
Apr 6, 2009
Had a thought tonight, what do other think on asking admins to add a note to the KSICS page on linked repeaters? I.E. under Pottawatomie County Sheriff Talkgroups adding something like "TG 4254 linked to 857.4625 WQOH438". It appears more and more of these are popping up and it would make sense to me if I'm putting that talkgroup in I would want the linked analog repeater as well.

If any admins are lurking, I would be happy to go through and make a list if this is possible and others agree with it.


Member - RR DB AdminMo/Ks
Database Admin
Dec 26, 2000
In the middle of the USA
Had a thought tonight, what do other think on asking admins to add a note to the KSICS page on linked repeaters? I.E. under Pottawatomie County Sheriff Talkgroups adding something like "TG 4254 linked to 857.4625 WQOH438". It appears more and more of these are popping up and it would make sense to me if I'm putting that talkgroup in I would want the linked analog repeater as well.

If any admins are lurking, I would be happy to go through and make a list if this is possible and others agree with it.

If you can PM me and I will see with i can do.



Jul 12, 2007
Parsons PD is not making any noise on the Labette county online feed. The feed provider says he can't get much of a signal out of the Altamont tower that they are using.

Anyone else hearing PPD?


Sep 22, 2005
Labette County, KS EM27ii
I've picked TG 2516 a few times and maybe 2518 recently. I've wondered who they are since those numbers are not in the database.

As for PPD, I haven't heard them much at all on the KSICS. Maybe just a couple times. Haven't heard anything on the VHF freqs either. I think they're probably just using their in-car computers now for most stuff. If I had the gumption, I'd ask one of the local officers about it. :p

I wonder where the LB county feed provider is? I'm in Parsons and I can pick up the Altamont tower fine most of the time. Right now, I'm getting three signal bars on the Altamont tower and only one bar on the West Mineral tower. I'm using a BC796D with a Diamond D130J discone mounted 25 feet in the air and about 45-50 feet of LMR-400 type coax. I have another 796 for mobile around town and I can usually get about one or two bars on the Altamont tower and barely anything on WM tower.


Jul 12, 2007
I have the feed providers email address if you want it. I used to send messages thru the radio reference site, but early on he gave me his regular email so we could converse in more real time manner.

His latest message to me was this morning.

As far as the reason why we aren't hearing them, I doubt it's because of the in car terminals. They still have to be taking radio calls.


Sep 22, 2005
Labette County, KS EM27ii
nah, I don't really need to contact him right away for anything. It is Compubandit, am I right? I think I figured out who he is. :) but I could be wrong! :p

They still have to be taking radio calls.

Do they? Where they at then? According to a recent article, the VHF system is still up, as a back-up. We're not hearing them on KSICS and I'm still monitoring the old VHF freqs and I'm not hearing them there either. So, where are they? Nextel? It's being shut down very soon.

I don't know, you'd think they're using something to comm on, but what? A couple times that I have heard PPD on the air, I heard the dispatcher tell an officer something like "the address is on your screen" when sending them on a call. Maybe they're went 100% computer dispatch because of the dissatisfaction with the new digital radios. The technology is there. :)

It IS funny though, how the local newspaper articles I've read describe the new digital radios as the greatest thing since sliced bread. And it better be, right? After spending $100,000 of the county's money; a cool million, total. :roll:
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Jul 12, 2007
Not sure of his online handle. Here is what he wrote today....

"I noticed on the data that I am monitoring off the Altamont tower that there have been some "Private" transmissions. I can't enable those on the feed but a person can get those transmissions on the 996 or 396. These are transmissions that are between 2 radios. Unless you have a scanner with this enabled, you can't hear it. This includes other radios on the same system. I am still not seeing any Parsons PD traffic on VHF or 800."


Sep 22, 2005
Labette County, KS EM27ii
Not sure of his online handle. Here is what he wrote today....

"I noticed on the data that I am monitoring off the Altamont tower that there have been some "Private" transmissions. I can't enable those on the feed but a person can get those transmissions on the 996 or 396. These are transmissions that are between 2 radios. Unless you have a scanner with this enabled, you can't hear it. This includes other radios on the same system. I am still not seeing any Parsons PD traffic on VHF or 800."

That's interesting. If I monitored the tower freqs in conventional mode, shouldn't I be able to hear those "private" transmissions? And I had a thought- those might be the LBSO. When they were still using VHF they had a frequency they called channel three, which was just simplex. 154.665 I heard LBSO units use that almost daily for general chit-chat. I would imagine they just moved their BS-channel over to the tower and talk "privately." :D

As for Parsons PD, if they're having reception problems here in town but it seems EMS is not having problems that I can tell, maybe whoever programmed the officer's radios put them on the West Mineral tower. That would certainly make their reception and decoding poor. I can receive the WM tower mobile around town, but just barely and the decode (or whatever it's called) is... crappy. The Altamont tower is wholly different, much better around town.

