With an system specifically designed for interoperabiltiy, there are talkgroups set up for that purpose. If an agency needs to work with another agency, that is what these are for! XX Sheriff's Office wants to work with MHP, then MHP and that SO go to the mutual aid/interop TG. The SO has no need to have MHP TG in its radios. If they intended for the other agencies to have MHP, then this would have been set up in the codeplug's and MHP would have set up an agreement for this, and when they went encrypted, then the keys would be shared with those other agencies. That is how it works. If the LEA's want to truly have interop, then they will train everyone on the system to use it properly. Look at LWIN, when Orleans Parish decided to take most of its public safety encrypted, SO, NOPD, and other surrounding agencies that needed to have access all had to reprogram thier radios so they can talk and all be encrypted. Look at AWIN, with Little Rock and North Little Rock and ASP. They have an interop TG, and have it set up where its E on the LRPD side but still can talk to ASP and so on. Here in Indianapolis, ISP has access to our system and has the keys for the systemwide encrypted tacticals if need be, as well as we have the SAFE-T in our radios and have access to the Statewide Mutual Aids. Its all just proper training and willingness to use the systems right. Seems MS folks can't figure this out, and think they are special or something. When the MSWIN was set up I had finally high hopes for MS getting its poop together, should have not had that idea.