The line up is as follows:
TK5710 - VHF
TK890 - UHF
TK880 - UHF
TK980 - 800
TMV71a - 2M/440
The TK5710 and the TK890 are run to one antenna with a diplexer. The TK880, TK980 and both 996XT's are all run to the Stridesburg Multicoupler, then to one antenna. I do not use the two Kenwoods for transmit, just RX. The TMV71a has a dedicated antenna. The reason for all short 800 antennas is that my regular (correct band antennas) wont fit in my garage so I just run the stubbys until I am going to be transmitting. The stubby's actually work quite well for RX which is what I do mostly. When we get a large scale incident and I am needing to transmit I just switch the antennas.
As for the TMV71a face plate, I ordered that from Mr. Mounts on ebay. I believe it was originally made for another radio but it fit perfectly for the TMV71a. If someone needs help getting one send me a PM and I will get you pointed in the right direction.
A lot of thought and preparation went into the install. I had been planning the console even before purchasing the F150. I cover a wide area of So Cal and monitor many agenices over all frequencies. So far this set up has performed as expected and I am quite happy with it.