MRRS System (MTA PD)


Premium Subscriber
May 17, 2010
I know there's a lot of mixed sentiment regarding local agencies switching over to this system but I really do think the County missed a golden opportunity to build out a countywide Law Enforcement trunked system
Call me nieve or whatever, as I am not from downstate, but why wouldn't they switch to the Westchester County P25 Phase II system that was just built out? I'm confused about this whole Westchester and MTA/MRRS issue. Is the Westchester system not designed to handle all those agencies or what?


Premium Subscriber
Jul 13, 2011
I can't speak with any authority on it but the best I can tell, the new p25 county system was only really built with FD / EMS in mind just to replace their old system.

The greater portion of the police agencies were mostly using VHF (except the cities) and most agencies had each other's channels in their radios if needed.

My agency had MTA come by and show us a brief demonstration. We were left with the impression that the County was playing the cards very close to their chest and not really sharing any info about plans to make a countywide LE system and that it was always this perpetual "wait and see" conversation.

If it weren't for the price tag, we would have probably switched over since we are pretty much alone on UHF and frequently respond to metro north related calls. With the exception of the old Hotline phone at the desk, we were completely in the dark for inter-ops with other agencies. This issue was somewhat fixed however when the county replaced the Hotline with their Zello network. All of our cars are equipped with a Zello phone and the officers can add Zello to their personal phones as well if they want


Premium Subscriber
May 15, 2003
It appears 9584 is Yorktown PD. It doesn't appear they were full time on MRRS yet but they were on for about half a day last week. Heard on the Zone 2 and not Westchester


Premium Subscriber
Aug 25, 2018
New York
MTA Police dispatcher said "National Guard you have an open mic" on the District 4 Dispatch TG. The RID was 4250###. Wonder if Joint Task Force Empire Shield are one of the E TGs mentioned earlier.


Premium Subscriber
May 15, 2003
I know MTA has been building new sites to cover the gaps in coverage. The board report mentions four new sites are built and three existing sites have been re-optimized. One of the new site is Hartsdale station that was brought online earlier this year. Presumably to provide coverage along the Harlem River (ie. Scarsdale).



* * * * * * * * * * * *
Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2003
Suffolk County NY
Does anyone have any info on TG 9029? I heard it on Zone 3

9029 said "GCM to RSCC", a quick Google search says RSCC is the "Jamaica Regional Security Command Center", and GCM is probably Grand Central Madison. They were doing radio checks with each other.

Hear them on zone 1 and more radio checks than anything else. Does sound like security

I know MTA has been building new sites to cover the gaps in coverage.
Heard guys from EF Johnson meeting with others in CT and also caught radio checks from a different tg referencing Troop P.


Jan 26, 2003
Ossining, NY
Call me nieve or whatever, as I am not from downstate, but why wouldn't they switch to the Westchester County P25 Phase II system that was just built out? I'm confused about this whole Westchester and MTA/MRRS issue. Is the Westchester system not designed to handle all those agencies or what?

The P25 Phase 2 system was designed to handle the subscribers (Fire/EMS/BeeLine Buses) that migrated from the analog trunked system. With only six RF channels available per zone (North and South), the P25 Phase 2 system did slightly expand the system capacity.

The capacity went from five talkpaths on the analog system (one control channel and five RF channels) to eight talkpaths on the digital system (one control channel and four RF channels) With the small amount of additional capacity WCPD was provided with access to the new system. NOTE: the P25 system is currently down one RF channel in both the North and South zones due to one of the RF channels being used in the new UHF paging system. A search for a replacement frequency(s) is ongoing.


Jan 26, 2003
Ossining, NY
That's great; Westchester County DA, a County Agency, is not using the county DESs own system they spent millions on. What a joke.

The explanation as to why you think this system is "a joke" I posted in post #55 on page 3 of this thread

If the P25 Phase 2 System had the capacity this would not be an issue to add additional agencies.

As it is now, the System supports all Westchester County Fire and EMS agencies along with the County BeeLine Bus System.

With only five channels available, there are only eight talkpaths (channels) for voice communications (one channel must be dedicated as the control channel). The issue is, there are NO FREQUENCIES readily available in the NY/NJ area in UHF or UHF T-Band that can be licensed to expand the capacity of the System. So, with only eight talkpaths available at any given time, that is how many agencies can access the System simultaneously.

When an agency licenses a UHF or UHF T-Band frequency (or VHF) that frequency cannot be reused for a radius of forty miles from that Licensee (Co-Channnel use). Frequencies adjacent to that frequency also need to be researched to verify that there would be no adverse interference to the current Licensee. The abundance of local agencies acquiring their own UHF or UHF T-Band Licenses (within forty miles of any Westchester County site) is one of the issues that has been problematic in expanding the capacity of the System.

In a perfect world, yes all agencies would be on the same system, but as can be seen, there are A LOT of issues that need to be looked at.