Different subject: TG 2516. This afternoon, I heard a unit ID themselves as Baxter ####. So Baxter Springs, Cherokee County? But I didn't catch enough chatter to determine exactly which agency they were from. :(


Sep 22, 2005
Labette County, KS EM27ii
okay! TG 2516 is Baxter Springs EMS! A few minutes ago, I heard them sent out to the Baxter Inn for a medical call. A bit later, I heard the unit request fire and sure enough, Baxter fire was paged out (on VHF).

So there you have it!


Sep 22, 2005
Labette County, KS EM27ii
Cherokee SO TG AND found something neat

Right at the lunch hour today, I heard TG 2512 come active with a male voice doing radio testing. In the afternoon, after work, I heard some license plates being ran on the same TG. And just now, I think I figured out who it is. It's Cherokee County SO! They're simulcasting on KSICS and on their old VHF freq (155.07) AND their newer UHF freq (460.0875)! :roll: jeez, guys- pick one!

If I'm hearing right, it seems they're primarily communicating on either VHF or UHF (I'm guessing UHF because of the lag between VHF and UHF during mobile transmissions) and just repeating that to the KSICS tower. What a crazy hook up! Maybe things will change later on down the road as they might just be in the middle of the transition, which is pretty likely.

In other news, I found this webpage. On that page, you'll find a link to a pdf, here.

IMO, interesting stuff to be had in there. I tried to search to see if someone had posted this already, but didn't see it. If anyone needs help deciphering the pdf, I can try to provide some info (but I'm hungry right now and want to eat! :) ) Enjoy.


Jul 12, 2007
Just got back here to read your reply.

When LBSO first started making noise about going to this digital stuff, the sheriff talked about doing something like using their VHF system and the digital stuff at the same time, maybe something like using a repeater to simulcast it over the 800~ I didn't understand. Said he'd do that to save money.

Are they still doing that? I figure that with grant money, money is no object and they'd sooner or later jettison their cobbled up gear and buy whatever the big shot radio reps' were selling!

I spoke to a friend who is a volunteer EMS/fire guy this morning. I asked him if his volunteer unit were on the 800 and he said yes. I said "did you guys get some grant to pay for the radios". Yes, he says the walkie talkies cost $2000 apiece!

I looked at the Ks. Gov. link..... very interesting. Good find. They sure want to gouge them to get programmed and into the system.

Anyway, no clue what Parsons is up to.

I am scannerless, and in the dark about the system we listen to. Talkgroups and etc are a foreign language to me.

So, I asked the scanner feed provider what scanners he had so as to give me a clue what to look for in hopes I might find one to buy. He told me he has the following scanners. Uniden BC796d, BCD996T, BC996XT, BC396T, and BC396XT, GRE600, and Radio Shack Pro-2096.

I got on the RR Uniden forum to read a little about these, and I am disheartened to read about all the intricate stuff you have to do to program, reprogram, update, download talkgroups and blah blah blah~ just to hear anything,

What scanner do you use. Are they manually (as in on the computer) programmable, or must you use some site like radio reference to program them (and do you have to be a paying member to access the stuff you need) and clone them off this site?

So many questions. I can afford to buy whatever I want, just don't know which one to look at. Too much information to digest, but not enough knowledge on my part to make an informed decision.
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Oct 26, 2006
Kansas City area
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.1.1; en-us; HTC One X Build/JRO03C) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/534.30)

joekansas said:
Just got back here to read your reply.

When LBSO first started making noise about going to this digital stuff, the sheriff talked about doing something like using their VHF system and the digital stuff at the same time, maybe something like using a repeater to simulcast it over the 800~ I didn't understand. Said he'd do that to save money.

Are they still doing that? I figure that with grant money, money is no object and they'd sooner or later jettison their cobbled up gear and buy whatever the big shot radio reps' were selling!

I spoke to a friend who is a volunteer EMS/fire guy this morning. I asked him if his volunteer unit were on the 800 and he said yes. I said "did you guys get some grant to pay for the radios". Yes, he says the walkie talkies cost $2000 apiece!

I looked at the Ks. Gov. link..... very interesting. Good find. They sure want to gouge them to get programmed and into the system.

Anyway, no clue what Parsons is up to.

I am scannerless, and in the dark about the system we listen to. Talkgroups and etc are a foreign language to me.

So, I asked the scanner feed provider what scanners he had so as to give me a clue what to look for in hopes I might find one to buy. He told me he has the following scanners. Uniden BC796d, BCD996T, BC996XT, BC396T, and BC396XT, GRE600, and Radio Shack Pro-2096.

I got on the RR Uniden forum to read a little about these, and I am disheartened to read about all the intricate stuff you have to do to program, reprogram, update, download talkgroups and blah blah blah~ just to hear anything,

What scanner do you use. Are they manually (as in on the computer) programmable, or must you use some site like radio reference to program them (and do you have to be a paying member to access the stuff you need) and clone them off this site?

So many questions. I can afford to buy whatever I want, just don't know which one to look at. Too much information to digest, but not enough knowledge on my part to make an informed decision.

Get the Uniden Home Patrol. You program your zip code and wah-lah you are listening to nearby radio traffic!


