IT WAS A JOKE! That is why I put the laugh smiley next to the statement. The old GE vrs Motorola joke.
That's all well and fine. But a tip for next time... jokes are usually funny. And if it is, maybe next time I'll get it.
And so what if I do think it's crap. THAT IS MY OPINION. And I have a right to it. YOU have no right to tell me what to do. GOT IT?
I'm hardly telling you what to do. What I was doing was stating that if you don't want people to challenge your opinions, don't state it in the first place. It's what we do best here. Person A states that brand M is crap. Person B states that Person A is full of beans. That's the game.
And I really do not think it is crap, although from what I have experienced I prefer Motorola. :roll:
Look... here's where I'm coming from: I lived with an EDACS system for 15 years that had all sorts of coverage holes, and it was a shoddy installation job, and had all manner of problems. So, in that particular locale, EDACS and M/A-Com got a black eye. But as I got more and more involved in dealing with the hardware, I learned that it's actually a robust system, the equipment was excellent quality, and if you gave it half a chance, it really works quite well. Better than Smartnet, actually. I know - I've maintained both Smartnet and EDACS systems. But because of several highly publicized, but poorly done implementations, the manufacturer gets a bum rap here and similar forums, and I get tired of it. It's frequently an opinion that's born out of ignorance of the facts, perpetuated by people who've never lifted a soldering iron or have no clue what goes on in designing and maintaining large radio systems.
And as for pulling "alpha male crap"... I think you just did. Welcome to the club! =)