New Chicago OEMC Public Safety - 800 MHz P25


Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Chicago , IL
CFD Radio Shops are starting to upgrade spare Truck companies it now appears. Truck 42 came up with Spare E-298 yesterday (RID 1022987), and spare Tower Ladder 23 (using E-280) today: RID 1022807.

All spare apparatus appears to be on the list for 800 mhz mobiles (APX 8500's) and Samsung DEX Mobile Data Terminals as all assigned apparatus now have. A Samsung cell phone is used as the docking station which brings up the MDC dispatch information. When a company switches apparatus with the DEX system, all that's needed is the cell phone, the OEMC to log the company on in the new apparatus, and they're all set. This is why you might here reference to "picking up our phone" at SLD, or something along that line. Another tip and clue is the DEX system uses a log on that begins with "AF" while spare apparatus that haven't been upgraded yet have to be logged on with "MDTF".


Oct 18, 2021
It appears all apparatus are getting apx8500 including spares. Also all vehicles are getting DEX or a Samsung tablet including most or all spares. New dispatch channels off of 800 may hit by July? (Source, I work for CFD). The new DEX hardware has been good, better than the old laptops.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Chicago , IL
It appears all apparatus are getting apx8500 including spares. Also all vehicles are getting DEX or a Samsung tablet including most or all spares. New dispatch channels off of 800 may hit by July? (Source, I work for CFD). The new DEX hardware has been good, better than the old laptops.
First I heard of a July cutover date. Originally was Sept. 2023, then January 2024, then put on hold indefinitely, due to the "supply chain issues"/ money etc. The "new" UHF frequencies I've yet to hear any testing on. This "proposed" system is to be built from the ground up, which would require site controller installation/programming, the numerous sites previously used on the UHF-T would either be replaced or reprogrammed, so I would expect all this to take a while. The radios were programmed expeditiously due to the dates mentioned, but that's all that's been done. I could be wrong, but I suspect someone would have told me by now...LOL!

I have posted about the spare apparatus being reprogrammed (now working on Trucks too), and it wouldn't make sense to purchase APX 8500's with 800 Mhz. capabilities in old beat up spares, if the current radios were capable of P25 UHF conventional which the proposed new UHF system is supposed to be on, when the portables have 800 capabilities and can be used on the trunking system while a company is in a spare.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Chicago , IL
First time I heard CTA Power Control talking to CFD on CFD Main 800 in regards to a power shut down for a "person on the tracks response". This traffic used to be on the old UHF conventional system's CTA Fire channel. Radio ID was 5213128.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Chicago , IL
On Tuesday afternoon, an old problem resurfaced in regards to the OEMC CFD Fire consoles and the city's P25 trunking system. One of the dispatchers started noticing on EMS North that she started having issues hearing ambulances responding. The first thought (I'm sure this was thinking from the P25 UHF conventional system), was to have everyone use the portables instead of the rig radios. That shortly turned out to be not the issue. What I was noticing, is this issue was isolated to a certain area. Instead of using a portable at the OEMC when this occurs, they started going into panic mode and told everyone on EMS North to switch to the "back-up/old" EMS North channel. This soon followed to fire, then south EMS and Fire.

As I mentioned in previous posts, Harris consoles are used and linked to the Motorola system. I learned this personally when I was at Midway Airport and it was explained to me by a Harris tech who was there when we were having connectivity problems. He was able to reset the ISSI link, called the OEMC and had them also rest the link there.

Time passed on, I left there and started hearing CFD test without a radio ID showing (one of the signs the dispatch is using a Harris console) on a Motorola system. CFD started having interference issues, and they started using the city's 800 system as primary.

Some of problems do continue on the 800 system, but it's more user related than system related. Some of the dispatchers have a tendency to be very low, while others sound good. One possibility is certain consoles are being used which were set to lower transmit audio, while others were not touched, but not sure. I also notice channel selection is still problematic...."switch to fireground, you're still on Main/Englewood.". This surprises me until I realize many new promotions have happened in the last year, and firefighters being promoted to Lieutenant aren't normal radio users and get caught up in the moment when you're looking at a house on fire.