In your imagined scenario where all 60 FD's, all 26 EMS agencies, all 41 PD's in Westchester County (and other agencies) were on this system.

Now imagine when it hits the fan, how many dissatisfied subscribers do you think there would be when 127 AGENCIES (not including any "others") try to access a system AT THE SAME TIME with only EIGHT TALKPATHS (8 CHANNELS), there will be ALOT OF BONKS!!! Not a good design of a system.

As I stated in post #55 "In a perfect world..."
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NY/NJ Database Guy
Database Admin
Oct 4, 2007
The capacity went from five talkpaths on the analog system (one control channel and five RF channels) to eight talkpaths on the digital system (one control channel and four RF channels) With the small amount of additional capacity WCPD was provided with access to the new system. NOTE: the P25 system is currently down one RF channel in both the North and South zones due to one of the RF channels being used in the new UHF paging system. A search for a replacement frequency(s) is ongoing.
Your math is off slightly. The north cell has 6 frequencies, thus 10 talkpaths. The south cell is down to 5 frequencies/8 talkpaths due to 470.200 being "borrowed" for paging. I'm looking at Unitrunker on both cells right now, there is no channel down on the north cell, all 6 are in use (full capacity).

Also, frankly, the talk about A66 is off-topic in this thread, so any discussion of that system should be taken elsewhere.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 6, 2014
The explanation as to why you think this system is "a joke" I posted in post #55 on page 3 of this thread

In your imagined scenario where all 60 FD's, all 26 EMS agencies, all 41 PD's in Westchester County (and other agencies) were on this system.

Now imagine when it hits the fan, how many dissatisfied subscribers do you think there would be when 127 AGENCIES (not including any "others") try to access a system AT THE SAME TIME with only EIGHT TALKPATHS (8 CHANNELS), there will be ALOT OF BONKS!!! Not a good design of a system.

As I stated in post #55 "In a perfect world..."
Your math is way off here, as well. I recommend looking up trunking system capacity calculations. Look at some of the Erlang model calculations on this site: Ready, set calculate! -- the conclusion would be that even if there were super heavily loaded systems, they would have limited fully busy channels. When the number of available talkpaths increases by one, the number of fully busy talkpaths drops exponentially.

Trunking systems are stupidly expensive but are engineered by intelligent people to share limited resources well.


NY/NJ Database Guy
Database Admin
Oct 4, 2007
Your math is way off here, as well. I recommend looking up trunking system capacity calculations. Look at some of the Erlang model calculations on this site: Ready, set calculate! -- the conclusion would be that even if there were super heavily loaded systems, they would have limited fully busy channels. When the number of available talkpaths increases by one, the number of fully busy talkpaths drops exponentially.

Trunking systems are stupidly expensive but are engineered by intelligent people to share limited resources well.

To put it into some perspective, Orange County also has a two-cell TDMA system, with 14 talkpaths available per cell. They are a large county with all public safety operating on the system (~30 law enforcement agencies including the NYSP, ~52 fire departments, ~18 EMS agencies, county DPW, etc.) and it is exceedingly rare to see the system use more than 8 talkpaths simultaneously, even when the SHTF.

So far in 2023 out of 4,471,358 PTT's on the North cell and 4,871,293 PTT's on the South cell, there have only been 203 PTT's on North and 2,326 PTT's on South that have required the use of a 9th and 10th talkpath. That works out to 0.0045% of activity on North and 0.047% on South of all activity systemwide. Minuscule numbers which may've resulted in a few bonks here and there.


Short Bus Reject
Feed Provider
Jun 11, 2016
Snow Bird
It appears 9584 is Yorktown PD.
Yeah, I guess I was mistaken. They have also been doing some testing this past week and weekend. I also heard related activity on 9585, so that must be their Tac channel. All on Zone 2. Alltho I think they are still just testing and not active full-time yet, their VHF is still very active. It makes sense that they are affiliated with Zone 2 as it encompasses Northern Westchester County as well as Putnam.

Can anyone confirm if the Westchester County DA office are on the MTA system?
I haven't seen or heard of activity related to this in the past 2 weeks. Maybe they are just less active than I thought.


Ordinary Subscriber
Aug 13, 2005
Yeah, I guess I was mistaken. They have also been doing some testing this past week and weekend. I also heard related activity on 9585, so that must be their Tac channel. All on Zone 2. Alltho I think they are still just testing and not active full-time yet, their VHF is still very active. It makes sense that they are affiliated with Zone 2 as it encompasses Northern Westchester County as well as Putnam.

I haven't seen or heard of activity related to this in the past 2 weeks. Maybe they are just less active than I thought.

Could be possible they have a few portables on the system to be able to communicate with the police agencies on MRSS. This is only speculation though.


Premium Subscriber
Aug 25, 2018
New York
Heard 6031 today for the first time in a while doing radio checks. 9320### UIDs.

My next guess if this isn't BCI because it isn't the NYSP block of UIDs is perhaps this is one of the DA offices. I know they were on the Metro-21 system.