Jul 12, 2007
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.1.1; en-us; HTC One X Build/JRO03C) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/534.30)

Get the Uniden Home Patrol. You program your zip code and wah-lah you are listening to nearby radio traffic!

Unless something new comes online~ as in an entity that hadn't gone to the new system at the time your scanner was new that wouldn't have been assigned yet?

Then, what......

Or, are you saying that every possible "channel" or talkgroup number has been programmed into the unit...... and if and when the little podunk jurisdiction finally gets a grant, they'll be assigned talk group 2001 and will magically start broadcasting on 2001 and this unit will pick it up?

That's why I am a little leary of buying the pre-programmed unit. Not everyone is on board yet, and if it happens to be one you are planning on listening to, what would you do?

I am still trying to wrap my head around things. I would just as soon buy a "programmable" unit to be sure it didn't miss any future possible users. But, I would end up being one of the guys on here typing posts screaming that this darn scanner isn't taking the updates and nothing works right!!! ;)
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Sep 22, 2005
Labette County, KS EM27ii
I have two 796Ds. One for the truck and one for the house. They work pretty well and I've been happy with them. If I were you, I'd buy a 996XT (I don't like the Home Patrol). Don't pay more than $450 for one; you might find one on the "cheap" side on eBay. I swear I saw one the other day for $380, but I can't find it now. I would definitely buy one if I had the cash.

As for programming, yes you can program them manually, but as someone on here said (I think it was UPman iirc), it is very tedious. It just takes time and patience. I'm guessing it's a lot easier with a computer, but I've never done it myself.

When LBSO first started making noise about going to this digital stuff, the sheriff talked about doing something like using their VHF system and the digital stuff at the same time, maybe something like using a repeater to simulcast it over the 800~ I didn't understand. Said he'd do that to save money.

I think you're referencing this thread? I don't know if they're still set up like that or not. I have not heard a peep on LBSO's VHF freqs for quite a while now, however.

As for Parsons PD, I finally heard them last night on the KSICS. Talking on talkgroup 2103, which is listed as "Labette County Law Enforcement." Only heard them a couple times, though. Maybe they're starting to work things out?


Oct 26, 2006
Kansas City area
Unless something new comes online~ as in an entity that hadn't gone to the new system at the time your scanner was new that wouldn't have been assigned yet?

Then, what......

Or, are you saying that every possible "channel" or talkgroup number has been programmed into the unit...... and if and when the little podunk jurisdiction finally gets a grant, they'll be assigned talk group 2001 and will magically start broadcasting on 2001 and this unit will pick it up?

That's why I am a little leary of buying the pre-programmed unit. Not everyone is on board yet, and if it happens to be one you are planning on listening to, what would you do?

I am still trying to wrap my head around things. I would just as soon buy a "programmable" unit to be sure it didn't miss any future possible users. But, I would end up being one of the guys on here typing posts screaming that this darn scanner isn't taking the updates and nothing works right!!! ;)

No problem, it can be a lot to learn. If you were to purchase the Home Patrol, in order to update program in new systems......all you do is plug it into your computer once in a while and it downloads its database from right here on RadioReference. So essentially, what you see listed in the RR database is what you would have on your scanner.

Go here for a short 3-min video where the person on the video turns on their unit, inputs their zip code, and starts scanning, before the end of the 3 minutes. I think you'll like it

Uniden HomePatrol - YouTube

Matt N0ZOJ


Jul 12, 2007
....As for Parsons PD, I finally heard them last night on the KSICS. Talking on talkgroup 2103, which is listed as "Labette County Law Enforcement." Only heard them a couple times, though. Maybe they're starting to work things out?

Had a big chase starting at Parsons yesterday (thursday) around noon I listened to on the feed. Went north into Neosho country. All started over a burnt out tail light (story in paper). So, every cop in town heads north out of town. Probably 80 mph on their way out of town (in the 30mph zone)- gassing their big S.U.V.'s for all they're worth-..... not far from my house they flew right past.

So, they take everyones life in their hands to get this desperado with a burnt out tail light. I think they get a little carried away myself. I'm sure they were scoping him out for some sort of drug activity and were just using the tail light theory as an excuse to pull him over. They do that all the time.

I heard them say a few times that "he's going over a hundred mph" They chase this guy out to southwest of Galesburg, he runs his car thru some water on a low water bridge and drowns it out. He bails out and runs off into the brush. Finally, after I got tired of listening they caught him.

I heard the overly excited Parsons officers and the desk a few times, heard the HiPo discussing it among themselves and with Chanute about where they should go to help. Heard LBSO (I think) a few times. For me it's hard to tell who is who. Used to be on VHF everyone had a distinct voice, but everyone sounds the same on digital. It does something to the transmission.

Since I don't have a scanner screen to look at while this is going on, I couldn't tell if everyone was on the same talkgroup, like a mutual aid, or if they didn't bother doing that and everyone came over and talked on the Parsons talkgroup.


Premium Subscriber
May 20, 2006
Pratt ks
hey Joe i know that KHP 650 is the helicopter out of Salina and that K 22 the capt of this area was in command from what i heard on the KHP channel on thursday