5 car TC outside our Fire Station, totaled the truck.. Had 3 units on scene from the HM transferring the pitbull from the TC involved unit to a SGTs truck..


Oct 20, 2006
I think he meant a dog catcher truck was crashed. But I know what you mean. I heard that it takes a very long time to install all the equipment in a water truck to get it ready to work. There must be something special about thos cars to make them harder to install.


Global DB Admin
Mar 4, 2009
Dont forget Culver City (along with Beverly Hills) just received some Federal grant monies to upgrade its ICIS system from Motorola smartzone to full P25 similar to the new Pasadena ICIS site.

I'm not sure about the capabilities off all the scanners you guys are speaking about, however keep this planned upgrade in mind when considering scanner options.


Global DB Admin
Mar 4, 2009
Looks like Pasadena public works departments are moving to the new system.

I have confirmed 2496 as being the power folks.

Noted some random activity on 2497, 2498 and 2500 but not been able to confirm the department users.


Apr 2, 2001
Pasadena Department of Water & Power are transitioning to the Pasadena P25 system over the next couple of weeks. Pasadena Department of Public Works should be on the system by the end of March. It takes a bit of time to install radios in all those city vehicles and train personnel how to use both mobiles and portables. BTW, both departments in the clear.

Also, both Culver City and Beverly Hills will be moving over to their new P25 systems by the end of March if all goes to plan.


Premium Subscriber
Aug 25, 2008
Los angeles
Do you think beverly hills police and fire would continue to use their conventional channels for their primary communication or would they migrate all of their communications to their new trunk system?


Global DB Admin
Mar 4, 2009
More Pasadena TGs

For info Db was updated in last week with several more TGs on the Pasadena system.

2070 - Glendale PD Tac-2 patch
2504 - Utility shut off/on crews
2520 - Sanitation
2537 - Parking enforcement

Additionally it was reported that activity was noted on following TG's, however exact user has not been confirmed.

2497 - radio checks
2498 - "ch 3" - possibly power utility crews
2499 - possibly power utility crews
2500 - radio checks
2501 - radio checks
2512 - discussion about library garden sprinklers
2619 - traffic issue at Lincoln/Howard interesection.
3859 - radio checks.


Apr 21, 2003
Burbank, CA

This application is for consent to the proposed assignment of licenses from Comm Enterprise, LLC (“Assignor”) to Interagency Communications Interoperability System (“ICIS”).

ICIS is a joint powers agency, established pursuant to California statue in 2003 for the purpose of forming a regional mobile radio communications network for local governments. ICIS is the most advanced municipal radio system in the Los Angeles area, providing interoperability and a coverage “footprint” ranging from the San Bernardino county line to the Pacific Ocean. The requested facilities will be used in support of this mission.

In order to facilitate the improvement of the ICIS system, Assignor has, subject to requisite FCC approval, assigned to ICIS all of its rights and interest in authorizations for use of the frequency pairs 471/474.63750, 471/474.66250, 471/474.83750, and 471/474.91250. To implement this conveyance, the parties now seek consent to the full assignment of the licenses for stations WIH868, WII909, WIJ516, WIJ644, WIJ716, WIL260, WIL350, WPTF351, WQAZ962, WQCN312, WQCW603 & WQDL960, and the partial assignment of the licenses for stations WIJ316 & WQEG677. This application is for consent to the partial assignments. An application for consent to the full assignments is being filed concurrently.

The requested frequencies are allocated to the General Access Pool as defined in 90.311(a) of the Rules, and are thus available for licensing to, inter alia, either Public Safety Pool (PW, YW) or Industrial/Business Pool (IG, IK, YG, YK) category users. 47 C.F.R. § 90.311(a)(1). The frequencies are currently licensed to Assignor as Industrial/Business Pool category channels. Although ICIS may, after consummation of the license assignments, convert authority for one or more of the facilities to Public Safety service codes, it herein proposes to initially take assignment of the facilities as currently licenses. The users of ICIS include, but are not limited to, entities classified as Public Safety under the FCC rules. ICIS also provides communications for non-public safety government communications and/or entities provided support services to local governments, which would be eligible for licensing and use in the Industrial/Business Pool category. After the assignments are consummated, ICIS will evaluate the best distribution of the channels, and then decide whether to apply for any license modifications, including possible changes in the service category for one or more of the channels. This will give ICIS greater flexibility to allocate its resources in a manner that makes the most efficient use of the spectrum.

The parties therefore respectfully submit that the public interest, convenience, and necessity would be served by prompt and favorable action on this application.


Global DB Admin
Mar 4, 2009
Anyone have an idea what happened to the the Beverly Hills and Culver City P25 upgrades?

I recall reading due to grant funding requirements the upgrades needed to be completed by March 31st.


Global DB Admin
Mar 4, 2009
While Pasadena PD is encrypted, looks like TG # 2485 is utilized to broadcast higher priority calls in the clear.

