Earths atmosphere has been bombarded with solar storm activity for several days now. Since this started I can only receive the berlin simulcast site with an outdoor yagi pointed right at the berlin site. Portables have been not receiving at all except when within a couple miles of a transmitting site.
I was at a Wawa in Mt. Laurel on RT73 near the turnpike this past Tuesday (28-Feb-23) and there was two state troopers in the store in line in front of me. Nothing but garbage coming out of their portables, completely unreadable.
Give this a few more days and it should clear up hopefully.
I was at a Wawa in Mt. Laurel on RT73 near the turnpike this past Tuesday (28-Feb-23) and there was two state troopers in the store in line in front of me. Nothing but garbage coming out of their portables, completely unreadable.
Give this a few more days and it should clear up hopefully.