Doesn't surprise me.In the process of comparing DMR between my 325 and the 160. Was scrolling through the frequency and came across a active frequency but no sound. Showed P25 as the transmission but no sound. So far, the DMR on both radios are the same as far as reception goes. Funny that there is no P25 in the 160 but will show P25 if it locks on a active P25 frequency.
Probably somebody missed a string of code (command), when they re-wrote the 325's firmware.If they took P25 out, why is it still recognizing P25?
Yes. This scanner has the same frequency ranges of the BCD325P2, just with more narrowly defined search parameters. (Added features, firmware re-write). Nothing you couldn't do with a custom search on the 325.Does the 160 covers the missing Military Air 380-400 of the 125AT?
It's even in the manual (recognizing but not decoding P25).Probably somebody missed a string of code (command), when they re-wrote the 325's firmware.
It does not. Thats fine though as it could find a new P25 frequency not in the database when searching. Can always put it on hold and have one of my P25 radios check it out.Its not decoding now is it.
Your scanner recognizes ENCRYPTION but it does dot decode it does it.
From the manual: The radio skips P25 signals when searching or scanning.It does not. Thats fine though as it could find a new P25 frequency not in the database when searching. Can always put it on hold and have one of my P25 radios check it out.
Mine did not skip. Locked in, showed 3 s bars, then continued after transmission finished.From the manual: The radio skips P25 signals when searching or scanning.
True, I just tested mine.Mine did not skip. Locked in, showed 3 s bars, then continued after transmission finished.
For me the 125 volume set at 10 is the same as the 160 set to 15 the max volume for both models. Yes both have the same size speaker.How is the audio out put of the 160DN compare to125AT?
Do they both have the same size of speaker?