Not sure what the reason for the TG, but its sounds a bit like the LAPD Hotshot/K-9/Air Hailing channel with only the dispatcher. Have not heard anyone else, but they put out calls like a 415, injury hit-and-run etc..

Of course Pasadena is no where as busy as LA, so broadcast on the TG can be few and far between.


Mar 25, 2006
Greater Los Angeles Area
While Pasadena PD is encrypted, looks like TG # 2485 is utilized to broadcast higher priority calls in the clear.

Not sure what the reason for the TG, but its sounds a bit like the LAPD Hotshot/K-9/Air Hailing channel with only the dispatcher. Have not heard anyone else, but they put out calls like a 415, injury hit-and-run etc..

Of course Pasadena is no where as busy as LA, so broadcast on the TG can be few and far between.

MAYBE the reason is because of the public outcry when they switched over to encryption(?)


Global DB Admin
Mar 4, 2009
I noted in the proposed 2012-2013 budget for Beverly Hills they indicate "complete migration to ICIS P25 radio system" under police department work plan highlights.


Apr 21, 2003
Burbank, CA
Mar ch 1, 2012


a. Discussion Regarding HR 3630 and UHF Frequencies.
Congress has approved this legislation regarding DBlock and it will have a significant effect
on ICIS. The t-band is where ICIS and LA RICS are located and in nine years these
channels are to be reallocated; leaving ICIS non-operable.
Executive Director Wright called this special meeting to ge t approval from the Governance
Board to work with other spectrum t-band users and have the flexibility to talk with others
outside of the region regarding this subject. This will be a challenge but he feels that it is
imperative tha t there is a singular voice when going back to Washington DC.
A motion was made to allow the Executive Director Wright flexibility to talk with other
spectrum users outside the region regarding HR 3630 and UHF Frequencies.
Motion - Burbank Second - Culver City


April 5, 2012

a. Reports Regardii1g Changes in Project Status from Previous Month
Culver City reported that their P25 has been installed, testing completed.
Pasadena gave the update that the Pasadena Radio project has officially been closed out, i t' s
now moving into the operations and maintenance mode. During the past month, the
remaining users were finished being put on the system. No outages affecting services, no
network equipment fa ilures and no is sues with connectivity to the Master Site. The only
issue that we did experience was 'interference' between Parking Enforcement and PD and
FD. The symptoms were that when Parking Enforcement ' s base unit was transmitting, i t
could come out on either PD Dispatch or Fire Dispatch. We examined the problem, moved
antennas , changed power levels, and finally killed the talkgroup they were on and moved
them to another talkgroup and the problem is solved. We have made that talkgroup in the
system unable to be used again, as i t seems to be a mathematical problem in the network.
All other us ers experie1~ ced excellent communication.
b. Report from Technical Committee
Steve Hronek, Chair of the Technical Committee reported tha t the first Mutual Ta lk Group
repor t is before the Governance Board, please look over the report and le t him know of any
changes or additions they would like made. This report will be made available monthly to
the Governance Board.

Mr. Hronek informed the Board that the Pomona equipment has been installed and tested
Culver City and Beverly Hills Master Site upgrades have also been extensively tested. This
means that all has been shipped, installed, tested, functional and bills luive been paid on
time, including the invoices for Pomona. Everythi1ig is working properly.
Mr. Hronek gave an update on the mic1:eek:wave lengths that are part of Pomona and come
back thru Montebello, Culver City, and Beverly Hills into master site, those are installed and
ready to go on line but not until the P25 is ready to go. There are additional funds in 2010,
but no project has been identified yet, the Technical Committee is looking a t appropriate
projects, time is getting short.
c. Repmt from Legislative Committee
Ms. Lianne McGinley, Ghair of the Legislative Committee handed out ICIS informational
packets for the Governance Board to look over, please notify her of any additions, deletions
or changes to the packet before next week. Flight & hotel arrangements have been made for
Governance Board Members from Burbank, Glendale, Montebello and Pomona. Jamie
Jones of Turch & Associates is working on House and Senate Committee meetings. His
suggestion is to not meet wi th people tha t are retiring.
Board Member Sitnay suggested meetings with Congresswoman Richardson and
Congresswoman Hahn, and to also mention UASI and SHSGP funding.
Pomona suggested mentioning DBlock,

d. Repmt regarding LA RICS .
Board Member Sitnay reported that he was pmt of the closed door meeting to discuss
litigation, the only information that he was able to share was about NTIA and the one year
suspension of equipment for DB lock broadband, all systems should be compatible with each
other. · ·
Elections for at large members will be s e t for November 1, 2012 City Manager Mark
Alexander raised a motion to discuss independent cities representation ·on the board.
By August 2012 there will be a 15 member board to review and recommend the common
platform for a national data system. This will be the FIRSTNET board that will establish
policy for the new network