BCD160DN/BCD260DN: Is this a new Uniden model? BCD260DN


Premium Subscriber
Dec 4, 2007
From the video, the new unit is the same form factor as the 125AT, which also resembles the 325P2. So, 2AAs it is, instead of the preferred 3.

If I count correctly, there are two AA-batteries on the picture. This might be giving an operating time of 4 or 5 hrs like the 125XLT but you can change the batteries on the spot (if you bring them with you) or you can connect the handheld to a powerbank like the 125XLT/3600XLT.
Darn, I missed that. I use a 20,000mAh power bank occasionally with a few of my handheld scanners and they can run days on it. But being tethered to a cord is what base scanners are for. I have a 325 and battery performance is pretty abysmal, even using LADDA batteries. I only really wanted it for its small size. It's a frustrating shame they chose the 2004 era "246T" body architecture for these and not the 346/396. Makes no sense to me (unle$$ cheaper co$t of production it had $omething to do with it)


Active Member
Uniden Representative
Jun 30, 2020
Will it do analog as well as an analog or more like a digital? In other words is it more 15x or more 996?. And last but not least the ultimate question. Best to just buy an old analog at the hamfest? Until I know its not just a feature rich poor receiver I can't get excited.
A super receiver like the 780 with database and sentinel now that I would buy.

Rich posted his impression earlier in this thread. It's a legacy design which means it's going to receive analog well. (much like either the 15 or the 996)

If you want an analog-only scanner there are several less expensive choices like the SR30, BC75XLT, or BC125AT. Each of those will have an increasing number of features.


Active Member
Uniden Representative
Jun 30, 2020
I hope the handheld unit of this is based on the 346/396 body style and takes 3 batteries. That's assuming there is also a handheld in the works..

Two cells just like the 325. In fact about everything physical like the 325 except for the model number printing. Only the feature set is different.

As for the models see the announcement:


Premium Subscriber
Jun 13, 2002
I have a 325P2 which I use mainly for monitoring my local PD, FD, and DPW as well as few nearby agencies. I bought it because I wanted something fairly inexpensive with a DMR and trunking option. The reason I bought it instead of a 996P@ was because I can move around in the house. I still mostly run it plugged in and am thinking about running it off of power bank so I'm not tied to a wall outlet.

Still, it would have been nice to have three batteries for when I need to run it on battery

Oh well.

Darn, I missed that. I use a 20,000mAh power bank occasionally with a few of my handheld scanners and they can run days on it. But being tethered to a cord is what base scanners are for. I have a 325 and battery performance is pretty abysmal, even using LADDA batteries. I only really wanted it for its small size. It's a frustrating shame they chose the 2004 era "246T" body architecture for these and not the 346/396. Makes no sense to me (unle$$ cheaper co$t of production it had $omething to do with it)


Active Member
Uniden Representative
Jun 30, 2020
My only complaint with the BC125AT is the inability to save a blinking ctcss or dcs tone with one button push to save.
Does anybody (Bearcat Joe or Scanner Guys) know if the BCD160DN will have this ability?
I watched the scanner guy's video; he mentioned third party software for programming. Will there be Uniden software similar to the 125 and sc230 software for programming available?

That will take two keypresses - one asks if you want to save it, then one to confirm.

There is test firmware, but I do not know if that will be made public or not. I suspect it will.


Active Member
Uniden Representative
Jun 30, 2020
Starting to sound like a receiver more than a scanner from reading all the posts. Already have a Icom R30 but am interested in the new handheld. Guess we will see if it’s a hit when it comes out.

It is whatever you consider the 325P2. I consider them scanners. I suspect most people do.


* * * * * * * * * * * *
Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2003
Suffolk County NY


Jul 12, 2022
Friday Harbor,Washington , in the San Juan Islands
So if this new scanner has dmr and ndxn my question is will uniden start given us a discount on scanners we allready bought like the 325p2 or 996p2 or the 436/536 or the sds or is this going to not change the upgrade pricing of those for the scanners i mentioned, currently to buy those upgrades i would have to pay, so will the upgrades be cheaper or free?


Premium Subscriber
Jul 15, 2014
Raleigh, NC
So if this new scanner has dmr and ndxn my question is will uniden start given us a discount on scanners we allready bought like the 325p2 or 996p2 or the 436/536 or the sds or is this going to not change the upgrade pricing of those for the scanners i mentioned, currently to buy those upgrades i would have to pay, so will the upgrades be cheaper or free?

No, not likely, because the difference is the paid upgrade allows for following trunked activity, something Uniden must pay royalties to use. The new scanner (like the Whistler TRX models) does not handle trunking, it will decode a frequency (no royalty required) but not follow the talkgroups as it jumps from frequency to frequency.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 15, 2014
Raleigh, NC
so what your saying is the scanner doesn't do trunking so you must have every channel that is trunkeds frequency inputted into the new scanner? but the others the 325p2,996p2, the 436/536, sds 100 or 200 is trunked so its easier then a non trunked scanner?
Yes that is correct, it allows you to follow particular TGs, rather than just stop on each frequency and possibly miss calls. And to clarify, it's not me saying this about trunking it was @JoeBearcat who said it does not do trunking, only conventional DMR and NXDN.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 13, 2002

So if this new scanner has dmr and ndxn my question is will uniden start given us a discount on scanners we allready bought like the 325p2 or 996p2 or the 436/536 or the sds or is this going to not change the upgrade pricing of those for the scanners i mentioned, currently to buy those upgrades i would have to pay, so will the upgrades be cheaper or free?


Feed Provider
Feb 11, 2005
Maryville, Tennessee
before trunking scanners, our friend was the scan button to find the conversation.
the good old days...
Man, I remember wearing the scan button out on my Pro43 trying to track the trunks... back in the pre-BC235XLT days. :eek:

These new scanners aren't trunking scanners... period. As has been stated already... Conventional Analog/DMR/NXDN only.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 4, 2007
Exactly. That is necessary to keep the cost down. (for Uniden and for the purchaser)
You guys already have the blueprint for the 396, would have it really been that much more to modify it to receive Phase 2/DMR/NXDN?

I missed a lot in this thread but I did see "improve decoding" said a lot. Is that strictly going foward for the new models or is that going to include updates to existing scanners like the 325/436/SDS models? Sorry in advance if it's been said already. I don't have a lot of time to read through just yet.

On a side note, I think you catch a lot of crap on here from some people simply because your predecessor (UPMAN) was just THAT good. Those are some huge shoes to fill. I for one would like to thank you for coming here and telling us all you can about the goings-on at Uniden. Much appreciated


Apr 11, 2023
Zeist, The Netherlands
By it being designed as a Hobby Scanner RAIL / AIR / RACING where P25 is not used UNIDEN DOES NOT HAVE TO PAY FOR P25 and or TRUNKING.
All older P25 Trunking Scanners had the P25 FEE BUILT INTO THE RETAIL COST.
all has indeed been explainend by @JoeBearcat a few times. However some people seem to have problems with reading comprehension and prefer to keep complaining.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 23, 2013
Melbourne, Victoria, AUSTRALIA
I'm actually feeling these may be a worthwhile addition for me. I currently have an SDS200, SDS200E and SDS100. In addition to UBCD996T (Australian) and UBCD396XT (Australian) and Whistler TRX-1.

Airband is a rather big interest for me and I've been looking for a more mid range scanner to replace the 996T on airband as it's starting to suffer from age, wear and tear, bit like myself really. A pair of 260DN's just may fill that gap for me. The SDS Series and TRX-1 can continue to slog away on any P25 and Trunk requirements on my desk.