1830- Score 34 returning to PAX. Working Bay Watch (305.2).1525- Score 34 still up in the Test Track at FL510
1830- Couple of flts of MD ANG A-10s up. A2A on 266.6 & 293.3. Chat about having " feet wet".
1845- VC-25 # 82-8000 approaching Philly on way to ADW. Departed from Pease. VC-25 # 92-900 is following along. Just about over Springfield MA. # 92-9000 departed from Manchester NH. Was POTUS up in NH today?
1855- Maine 87 (KC-135 ME ANG) orbiting in PAX areas at FL200. Hearing some chat on Bay Watch (305.2) that may be related. Chat on 266.6 also refs a tanker.
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