I saw a note that El Monte PD is seeking to subscribe to ICIS for 8 radio for their detectives with roaming capability. Suppose keep and ear open for new TGs in coming months.
33968 - South Pasadena PD
34480 - Burbank/Glendale PD joint task force
36832 - Montebello detectives (normally encrypted)
37232 - Montebello public safety
37328 - Montebello park rangers
37408 - Montebello public works - streets dept.
Not sure on the others. I'll get them in the Db.
I heard a rumor that ICIS was being taken over by LA City DWP and they're gonna run on a dual band 900 MHz analog and VHF hi-band TETRA system... anyone else hear the same thing?
What about low band? motorola will be making the apx radio into allband allmode and theres no reason that they couldnt. but i heard that it was glendale water and power as its an in-city transfer of equipment and personal.
Logged 40608 tonight as extensive surveillance on a drug house in El Monte... Not encrypted!It was also patched to VHF LA FIO-1 which ICE was operating on. Quite a great find tonight.