Mid-Atlantic MilAir 2024

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Premium Subscriber
Apr 12, 2004
Wallingford PA Villas NJ
One of the reasons ( maybe I'm delving into this too much); was I thought it kind of odd for all these a/c to be flying around at this odd hour and traversing the area they did. It brings back memories of one of the 9/11 hijackers that was training in FL to fly a big plane. He had a girlfriend that he was to marry in a few months and he told her before they got married he had to travel back to the mideast to tie up some business ends. Of course he went back to get finalized instructions for the attack. The woman said after 9/11 she would've never thought he could do such a thing. There was no indication to her that he was planning such a hideous act. With the attempted assassination on Trump and that there could be another attempt on him in the future it makes one wonder.

Now back to milair comms, sorry for the long winded curiosity.
These aircraft are doing pilot training - I have seen them flying into KWWD at 3 AM and their flight path shows they had been flying all over the state of New Jersey. Unlike the old days when commercial aviation was flying 24/7 - most airports are slow during the after midnight hours so these flights take advantage of that inactivity.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Seems large prisoner swap under way with Russia and US and other countries.
Checking out Zurich airport but nothing odd there yet.. Seems in recent swaps they used
Civ reg chartered aircraft. Maybe do hop to Germany then home.
BBC is showing aircraft with Russia markings in Ankara Turkey.Seems some swap between Germany and Russia going on there.

Couple MD A-10's went up but weak here so must have went South A/A 266.600
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Premium Subscriber
Mar 30, 2003
Northeastern Pennsylvania
Something seems odd with this. I was a crewchief on the F15 for 10 years, I know this article is about the F16, but the external fuel tanks transfer automatically as normal operation in flight from the external tanks to the internal fuel tanks as fuel is used during the course of the flight. Granted there are scenarios that could have occurred in which they would jettsion full fuel tanks, but to me I would think that this would be a last resort. Yet the planes landed back at their base without incident. A full fuel tank, on the centerline of the acft is 600 gallons, with the total weight of 4,520 pound for the centerline tank. The wing tanks have to be used in pairs, one on each wing. Each one contains 370 gallons, with the total weight of 2,479 pounds per tank. This would be very similar to dropping very large bombs, hence the scenario seeming odd. Not to mention the ramifications to the environment dropping them over Lake Huron. Anyone have any other information about the incident?


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Seems large prisoner swap under way with Russia and US and other countries.
Checking out Zurich airport but nothing odd there yet.. Seems in recent swaps they used
Civ reg chartered aircraft. Maybe do hop to Germany then home.
BBC is showing aircraft with Russia markings in Ankara Turkey.Seems some swap between Germany and Russia going on there.

Couple MD A-10's went up but weak here so must have went South A/A 266.600

Seems flight started in Kansas home of Fort Leavenworth US prison...hmmm.
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Feb 3, 2024
Saw one over Rehoboth about 20 mins ago.
TIS-B marker over Warren Grove at 1112 local, originated at Martin State. Looks like atleast 1x A-10 went south, then turned NE to pass over Rehoboth on the way to do a touch and go at KACY, then begin working the Warren Grove range.



Jan 5, 2004
I didn't even know the airshow was happening this weekend. I was at the park on Water St when I saw the F-18s. Went to the truck to get my scanner but never heard anything. I figured I'd head over to the airport to get a look. When stopped on Joshua Ave waiting to turn onto Rt1 I had a pair of Tbirds making low passes over. Eventually they landed and the rest of them showed up and practiced for a bit. Lots of people around stopping to watch. All the Tbird ATC was on 235.35 along with their show routine comms.


Looks like the static display KC-135 is inbound, MAINE91 59-1498. TBIRD14 C-17 about half an hour out. The P-8A static display is the only other mil plane I saw there.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
TESTER-15 T-38 just did sound barrier over Ches Bay reports on Bay Watch 270.800 as did dive from just over 38k
to reach it. I saw 719 knots on ADSBX. Reports he did 1.05 mach. Didn't last long as seconds later speed/altitude really dropped off.
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Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Jul 27, 2018
Something seems odd with this. I was a crewchief on the F15 for 10 years, I know this article is about the F16, but the external fuel tanks transfer automatically as normal operation in flight from the external tanks to the internal fuel tanks as fuel is used during the course of the flight. Granted there are scenarios that could have occurred in which they would jettsion full fuel tanks, but to me I would think that this would be a last resort. Yet the planes landed back at their base without incident. A full fuel tank, on the centerline of the acft is 600 gallons, with the total weight of 4,520 pound for the centerline tank. The wing tanks have to be used in pairs, one on each wing. Each one contains 370 gallons, with the total weight of 2,479 pounds per tank. This would be very similar to dropping very large bombs, hence the scenario seeming odd. Not to mention the ramifications to the environment dropping them over Lake Huron. Anyone have any other information about the incident?
If I remember right, the center-line on the F-16 was 300 gallons (really close to the ground, the bottom actually looks a little flattened for it).

The other thing is with fuel transfer, the story I heard from a long time ago, was that the Norwegians weren't convinced the needed flight simulators for the F-16, but after loosing a F-16 to a fuel transfer problem that the pilot should have been able to take care of, they reconsidered.



Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Arrival at ADW tonight 11:30PM L
Saw pic on news in the GLF5 on there way.. Seems stop at Cologne Germany now so not sure if
will make it by 11:30 pm unless they switched to different aircraft. Cologne airport showing departure delays of 45 minutes.
Always nice to see good Americans/Canadians freed from the bad guys politics aside on this. That ex Marine Paul Whelan freed after 6 years.

The reason so many Harrier jets around Arlington the other day.
“A Marine’s Marine”: Commandant Gen. Alfred Gray Laid to Rest at ANC
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Premium Subscriber
Nov 28, 2004
Southern Maine
Just went through recordings for today. Brunswick airshow some military inbounds:

All times local EDT
1100 343.300 EMPIRE 11 (x2) A-A F-18s VFA-106 Oceana NAS
1106 122.725 EMPIRE 11 flight on Brunswick Unicom, inbound runway 1R.
1145 122.725 NAVY LL17 (sounded like), ID as NAVY P-8 inbound tail number 170268 from ADSBx.
1218 377.000 VADER 11 (x2) A-A EA-18Gs VAQ-209 Whidbey Island
1223 263.050 VADER 11 flight with ZBW
1243 122.725 VADER 11 flight inbound Brunswick on Unicom
1247 263.050 THUNDERBIRD 01 working ZBW in the descent.
1255 235.250 THUNDERBIRDS A-A formation, site survey/practice
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