Rare Sunday night assume Red Eye flight to Europe Res up in AR-20E
0115z/2115 local to 0230z FL-250-270. Guessing a heavy.
0115z/2115 local to 0230z FL-250-270. Guessing a heavy.
Going to the beach for a couple of days. Catch up when I get back.
icao: AE049C | rego: 59-1517 | type: K35R | msg: AES:AE049C GES:44 2 .91517S ! 4J 5 BOEING KC-135R UNITED STATES AIR FORCE,WIDE51 |
I thought they would take the scenic route down the Hudson which would have put them right over my location. Instead, they went south through interior NJPhilly news says Italian 10 ship demo team will overfly
Philadelphia at 10am local today starting from the Northeast coming out of Stewart ANG base.
Their next show isn't till Aug 24 at OC Maryland so not sure where they are staging next.
Possible freqs to keep handy:I thought they would take the scenic route down the Hudson which would have put them right over my location. Instead, they went south through interior NJ. Showed on ADSB as a single TIS-B. Flew around Philly then went back north the same way. They were delayed about 40 minutes.
1115L- TIS-B shows they just landed back at Stewart.
I thought they would take the scenic route down the Hudson which would have put them right over my location. Instead, they went south through interior NJ. Showed on ADSB as a single TIS-B. Flew around Philly then went back north the same way. They were delayed about 40 minutes.
1115L- TIS-B shows they just landed back at Stewart.
1121L- 149.65 T-Birds active again A/A, mention of a tanker.
My first reaction seeing that picture and the angle of the smoke was "not 1988 again" but nothing on the news so I guess they were successful in the flyby.
Looks like a fire at a rainbow factory.
Finally came through here today while I was at work. Caught on recordings. Here's my log:Any updates on when OK F16’s will cross the pond? And what airport they will stop at on the east coast? And support tankers?
It was 1982. I knew someone who was at the Academy at the time and was recounted how the cadet wing was told of the crash in Mitchell Hall during I believe the evening meal, there was a stunned silence.My first reaction seeing that picture and the angle of the smoke was "not 1988 again" but nothing on the news so I guess they were successful in the flyby.
Finally came through here today while I was at work. Caught on recordings. Here's my log:
1614z 268.300 BORA 11 and AGILE 61 (x4) on boom freq, splitting flight up.
1625z 346.400 AGILE 61 flight of four checking in with ZBW, FL280
1633z 246.800 AGILE 61-64 A-A
1643z 282.200 AGILE 61 flight checking in with ZBW, FL280 "negative RVSM, aware traffic to our right".
That's it from here. Hope this helps.
Any idea what time they’ll be arriving at?while the 6X Oklahoma F-16’s stop at KACY as TREND flight