As of this morning (I just posted on the other 460Mhz thread), they tested with the Command Vans on the Citywide Fire Back-up channel. This channel is in the FD800 code plug, and would be a better choice if the ISSI issue happens again instead of having everyone scrambling looking for the Zone selector switch (in my opinion). I don't have any solid opinions/rumors if/when they're going to go to the new 460 Mhz. Some of the things heard: Sept 2023 (nope, not then), to Jan. 2024 (nope, not then), to "put on hold indefinitely" (well, ok), to a user reported "maybe July 2024" to a friend telling me he heard from a chief "sometime after the DNC" (the latest opinion/rumor). I've yet to hear any testing of the new digital frequencies since last year, have heard the back-channels in use now and then, but no grid testing, console testing etc. that I previously heard when we went from analog to digital which took 6 years to go on line. Chicago politics have changed, the VHF analog system had some racial slurs, open mics which moved things along. This isn't the case now since the system is generally working. But...ya never know what is in the works!

ISSI Information:



Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Chicago , IL
I don't have any solid opinions/rumors if/when they're going to go to the new 460 Mhz. Some of the things heard: Sept 2023 (nope, not then), to Jan. 2024 (nope, not then), to "put on hold indefinitely" (well, ok), to a user reported "maybe July 2024" to a friend telling me he heard from a chief "sometime after the DNC" (the latest opinion/rumor). I've yet to hear any testing of the new digital frequencies since last year, have heard the back-channels in use now and then, but no grid testing, console testing etc. that I previously heard when we went from analog to digital which took 6 years to go on line. Chicago politics have changed, the VHF analog system had some racial slurs, open mics which moved things along. This isn't the case now since the system is generally working. But...ya never know what is in the works!
Just to add onto this a little, they have been updating some very old spares with APX8500's and new computers since March. Some of these spares are beyond life span of front line rigs, but are in use. The radios that were in these rigs were capable of P25 conventional usage (potential new system), and find it odd they're investing that much money if they plan on ditching the system or using it as back-up when the portable radios have these capabilities. As many of us know who worked in public safety, there is a general distrust of change. When we went to digital from analog, the attempted comparison of the New York 9-11's radio system was running rampant in the firehouse. The city purchased 996T's so the firehouses weren't burdened with buying new firehouse scanners (which was also a discussion in a few places I was in), as well as having to buy new scanners for retirees who liked to listen. Fast forward to 2023/2024, and all the concerns sound familiar to me again.

From a scanner user's point of view, this system can be very tricky to monitor since the site primarily used is simulcast. I was able to set up a 996P2 with success for one, then another is still calling me with the proverbial "it's cutting out" complaint. Some are waiting it out, others are happy, so it is what it is.

When someone posts about changes, this is why I sound skeptical. I've heard and seen changes Chicago-style far too long. Everyone on CFD knows or heard from someone this and that, and has been like this a long time. What I can say, is nothing is happening on the "new" UHF system.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Chicago , IL
TX-8 (RID 9150008) heard testing with the OEMC in the north suburbs (Evanston/Northbrook area) this afternoon. Possible that the CTA L trains will be using this system shortly since the UHF-T band frequencies license lapsed and A-Beep jumped on them? Purple and Yellow Lines are in that area.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Chicago , IL
CPD Training Division (1300 W. Jackson) using TGID's 5146 (Previously ID'd in the database), 5147, 5154 for scenario based training. 2600 series are PPO's (Probationary Police Officers) radio signatures. All Phase 2.


May 6, 2024
Hi, newbie question here, sorry...
Just trying to understand - If CPD primarily is on the P25 trunked system, why are multiple (non-P25) frequencies shown for them in the DB?


Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Chicago , IL
Hi, newbie question here, sorry...
Just trying to understand - If CPD primarily is on the P25 trunked system, why are multiple (non-P25) frequencies shown for them in the DB?
They're not primarily on P25 trunking, encrypted UHF frequencies in use. Look at the mode used.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Chicago , IL
From the DB: "CPD Zones are now encrypted P25"
So there is P25 non-trunked as well as trunked?
To sum it up, their is some non encrypted conventional UHF in use.. citywide frequencies. The OEMC 800 Trunking system has a few unencrypted talkgroups, but they're limited to training, partial encrypted event talkgroups, but no patrols.


May 6, 2024
To sum it up, their is some non encrypted conventional UHF in use.. citywide frequencies. The OEMC 800 Trunking system has a few unencrypted talkgroups, but they're limited to training, partial encrypted event talkgroups, but no patrols.
So I understand that the citywides are on conventional freqs
The zones are P25E(ncrypted) - non-trunked
Besides that, there are more which are in the 800 MHz trunked?