Yes it is...hard to hear on your end too?It looks like the MDC issue is back on EMS Englewood on the TRS
Yes it is...hard to hear on your end too?It looks like the MDC issue is back on EMS Englewood on the TRS
The radio Audio is ok from my location downtown Chicago on the SDS200. The MDC burst seems a little louder. On my APX7000 I really hear the MDC. Kinda weird hearing MDC over P25 lolYes it is...hard to hear on your end too?
I was told after I posted about Motorola/Harris consoles it's all Harris consoles down there, CFD 800 uses Harris equipment to link to the trunking system.Could they be switching over to Motorola Consoles? Particularly utilizing the MCC software that is creating that MDC issue?
The last few weeks, they've been running on the patch (Very noticeable, lower audio levels/MDC tones). Yesterday. both Main Fire & EMS had the patch disabled (louder and clearer audio levels again), Englewood Fire & EMS still running on the patch as of this morning.I was told after I posted about Motorola/Harris consoles it's all Harris consoles down there, CFD 800 uses Harris equipment to link to the trunking system.
What this sounds like is some patch they're experimenting with and my "speculation" is it has something to do with the ISSI link issues they've been having. Unfortunately it really drops the audio level on the outbound transmissions on the consoles, and on the EMS consoles, the MDC tone is being transmitted (and I suspect received) as well. The dispatchers frequently complain that "ambulances are cutting off their signatures" so if ambulance 54 says "54 to Englewood", it must sound like "4 to Englewood". Besides all that, the EMS consoles have the audio issues more than the fire consoles.
Last night around 2000 hrs. the audio returned to it's normal level, so whatever they were doing down there is (at this time I type), not doing what they were doing down there.
I heard that patch audio, it sounded pretty badThe last few weeks, they've been running on the patch (Very noticeable, lower audio levels/MDC tones). Yesterday. both Main Fire & EMS had the patch disabled (louder and clearer audio levels again), Englewood Fire & EMS still running on the patch as of this morning.
Patch was disabled on Englewood Fire & EMS this afternoon. Hopefully Harris updated software so it no longer disconnects from the consolesThe last few weeks, they've been running on the patch (Very noticeable, lower audio levels/MDC tones). Yesterday. both Main Fire & EMS had the patch disabled (louder and clearer audio levels again), Englewood Fire & EMS still running on the patch as of this morning.
CFD Harris consoles use Harris equipment to connect to the trunking system. They've been having problems with it "disconnecting" from the system at random times, so they created a workaround patch. Think of a modem rebooting.I heard that patch audio, it sounded pretty bad
Why do they even need a patch?
Check your recordings I can't remember the exact TG but they were doing scenarios on Monday morning I believe. Man with a gun near CTATGID 5182 has been used for security related traffic at the new Public Safety Training Center in the past week or so. Same radio ID's being used and same type of radio traffic previously noted on TGID 5158 that was identified as security for the facility.
In addition, previously noted talk groups labeled as Education/Training Ops, have not been used for any training scenarios in a long time and all radios have been reprogrammed with Academy 81-84 talk groups it would appear.
I was listening, it was on one of the previously confirmed Academy talk groups.Check your recordings I can't remember the exact TG but they were doing scenarios on Monday morning I believe. Man with a gun near CTA
Two new Community CARE Teams went up in service today: 5-Z-04 (5-Zebra 04) which covers the 4th CPD District, and 5-Z-12 (5-Zebra 12) which covers the CPD 12th District. By adding these two teams, that corresponds with the 6 CPD Districts serviced on the map. I'm not sure if 5-Z-78 (5-Zebra 78) which covers the CPD 7th & 8th Districts, will be broken up into two teams or will remain as one?Information on 5-Z (Zebra) Teams that started back up on CFD EMS talk groups today:
Crisis Assistance Response and Engagement (CARE) Dashboard
Removed CFD paramedics, replaced with EMT-B's hired by the Chicago Department of Public Health and trained is the change and reason why they haven't been heard for awhile.
TGID 6002 seen today...Phase 2 and encrypted.Started seeing a new TGID of 6001 come up yesterday afternoon. It was encrypted and in Phase 2, but was seeing CPD RID's. First time I can recall a 6000 series TGID on this system.
Going back and forth between Phase 1 and Phase 2. One of the portables they use is probably not TDMA and the talk group is reverting back to Phase 1 until that radio is off. You might see both modes active on this talk group.
An update through Region 11 EMS with a detailed map included:Two new Community CARE Teams went up in service today: 5-Z-04 (5-Zebra 04) which covers the 4th CPD District, and 5-Z-12 (5-Zebra 12) which covers the CPD 12th District. By adding these two teams, that corresponds with the 6 CPD Districts serviced on the map. I'm not sure if 5-Z-78 (5-Zebra 78) which covers the CPD 7th & 8th Districts, will be broken up into two teams or will remain as one?
All heard on CFD EMS talk groups 1023, 1024.
CARE Coverage Area
CARE is currently made up of 4 Alternate Response Teams made up of a CDPH Mental Health Crisis Clinician and a CDPH Emergency Medical Technician (EMT). Teams respond to low-risk 911 calls with a mental health component in select police districts across the city. The CARE teams